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Everything posted by mjp

  1. It is true, most Canadians have a hate for America they rationally can not explain.. but what people don't look at is the simple truths... most of those people are out there slaving away at a job just like you and me... We both have walmart, we got tim hortons and starbucks, and they are now just getting tim hortons... We both got sears, home depot, office depot, etc, etc... We both have people that vote for stupid political parties that don't get results, and people wonder why that is... BECAUSE WE ELECTED STUPID PEOPLE!!!... We think that having a minority gov't is a bad thing... Americans really don't know what that is, even if you explain it 100 times... We have the monarchy as our head of state... I don't know if that is something to be proud of or embarrassed over.. because personally, it don't matter either way... They Got the president as their head of state... We Both got the bankers as our real masters... the president is a puppet and so is the Prime minister. We watch the same reality TV shows and hope some random person that we don't know, nor really care about, not get voted off for some stupid reason.. We both watch the same sports games... and so forth.... So what does it mean to be Canadian... not a damned thing.... Its just a line in the sand.. that divides the land that don't know the difference if over there is the USA or Canada... There is no REAL Canadian Identity, We have no patriotism, or if we do we sure don't show it, or show we are proud to be Canadian. Canada is just a Country of Convenience and a place for people to become citizens of convenience... so a real Canadian Identity is we are just a lazy cheap country that sells out our values for a buck... So in other words, we are just like the USA.
  2. ok lets cover all this for each party: Conservatives: everyone says they hate them, but then alot of people run out and secretly vote for them because they dont like the liberals, Bloc, and the NDP. And wont certainly vote for the greens. Liberals: Iggy comes off as wishy washy, and well even less then the Dion did. I dont think he has a chance of winning impo. NDP: Jack has no chance of winning he comes off as a wingnut, and too far out there. Green Party: No chance in hell of ever getting a seat with May as their leader. The reason is, people vote on presentation and appearance. The debates were not about ideas, it was presentation. Basically until the NDP and Green party get leaders that actually feel and represent mainstream look and feel, people wont really vote for them.
  3. no you can't choose your own plan, you can not say I dont want cpp taken off. also the other part of cpp, is if you make less then your min personal deduction you get your cpp back on your taxes. the fact is, its a system of gov't welfare anyway you slice it, you can call it whatever you want. its still welfare. while both EI and CPP are both listed in the constitution as federal jurisdiction, welfare in general is a provincial matter... kinda odd but thats how its written.
  4. creationism and intelligent design is exactly the same thing.. ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_design I would go for science because our understanding level is fairly small.
  5. well how do you think they got this bailout money??
  6. personally I Would like to see the CPP made optional... that way we can choose our own path to retirement..
  7. iggy is a conservative in liberal clothing, nothing more, nothing less..
  8. This whole terrorism and fear mongering is all BS, made to make you feel scared and accept your real id card in the usa or rfid, because its the only way to really track the terrorists. the whole real id was quietly implemented in canada over the last 10 years anyways.
  9. it also sounds like a wrestling tag team...
  10. some states had higher voter turnout then 60%. and I still want this coalition to go through, so Elizabeth May can be put in senate
  11. probably looking for refugee status when things in the south get worse
  12. Both parts of this are sad, and yes everyone would love that job not working and being paid. But at a time like this, I think they should face the voters.
  13. when he speaks, he reminds me of inspector clouseau. "I would like to buy an umberger" he may be a smart man, but he's a policy adviser and thats where he should be.
  14. already have a poll and a thread on this.. guess the OP did not scroll down same topic as this
  15. fact is people dont understand how much work it is to seperate from the country. why do you think quebec never left? There are over 1000 functions that would have to be taken over by the seperated federal gov't. and leaving would also mean that those provinces would have to take part of the national debt. Although, I'm sure we could pay it off without a problem. its just setting up all those new agencies and hiring employees.
  16. fact is she is a bad leader. anyone that goes out during an election and endorses another party needs to be replaced as a leader.
  17. http://www.westernblockparty.com/ been around for a while...
  18. liberals are starting to demand it after last nights video performance.
  19. not in canada, it is custom that the leader be able to be questioned in question period. and to sit in the house of commons, that requires a seat in the HoC.
  20. because it would take a referendum in each province, and that is only put forth by the gov't of the day. and the current gov'ts of the day would not do it. each province would need their own separatist party for it to work. and the separatist parties would need to become the governing parties in each province. that takes years, not weeks.
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