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BC Viking

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  1. I personally feel that the GG granted Harper proroguement in order to deflect 'partisan' accusations. Now when she denies Harpers's request for yet another election, that would likely have the same result as the last two, her ass is covered so to speak. Fiddling and burning continues until the Jan 26th non- confidence vote, then the coallition can get to work dousing the flames and orchastrating a sweeter economic tune.
  2. Perhaps getting his Resume updated would be a good idea. Only problem; can't provide good references.
  3. Only because they know they dodged the bullet, the Coallition is re-loading, and the next time will be taking dead aim.
  4. IMHO I think you are mistaken when you assume that the 'silent majority' are all card carrying conservatives.
  5. I wonder if after they're given a vote of non-confidence if we'll see yet another name change from the Reformist Alliance? Oh wait< there you go!! A perfect name for our conservative friends who will become the official opposition as of Jan. 26th
  6. The Liberal Democrats, has a nice ring to it. "And now with the speech from the throne, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Canada....the right honourable Micheal Ignatieff" is it Jan 26th yet?
  7. I support the coallition regardless of temperary BQ involvement. Whatever it takes to unseat an ineffective conservative government.
  8. Stating facts does not make one sour. For the record, if you have a majority in the house, you have a majority government. Regardless of popular vote. I know these are difficult concepts for conservatives to wrap there heads around, case in point; trying to run rough shod through parliment when holding the minority of the seats. Ask any NDP, BQ, or Green supporter; if they had to choose between a Liberal government or a Reform government, which would they choose? You know the answer. So does Harper. I think its quite clear that a conservative government will never be able to gain a majority in the house again due to our social and economic climate. their ideologies are antiquated and out of touch with the average Canadian, who has excepted that evolution is a fact, not a theory. I'm not whining at all by the way, the only people whining are conservative supporters who don't think its 'fair' that a coallition is willing to work together for the GREATER GOOD. What a concept!!! Jan. 26th can't come quickly enough!
  9. Either way, the conservatives will not be happy about this. I personally believe that a new Liberal leader will only strengthen the coalition's resolve.
  10. Why would I be upset? Thing about polls is they can be manipulated, especially if an 'uninformed' public is the sample being polled. Once the truth comes out and the conservatives alarmist reterict is brought to light, you won't be happy with the shift in public opinion. You can have your polls, we'll take the majority coallition government in 7 weeks when Harper loses the confidence vote. We'll be there when you get up!
  11. My apologies, I just figured using the 'F' word is easier than typing Religious Extremist Ultra Right Wing Conservative. Won't happen again.
  12. Sorry, myself and those who support democracy shouldn't type while chewing up and spitting out minority conservative governments. Same thing happened in the late seventies when Joe Who was the last lame duck PM.
  13. Which party was the last to hold a majority government in this country???
  14. Wow you caught us and have exposed our "Master Plan" how very fascist of you to point it out with the basis of your argument being void of fact, and full of reterict. I know, why don't you try to subvert the public by saying this is all a Je.... seperatist plot, and that they are the real power in this country and that 'real Germ....Canadians' need to rise up and squash this threat to our way of life. Wait, too late.....
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