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If the Liberals get in, what should the west do?


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Personally I believe it is time (if the Liberals get in) that BC, Alberta, and Sas pull the seperation plan out of the closet and start to think hard on it.

I would welcome the thought of a country in the west with ALL the natural resources and none of the blood sucking that comes from the East Coast.

It is something long over due if another Liberal government (even a minority) gets in.

Or hell even pull the we're gonna seperate scam that Quebec has done for so many years and look at all the cash and favouritism it has gotten because of it.

Flame ON!

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Or hell even pull the we're gonna seperate scam that Quebec has done for so many years and look at all the cash and favouritism it has gotten because of it.

Yes, because Alberta has suffered terribly in recent years.....its time you got what you deserve, right?

I can't even believe that people talk like this. Are you saying that people from Alberta don't love Canada? Are you saying that a simple change in government could make you HATE this country? I would certainly hope not. Where's your patriotism?

Through the democratic process, the voters of this country will pick a government today. I would certainly think and hope that Albertans would respect the choice that is made.

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Just goes to show that supporters consider the Conservatives to be a western, regional party...

The Liberals are doing such a great job in Caladonia eh kengs333?

Letting those people run wild and control the streets with lawlessness without any penalty.

Sorry, that's not my idea of good government.

I guess that's the difference between the Conservative and Liberal party. Conservatives will do the hard jobs even though they may be unpopular and the Liberals will just wait for the Conservatives to do the hard jobs as they don't have the backbone to do the hard jobs out of fear of the media.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Personally I believe it is time (if the Liberals get in) that BC, Alberta, and Sas pull the seperation plan out of the closet and start to think hard on it.

I would welcome the thought of a country in the west with ALL the natural resources and none of the blood sucking that comes from the East Coast.

It is something long over due if another Liberal government (even a minority) gets in.

Or hell even pull the we're gonna seperate scam that Quebec has done for so many years and look at all the cash and favouritism it has gotten because of it.

Flame ON!

Like Quebec with the Cree you'd be faced with more than you'd probably care to swallow.

Hmmmm, I wonder where my old Vancouver Island Liberation Organization t-shirt got to?

Edited by eyeball
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Personally I believe it is time (if the Liberals get in) that BC, Alberta, and Sas pull the seperation plan out of the closet and start to think hard on it.

I would welcome the thought of a country in the west with ALL the natural resources and none of the blood sucking that comes from the East Coast.

It is something long over due if another Liberal government (even a minority) gets in.

Or hell even pull the we're gonna seperate scam that Quebec has done for so many years and look at all the cash and favouritism it has gotten because of it.

Flame ON!

Actually, I'm surprised the West has stuck around this long! From what I've read of history they'd have a good case. Who wants to belong to a club where your job is to always pay the dues while someone else gets to eat all the doughnuts?

Manning understood this from the beginning. With things like party solidarity on ALL House votes you inevitably get a political brokerage system, where those in power can bleed one region to buy support in another.

That's why Reform pushed for a Triple E Senate that was Elected, Equal and Effective. If PEI had the same number of senators as Ontario then it would have a check on Central Canada having unlimited power over them. Along with that was the idea of free votes, like every other parliamentary democracy in the world. Only in Canada does losing a vote on where to buy the doughnuts for a Session mean toppling the government and calling an election. Manning wanted a Parliament opened with a statement that only "Bills of Substance" like financial matters would be considered a loss of confidence and would trigger a new election.

Free votes and a Triple E Senate would have gone a LONG way to make Canada more democratic and allay regional inequities!

More ideas that died when the Progressive Conservatives took over the Reform/Alliance movement and killed it off.

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That would be my suggestion as well. Such talk is nothing but silliness. Actually, its much worse than that.

Some who are actually right wing might consider it treason.

There has been very little evidence of separatism in the west even when a long term Liberal government was in place.

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Some who are actually right wing might consider it treason.

There has been very little evidence of separatism in the west even when a long term Liberal government was in place.

yes i consider that treason. The west has a way of making its voice heard, it`s called protest parties. Also its denying the Liberals majority gov`ts.

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The Liberals are doing such a great job in Caladonia eh kengs333?

Letting the indians run wild and control the streets with lawlessness without any penalty.

Sorry, that's not my idea of good government.

I guess that's the difference between the Conservative and Liberal party. Conservatives will do the hard jobs even though they may be unpopular and the Liberals will just wait for the Conservatives to do the hard jobs as they don't have the backbone to do the hard jobs out of fear of the media.

Mr.Canada wear your name proud because just down the road you'll be known as Mr North America! Harper also signed the NAU along with the Libs.

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The Liberals are doing such a great job in Caladonia eh kengs333?

Letting the indians run wild and control the streets with lawlessness without any penalty.

Sorry, that's not my idea of good government.

I guess that's the difference between the Conservative and Liberal party. Conservatives will do the hard jobs even though they may be unpopular and the Liberals will just wait for the Conservatives to do the hard jobs as they don't have the backbone to do the hard jobs out of fear of the media.

In case you haven't been paying attention all this started after the Cons won the federal election, and the Con MP has been disinterested in the issue to say the least. You also clealry don't know anything about the provincial Liberal government, and that it tends to be to the right of its federal counterparts. Besides, this is really a FEDERAL issue. The Cons may actually lose their MP over this issue.

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Actually, I'm surprised the West has stuck around this long! From what I've read of history they'd have a good case. Who wants to belong to a club where your job is to always pay the dues while someone else gets to eat all the doughnuts?

As someone from Ontario, who has been paying these bills much longer than the west, I think supporting the rest of my nation is rather patriotic, but go on about the NEWFOUND wealth out west.

That's why Reform pushed for a Triple E Senate that was Elected, Equal and Effective. If PEI had the same number of senators as Ontario then it would have a check on Central Canada having unlimited power over them. Along with that was the idea of free votes, like every other parliamentary democracy in the world.

Free votes and a Triple E Senate would have gone a LONG way to make Canada more democratic and allay regional inequities!

Yes, giving a province with less population than one city in Ontario the same amount of say is very democratic. So basically, 7.5 million or so Ontarians votes don't matter to you? They don't count? That's some idea of Democracy you have.

Perhaps you should convince more of the population to move OUT of Ontario, then we really could even out regional inequities...

More ideas that died when the Progressive Conservatives took over the Reform/Alliance movement and killed it off.

Thank God for that....

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Personally I believe it is time (if the Liberals get in) that BC, Alberta, and Sas pull the seperation plan out of the closet and start to think hard on it.

I would welcome the thought of a country in the west with ALL the natural resources and none of the blood sucking that comes from the East Coast.

It is something long over due if another Liberal government (even a minority) gets in.

Or hell even pull the we're gonna seperate scam that Quebec has done for so many years and look at all the cash and favouritism it has gotten because of it.

Flame ON!

That way you could be an international company since you have business in every province but Quebec.

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Mr.Canada wear your name proud because just down the road you'll be known as Mr North America! Harper also signed the NAU along with the Libs.

This was suggested on this forum about 9 -12 months ago and everyone called the poster paranoid, now you all agree with this that it is happening...lol. Too funny.

Whats the big deal anyways. They have the EU and that is running well. No big deal.

It will be the same thing. We'll have our country currency as well as the Amero. Great!

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Some who are actually right wing might consider it treason.

There has been very little evidence of separatism in the west even when a long term Liberal government was in place.

At one point their where polls that showed as high as 44% would consider seperation, in Alberta, then BC, Sask, and then the lowest was MAnitoba, but they were all over 30%.

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At one point their where polls that showed as high as 44% would consider seperation, in Alberta, then BC, Sask, and then the lowest was MAnitoba, but they were all over 30%.

And payment for the crops we sent you in the thrities and forties when you were going through droughts - oh wait we didn't ask for payment and it was all sent out of generosity and concern for our fellow Canadians

and payment for the billions we forwarded the west to develop your oil in the fifties -oh wait all Canadians supported helping the west develop their resources and nobody ever asked for payback

and when your non-renewable resource dries up thirty to fifty years from now and you need Canada's social safety net as your oil towns collapse, we will again not expect anything in return

You may have targetted by Trudeaus energy policy but don't misconstrue this as everybody in the east not appreciating the west - we absoultely do . The problem is when you whine you are no better than Quebec so either quit your pissing and moaning and get in the boat and paddle with the rest of us or float (on your own)

Just so you don't feel like a village people cowboy with a target on your back the same pissing and moaning message goes for Duceppe and PQ

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And payment for the crops we sent you in the thrities and forties when you were going through droughts - oh wait we didn't ask for payment and it was all sent out of generosity and concern for our fellow Canadians

and payment for the billions we forwarded the west to develop your oil in the fifties -oh wait all Canadians supported helping the west develop their resources and nobody ever asked for payback

and when your non-renewable resource dries up thirty to fifty years from now and you need Canada's social safety net as your oil towns collapse, we will again not expect anything in return

You may have targetted by Trudeaus energy policy but don't misconstrue this as everybody in the east not appreciating the west - we absoultely do . The problem is when you whine you are no better than Quebec so either quit your pissing and moaning and get in the boat and paddle with the rest of us or float (on your own)

Just so you don't feel like a village people cowboy with a target on your back the same pissing and moaning message goes for Duceppe and PQ

Actually Albertas debt was never forgiven we where the only pronvince in Canada not to have that happen.

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Mr.Canada wear your name proud because just down the road you'll be known as Mr North America! Harper also signed the NAU along with the Libs.

Hi Topaz

I finally got this from the Liberal Party head office on Saturday.

"There is no plan in the Liberal Party to implement the NAU. And there is no intention in Mr. Dion endorsing the North American Union. There is a commitment to ensure Canadian integrity, autonomy and Canadian interests are protected. So there's no plan to amalgamate currencies, borders, security or any economic integration. Canada will remain independent and autonomous 100 percent. So that is the position of the Liberal Party. Mr. Dion will not implement the NAU."

It would be different with a Harper majority though. He would implement the NAU within the time frame that the Council on Foreign Relations wants it, by 2010.


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And payment for the crops we sent you in the thrities and forties when you were going through droughts - oh wait we didn't ask for payment and it was all sent out of generosity and concern for our fellow Canadians

and payment for the billions we forwarded the west to develop your oil in the fifties -oh wait all Canadians supported helping the west develop their resources and nobody ever asked for payback

and when your non-renewable resource dries up thirty to fifty years from now and you need Canada's social safety net as your oil towns collapse, we will again not expect anything in return

You may have targetted by Trudeaus energy policy but don't misconstrue this as everybody in the east not appreciating the west - we absoultely do . The problem is when you whine you are no better than Quebec so either quit your pissing and moaning and get in the boat and paddle with the rest of us or float (on your own)

Just so you don't feel like a village people cowboy with a target on your back the same pissing and moaning message goes for Duceppe and PQ

The west has been used and abused by Ottawa for years we have sent far more back to Ottawa then we have ever received. We heave never gotten anything but abuse back for it. Now you want to shut the proinces industry down, and now like always the east has played the east against the west. So if you are buy into the libs, bloc and NDPs divide and conquer mentality then so be it, but it does nothing to further Canada.

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Actually Albertas debt was never forgiven we where the only pronvince in Canada not to have that happen.

You miss the point

Throughout history nobody complained when west was in need and opened our wallets to help

A recent as 2003 when drought hit west a bales on rails campaign was initiated in NB to send millions of dollars of hay via train to Sk and Ab to help their farmers feed their livestock - and we were proud to do so

I understand that there is animosity from West on Trudeau's NEP but get pissed when they talk about us as if we are one block of anti-Alberta gun hating long haired marijuana smokin agnostic nudists from the east ;)

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You miss the point

Throughout history nobody complained when west was in need and opened our wallets to help

A recent as 2003 when drought hit west a bales on rails campaign was initiated in NB to send millions of dollars of hay via train to Sk and Ab to help their farmers feed their livestock - and we were proud to do so

I understand that there is animosity from West on Trudeau's NEP but get pissed when they talk about us as if we are one block of anti-Alberta gun hating long haired marijuana smokin agnostic nudists from the east ;)

I don't hate you

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Personally I believe it is time (if the Liberals get in) that BC, Alberta, and Sas pull the seperation plan out of the closet and start to think hard on it.

Supposedly polls show talks to join the US rather than full seperation.

The oil revenues could make it a tax fee zone.

The problem with that, is there would be TONS of businesses moving there and job creation so I'd have to move there myself :)

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