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McCain May Stumble With Focus on `Joe the Plumber'

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- John McCain's bid to shore up his poll numbers by highlighting ``Joe the plumber'' may backfire.

Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, the Toledo plumber who criticized the tax proposals of Democratic nominee Barack Obama, owes back taxes, isn't licensed or registered in Ohio and would fare only slightly better under McCain's tax agenda than under Obama's even if his income soared.

Seems like another case of where McCain could have used some more background work.

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If McCain is smart, he'll focus like a laser on the 'Joe The Plumber' theme for the next three weeks. The only one who stumbled was Barack Obama with his "spread the wealth" comment. It's also quite interesting the way the left, in conjunction with the media, is attacking a regular citizen who had the gall to ask the Messiah a tough question. I wish the mainstream media had a fraction of the same interest in the background of the Democratic candidate for President. :rolleyes:

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Can you provide a citation of where he is being attacked? Or do you consider a background check an attack?

But McCain made the strongest "share the wealth" comment when he said he would buy up people's foreclosed homes and sell them back to them at a loss. That sounds to me like the biggest new share-the-wealth scheme of the last 50 years.

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If McCain is smart, he'll focus like a laser on the 'Joe The Plumber' theme for the next three weeks. The only one who stumbled was Barack Obama with his "spread the wealth" comment. It's also quite interesting the way the left, in conjunction with the media, is attacking a regular citizen who had the gall to ask the Messiah a tough question. I wish the mainstream media had a fraction of the same interest in the background of the Democratic candidate for President. :rolleyes:

It was a mistake to focus on a guy who has a few eyebrow raisers in his background regarding building his business.

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So why is the Left focusing on him so much then? Because he caught Obama in an unguarded moment, who then slipped up and showed his true colors. So now the left must assassinate Joe's character in hopes of limiting the damage.

As others have said, if the MSM spent half the energy digging into Obama's past as they did Joe's, we might have learned for instance, that he doesn't have any actual experience.

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Obama said that under his proposal taxes on any revenue from $250,000 on down would stay the same, but that amounts above that level would be subject to a 39 percent tax, instead of the current 36 percent rate.

McCain said Obama's plan would stop entrepreneurs such as Wurzelbacher from investing in new small businesses and keep existing ones from growing.


On Thursday in New Hampshire, Obama said McCain was misleading voters by proposing tax plans that favor the rich while criticizing an Obama tax plan that would raise taxes only on people making more than $250,000 a year, just 5 percent of all taxpayers.

Just 5% of you taxpayers out there. Only 5%. And it will go up 3%. so 3%of 250,000 is?? 6000?? Not to mention many breaks you can get as a business already, and if you are smart, you can put money into savings, or charity stuff for tax wright offs. This really wont hurt people wanting to start or already own a business. Most small business owners will benefit from Obama's plan.

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Just 5% of you taxpayers out there. Only 5%. And it will go up 3%. so 3%of 250,000 is?? 6000?? Not to mention many breaks you can get as a business already, and if you are smart, you can put money into savings, or charity stuff for tax wright offs. This really wont hurt people wanting to start or already own a business. Most small business owners will benefit from Obama's plan.

This is the problem that McCain's people don't seem to realize when they asked people to focus on Joe the plumber. People did just do that and when the tax situation was compared, it really wasn't that different between the McCain and Obama plan in terms of small business.

When McCain asked people to look at Joe, I'm sure he wishes his own people looked more closely for someone who better demonstrated the differences that favoured McCain as a candidate. Moreover, the more scrutiny of Joe (presented as a case study to 60 million people), the more we learned in regards to licensing and his tax situation.

The Republicans now complain that the media is smearing Joe but they are simply doing what McCain asked them to do which is to focus on Joe. And it isn't a smear when they are revealing background that McCain would have known had he looked more deeply at his case study.

McCain further wishes to expose Joe to scrutiny by inviting him on the campaign.


And the crowd definitely seemed to be full of Joe supporters as well as John supporters, with people at the Melbourne rally were wearing tee shirts with a picture of a name tag on them that said, “My name is … Joe the Plumber” and holding signs about Joe like one on stage that said, “Joe’s dough, not Obama’s.”
Edited by jdobbin
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So why is the Left focusing on him so much then? Because he caught Obama in an unguarded moment, who then slipped up and showed his true colors. So now the left must assassinate Joe's character in hopes of limiting the damage.

Once again, can you provide citations for your unfounded allegations? I haven't seen anyone attack the guy's character at all. Just a bunch of angry Republicans saying his character was questioned by some leftist boogeyman.

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Just 5% of you taxpayers out there. Only 5%. And it will go up 3%. so 3%of 250,000 is?? 6000?? Not to mention many breaks you can get as a business already, and if you are smart, you can put money into savings, or charity stuff for tax wright offs. This really wont hurt people wanting to start or already own a business. Most small business owners will benefit from Obama's plan.

Actually, $6000 is quite a bit, considering the government's already taking an additional 36% of the $250,000. Seriously, how much is enough? How long before the government's taking the majority of one's earned salary? Not to mention Obama doens't mention whether it's net $250,000 or gross, and whether or not that includes inventory. And not to mention that most small businesses file their taxes as sub-chapter S corporations, which means you'd be increasing taxes on millions of them, because they "earn" too much. Nevermind that the government earns nothing, only takes, and of course, asks everyone else constantly to do with less, while never doing with less themselves.

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Yes....I'll bet that Dion and the LPC are thinking the same thing when it comes to a carbon tax.

You know McCain's toast when even Bush_Cheney2004 acknowledges a similarity between him and the guy who just decimated Liberal support to its lowest in recent history.

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You know McCain's toast when even Bush_Cheney2004 acknowledges a similarity between him and the guy who just decimated Liberal support to its lowest in recent history.

McCain will get his chance next month....Mr. Dion and his liberal flock had no chance at all. It is marvelous to watch such twisting in the cold, North Wind. We call that...French Toast. :P

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Can you provide a citation of where he is being attacked?

Let's see. Obama the day after the debate, Biden on Leno, The View, SNL, Liberal blogs like Democratic Underground, and of course, the mainstream media. My God, his real name is Samuel, Joe is only his middle name!

I guess he's just more comfortable with his middle name, unlike the current Democratic nominee for President. :lol:

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Let's see. Obama the day after the debate, Biden on Leno, The View, SNL, Liberal blogs like Democratic Underground, and of course, the mainstream media. My God, his real name is Samuel, Joe is only his middle name!

I guess he's just more comfortable with his middle name, unlike the current Democratic nominee for President. :lol:

Really? What did they say that qualifies as character assassination? I agree that saying his name isn't really Joe isn't that big a deal. That's why I don't think his character was disparaged. I also heard he doesn't pay his taxes, but I don't remember the source. That's maybe a little personal, but a relevant fact given that McCain made him out to be a tax authority. All Biden on Leno said was that he would ask what real people have to say, like actual licensed plumbers (the real ones who don't make a quarter-million a year).

Again, what do you consider character assassination to be?

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If McCain is smart, he'll focus like a laser on the 'Joe The Plumber' theme for the next three weeks. The only one who stumbled was Barack Obama with his "spread the wealth" comment. It's also quite interesting the way the left, in conjunction with the media, is attacking a regular citizen who had the gall to ask the Messiah a tough question.

Problems with this idea:

1)Class warfare. People making $250k a year represent only a tinny fraction of the population. That fraction is going to vote for McCain anyway. 95% of the population has not hope of making that much, so why should they care ? If McCain wants to get into class warfare, he is going to loose.

2) Reasonableness How many plumbers make 250K ? Most lawyers don't make that. It leaves you open to being mocked.

3) Credibility. Much of Joe the plumber's story was BS. This has already become the butt of jokes.

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Problems with this idea:

1)Class warfare. People making $250k a year represent only a tinny fraction of the population. That fraction is going to vote for McCain anyway. 95% of the population has not hope of making that much, so why should they care ? If McCain wants to get into class warfare, he is going to loose.

Not so clear cut....as "class warfare" is far more complicated than that. Obama is playing fast and loose with single vs. married taxpayers as well. he os basically trying to do what Fritz Mondale promised in 1984, only with a higher income threshold

2) Reasonableness How many plumbers make 250K ? Most lawyers don't make that. It leaves you open to being mocked.

But how many want to in the future? Obama's message is that achievers will be punished with higher taxes.

3) Credibility. Much of Joe the plumber's story was BS. This has already become the butt of jokes.

The story achieved its purpose....exposing Obama in raw socialist mode.

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Actually, $6000 is quite a bit, considering the government's already taking an additional 36% of the $250,000. Seriously, how much is enough? How long before the government's taking the majority of one's earned salary? Not to mention Obama doens't mention whether it's net $250,000 or gross, and whether or not that includes inventory. And not to mention that most small businesses file their taxes as sub-chapter S corporations, which means you'd be increasing taxes on millions of them, because they "earn" too much. Nevermind that the government earns nothing, only takes, and of course, asks everyone else constantly to do with less, while never doing with less themselves.

So, if the government is taking an aditional 36% with the already 36%, that leaves you with not much. By your math this means that the government will take more than half of your money To clear this up, it will be an aditional 3%. It goes up from 36% to 39%. Don't forget all the breaks you can get by being a small business. You can claim much on your taxes and even give some to charity for a tax wright off.

The other thing that is pretty easy to understand here Shady is that the tax will be on a GROSS over 250,000. Because NET is the total minus the taxes. You are welcome. So, Obama is taliking about GROSS income. (Or is it the other way around??)

We should really do some searching on how many small businesses make more than $250,000 a year. Even if they got the Corp identity. My pal owns his own inventory company (incorporated). He makes about 80,000 a year after his taxes and expenses. That is nothing to laugh at. So he wont see a change in his taxes under Obama's plan.


The story achieved its purpose....exposing Obama in raw socialist mode.

About as socialist as Bush currently is, buying up bad banks and nationalizing them. Obama has a long way to go yet before he becomes the socialist that is currently in office. Socialism can be a good thing when applied properly. So can Capitolism. But we see how Capitolism is playing out right now. The game is broken and the players are crooked. So, time to switch to a new game, or get all new players.

Edited by GostHacked
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About as socialist as Bush currently is, buying up bad banks and nationalizing them. Obama has a long way to go yet before he becomes the socialist that is currently in office. Socialism can be a good thing when applied properly. So can Capitolism. But we see how Capitolism is playing out right now. The game is broken and the players are crooked. So, time to switch to a new game, or get all new players.

Wrong...Obama bristled at such a notion, rejecting the "socialist" label. The US federal government financed the WPA during the Great Depression and also nationalized manufacturing during WW2....so take your pick from socialism in America.

The game remains the same.....with winners and losers...just like it's suppose to be.

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Wrong...Obama bristled at such a notion, rejecting the "socialist" label.

Cool, I guess the GOP can shelve that dead horse until they are desperate to bring it up again.

The story achieved its purpose....exposing Obama in raw socialist mode.

So are you saying he is a socialist? Or are you saying the socialism exposed him.

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Not so clear cut....as "class warfare" is far more complicated than that. Obama is playing fast and loose with single vs. married taxpayers as well. he os basically trying to do what Fritz Mondale promised in 1984, only with a higher income threshold

But how many want to in the future? Obama's message is that achievers will be punished with higher taxes.

When is the last time that any major party leader has gotten below 40% support (once you split up Perrots vote) ? the Democrats are going to get 40, the Republicans are going to get 40. It is the middle 20% that matters. Very little of that 20% fits in the 250K or plan to 250K area. Thats why if you want to play class warfare as a Republican, you have pick on welfare recepients rather than try to generate sympathy for a guy who is gonna make a cool million over 4 years.

This worked really well for Mike Harris in Ontario. Promising to take from the welfare receipient and give big tax breaks. He got two majority governments out of it. He did it in very hard times too.

The story achieved its purpose....exposing Obama in raw socialist mode.

I don't really think so. To you it did, to me it did, to the "base" it did, but to "Joe Six pack"? You are engaged and partisan. The average American voter is neither. That little remark about "distributing the wealth" means nothing to them. Besides, everyone is for wealth being redistributed as long as its not their own. :-)

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I'm not sure who said it, but there was some famous 19th century or early 20th century socialist who declared that as socialism was on the march in Europe at the time, it was impossible to win over the American masses because every working-class American believes he will become a millionaire like John D. Rockefeller.

With the collapse of financial markets and the dream of starting your own profitable business slipping away from the grasp of the average American, it's no surprise that McCain and every Republican has to keep the dream alive by feeding the delusions of idiots like "Joe The Plumber!"

It's too bad that the Obama campaign isn't going on the attack and calling out this delusional idiot since he is not a licensed plumber, he only made about 40,000 last year - which he already owes back taxes, and even if his boss was willing to sell him his plumbing business (which he apparently isn't), the owner didn't even make 250,000 last year - so the dream of making enough money to qualify for Barack Obama's surtax on the rich is just that - a pipedream!

And there you have it! Some baldheaded moron who thinks that he's going to cash in too and become a millionaire will keep right on voting for the party that continually tweaks the rules of the game to enrich themselves and keep the Joe-the-plumbers from actually joining the rich man's club! Now the question is how many fools are out there like Joe, who will watch the super-rich fleece the system and leave an economy in ashes with poverty as the real future for Joe the Plumber!

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