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Floods Destroy Homes: Insensitive Harper Does Nothing

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Fredericton's flood levels are expected to match -- or even surpass -- the worst flood to hit the New Brunswick capital in recorded history, as the St. John River seeps into the city.

Emergency officials are warning those who live along the river between Fredericton and Jemseg -- particularly in Maugerville and Jemseg -- to get out now.

The river begins to flood at the 6.5-metre mark, but it had reached at least 7.2 metres by late Wednesday. Residents can find updates on the situation here.


I am shocked and appalled by the indiffference and non-chalance of Stephen Harper and the Conservative government. People are losing their homes and Harper is doing nothing. The federal government knew about this potential catastrophe since, well, last winter when the snow fell. Did it do anything? No!

This shows not only incompetence but also Harper's true feelings about the poor, ordinary folk living along Canada's rivers and streams. If it were the rich and wealthy who suffered like this, you can be sure that Harper and his fat cats would take care of their own.

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I am shocked and appalled by the indiffference and non-chalance of Stephen Harper and the Conservative government. People are losing their homes and Harper is doing nothing. The federal government knew about this potential catastrophe since, well, last winter when the snow fell. Did it do anything? No!

This shows not only incompetence but also Harper's true feelings about the poor, ordinary folk living along Canada's rivers and streams. If it were the rich and wealthy who suffered like this, you can be sure that Harper and his fat cats would take care of their own.

Previous post equals a big pile of meaningless meanderings.

What would you suggest he do? Stand there and command the waters to turn back?

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I am shocked and appalled by the indiffference and non-chalance of Stephen Harper and the Conservative government. People are losing their homes and Harper is doing nothing. The federal government knew about this potential catastrophe since, well, last winter when the snow fell. Did it do anything? No!

This shows not only incompetence but also Harper's true feelings about the poor, ordinary folk living along Canada's rivers and streams. If it were the rich and wealthy who suffered like this, you can be sure that Harper and his fat cats would take care of their own.

Take a valium - you are too easily shocked. First, the situation has not yet been classified as a crisis, let alone a disaster. Secondly, the cities and provinces have their own distaster management and relief plans. Thirdly, if all that fails, the Province can request help from the Feds who whether they be Conservatives or Liberals, would be only too willing to help. I don't like to take shots at posters.....but this is just a dumb one - and it would be just as dumb if you were bashing the Liberals, NDP, Bloc, or Greens.

But officials have not yet declared the situation a crisis.
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I grew up in that area, every year the people's homes along the St John river are flooded, every year homes are damaged, basements flooded, property lost....and every year insurance companys pay out large for those damages...this year they are seeing record flood waters, and your right the federal government has done nothing, but then again niether has the provincial government or the home owners themselfs....and these floods happen every year....i mean a flood is a flood be it 1 ft of water in your basement or 6 ft the damage is pretty much the same....

Residents refuse to move because 10 months of the year they enjoy a beautiful view of the river....and it is true nice view, beautiful area....but i've often asks you pays for these claims in the long run, we do....perhaps it's not just the Cons fault but everyone that is involved.....many there say if i knew that my home flooded every year i'd build some sort of dike around it....build up the land around it....but everyone is quit content with making thier claims every year....

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August, sarcasm does not work well with the written word..

I live near this river on an island. We are going to be cut off probably tonight. They are setting up a boat to take us back and forth. Luckily I am able to work from home.

I like the fealing of being cut off from civilization, but really - I am still able to come here so I'm not really that cut off. The Saint John River is the Rhine of North America. I encourage anyone to come and see it, it's beautiful.

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August" "I am shocked and appalled.." Do you have problems coping in life? Hysteria is not a means of addressing an issue. Try deep breaths and put away the coffee. If you learn perspective in life it will lower your stress level.

In a crisis Canada's largest military base is next door to Fredericton, in Oromocto. They are quite capable of helping when called upon. The military and other workers have no means of playing Moses and turning back the rising waters. One doesn't 'send out the troops' or any other hysterical response UNTIL there is something that can be done reasonably.

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Beats me why anyone would choose to live by a river.

To those stupid enough to do so, potential flooding is done by your own hand.

But you never hear these whiners complaining in the middle of a hot July month, while the rest of us sweat it out in congested cities.

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Melodramatic but I think he does have a point. Last year we were faced with the possibility of major flooding on the Fraser. One reason is that the feds stopped dredging it in the nineties as a cost cutting measure and now the river bottom is higher than the surrounding land in some places. The feds did nothing then either, even though the municipalities spent millions re-enforcing dikes. Abbotsford alone spent 23 million raising one section of dike. The province contributed 3 million and the feds nothing. A major flood would have displaced many thousands, done hundreds of millions in property damage and likely would have cut of the main rail and road links between Vancouver and the rest of the country. Seems they would rather cross their fingers, hope for the best and clean up any mess later. You would think it might have a higher priority.

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Beats me why anyone would choose to live by a river.

To those stupid enough to do so, potential flooding is done by your own hand.

But you never hear these whiners complaining in the middle of a hot July month, while the rest of us sweat it out in congested cities.

Leafless, who was whining and complaining? The flood is all over the news here and I have yet to hear anyone ask for government assistance, so why don't you stuff it?

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I grew up in that area, every year the people's homes along the St John river are flooded, every year homes are damaged, basements flooded, property lost....and every year insurance companys pay out large for those damages

....but everyone is quit content with making thier claims every year....

Except that likely no one has the coverage through the insurance companies. Maybe there is a goivt sponsored flood programme , but insurers will only offer it at exhorbitant prices.

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This shows not only incompetence but also Harper's true feelings about the poor, ordinary folk living along Canada's rivers and streams. If it were the rich and wealthy who suffered like this, you can be sure that Harper and his fat cats would take care of their own.

The funny thing is the reason most of the posters who followed didn't detect this as sarcasm is simply because they can easily see someone being "shocked and apalled" that Harper hasn't stopped yearly floods. There are simply so many people who blame him for everything under the sun.

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Apparently, someone in the PMO reads MLF.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper toured areas of New Brunswick hit by the flooding of the St. John River on Friday, but said it was too soon to give a figure on financial aid to the region.
The funny thing is the reason most of the posters who followed didn't detect this as sarcasm is simply because they can easily see someone being "shocked and apalled" that Harper hasn't stopped yearly floods. There are simply so many people who blame him for everything under the sun.
Maybe I really should be shocked and appalled but for something else.

I have no objection to the PM flying in a helicopter to survey the damage. I'd be curious too and I can understand that he's a politician who has to show compassion every so often.

I am "shocked and appalled" about discussion of "financial aid". (Trust the CBC to mention that.) If you want a house by a river, you buy your ticket and you take your chances. I pay a monthly premium to my insurance company for my place and before setting the premium, an inspector came out to see the setup.

If someone in the PMO is reading this, the PM should use this not as a way to talk of "financial aid" but as a way to say that Canadians don't need it.


I live near this river on an island. We are going to be cut off probably tonight. They are setting up a boat to take us back and forth. Luckily I am able to work from home.

I like the fealing of being cut off from civilization, but really - I am still able to come here so I'm not really that cut off. The Saint John River is the Rhine of North America. I encourage anyone to come and see it, it's beautiful.

This is the post that I find the most "genial". It's similar to most reports that I've heard and comes closest to what someone might call "Canada" - French or English. There may be alot of water, or it may be cold, but we'll manage.

Across North America, many places have French names. These names - from Portage-la-Prairie to St-Louis - didn't happen because of whining, or calls for "financial aid".

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If you want a house by a river, you buy your ticket and you take your chances. I pay a monthly premium to my insurance company for my place and before setting the premium, an inspector came out to see the setup.

Rude of me, but if I may, do you pay extra for Flood Insurance and how much , or do you have water damage cover instead?

Edited by guyser
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Rude of me, but if I may, do you pay extra for Flood Insurance and how much , or do you have water damage cover instead?
I would have to check my policy but I doubt that I pay more than all perils.

I think my first point is that if you build a house in an earthquake zone, don't be surprised if your house is damaged by an earthquake.

My second point is that people shouldn't whine. Taking one cent (unnoticeably - who would notice) from each of 30 million Canadians, one (whining) person can get $300,000.

And my third point is that whining doesn't make a country/society/civilization great. If we use our time trying to get one cent from each of 30 million people, we're not using our time to solve our real problems.


CBC Journalists may view this differently but at least their reports have been honest. From what I hear, most people suffering from these floods are managing, as best they can. They're not whining.

Edited by August1991
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Everyone blamed George W. Bush for the hurricane that hit New Orleans, I figured that we should blame Stephen Harper for these floods. If we can't blame politicians for misfortune, who can we blame?

Im sure Jerry Fartin Jibberish, Angus Throw-up-and-make-a-pile, Borg, Drea, etc etc will figure out a way to blame the indians :lol::P

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Everyone blamed George W. Bush for the hurricane that hit New Orleans, I figured that we should blame Stephen Harper for these floods. If we can't blame politicians for misfortune, who can we blame?

There is a difference it was proven that Bush cut money going to New Orleans, and it was handled all wrong. Harper did say when he went out there was that sometime down he road emergency wold be called for the people there. Is it an emergency if you see a house floating down the river???

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There is a difference it was proven that Bush cut money going to New Orleans, and it was handled all wrong. Harper did say when he went out there was that sometime down he road emergency wold be called for the people there. Is it an emergency if you see a house floating down the river???

Yeah ... because of his historical soft stance on climate change we can probably pin all natural disasters on him for the ...next decade or two .... thats the ticket

And for those people living in areas that flood anually he should have... forced them to move years ago when he was in opposition... thats the ticket ...gives a whole new meaning to tory times are tough times

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I am "shocked and appalled" about discussion of "financial aid". (Trust the CBC to mention that.) If you want a house by a river, you buy your ticket and you take your chances. I pay a monthly premium to my insurance company for my place and before setting the premium, an inspector came out to see the setup.

Interesting, in the Fraser Valley there must be close to a million people living on flood plain. Only option other than the top of a mountain or a house boat. It's the best farm land in the country and you can't get flood insurance. You can actually be quite aways from the river and still be effected. Guess the rest of the country should have let Montreal freeze in the dark during the ice storm. Should have kissed the whole city of Winnipeg off as well during its last flood.

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Interesting, in the Fraser Valley there must be close to a million people living on flood plain. Only option other than the top of a mountain or a house boat. It's the best farm land in the country and you can't get flood insurance. You can actually be quite aways from the river and still be effected. Guess the rest of the country should have let Montreal freeze in the dark during the ice storm. Should have kissed the whole city of Winnipeg off as well during its last flood.

Not the issue

We should come to the aid of those in need with emergency relief but to blame Harper for natural disasters and somehow claim that he has not done his job as PM is beyod the pale

Areas of NB affected by flood deserve support but they understand the perils of living in the flood plain and knew, with snowfalls this year, that flooding was inevitable

doesn't mean they don't deserve support but to claim this is somehow a Harper miscue is wrong

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Not the issue

We should come to the aid of those in need with emergency relief but to blame Harper for natural disasters and somehow claim that he has not done his job as PM is beyod the pale

Areas of NB affected by flood deserve support but they understand the perils of living in the flood plain and knew, with snowfalls this year, that flooding was inevitable

doesn't mean they don't deserve support but to claim this is somehow a Harper miscue is wrong

Who's blaming Harper for the disasters? My issue is that federal governments period have not been pro active in preventing them, they invariably just wait for the crap to hit the fan and then react. Often much more expensive as well as far more stressful for those involved.

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Who's blaming Harper for the disasters? My issue is that federal governments period have not been pro active in preventing them, they invariably just wait for the crap to hit the fan and then react. Often much more expensive as well as far more stressful for those involved.

see original post

"I am shocked and appalled by the indiffference and non-chalance of Stephen Harper and the Conservative government. People are losing their homes and Harper is doing nothing. The federal government knew about this potential catastrophe since, well, last winter when the snow fell. Did it do anything? No!

This shows not only incompetence but also Harper's true feelings about the poor, ordinary folk living along Canada's rivers and streams. If it were the rich and wealthy who suffered like this, you can be sure that Harper and his fat cats would take care of their own. "

How do you propose the federal government be more proactive in preventing floods?

NB Power (prov. Crowm Corp) manage dam system on Saint John River and provincial EMO manages response

Please explain

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see original post

"I am shocked and appalled by the indiffference and non-chalance of Stephen Harper and the Conservative government. People are losing their homes and Harper is doing nothing. The federal government knew about this potential catastrophe since, well, last winter when the snow fell. Did it do anything? No!

This shows not only incompetence but also Harper's true feelings about the poor, ordinary folk living along Canada's rivers and streams. If it were the rich and wealthy who suffered like this, you can be sure that Harper and his fat cats would take care of their own. "

How do you propose the federal government be more proactive in preventing floods?

NB Power (prov. Crowm Corp) manage dam system on Saint John River and provincial EMO manages response

Please explain

I did explain. In the case of the Fraser, the federal government did nothing to help prevent a potential disaster last spring. We lucked out by getting an unseasonably cool spring and summer which allowed the slow melt of a record snow pack without heavy rains. They stopped dredging the Fraser over ten years ago because of budget cuts and left reinforcing the dikes almost entirely up to the municipalities. Whether they should or not is a matter of opinion but the fact is, they don't.

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I did explain. In the case of the Fraser, the federal government did nothing to help prevent a potential disaster last spring. We lucked out by getting an unseasonably cool spring and summer which allowed the slow melt of a record snow pack without heavy rains. They stopped dredging the Fraser over ten years ago because of budget cuts and left reinforcing the dikes almost entirely up to the municipalities. Whether they should or not is a matter of opinion but the fact is, they don't.

Valid point on Fraser - I understand they cut funding in 2000 but not relevant to this thread IMHO

as it is about NB situation and there was no federally funded dredghing or dyking as far as I know

Original thread blames Harper unfairly when he responded quickly and toured sites with premier and said he would consider all requests for emergency assistance as they are presented by the province

Provincial EMO handles predictions and recommendations and feds act in a support role in disaster relief

see link below


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