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Evangelicals and Witches in Africa


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I deleted Kengs garbage...

Hey you so easily figured out who I meant when I said we had one fundy on the board. How did you know I meant you?

I may have meant someone else entirely as I did not name who I thought was the fundy, scotty mentioned you by name, I didn't.

But a dog always knows it's own stink I suppose. :lol:

Edited by Drea
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Fundies ARE the same everywhere. I think some of you christians are forgeting about "the crusades", the Salem witch trials, the spanish inquisition, residential schools, and all the priests that try to diddle little boys while the vatican covers for them. Those are only a few incidents, the tip of the iceberg so to speak. I have no use for fundamentalists, christion or muslim. Nobody KNOWS they are right, so forcing your views on others is immoral and a type of assault in my opinion.

I consider myself a Christian, but that does not stop me from aknowleding all the evil that has been committed in the name of my religion. Fundamentalists are by definition closed minded, and not swayed by decency and common sense. All you "so called" christians should re-read the old testament before spouting off about how islamic religion glorifies violence, and treats women as lesser beings.

I've read the entire bible cover to cover several times, and let me tell you I think the old testament is a disgusting, violent piece of crap, and in no way superior to the koran.

Men could have multiple wives, but women were to be stoned to death for adultery? Sounds kinda talibanish to me. I could list hundreds of examples like that from the bible, but the fundies would just ignore it, and continue to claim superiority and self-righteousness anyway so what is the point?

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. Fundamentalists are by definition closed minded, and not swayed by decency and common sense.

Really? By definition? I assume you will have no problem finding a dictionary that supports your narrow minded nonsence...

I eagerly await the link.

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Fundies ARE the same everywhere. I think some of you christians are forgeting about "the crusades", the Salem witch trials, the spanish inquisition, residential schools, and all the priests that try to diddle little boys while the vatican covers for them. Those are only a few incidents, the tip of the iceberg so to speak. I have no use for fundamentalists, christion or muslim. Nobody KNOWS they are right, so forcing your views on others is immoral and a type of assault in my opinion.

Umm... "fundamentalist" when ascribed to Christianity usually mean Protestants who follow the New Testament "literally". If you've ever cared to read the New Testament, you'll notice that there is not much in there that can be construed as bad; there are perhaps a few practices that are no longer acceptable in the opinion of secular society (in itself inherantly flawed) but overall, it presents a peaceful, positive message of hope. One can only wonder what type of person as bad...

Edited by kengs333
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Well, this is downright sickening, and we have those crazy Christians to thank for it!! Wooo hooo!!

Children are targets of Nigerian witch hunt


The article is rather long, and you may need to pick your jaw up off the floor a few times - but well worth the read.

Fundies are quite simply: NUTS

Sickening... just sickening.

I will now wait for the xtians to come on here and defend this sort of behaviour on the parts of these so called holy men and women.

I am a Jew, not a Christian. What these "missionaries" are doing is not Christianity any more than the sale of indulgences back in the Middle Ages by the priesthood was.

I have often pointed out that religion does not always govern how people behave. The violence that is now ascribed to "Islam" was widely practiced by the non-Hebrew tribes in the Middle East. Islam is simply a monotheistic veneer for such savagery. In the case of Nigeria I strongly suspect that idolatrous customs are bubbling up to the surface through people who profess to be "Christian" but have no idea what the term means.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this is downright sickening, and we have those crazy Christians to thank for it!! Wooo hooo!!

Children are targets of Nigerian witch hunt


The article is rather long, and you may need to pick your jaw up off the floor a few times - but well worth the read.

Fundies are quite simply: NUTS

Sickening... just sickening.

I will now wait for the xtians to come on here and defend this sort of behaviour on the parts of these so called holy men and women.

Frikkin' crazy.

Oh now wait now, is this the same Buffy who was waxing poetic about how she supports Ron Paul?

Ron Paul. Remember him Buffy. Here let me refresh your memory as you play the role of Christian critic;

lets go for example to a "Christian" web-site; http://www.christianityboard.com/ron-paul-...t4355.html?amp; and see what they say about Ron Paul, the person you claim to strongly support;

"Ron Paul has been fighting for the right to life from the beginning of his public career. Dr. Paul is rock-solid on pro-life. After all, he has helped over 4,000 women deliver their babies into the world in his obstetrics practice in Lake Jackson, Texas. He proposed the "Sanctity of Life Act of 2005" (and 2007), which would require that "human life shall be deemed to exist from conception, without regard to race, sex, age, health, defect, or condition of dependency." Has he recently discovered these pro-life convictions? Not at all. Congressman Paul introduced the Human Life Amendment in Congress in his very first term of Congress, a couple of years after Roe v. Wade was first handed down."

"Ron Paul's priorities are right with marriage. He and his wife, Carol, have been married for more than fifty years. He believes marriage should be between a man and a woman and defends that principle with his vote, where and when he has the Constitutional authority to do so. For example, Dr. Paul strongly supports the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Candidly, though, Ron Paul does not believe (and neither do I) that the U.S. Government needs to be defining that which God has already defined in His Word."

"You see, Ron Paul is actually calling on us pastors and Christians to stop seeing the federal government as one "in whom we live and move and have our being." Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord, not the federal government. Have we not, in a material way, set up the federal government as our functional Lord and Savior? When we look to the federal government to solve our moral and spiritual problems, that is exactly what we are doing."

"Ron Paul lives his Christian faith and takes his oath to the Constitution seriously. What more could we ask for in a Presidential candidate?"

How about this web-site Buffy on Ronnie Paul's Christian views;


You can't have it both ways Ms. Buffy. You want to play the role of leftist idealist decrying Christian racism, then explain why in the same breath you support Ron Paul.

Or do you conveniently ignore Christian extremists as long as they are anti-Israel. Is that the only criteria you look for.

As for the above witch hunt you describe, there has been in Nigeria a clash between Muslims and Christians since the inception of the nation. Your attempt once again to take a complex issue and try turn it into bad guy v.s. good guy and create a bad guy misses the point and that is fundemantalism of ANY kind can be divisive-the very same fundamentalism you engage in to criticize what you think are the "bad guys" in this equation.

Bad Christians um no wait Ron Paul revolution. Oopsy can we say inconsistent.

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Bad Christians um no wait Ron Paul revolution. Oopsy can we say inconsistent.

hmmm, a ron paul rant?

but what does this have to do with the subject thread

But an exploitative situation has now grown into something much more sinister as preachers are turning their attentions to children - naming them as witches. In a maddened state of terror, parents and whole villages turn on the child. They are burnt, poisoned, slashed, chained to trees, buried alive or simply beaten and chased off into the bush.

Some parents scrape together sums needed to pay for a deliverance - sometimes as much as three or four months' salary for the average working man - although the pastor will explain that the witch might return and a second deliverance will be needed. Even if the parent wants to keep the child, their neighbours may attack it in the street.

This is not just a few cases. This is becoming commonplace. In Esit Eket, up a nameless, puddled-and-potholed path is a concrete shack stuffed to its fetid rafters with roughly made bunk beds. Here, three to a bed like battery chickens, sleep victims of the besuited Christian pastors and their hours-long, late-night services. Ostracised and abandoned, these are the children a whole community believes fervently are witches.

well it seems, ron paul aside, like all religions there are bad and good.

This case the evangelicals? Bad, downright evil, intolerant,manipulative, taking advantage, and extorting etc.,

as for Fundamentalism in all religions, bah!!!!


"embattled forms of spirituality, which have emerged as a response to a perceived crisis" - namely the fear that modernity will erode or even eradicate their faith and morality.

the most conservative and religiously intolerant version of any faith.

this bunch is living up to there label quite nicely!

Edited by kuzadd
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Why do secular humanists hold Christians up to a standard they often can't even live up to themselves?

Isn't that why people become athiests? I mean, from some people I know, what comes across is that they know they can't live up to God's standard of perfection but don't want God harassing them about it.

A Christian counter argument would be that they know they can't live up to a super-human standard, and that is the precise reason someone becomes a Christian (assuming I understand Christian doctrine correctly).

Either way, just because someone claims to be a Christian (or doctor, or lawyer, or brain surgeon, or king of a foreign nation) doesn't mean he is one.

I think Christ himself said when he was on earth that "wisdom is known by her children." (Sorry, don't know scripture well enough to give you an exact reference.) If someone's actions (whether in Canada or Africa) are not espoused by the Bible (or the Koran or the Torah), I would seriously question whether they are actually Christian/ Muslim/Jewish.

Ultimately, I would argue that someone who is outside any one of those three faiths is not in a moral position to judge those who are followers of Allah, Jesus or the G-d of the Jews.

Neither can youlump fundamentalist Christians in with fundamentalist Muslims, since they both believe different things. The only similarity is the word "fundamentalism" being used by someone outside either faith. It's like calling a frog a leaf because both are fundamentally green. It's like saying Christians, Jews, Muslims and Athiests are all the same in their beliefs because fundamentally, they all think they are right. It's philisophical/political nonsense.

Edited by james rahn
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blah blah blah... blah buffy, blahhhhh spit, spatter, rant blah blah...


Bad Christians um no wait Ron Paul revolution. Oopsy can we say inconsistent.

What the heck does this have to do with a group of so-called christians abusing thier power and subjecting children to really cruel and outright sickening punishments - all the while getting nice and rich?

Oh - it's a trolling post I see! Keep the Dr. Paul comments in the Dr. Paul thread Rue - or did you forget where you were during your fitful and furious ?

As far as these folks - who are calling themselves Christians - how do you feel? Not a word about that - or in your case as always a whole whack of words (blah blah blah... spit fume roar!).

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What the heck does this have to do with a group of so-called christians abusing thier power and subjecting children to really cruel and outright sickening punishments - all the while getting nice and rich?

Oh - it's a trolling post I see! Keep the Dr. Paul comments in the Dr. Paul thread Rue - or did you forget where you were during your fitful and furious ?

As far as these folks - who are calling themselves Christians - how do you feel? Not a word about that - or in your case as always a whole whack of words (blah blah blah... spit fume roar!).

The point was I get confused as to where you stand on issues because they appear inconsistent and sorry I do not read your posts in isolation appreciating your comment on trolling. My intent was not to troll and you are right to call me out on that but to make the point that if you want me to criticize all Christians because of these fools, then how is it you expect such a link but no link between you and your supporting Ron Paul? Is it not just as unfair Buffy? That was my point.

So you found some people who claim they are Christians acting like Jackasses. Yah I know quite a few lol. Yer point? Thanks I am not about to criticize Christianity as a religion becuase of people like this who exploit it for their own agendas. At least I am consistent Buffy. Howz about you?

I challenge this the same way I did when you presented the story about those ultra-orthodox Jews spitting at Muslisms. Not because of what you reported, but because I believe pointing out peoples' idiocy doesn't make their religion bad, just them idiots.

I had this same debate with JBG many times. Its an honest difference in opinion as to how to discuss idiots. If it came across as me saying you are a hippocrate no I did not mean that, I meant its simpy not fair to judge people with generalities otherwise does that not mean I can assume since you support Ron Paul....that is all I meant.

They are idiots. Period. Humans use all religions to be idiots. So? Nah I do not feel like being morally self-righteous and smug in regards to these people. Thanks. Got enough of my own imperfections to work on.

psst-Hilary was really picking on Bam Bam yesterday sheesh I say

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why do secular humanists hold Christians up to a standard they often can't even live up to themselves?

Something I wonder too, and why it seems to be open season on Christians who for the most part don't come close to the violence and atrocities committed by the radical Muslims. Acts seemingly ignored by the Chrisophobes.

What is an xtian - it seems to me that it is a third party slur not allowed on here...

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Something I wonder too, and why it seems to be open season on Christians who for the most part don't come close to the violence and atrocities committed by the radical Muslims. Acts seemingly ignored by the Chrisophobes.

Seems a history lesson is due for you. No religion has the corner of the market on cruelty and violence.

What is an xtian - it seems to me that it is a third party slur not allowed on here...

Short form, not insulting at all.

However: Please adjust your shorts. The discomfort you are experiencing is caused by Grits. sure seems rather insulting to Liberals, known as 'Grits'... :P

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