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Dion to step down, reports say

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AND, we'll do it through the electoral process, hopefully.

Dion was soundly rejected by Canadians, and he already announced his resignation, so the opposition had better come up with a replacement before the fight starts again in January.

Sorry Dion, you can remove your "dibs" on the next available spot for PM portraits on Parliament Hill. Ain't gonna happen.

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Just when you think he couldn't muck up the Liberal Party any worse than he did, he manages to pull it off again. I never did like the idea of him leading the coalition, I said so right from the start. The polls were the biggest indicators... Canada split on the choice between election and coalition, but the one thing we agreed on - 65% did not want Dion.

He reminds me of the creepy guy that keeps thinking he has a chance when you say you're not interested.

But, but, if she only went on ONE date with me....


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Just when you think he couldn't muck up the Liberal Party any worse than he did, he manages to pull it off again. I never did like the idea of him leading the coalition, I said so right from the start. The polls were the biggest indicators... Canada split on the choice between election and coalition, but the one thing we agreed on - 65% did not want Dion.

He reminds me of the creepy guy that keeps thinking he has a chance when you say you're not interested.

But, but, if she only went on ONE date with me....


Maybe the whole coalition was a farce by Liberal strategists to buy them some time in order to get their financial affairs in order. The marketing of this coalition you have to admit has been horrible. Have Ignatieff throw this coalition under the bus at the most opportune time when the finances are in order and you guys are laughing.

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liberals are starting to demand it after last nights video performance.

Was there not one man or woman in the liberal party that could have spoken with power on behalf of the party - They should have found someone and said that Dion had a headache - do to a bad reaction because of poorly prescribed medication. Damn those dumb liberals - they had more than enough time to force feed Dion raw beef and pump him up on steriods...what's wrong with them? :unsure::lol:

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He reminds me of the creepy guy that keeps thinking he has a chance when you say you're not interested.

But, but, if she only went on ONE date with me....


You have just scared the hell out of me.

I am glad I am not a woman. Just the thought of what you say.... Dion...a chance... you made it sound so real.

What you just describe.....Ewwwwww.

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Just when you think he couldn't muck up the Liberal Party any worse than he did, he manages to pull it off again. I never did like the idea of him leading the coalition, I said so right from the start.

The only thing thats saving him from complete failure, is the fact that Harper did not do well himself. He had a worried look in his face, like a hunted animal, and he said basically nothing but rhetoric. They both get a -1.

But then, Canadians did not give them their full confidence already, the election proved that.

So, away with these clowns... bring on the coalition. We don't want Dion, we want a coalition which includes Layton and Duceppe! How else can Canadians get Duceppe to become the prime minister of Canada!

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The part i heard from Harper was complete fear mongering... and apparently everyone ate that up.

I am hoping Canadians aren't as stupid as i think they are at this particular point in time. A coalition may not be the answer... but don't make the mistake of giving Harper a majority government in the process.

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The part i heard from Harper was complete fear mongering... and apparently everyone ate that up.

I am hoping Canadians aren't as stupid as i think they are at this particular point in time. A coalition may not be the answer... but don't make the mistake of giving Harper a majority government in the process.

Elizabeth May, is that you?

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Elizabeth May, is that you?

Don't get me wrong... i don't think ANYONE should have a majority government. You can let the conservatives have a minority... but i really don't think the way harper is playing is in the best interest of the country.

Confidence votes all over the place... people need to realize this is vote against his style of governing... he's also full of hypocrisies himself. He plays into the emotion of the people.... liberals lose votes because the media plays into this as well by saying the opposition voted down the government... when really it's both sides.

Liberals may be hypocrites but don't discount the conservative hypocrisies either.

Edited by -VMG-
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Just when you think he couldn't muck up the Liberal Party any worse than he did, he manages to pull it off again. I never did like the idea of him leading the coalition, I said so right from the start. The polls were the biggest indicators... Canada split on the choice between election and coalition, but the one thing we agreed on - 65% did not want Dion.

He reminds me of the creepy guy that keeps thinking he has a chance when you say you're not interested.

But, but, if she only went on ONE date with me....


BCC, I think I understand what you're trying to say but comparing Dion's persistence at trying to be PM to sexual harrassment seems like kind of a cheap shot.

Dion was a compromise choice for the Liberals. Even if his English was better, he'd still be a lousy communicator (I'm surprised the Liberals didn't get him to work on his English before the last election, I find it takes real effort to understand him). And I think his organizational skills are lacking. So he's not a great leader and never going to be one.

Still, I admire the guy for persisting. If I'd taken half the abuse he's taken, I would have packed up and gone home. During the election, he knew he was pushing an unpopular idea that was easy for the Conservatives to take cheap shots at but he went at it with honesty and integrity. In terms of those two qualities, the only federal leaders I've ever seen that would stack up against him were two Albertans, Joe Clark and Preston Manning. Neither of them were master politicians (and I never liked what Manning stood for) but you knew where they stood. Edited to add Ed Broadbent to the list. I'm sure Tommy Douglas would be on the list as well but I'm not old enough to remember him.

That's what really scares me about Harper. His actions have demonstrated very clearly that he's autocratic, manipulative and conniving. I think that he campaigns from a more centrist position than he will govern if we're ever foolish enough to give him a majority. I have no trust or respect for a guy like that - he shouldn't be leader of anything.

Edited by ReeferMadness
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Liberals played this so smart in a transition of leaders they have undermined Harper the lead bull and those that suport him. next in line are meant to be peace keepers (Liberals) who have expressed no willing to a coalition Dion can take the fall and since he is gone it don't matter. Both the NDP and Cons will take the ridicule when dion is gone and the New Lib leader will look like a saint! Now that they have secured Quebec and any NDP voters they got things in the bag.

Harpers early vote could have not been more than a blessing for the libs and when they take a majority they can make attack on the tory's we all know this war ain't over :) Liberals have leadership experience where the Cons fail. Just wait Tory's will be eating from the palm of Lib hands like it or not.

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My take?

Liberals played this so smart in a transition of leaders they have undermined Harper the lead bull and those that suport him. next in line are meant to be peace keepers (Liberals) who have expressed no willing to a coalition Dion can take the fall and since he is gone it don't matter. Both the NDP and Cons will take the ridicule when dion is gone and the New Lib leader will look like a saint! Now that they have secured Quebec and any NDP voters they got things in the bag.

Another self-centred boomer. Am I wrong?

Edited by August1991
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My take?

Another self-centred boomer. Am I wrong?

since I am Albertan I don't think you could say that. I say it as it is the west had its chance at leadership and failed the thought of power went way above their heads. Do I disagree with it I will stay partial. Did they deserve it? yes they did west has proven they have no play in politics.

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BCC, I think I understand what you're trying to say but comparing Dion's persistence at trying to be PM to sexual harrassment seems like kind of a cheap shot.

Dion was a compromise choice for the Liberals. Even if his English was better, he'd still be a lousy communicator (I'm surprised the Liberals didn't get him to work on his English before the last election, I find it takes real effort to understand him). And I think his organizational skills are lacking. So he's not a great leader and never going to be one.

Still, I admire the guy for persisting. If I'd taken half the abuse he's taken, I would have packed up and gone home. During the election, he knew he was pushing an unpopular idea that was easy for the Conservatives to take cheap shots at but he went at it with honesty and integrity. In terms of those two qualities, the only federal leaders I've ever seen that would stack up against him were two Albertans, Joe Clark and Preston Manning. Neither of them were master politicians (and I never liked what Manning stood for) but you knew where they stood. Edited to add Ed Broadbent to the list. I'm sure Tommy Douglas would be on the list as well but I'm not old enough to remember him.

That's what really scares me about Harper. His actions have demonstrated very clearly that he's autocratic, manipulative and conniving. I think that he campaigns from a more centrist position than he will govern if we're ever foolish enough to give him a majority. I have no trust or respect for a guy like that - he shouldn't be leader of anything.

It wasn't comparing his actions to sexual-harassment, rather, being completely out of touch with reality. That's why I said the bit about 'if she'd only go on one date...' I think in Dion's mind he really thinks Canada will love him if they can just see how awesome he (thinks he) is.

I agree that rejecting him based on his accent is a cheap shot. Unlike you though, I don't commend him for putting up with anything, in fact, I resent him for not fighting back. I supported him in the convention (as embarrassing as that is to admit now), but he is weak. A politician needs more than integrity and ideas to prosper, Dion clearly lacked the personality. He allowed Harper to keep punching him and on the 'moral high ground' he took it and didn't fight back.

He's destroyed the LPC, and it's time for him to give up. Persistence is admirable, sure, but so is knowing when to give up. At what point are you going to put your own ambitions (which I'm really starting to think is actually denial as I stated) ahead of what's good for the country?

You bring up Harper's agenda, that's even more of a reason why I'm pissed at Dion. I blame nobody but him at this point, Harper just played his cards right. Igantieff and Rae don't inspire me either, so as much as I agree with you on Harper's personality and his agenda, his manipulative untruthful fear-mongering, I think we need to step back and quit blaming him entirely for the fine mess we're in.

PS... I'm not usually this cranky, I'm really sick with a cold right now....

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It wasn't comparing his actions to sexual-harassment, rather, being completely out of touch with reality. That's why I said the bit about 'if she'd only go on one date...' I think in Dion's mind he really thinks Canada will love him if they can just see how awesome he (thinks he) is.

I agree that rejecting him based on his accent is a cheap shot. Unlike you though, I don't commend him for putting up with anything, in fact, I resent him for not fighting back. I supported him in the convention (as embarrassing as that is to admit now), but he is weak. A politician needs more than integrity and ideas to prosper, Dion clearly lacked the personality. He allowed Harper to keep punching him and on the 'moral ground' he took it and didn't fight back.

He's destroyed the LPC, and it's time for him to give up. Persistence is admirable, sure, but so is knowing when to give up. At what point are you going to put your own ambitions (which I'm really starting to think is actually denial as I stated) ahead of what's good for the country?

You bring up Harper's agenda, that's even more of a reason why I'm pissed at Dion. I blame nobody but him at this point, Harper just played his cards right. Jackasses like Igantieff and Rae don't inspire me either, so as much as I agree with you on Harper's personality and his agenda, his manipulative untruthful fear-mongering, I think we need to step back and quit blaming him entirely for the fine mess we're in.

PS... I'm not usually this cranky, I'm really sick with a cold right now....

Harper would just tell you to "suck it"

if you didn't you would be out of a job. The king has spoken now get on your knees!

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AND, we'll do it through the electoral process, hopefully.

Dion was soundly rejected by Canadians, and he already announced his resignation, so the opposition had better come up with a replacement before the fight starts again in January.

Sorry Dion, you can remove your "dibs" on the next available spot for PM portraits on Parliament Hill. Ain't gonna happen.

The only way that isn't going to happen is if The Govenor General disallows a coalition to form government in January - which would be even more astounding and contrary of democratic process and simply uncanadian.

Since the leader change for the liberals is due about May... simply put Dion is the man up. There is no avoiding this. The only thing the conservatives may be able to muster is putting pretince in harpers shoes and that ain't likely until after he is eunicized in january.

Edited by William Ashley
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In all do respect I am looking for a ban. seems a sense a humor is not welcome in these parts, its just not in me to be bland boring all the time so hey mind as well be a asshole.

Humour is in the eye of the beholder, I just went through the same shenanigans with another poster. I got in trouble once too, but whatever, I changed my post and didn't make a big deal out of it the way you are doing and I've seen other posters doing.

Overall, the serious content of the site is far more agreeable than the ability to crack what may seem like a innocent 'joke'....

Edited by BC_chick
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Humour is in the eye of the beholder, I just went through the same shenanigans with another poster. I got in trouble once too, but whatever, I changed my post and didn't make a big deal out of it the way you are doing and I've seen other posters doing.

Overall, the serious content of the site is far more agreeable than the ability to crack what may seem like a innocent 'joke'....

for the record I love Harper Tory is in my blood. so vote Harper

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The part i heard from Harper was complete fear mongering... and apparently everyone ate that up.

I am hoping Canadians aren't as stupid as i think they are at this particular point in time. A coalition may not be the answer... but don't make the mistake of giving Harper a majority government in the process.

Well, at least give them a chance to MAKE the choice, and have an election.

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Well, at least give them a chance to MAKE the choice, and have an election.

I respectfully disagree with this train of thought. How many elections have we had in the last 5 years? How many have resulted in a minority government? I think the prudent thing to do is let the House unfold as it should. This is the Westminster way and I don't see why we should make an exception for Harper and his Refor...Canadian Allian.....Conservatives. Let this be a lesson to the Extreme right wing that you can't lead with a carte blanch(sp) mentallity when you only hold 37% of the seats.

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