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Henry Morgentaler Given Honour?

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The sweet dear of a healer said one thing that I remember during an interview that "Unwanted children become concentration camp guards" - Yes folks the old man boardering on being a lunitic actually said that! So - what does that statement mean and what is the sub-text of such a remark? Plus what motivates the character in this play called life in Canada?

To me I translate this line as meaning that he was on some sort of illusional mission to protect future generations of Jews from ever being holocausted again - by simply doing a pre-emtive strike agains those that he thought may land on the planet and become blonde blue eyed Nazi fanatics out to get rid of the brown eyed semites..this is bizarre and is most definitely a mislead notion - mislead by a hyper vigilance that has lost all sense of logic.

Asians do not abort - blacks for the most part do not - Jews do not - Muslims do not and so on - the only ones that are victim to this duping and subtle genocide are the remnants of the old secularized Christians..the white trashers and the now disoliving middle class...Henry Morgantaler made sure that any one that was remotely Anglo Saxon (Germanic) was aborted and denied life - this old man is resonsible for the killing of millions - so man that we had to import immigrants to sustain the nation - he is not to be honoured he is a lunitic. ORDER OF CANADA ? no!

The worst part is that the Chief Justice of Canada and her masculine man hating registrar pushed for the Order for the Doctor - feminist eccentrics out of the 70's and this abortion provider should fell shame and not honour for the human wealth and resourse that was sqandered under the guise of female freedom and rights - this is not a "provider" of wealth - this is an impovrisher!

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The sweet dear of a healer said one thing that I remember during an interview that "Unwanted children become concentration camp guards" - Yes folks the old man boardering on being a lunitic actually said that! ...

To me I translate this line as meaning that he was on some sort of illusional mission to protect future generations of Jews from ever being holocausted again - by simply doing a pre-emtive strike agains those that he thought may land on the planet and become blonde blue eyed Nazi fanatics out to get rid of the brown eyed semites.


Asians do not abort - blacks for the most part do not - Jews do not - Muslims do not and so on - the only ones that are victim to this duping and subtle genocide are the remnants of the old secularized Christians..the white trashers and the now disoliving middle class..

First of all, do you have a reference to that quote about "unwanted children"? Rather like to actually see that quote taken in context. (Who knows how much its meaning has been distorted)

Secondly, where exactly do you get the idea that only "white trash and middle class" get abortions? I don't have any statistics for Canada, but if you look at the U.S., 53% of those getting abortions are white, even though they make up around 70% of the population. So if anything, white people are actually getting fewer abortions than blacks or asians.



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Asians do not abort - blacks for the most part do not - Jews do not - Muslims do not and so on - the only ones that are victim to this duping and subtle genocide are the remnants of the old secularized Christians..the white trashers and the now disoliving middle class...

On what evidence are these assertions based?

this old man is resonsible for the killing of millions

Every man kills millions every time he... well... spends quality time with himself. What's the difference between those cells and some others?

The worst part is that the Chief Justice of Canada and her masculine man hating registrar pushed for the Order for the Doctor

The doctor had to be nominated for appointment to the order first, so I don't see how anyone on the Advisory Council of the Order of Canada could "push" for his induction.

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The fact is that he fought for and changed the laws concerning a woman's right to choose abortion as an option. It is something that we Canadians hold in high regard, whether or not there are still some minority stogy groups who do not agree. The Order of Canada was given in recognition of the his struggle in facing opposition - including threats on his life by crazy nut bars - and changing society anyway. It is well deserved for the purpose it was intended.

I laughed on Thursday when some wing nut Bishop of the Catholic Church was ranting for air time to promote that the award should be removed from Morgantaler because it was a disgrace on Canadian soceity. This coming from a Church that still refuses to acknowledge the tens of thousands of native children that were abused, molested and died under the Church's care, and the number of pedophile priests they continue to protect under th cloak of Christianity. I got quite a laugh.

Edited by charter.rights
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I was disgusted by his "giving back" his order of Canada because Morgantaler got one too. Like a little kid who has something special and then some other kid gets it too and his suddenly isn't so "special"?

What an idiot.

Morgenthaler deserves it more than this Bishop who is just doing what all other Bishops do. It's like giving a cop an award for walking his beat. Pfft.

I thank Morgantaler for my whole life. I thank him for my first husband, for my college education, for my beautiful life I have today. I personally owe this man my gratitude and am proud that he had been recognized for his contribution to society.

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Abortionists will meet their own demise in time. This sick mode of thinking is supported by people who support "rights" for everything in the universe except human babies. The future belongs to the societies who are most conducive to procreation(ex. Muslims).

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Abortionists will meet their own demise in time. This sick mode of thinking is supported by people who support "rights" for everything in the universe except human babies. The future belongs to the societies who are most conducive to procreation(ex. Muslims).

Yes. So will pedophile priests, and crooked politicians. Your sicker mode of thinking is supported by right wing nut bars who still think the world is flat, and that justice comes is beating someone to a pulp. The future belongs to those who can change and adapt to new and better principles of fairness and justice.

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Defending unborn humans is sick in your opinion? Since you are a "rights" dude, maybe you can extend your ideology to unborn humans?

A fetus is NOT an "unborn human". It is an appendage of the woman's body. That is the medical definition and the legal one.

And yes if the goal of sex is only for procreation, then masturbation, and other forms of birth control fall into the same sick thinking.

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I was disgusted by his "giving back" his order of Canada because Morgantaler got one too.

I wasn't! Especially after doing a little background checking on the "man of God." --

He was once the "Saint of Saskatchewan," a Catholic priest whose work with troubled teens earned him the Order of Canada and a citizen-of-the-year award.

But Father Lucien Larre has been dogged by controversy in recent years.

In 1992, a Saskatchewan jury convicted him on two counts of physically abusing children in his care at Bosco Homes and acquitted him on nine other charges. Larre was sentenced to one day in jail and paid a $2,500 fine for one charge of common assault and one charge that he forced pills down the throat of a teenager to teach her a lesson about drug abuse.

The National Parole Board of Canada pardoned him five years later and erased the charges.

In 1998, Larre registered as a psychologist in B.C.

His work, however, has prompted a number of complaints to the B.C. College of Psychologists in recent years, court documents show. There were no allegations of abuse, but individuals and other psychologists have questioned his methods and the quality of his work. Last November, the college held an extraordinary hearing and suspended his registration pending a disciplinary hearing because it felt he posed "an immediate risk to the public." The public, however, was never told of that at the time.


So! At best, he's a hack and he's already been convicted of physically abusing kids he's worked with, but that's okay because he wears a collar! He shouldn't even have the option of returning his Order of Canada! According to the rules adopted ten years ago, he should have been stripped of his award for his prior convictions. He wouldn't even have his award now if didn't have a powerful religious institution backing him.

And Larre candidly spoke about sexual abuse allegations that arose against him when he worked in Regina many years ago, saying they were false allegations for which he was acquitted.......................

At least no one has been able to convict him...............yet! Good thing we don't have to worry about celibate priests in the company of young men and boys!

...............He said he has been haunted by the allegations ever since but that won't stop him from speaking out about Morgentaler,


No! Ofcourse it won't! First rule for social conservative hypocrites is that what you believe is more important than how you conduct yourself! Just keep on making professions of being pro-life and to hell with the fetuses after they come in to this world!

Like a little kid who has something special and then some other kid gets it too and his suddenly isn't so "special"?

What an idiot.

Morgenthaler deserves it more than this Bishop who is just doing what all other Bishops do. It's like giving a cop an award for walking his beat. Pfft.

I thank Morgantaler for my whole life. I thank him for my first husband, for my college education, for my beautiful life I have today. I personally owe this man my gratitude and am proud that he had been recognized for his contribution to society.

The prolife people who are so gung-ho about protecting the rights of the "unborn," had no concern about the situation that motivated Dr. Morgenthaler to open private abortion clinics in the first place -- they want abortion back on the blackmarket, so that girls who get pregnant can face the death penalty for their sins!

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The prolife people who are so gung-ho about protecting the rights of the "unborn," ...

Funny that the left supports "rights" for just about everyone/everything (ex. seals, dogs, cats, blacks, gays, and so on) but doesn't support "rights" for human babies. Maybe you guys should start following your own doctrine. I guess you are afraid of the feminists wrath also? :ph34r:

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Funny that the left supports "rights" for just about everyone/everything (ex. seals, dogs, cats, blacks, gays, and so on) but doesn't support "rights" for human babies. Maybe you guys should start following your own doctrine. I guess you are afraid of the feminists wrath also? :ph34r:

The rights of the living human being come before the rights of the fetus. Simple.

You have a right, Monty. A right to adopt one of those children that wasn't aborted. Have you done your part? Have you raised a child that would have otherwise been aborted? If you don't allow a woman to abort then you should be financially responsible for your decision.

I would like to get the names of all those who decry abortion and find out if they have ever fostered or adopted a child. Somehow I doubt if there are more than two people (probably none) in all of Canada who have actually stepped up to the plate and adopted a child that would've otherwise been aborted. Or taken care of the woman and her child after they forced her from the abortion clinic.

If you don't like abortion don't have one. Again, simple.

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A fetus IS an unborn human. If you support "rights" as your name implies then you should support unborn humans as well. Otherwise you are in a contradiction.

What's wrong? Afraid of the feminists? :ph34r:

Sorry...but it isn't. A fetus may grow into a human when all circumstances are right(or in some circumstances such as an ectopic may abort, or cause problems) but it doesn't guarantee it will grow into a human. At the early stages of pregnancy there is no sentience - a requirement in the definition of humans - and so the fetus is nothing more than an appendage like a cyst or a non-malignant growth. Removing it is as simple as removing a foreign object from the back of your hand.

I'm hardly afraid of feminists...but you should be....since if your were to broach this subject amongst them it is likely they would bend you over in pain....just a guess but a more likely scenario.

A non-malignant growth has no rights but women do. They have the right to chose what to do with the pimples that grow on and in their bodies.

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Stop masturbating then! You're killing unborn humans! :lol:

That was my point when I said: "Every man kills millions every time he... well... spends quality time with himself."

That has nothing to do with abortion.

Of course it does; both acts, supposedly, kill unborn humans. Or, do you not know what sperm cells are for? Not knowing exaclty when life begins is the wrench in the cogs of the anti-abortion movement; they claim it's at conception, but, that's never actually been proven. It's just an opinion.

Wkipedia: Beginning of pregnancy controversy

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Funny that the left supports "rights" for just about everyone/everything (ex. seals, dogs, cats, blacks, gays, and so on) but doesn't support "rights" for human babies. Maybe you guys should start following your own doctrine. I guess you are afraid of the feminists wrath also? :ph34r:

I guess from that, we can safely assume that conservatives are opposed to equal rights for minorities, homosexuals, and would close down the S.P.C.A.'s and remove animal cruelty laws and endangered species laws!

So, despite all of the denials of oppressing minority rights and claims of respecting everyone's rights, you are informing us that conservatives only respect money and power!

But since you are concerned about children until they come out of the mother's womb, feel free to prove that "A fetus IS an unborn human," and at what stage of fetal development, the fetus becomes a human person with full human rights that supervene the rights of others, especially the rights of the mother to decide how to handle her pregnancy!

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The rights of the living human being come before the rights of the fetus. Simple.

You have a right, Monty. A right to adopt one of those children that wasn't aborted. Have you done your part? Have you raised a child that would have otherwise been aborted? If you don't allow a woman to abort then you should be financially responsible for your decision.

I would like to get the names of all those who decry abortion and find out if they have ever fostered or adopted a child. Somehow I doubt if there are more than two people (probably none) in all of Canada who have actually stepped up to the plate and adopted a child that would've otherwise been aborted. Or taken care of the woman and her child after they forced her from the abortion clinic.

If you don't like abortion don't have one. Again, simple.

There is quite a wait list to adopt a baby in Canada. There are many people wanting to adopt.

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I'm hardly afraid of feminists...but you should be....since if your were to broach this subject amongst them it is likely they would bend you over in pain....just a guess but a more likely scenario.

They are sick women anyway. A bunch of lesbians who dictate to everybody how all family policy is to be. But these women generally don't have kids or marry (marry men anyway). As I said sick.

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I guess from that, we can safely assume that conservatives are opposed to equal rights for minorities, homosexuals, and would close down the S.P.C.A.'s and remove animal cruelty laws and endangered species laws!

So, despite all of the denials of oppressing minority rights and claims of respecting everyone's rights, you are informing us that conservatives only respect money and power!

I said nothing about minority rights. You guys are the champions of "rights". You should follow your own teachings. A spotted owl's rights are more important than a human fetus to you guys. You people are so contradictory.

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I said nothing about minority rights. You guys are the champions of "rights". You should follow your own teachings. A spotted owl's rights are more important than a human fetus to you guys. You people are so contradictory.

The challenge is simple: show us the case that a fertilized embryo should be granted full human rights at the cost of downgrading the rights of pregnant women, and we can debate it from there! Continued hysterical assertions that it's a baby, don't count!

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Well, the last I heard, humans weren't on the endangered species list.

Just goes to show the contradiction:

human baby = garbage


baby seals/owls/tree in BC = cause worth dying for

Make sense? You tree-huggers need a dose of good-old fashioned conservatism. Make men out of you yet. :lol:

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