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Obama a marxist, a racist and an anti-semite?

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I watched about 30 seconds of the video, saw some clips making a big deal about the fact that Obama's middle name is Hussein, saw some Kennedy accidentally call him "Osama" instead of "Obama", and turned it off. That's moronic.

Pro-McCain people have to come up with something a lot more compelling, because that's just stupid. This is insulting to peoples' intelligence.

Soooooo, Americans freedom wasn't reduced, even if slightly, after 9/11?

Sure it has. No question. Unauthorized surveillance, people being held long term without trial, these are troubling issues.

But you know, even a little turd like Omar Khadr gets his day in court (...eventually.) We know where he is, we know he's still alive.

The fact that a black man is running for president is a problem to nobody?

Doesn't the fact that a black man is running for (and is likely to become) President in the first place completely obviate the question?

Everyone in America has access to the things they need to survive?

To a higher degree than in all but a handful of countries on earth.

America falls short of the ideal. But by real-world standards, America remains about as close as it gets. Our western democracies really rock, compared to what most people on earth have to contend with.


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Obama '08 = Carter '80

You have likely forgotten that Carter was an incumbent in 1980. But so far in this election, Obama has been Hoover, Stevenson, McGovern, Carter, and Dukakis. Maybe Mondale too.

McCain, on the other hand, bears a much more compelling similarity to Dole and Wallace.

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Sure it has. No question. Unauthorized surveillance, people being held long term without trial, these are troubling issues.

These existed long before Bush came along...including Canada.

But you know, even a little turd like Omar Khadr gets his day in court (...eventually.) We know where he is, we know he's still alive.

Send him back to A-stan..and give him a 20 minute head start.

Doesn't the fact that a black man is running for (and is likely to become) President in the first place completely obviate the question?

No...many "black" men and women have run for US president before Obama.

America falls short of the ideal. But by real-world standards, America remains about as close as it gets. Our western democracies really rock, compared to what most people on earth have to contend with.

America is the same as it ever was, and is not required to live up to a false expectation held near and dear by its own citizens, let alone groupies in other nations.

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You have likely forgotten that Carter was an incumbent in 1980. But so far in this election, Obama has been Hoover, Stevenson, McGovern, Carter, and Dukakis. Maybe Mondale too.

McCain, on the other hand, bears a much more compelling similarity to Dole and Wallace.

And you have likely forgotton that this issue has already been covered.....incumbency is irrelevant...as will be your "vote".

Obama '08 = Carter '80

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Isn't this thread about Obama?

He's got a blank resume so all we have to go on is his very questionable associations.

20 years with a racist pastor as his mentor.

Political campaign launched in the living room of a terrorist.

Radical past. RadicalFriends. Radical presidency? Oh - unless he all of a sudden changed. But is that CHANGE we can believe in?

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Even while being "immersed in it" for the past two years? I guess it's possible to still not pay attention, even when one has the benefit of a Vote.

While I wouldn't presume to speak for Mrs Bush-Cheney, I suspect that the comment is not that she's not "aware" of Barack Obama, but rather being confused or skeptical about the actual substance of what he's campaigning on.

Everybody knows he's an eloquent and charismatic speaker, but beyond that, the only thing I'm certain people know he stands for is being different from George W. Bush. Granted, that might be reason enough for many people to vote for him. He defines himself as "change", not of being something but of being different from something that came before. I feel like I am watching an elaborate soft-drink advertisement campaign, where the sales pitch is not based on the flavor or nutritional content of the beverage, but rather on nebulous benefits that don't actually relate to the product at all. (Drinking Mountain Dew apparently identifies you with extreme sports. How Mountain Dew actually relates to you getting onto the surf-board is never made clear. Likewise, while having heard that Obama creates happiness and joy, I'm still unsure as to how the product actually relates to those feelings.)

Let us take you as an example, Bubber. You're an enthusiastic Obama supporter. If I asked you to articulate his policy on an issue (say, trade or Afghanistan, as those are issues of great importance to Canadians) could you tell me what Obama actually stands for, without going to his website and looking it up?


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Let us take you as an example, Bubber. You're an enthusiastic Obama supporter. If I asked you to articulate his policy on an issue (say, trade or Afghanistan, as those are issues of great importance to Canadians) could you tell me what Obama actually stands for, without going to his website and looking it up?

Regardless of this member's Google skills, this point/ question highlights the fact that Obama has telegraphed mixed messages for domesic and foreign policy, depending on the audience and immediate political aim. He "gets tough" on Israel and A-stan/Pakistan while promising "change".

We know John McCain..he will win or lose as the man we know.

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The video makes a pretty clear portrait of a man who has been harboring communist ideals. Not to mention being trained into being a racist and anti-semite.

I'm surprised that you'd be bothered by his pastor's condemnation of Israel given your own anti-semitic comment on another thread where you linked Jews with communism:


And on yet another thread, you seriously suggested that the only reason why Obama was ahead in the polls was because he was black. Some would interpret such a comment as racist.

But of course you are consistently an opponent of racism and anti-semitism and want to save the US from being saddled with a racist, anti-semite, right?

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Let us take you as an example, Bubber. You're an enthusiastic Obama supporter. If I asked you to articulate his policy on an issue (say, trade or Afghanistan, as those are issues of great importance to Canadians) could you tell me what Obama actually stands for, without going to his website and looking it up?

Easy. He's run as open a campaign in terms of policy as anyone. You're just not paying close attention.

In terms of Afghanistan, move troops out of Iraq and into Afghanistan to beat the Taliban once and for all. In terms of trade, he's rather protectionist, giving tax breaks to companies that keep jobs in the U.S. and punishing those who move them out.

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I'm surprised that you'd be bothered by his pastor's condemnation of Israel given your own anti-semitic comment on another thread where you linked Jews with communism:


And on yet another thread, you seriously suggested that the only reason why Obama was ahead in the polls was because he was black. Some would interpret such a comment as racist.

But of course you are consistently an opponent of racism and anti-semitism and want to save the US from being saddled with a racist, anti-semite, right?

First my comments are proven fact. Racism and anti semitism have no place in todays society. I have no prejudices normanchateau unlike some people on this board. You yourself don't appreciate my comments because they don't fit into what the TV tells us even though the facts are concrete.

We must fight racism and antisemitism on all fronts. Believe it or not white people don't have a monopoly on racist/antisemetic ideas and views.

What makes this even funnier is that you assume that I am a white person myself. I find this laughable and predictable, how sad.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Edit- It's pretty interesting. I'm sure we'll hear the usual suspects pipe in about tin foil hats and the like. That's fine, those comments will be ignored.

I noticed the "Illuminati films" logo, and then got as far as the deep voice saying "Barack Hussein Obama."

I personally despise the "tin foil hat" thing. That said, this does look like it came from the Loose Change school of film making.

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I noticed the "Illuminati films" logo, and then got as far as the deep voice saying "Barack Hussein Obama."

I personally despise the "tin foil hat" thing. That said, this does look like it came from the Loose Change school of film making.

However it does contain truth.

Facts are facts though right?

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Interpretations are interpretations.

Spin is spin.

Lies are lies.

The difficulty is telling one from the other.

Words coming from a mans mouth is fact enough for me. As we saw on the video. This isn't something that is open to interpretation it's something we can see. If his minister telling them to GOd Damn America and kill whites that is spin?

Alrighty then.

As I mentioned in the first post if you bothered to read it says that don't bother posting saying you disagree. Not good enough. We're over 15 years old here. I want to hear reasons why the video is false.

If you can't do that then move it along, you're in o0ver your head.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Words coming from a mans mouth is fact enough for me. As we saw on the video. This isn't something that is open to interpretation it's something we can see. If his minister telling them to GOd Damn America and kill whites that is spin?

Dude...it ain't Canada down here.

He can say whatever he wants without fear of stupid hate speech laws or a human rights hearing.

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Words coming from a mans mouth is fact enough for me. As we saw on the video. This isn't something that is open to interpretation it's something we can see. If his minister telling them to GOd Damn America and kill whites that is spin?

It could be. I have never been to a sermon, or really church for that matter. But I will tell you that there are some really hateful 'preachers' out there. Black, white, yellow, red, green .ect ect ...

As I mentioned in the first post if you bothered to read it says that don't bother posting saying you disagree. Not good enough. We're over 15 years old here. I want to hear reasons why the video is false.

I disagree with you here. People over 15 can accept that as well.

If you can't do that then move it along, you're in o0ver your head.

lololol ...'His name alone has created major divisions in the pilitical landscape.' Have another drink Kennedy.

Here is a few videos that debunk most of your hacked up video. The Only FACT in this vidoe is the first one. His father was from Kenya and a muslim, marries a while American woman.

Obama and the Madrassa

He did go to a school that was predominantly Muslim. When he was 6. Also, they show the school and the students, it is a public school. And wow, a mostly muslim school in Indonesia?? Who would have thought that now!.

Obama the Muslim


Obama and Gadaffi

Lybia is off the terror list now. So I guess this is another deal road. Not that there were any ties between them anyways.

Voting Record.

full clip starts at about 4mins. Obama indicates he would not vote for flawed/bad legislation.

Pastor Wright, Most pastors are nutjobs, tv evangelical ect ect .... Don Imus. The nappy heads thing was stupid on his part, but really insignificant. And if America IS killing innocent people, then yes God Damn America. Sure throw Canada, the UK, Russian, China, ect in there as well. What I find about most hack job videos like this, even campaign ads are total distractions from real issues that need to be dealt with.

If you are looking for real leadership, you won'd find it in either candidate.

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Guest American Woman
Words coming from a mans mouth is fact enough for me. As we saw on the video. This isn't something that is open to interpretation it's something we can see. If his minister telling them to GOd Damn America and kill whites that is spin?

His minister didn't tell them to kill whites. That's not spin, it's an outright false statement.

But yeah, words from a man's mouth can be spun and open to misinterpretation. It's selective quotes with leading comments. For example, they say Obama "refuses" to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. They say he disrespects it. NOT putting his hand over his heart every time the national anthem is played is not at all the same as "refusing" to do it. He says he was taught to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge but not during the anthem, and even others who speak of 'national anthem etiquette' say putting one's hand over one's heart while facing the flag isn't tried and true. Furthermore, as has been pointed out, we don't even know if Obama was facing a flag in that clip or not.

This whole video is nothing but spin. 'In this day of Islamic terrorism, can Americans afford to elect a president with not one. Not two. But three Islamic names.' That's not spin? :rolleyes: a thousand times over. Talk about running scared. It's pathetic, to say the least.

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Dude...it ain't Canada down here.

He can say whatever he wants without fear of stupid hate speech laws or a human rights hearing.

Yes I know that and I prefer that. I have no time for political correctness in my life and don't use it.

That's not the point. The point is that he can say that and still get elected but could a white man say that we should kill all blacks and still get elected?

No because of reverse racism and double standards. Blacks can say whatever they want but if whites used the exact same language but changed the races their political career would be over. There are 2 sets of rules.

He is going to win and I cannot wait to see how many anti white laws he passes. I'm sure that many will make excuses for it and just say well ' we deserve it for the past'. Perhaps he'll get assassinated. Look what happened to Kennedy who was far less controversial. They need another civil war.

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Guest American Woman

More spin:

The video says it's a "fact" that "a large cuban flag ... is displayed on the wall of obama's houston office."

HERE'S the real "fact" regarding the flag:

This is a volunteer office that is not in any way controlled by the Obama campaign. We were disappointed to see this picture because it is both offensive to many Cuban-Americans -- and Americans of all backgrounds -- and because it does not reflect Senator Obama’s views. Barack Obama has been very clear in putting forward a Cuba policy that is based on one principle: freedom for the Cuban people." -- Obama Campaign

From Houston Fox News:

The office featured in this video is funded by volunteers of the Barack Obama Campaign and is not an official headquarters for his campaign. link

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I have no time for political correctness in my life and don't use it.

That's not the point. The point is that he can say that and still get elected but could a white man say that we should kill all blacks and still get elected?

No because of reverse racism and double standards. Blacks can say whatever they want but if whites used the exact same language but changed the races their political career would be over. There are 2 sets of rules.

He is going to win and I cannot wait to see how many anti white laws he passes. I'm sure that many will make excuses for it and just say well ' we deserve it for the past'. Perhaps he'll get assassinated for the good of the country. They need another civil war.

Obama himself did not say that. I don't believe any candidate black or white in America could openly say such things and get elected. Today anyways. There are not two sets of rules, for people who believe in fairness and equality. But I know there are others who don't believe that, among the "blacks" and, evidently, among the whites.

"Perhaps he'll get assassinated for the good of the country."

Keep this kind of talk up, and you might get a loud knock on the door from the RCMP.

Edited by Sir Bandelot
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Non partisan FACTS from the video.

1. His name Barrack Hussein Obama - Three Muslim names.

2. Next to nothing known about his past.

3. Born to a Muslim from Kenya.

4. Attended a Muslim school in Jakarta.

5. Over 100 times in the house Hussein Obama has not voted yes or no just present.

6. Large Cuban flag with a portrait of mass murderer Che Guevara hangs in his office.

7. Refuses to wear American flag pin on his lapel.

8. Refuses to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.

9. Anti-American statements from his wife during campaign.

10. Stated Rev. Jeremiah Wright is his mentor for over 20 years.

11. Condemns a white man for making off colour remarks but doesn't do the same for his Mentor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

12. Hussein Obama's Mentor for over 20 years preaches Black Liberation Theology and Liberation Theology which are based on Marxist ideals and originated Fidel Castro's Cuba.

13.Hussein Obama's Mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright also holds James Cone's books in high regard. Dr. Cone teaches that Gods that are not for black people but for white people they'd better kill them. Also Black power which states that Blacks should kill their white oppressors by any means necessary.

14. Black Liberation theology teaches that all white people are racists.

15. Husein Obamas Mentor Rev Jeremiah Wright also teaches that Israel is a dirty word and Jews are like whites and opressors of black people. Supports and has travelled with Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam hate monger. He has been tought this doctrine for over 20 years.

16. Hussein Obama has stated that he will lift the ban on terrorist leaders and will sit down with them face to face.

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Obama himself did not say that. I don't believe any candidate black or white in America could openly say such things and get elected. Today anyways. There are not two sets of rules, for people who believe in fairness and equality. But I know there are others who don't believe that, among the "blacks" and, evidently, among the whites.

"Perhaps he'll get assassinated for the good of the country."

Keep this kind of talk up, and you might get a loud knock on the door from the RCMP.

Yes I forgot. We have the thought police up here. That statement isn't against the law SirBandelot. You really should study the law.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Isn't this thread about Obama?

He's got a blank resume so all we have to go on is his very questionable associations.

20 years with a racist pastor as his mentor.

Political campaign launched in the living room of a terrorist.

Radical past. RadicalFriends. Radical presidency? Oh - unless he all of a sudden changed. But is that CHANGE we can believe in?

The only change snake-oil salesman Obama will give you, is three quarters for a dolla.

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