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Spitzer descendant....

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What the hell. The New York State Attorney General is going down for involvement in a prostitution ring. WTF? This guy has done so much to clean up the financial markets. And surely it needed a lot of cleaning up.

So, is it time to legalize prostitution yet? Enquiring minds want to know....

Hoo haw. Finally a break in the case!

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The whole country is corrupt. But it is their choice because when you live amongst immorality and corruption it's going to pull everyone along with it. This ties in nicely with the Americans' acceptance of waterboarding and killing Iraqis for false justification and many other things which are happening in that country now.

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What the hell. The New York State Attorney General is going down for involvement in a prostitution ring.

Pretty surprising considering he busted a hooker ring and he expressed remorse and hand wringing at the plight of the women in the earlier case.

I can say for certain that there are a ton of lawyers stockbrokers and insurance people who will be raising a drink to good ol Eliot Spitzer , and laughing uproariously if this turns out to be true.

Talk about hypocrisy.

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The whole country is corrupt. But it is their choice because when you live amongst immorality and corruption it's going to pull everyone along with it. This ties in nicely with the Americans' acceptance of waterboarding and killing Iraqis for false justification and many other things which are happening in that country now.

Ha! It's so corrupt that our politicians actually get convicted and do jail time, while Canada's just get booted from the caucus. Mr. Black never new what hit him. :lol:

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Ha! It's so corrupt that our politicians actually get convicted and do jail time, while Canada's just get booted from the caucus. Mr. Black never new what hit him. :lol:

Oh yes, Conrad Black knew very well that he was had. And good for you for doing it. Another useless extreme rightie who we didn't want anyway after he decided to turn his back on his country. Look what it got him!

Now if you would just move on your war criminals Bush and Cheney we would have some confidence in you and your failing American system.

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The whole country is corrupt. But it is their choice because when you live amongst immorality and corruption it's going to pull everyone along with it. This ties in nicely with the Americans' acceptance of waterboarding and killing Iraqis for false justification and many other things which are happening in that country now.
Yes, America has a monopoly on corrupt politicians. Luckily for us, Canada hasn't ever had to worry about problems like that....cough....sponsorship. Please tell us "UShaditComing", that you're just an out of work actor, brushing up on your skills to play a sterotypical left-wing wacko, void of any grip on reality. That's what I'm hoping anyway. I'm not sure what's more scary. Terrorist extremists or enablers like you.
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What the hell. The New York State Attorney General is going down for involvement in a prostitution ring. WTF? This guy has done so much to clean up the financial markets. And surely it needed a lot of cleaning up.

He is New York's Governor (equivalent of Premier). He was Attorney General from 1998-2006.

Pretty surprising considering he busted a hooker ring and he expressed remorse and hand wringing at the plight of the women in the earlier case.

I can say for certain that there are a ton of lawyers stockbrokers and insurance people who will be raising a drink to good ol Eliot Spitzer , and laughing uproariously if this turns out to be true.

Talk about hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy is Spitzer's. He busted some prostitution rings and knows full well he was feeding organized crime with his proclivities. Arrogant little putz.

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...And no shady, the US doesn't have a monopoly on evil and I've held Canada to blame right from the beginning. It would be nice to see some more Americans mature enough to accept their guilt.

So where are all the "I hate Canada" too threads? But you're not the only poser...others have routinely included Canada in their tirades, but prefer to heap hate and scorn directly on the USA instead, as if, in Flip Wilson fashion, "the devil made us do it".

C'mon....show us the true power of smug condemnations by fragging your own country.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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What the hell. The New York State Attorney General is going down for involvement in a prostitution ring. WTF? This guy has done so much to clean up the financial markets. And surely it needed a lot of cleaning up.

So, is it time to legalize prostitution yet? Enquiring minds want to know....

Hoo haw. Finally a break in the case!

Why don't you start a thread on legalizing prostitution if you think it's needed?

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The hypocrisy is Spitzer's. He busted some prostitution rings and knows full well he was feeding organized crime with his proclivities. Arrogant little putz.
I think that's the issue.

I am of two minds on this.

First, I agree with Alan Dershowitz that a politician can do foolish things in his spare time and still be a good politician. Cavorting with a prostitute is not a hanging offence and frankly, I think the media should just ignore this. So what if Spitzer has a mistress. (Of course, I'm not holding my breath.)

Second, Spitzer made a point of prosecuting many people, destroying their reputation, because they in effect cavorted with prostitutes. He deserves to suffer from the same penalty he inflicted on others. He has been hoisted on his own petard.


The State is involved in far too many things in this modern world and it's an invitation to corruption, bribery and ultimately it will be ineffective. Spitzer was caught because he withdraw cash from an ATM. Why is the government monitoring such withdrawals?

Yet Spitzer, through his prosecutions, has contributed to this trend by imposing endless costs on businesses who now must record and report all types of communications and financial details. To what effect? The government regulators will be as hypocritical or dishonest as Spitzer himself.

Somebody, at some time in the future, is going to have dismantle all the regulatory constraints that various attorney-generals have added to American law books.

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Iowahawk Spitzer parody....


"Amid Charges of Spitzer Tryst, Embattled Prostitute "Kristen" Expected to Resign

New York - At a hastily scheduled morning press conference at the headquarters of New York's exclusive Emperors Club prostitution ring, high priced call girl "Kristen" announced that she would temporarily step aside in the wake of charges that she had engaged in sex with New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.

"I made a serious mistake and betrayed the trust of my co-workers, my many clients, and my pimps," she said in a quiet voice cracking with emotion. "I will be taking a leave of absence to earn their forgiveness, and redeem myself in the eyes of the entire expensive whore community.""

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...Somebody, at some time in the future, is going to have dismantle all the regulatory constraints that various attorney-generals have added to American law books.

Does this mean that money laundering, kickbacks, bribes, and slush funds are alive and well in Canada in the absence of such measures? Wait...don't answer that...we already know the answer.

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First, I agree with Alan Dershowitz that a politician can do foolish things in his spare time and still be a good politician. Cavorting with a prostitute is not a hanging offence and frankly, I think the media should just ignore this.

I agree with a commentator on CNN that it's not the sex angle so much, but that it opened Spitzer to the possibility of blackmail. A state Governor is not your garden variety politician.

There's also the fact that the hooker traveled from New York to Washington on Spitzer's instructions to provide sex. It's something to do about prostitution services and crossing state lines which amounts to a federal offence. Surely he must have been aware of that statute.

I wonder if he will soon find himself a bachelor?

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And no shady, the US doesn't have a monopoly on evil
Good, now if you could only recognize that the west also doesn't have a monopoly on evil. That the former government of Afghanistan was evil. That the former government of Iraq was evil. As is the current regime in Iran.
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Good, now if you could only recognize that the west also doesn't have a monopoly on evil. That the former government of Afghanistan was evil. That the former government of Iraq was evil. As is the current regime in Iran.

I have no difficulty accepting any of those concepts shady. Although I will clarify my position and say that Saddam was set up by the US to invade Kuwait and the US played a major role in creating provocations against Iraq by Kuwait. Not to mention that the US lied to the Saudis that there was a huge Iraqi buildup of troops and tanks on it's border preparing for invasion of Saudi. The US was discovered to be lying about that too and a Russian civilian satellite revealed the lie. It was all a bunch of US lies to justify war just as it was a bunch of lies to justify the current Iraq war. Therefore the war was not justified because of Iraq's degree of evilness which paled in comparison to US friends on the Arabian peninsula. IN fact Iraq was the most progressive Arab country at the time and accepted all religions as well as having women working alongside men in high paying professional careers.

People need to know that even though they may not like to hear it.

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I have no difficulty accepting any of those concepts shady. Although I will clarify my position and say that Saddam was set up by the US to invade Kuwait and the US played a major role in creating provocations against Iraq by Kuwait. Not to mention that the US lied to the Saudis that there was a huge Iraqi buildup of troops and tanks on it's border preparing for invasion of Saudi. The US was discovered to be lying about that too and a Russian civilian satellite revealed the lie. It was all a bunch of US lies to justify war just as it was a bunch of lies to justify the current Iraq war. Therefore the war was not justified because of Iraq's degree of evilness which paled in comparison to US friends on the Arabian peninsula. IN fact Iraq was the most progressive Arab country at the time and accepted all religions as well as having women working alongside men in high paying professional careers.

People need to know that even though they may not like to hear it.

That's a great story and could make a great novel. Fiction of course. You know, if you're going to make outrageous claims, the least you could do is back them up with some references. Again, great story though. I especially liked the part about the Russian satellite. Sounds like something right out of Clancy.


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IN fact Iraq was the most progressive Arab country at the time and accepted all religions as well as having women working alongside men in high paying professional careers.

Hmmm...then why did Canada bomb them? And support / enforce crippling sanctions reported to have killed 50,000 people per month. Why didn't you report the "facts" to the UN Security Council in 1990?

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That's a great story and could make a great novel. Fiction of course. You know, if you're going to make outrageous claims, the least you could do is back them up with some references. Again, great story though. I especially liked the part about the Russian satellite. Sounds like something right out of Clancy.


It's getting a little off topic but didn't you hear of the US satellite pictures showing the Iraqis with thousands of tanks and a hundred thousand troops on the Saudi border being proven to be a US lie. No wonder you think I'm telling stories! It was the St. Petersburg Times which blew the whistle on the Bush 1 lies that time. Ask some of your conservative friends on the correct method for discrediting it or ask me because I don't mind helping you out.

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I'm beginning to wonder why it is that the Dems go down for hetero crimes and the Repubs all go down for gay crimes. Or more appropriately instead of gay in Larry widestance's case, disgusting practices which he was very instrumental in campaigning against!

And then of course the Repub Christians are the ones who get caught for the gay crimes while speaking out adamantly against gays!

The whole bloody country is corrupt it seems when people like Fartwell and Robertson blame gays for hurricanes!

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It's getting a little off topic but didn't you hear of the US satellite pictures showing the Iraqis with thousands of tanks and a hundred thousand troops on the Saudi border being proven to be a US lie. No wonder you think I'm telling stories! It was the St. Petersburg Times which blew the whistle on the Bush 1 lies that time. Ask some of your conservative friends on the correct method for discrediting it or ask me because I don't mind helping you out.
Like I said, provide links to back up your claims.
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Like I said, provide links to back up your claims.

Oh come on now shady, everyone who argues the Iraq wars knows that story. I can't be looking up stuff as simple as that because you can't follow with your finger. Try to find it yourself and if you are honesty incapable of that simple task then ask again and I will help you out again.

Or ask jbg because he will obviously know but don't ask bush/cheney cause he's as slow as you on these issues.

Edited by UShaditComing
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Oh come on now shady, everyone who argues the Iraq wars knows that story. I can't be looking up stuff as simple as that because you can't follow with your finger. Try to find it yourself and if you are honesty incapable of that simple task then ask again and I will help you out again.

Or ask jbg because he will obviously know but don't ask bush/cheney cause he's as slow as you on these issues.

That's what someone who know's they're lying says. You can't provide links because you know you're wrong. Links or you're lying. It's your choice.
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