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Secu-Socialist war on Jesus Christ


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Every other religion is great and welcome except Christianity which is attacked every chance the socialist gets.

No. All religions are the same. They are all just grasps for power by individuals. Be it Christian, Islamic, Buddhist or Hindu, they're ancient myths developed by power-seeking men to take advantage of other people's insecurities and uncertainty with their existence.

I know christians historically enjoy being persecuted though, so I suppose that's why you started this thread.

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No. All religions are the same. They are all just grasps for power by individuals. Be it Christian, Islamic, Buddhist or Hindu, they're ancient myths developed by power-seeking men to take advantage of other people's insecurities and uncertainty with their existence.

I know christians historically enjoy being persecuted though, so I suppose that's why you started this thread.

Absolutely false. This is a common ploy by the atheist sect to try to put guilt into our pure Christian belief system. I don't get this one thing though. Atheists put down all belief systems yet Atheism in and of itself is a belief system as well....hypocrites.

Jesus Christ is certainly under attack. See how many responses I've gotten and how many views on this topic?

The mere mention of Jesus Christ whips people into a frenzy like nothing else.

Go downtown to a OCAP rally in front of Queens Park and begin holding up a sign that states Jesus Loves You and see the crowd that develops around you.

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Absolutely false. This is a common ploy by the atheist sect to try to put guilt into our pure Christian belief system. I don't get this one thing though. Atheists put down all belief systems yet Atheism in and of itself is a belief system as well....hypocrites.

Jesus Christ is certainly under attack. See how many responses I've gotten and how many views on this topic?

The mere mention of Jesus Christ whips people into a frenzy like nothing else.

Go downtown to a OCAP rally in front of Queens Park and begin holding up a sign that states Jesus Loves You and see the crowd that develops around you.

Jesus is dead. So are his disciples. The only thing left are hundreds of millions of whack jobs trying to steal their thunder without a clue to the message they left.

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Are Muslims and Jews whack jobs as well for stealing their respective religious deity thunder as well?

I'm not sure. But I know that people that worship someone they murdered and then ritually cannibalize his body in remembrance, have a few screws loose.

Jesus is dead. The sooner you get over it the sooner you can learn what He was really about....

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I'm not sure. But I know that people that worship someone they murdered and then ritually cannibalize his body in remembrance, have a few screws loose.

Jesus is dead. The sooner you get over it the sooner you can learn what He was really about....

Jesus Christ is alive and well c.r. He loves you and only needs you to believe in Him to have everlasting life. Sounds pretty good.

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Jesus Christ is alive and well c.r. He loves you and only needs you to believe in Him to have everlasting life. Sounds pretty good.

You got proof?

I have a good authority - The Bible - that says your ancestors killed him. I suppose you are ready to dispute it, right?

You ultra conservative pious pukes spend so much time hating others that you miss the very thing that would set you free. You enslave yourself to your pettiness and judge others without looking at yourself first.

Yet I am free and you are not. Yet I experience miracles on a daily basis and you do not. Yet you would condemn to death the very Son God sent to you and then pretend that somehow he is still around - like fairies and leprechauns waiting to show you the pot of gold. You have condemned Christ with your sin. Now go and fornicate with the devil for HE is your saviour.

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You got proof?

I have a good authority - The Bible - that says your ancestors killed him. I suppose you are ready to dispute it, right?

You ultra conservative pious pukes spend so much time hating others that you miss the very thing that would set you free. You enslave yourself to your pettiness and judge others without looking at yourself first.

Yet I am free and you are not. Yet I experience miracles on a daily basis and you do not. Yet you would condemn to death the very Son God sent to you and then pretend that somehow he is still around - like fairies and leprechauns waiting to show you the pot of gold. You have condemned Christ with your sin. Now go and fornicate with the devil for HE is your saviour.


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Secularism is disease which seeks to destroy religious faith without any knowledge of what faith is or why it is important to people.

It is callous beyond words to attack people in their sustaining faith, as cruel in its way as an assault on something so dear to them as their family.

In its pursuit of the destruction of it's values secularism has penetrated cleverly even to the heart of Christianity.

Truly sad day's we live in folks.

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Secularism is disease which seeks to destroy religious faith without any knowledge of what faith is or why it is important to people.

It is callous beyond words to attack people in their sustaining faith, as cruel in its way as an assault on something so dear to them as their family.

In its pursuit of the destruction of it's values secularism has penetrated cleverly even to the heart of Christianity.

Truly sad day's we live in folks.

Not at all. That is a fallacy.

According to the teachings of Christ, faith is in its works.

James 2-17 "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. "

So I experience miracles and am of free will and my faith is not only in my faith but also in my works.

Your works are in attack and death, and you have no faith in miracles and freedom but wish to enslave others as you yourself fear your own enslavement. Your faith is dead unless you can show us all your works.

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Not at all. That is a fallacy.

According to the teachings of Christ, faith is in its works.

James 2-17 "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. "

So I experience miracles and am of free will and my faith is not only in my faith but also in my works.

Your works are in attack and death, and you have no faith in miracles and freedom but wish to enslave others as you yourself fear your own enslavement. Your faith is dead unless you can show us all your works.

The Bible is meant to be read and interpreted based on the whole not cherry picking scripture. You must read all passages on a subject to get the over all outlook. The Bible isn't a rulebook as much as a guide and you must read the entire guide in order to understand it.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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The Bible is meant to be read and interpreted based on the whole not cherry picking scripture. You must read all passages on a subject to get the over all outlook. The Bible isn't a rulebook as much as a guide and you must read the entire guide in order to understand it.

I have not only read it, but I understand it fully. The entire chapter of James 2:1-26 discusses faith as being dead without works. You should read it sometime, instead of pretending you know what it means.

There are other similar passages in Galatians and in Hebrews as well. Would you like me to bore the other readers by posting citation after citation? Are you really that dim?

James2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."

You are dead, or so the Bible tells me so.

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Secularism is disease which seeks to destroy religious faith without any knowledge of what faith is or why it is important to people.

It is callous beyond words to attack people in their sustaining faith, as cruel in its way as an assault on something so dear to them as their family.

In its pursuit of the destruction of it's values secularism has penetrated cleverly even to the heart of Christianity.

Truly sad day's we live in folks.

Is 'live and let live' even in your vocabulary? :rolleyes:

Is everyone who's different from you, somehow guilty of trying to unhinge you?

Watch out for those paranoid delusions of persecution.

They can make you go crazy and off yourself, tear up your passport and become a stateless person, or declare the end of the world. drama drama

But then the outlook is bleak for some who's outlook is ... um ... bleak. B)

No one's attacking Christian people.

Some are exposing some church institutions that have committed heinous acts.

Edited by tango
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Ahh....divide and conquer. The Secularist-Socialist-Trotskyites play this game well don't they?

It just seems like there is a hidden agenda behind the Secularist movement and the Communists were the most successful proponents of it. I want to know why Christianity is such a huge threat to the Socialists-Communists.

Put more tinfoil in your hat, plzkthxbai.

-The Management.

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All secularist power is conducted in secret.

All? Any? Please substantiate this ridiculous claim.

And what about the Conservative Party government, who won on the votes of the religious right-wing wanting to ban gay marriage, which also happens to be the most secretive government in the history of Canada.

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This is a valid discussion point. I'm not getting out of hand or attacking anyone. I'm merely not giving all of you any ammo to discredit me with. This is what jdobbin wants, ammo to take me down a peg. I know his game.

No matter what answer I give, he'll attack it as will many others.

Spouting off talking points is not a discussion.

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However I am firm in my beliefs that Jesus was a real man on Earth at some point and died on the cross, set up by the Jews and crucified by the Romans.

Jesus was king of the Jews. He said so himself.

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Is everything the Church teaches practical for everyday life? Depends on the person but maybe not.

Two thousand years ago? Sure. Now? Not so much.

2) Well, I've said this before but sure I'd like all my personal beliefs to be part of state policy but this isn't practical. I believe it takes a combination of ideas from right and left to make society work. My rhetoric is exciting but can we base a society on it? No, it takes both sides to make it work.

How do you expect this would work without separation of church and state (which doesn't actually exist in Canada)?

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1) Just trying to answer in an acceptable way without being overly partisan which just gets everyones back up, which doesn't add to a discussion.

Trying, but with dishonesty.

2) Or nothing, that's the corner we've backed ourselves into with political correctness. It's sad, we're witnessing the death of our nation and everyone is worried about party politics.

The problems with this country have nothing to do with which religious institution anyone belongs to. They have much more to do with the fact that our government has been set up in a dishonest fashion, which has allowed the most cynical, childish, ignorant babies to hold power while everyone else is stuck trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces.

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Secular socialist people for the most part hate Christianity and want to see churches burnt down just like they're doing in Norway.

I don't hate Christianity, I just don't like its fans.

This is a global issue not merely Canadian. Christianity is under attack by these people. Most of it by city people. We mustn't let these socialist urbanites cheapen Christianity any further.

Oh, so that's why there's about ten different churches within walking distance from my house. It's because city people hate Christianity!

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That Christianity is under attack? Most definitely. As it is true, it must be.

If you hold the logic that whatever you believe must be true because you believe it, I urge you to seek professional help immediately. That is a very dangerous road to walk down.

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It's quite evident in everyday life. Gay marriage, abortions that kill babies, removal of the Lord's Prayer from public schools, the apparent banning of the word Christmas in public.

Those aren't signs that Christianity is under attack. Those are signs that things you don't like, which don't affect you, are happening. You're still free to believe whatever you want. Case in point, the suede-denim secret police have not shown up at your door for uncool postings on the intertubes.

If you want to practise Christianity, read your bible and apply it to yourself instead of demanding everyone else do it for you.

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1) All abortion kills life therefore it's murder. Plain and simple.

Eating breakfast kills life. Get over it.

2)It doesn't, anyone who opposes it for religious reasons is labeled a fascist or a bigot or stupid and in turn stigmad(sic) by society.

Well, the labels aren't inaccurate. You really do have to be kind of stupid to oppose things that have nothing to do with your own life, and are, frankly, none of your business. You could do something better with your time, such as adopting an unwanted child.

3) Society has gotten progressively more violent since it was stopped.

Many studies have shown that, since the beginning of recorded history, people are always becoming less violent, regardless of religion.

4)Everyone is told to say Happy Holidays now so as to not offend anyone. They came here, the should accept our way of life or find somewhere else more suitable to them. IF Canada was so great before they came there should be no need to change anything.

Who is "they"? I haven't been told to say "Happy Holidays" to anyone. Have you? Has anyone else? Let's have a show of hands, who here has been forced to say "Happy Holidays"?

I feel more forced to say "Who gives a shit?" It's your religion, YOU practise it!

5)Same as 2 basically.

Why should I pay taxes for your special interest? I don't pay taxes to keep your church running!

6) If one isn't Catholic it's none of their business and doesn't effect their life so they should keep their collective pc noses out.

Funny, that's what I said about gay marriage. You can't have it both ways. The difference is, of course, that disagreeing with the Pope is a matter of freedom of speech, which does not actually hurt anyone, and demanding legislation to ban gay marriage hurts every gay person who wants to get married.

7)When their violence enters my life it becomes my business, they've forced my hand. They hate us yet pc's are telling to hold their hand while they blow us up, hilarious.

Who is "they"? Are aliens giving you anal probes at night? Is that your problem?

All in all Christianity is a way of life and those that follow the teachings are better human beings for it. Christian Orgs. donate way more money to the needy then all the others combined. Like it or not it's true.

If that's what you believe, then what are you doing here complaining? Go donate some money or read your bible, if that's what makes you a good Christian.

Edit- Guyser, Can you provide a cite that says these things are helping society? No? Didn't think so.

You haven't given him the chance to answer. You don't even want to know the answer, because it might challenge your ridiculous, unfounded, baseless beliefs. Guyser at least gave you the opportunity to make your case. It is rhetoric like yours that makes it difficult for people to respect Christians. You aren't interested in reality, you're only interested in what you believe.

I could find plenty but you would just shoot them down so whats the point.

You're ready to give up so easily? I think that signifies a major flaw in every single one of your arguments, then. Perhaps you should learn to accept that you might be wrong.

Many normal Canadians believe me and agree.

Many, but not most, and certainly not even a significant amount.

This is the common tone in rural areas, yous I'm sure is the common tone in the city. It's opinion. Time will tell who's right and wrong.

You're telling us that rural people, who mostly live outside of the rest of society, have these crazy ideas that their world is disappearing? No kidding! People who shut themselves out from the rest of the world and only receive news by talk radio and shoddy newspaper journalism are sure to come up with their own ideas about reality, which are far different from everyone else's. When I lived with my parents and spent most of my time shut away in my room playing video games, I'd start to get a little loopy too.

Time has got nothing on it. What's happening now is happening now, and if you're not a part of what's happening, you're going to have a pretty skewed perception looking at it from afar.

Some people prefer a simple life and gfoing to Church and raising a family. Others would rather go to clubs, get drunk, use drugs and hookers. Who's right and who's wrong? Who knows. Time will tell.

There is no right or wrong between those two. They are simply choices one makes.

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Some one should send a missionary to Mr. C. - maybe a Deli Lami salami type - convert him to Buddism - so he could be like a rock and let the world flow over him like a stream...nothing worse than white anglo former Christians that convert to the fat man religion....sit under a tree and say - bring me girls - and wine - and lots of rich food and I will reveal the secrets of the universe - all the time getting fatter and fatter

Your ignorance is astounding. The Buddha did not sit under the bodhitree demanding people bring things to him. He drank and ate very little while he meditated, to the point that he nearly starved himself to death. In fact, Gautarma Siddhartha, which is the name of the Buddha, left a life of riches behind castle walls because they isolated him from the rest of society, much like how Mr.Canada appears to live.

No one is forcefully converted to Buddhism. Buddhism is possibly the only religion in the world which has not had a violent religious war.

Christ never said once "make me an idol" - not once did he say that I have come to create a religion

Neither did the Buddha.

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