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Conservative attack ads

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and leave out the real reason they didn't vote for a certain bill!

And what's the "real" reason? Why is it that for a speeding ticket, there's a minimum amount I'll have to pay, but if I rape a 5 year old, there isn't a minimum sentence I have to serve. :blink:

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This ad is offensive in political nature, implying that the Bloc would allow this man to abuse children, which is utterly ludicrous.

The problem with the Tories is that they frequently underestimate the intelligence of Canadians... perhaps because of their constituency.

Hear hear

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Sentencing is subject to maximums.

The Tories seem to distrust judges and juries completely. It seems they want a one size fits all punishment no matter the cost, no matter the details of the crime.

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Ever see the tv attack ad that left the viewer looking into the barrel of a gun?Care to guess which party was responsible for that ad?

And therefore the Tories should run ads like this as well?

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Editorial in Montreal Gazette:


This ad is a shameful effort to smear an opposing party. There's plenty wrong with the Bloc's view of the world, but Bloc MPs are not evil, not even indifferent to child safety.

The Conservatives do things like this and then complain that the Commons atmosphere is poisoned. What's wrong with them?

Harper continues with the behaviour that can only be described as self destructive. It doesn't get him closer to a majority and reinforces views that he would rather attack than govern.

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Ottawa — From Friday's Globe and Mail Last updated on Thursday, Jul. 02, 2009 07:22PM EDT

A pervert in a plaid shirt is luring a child in a park, but the Bloc Québécois will not do anything to stop him, the Conservative Party says in a new round of attack ads.

The message, which was sent at taxpayers' expense in every single Bloc riding, features a blurry picture of a small boy leaving a park with an older man. The two are walking hand-in-hand, and a nearby kiddy swing is empty.

“Your Bloc MP has voted against the protection of children,” the tag line states.

I've asked this question a lot since the coming of Harper, "how low can they go?"

It seems there is just no bottom for these guys. And paid for by the kindly generous taxpayers of Canada because we have no better place to put our money.

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Just like in the Commons, were no one is held accountable for the lies or half lies, the Tories are pros at this. They say one thing about a party and leave out the real reason they didn't vote for a certain bill! When the NDP say the Tories can't be trusted he's right on!

It's amazing how you've figured that out. I think the Tories have developed a really unique and potentially effective tactic here in exaggerating the faililng sof the other parties, and in insinuating reasons for the other parties behaviours. I think they must have areal genius in their PR section because no other party has ever thought of tactics like that. I've been following politics for some thirty years now and never seen the Liberals ever suggest or insinuate or exaggerate anything about the other parties which wasn't 100% accurate.

Congratulations on the brain power there, sport.

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You are talking about lying, I'm talking about playing up to peoples emotions.

Yes, and all parties do both, and always have, and always will. So what is your point again?

In regards to this ad, I seriously doubt any normal person, be they left or right wing, or other, would support allowing child molesters to go free. The idea that this ad would change anyones opinion about the CPC (for the better at least) is stupid.

It will remind people that the BQ is very soft on crime, which is the purpose. Yes, it's emotional, but it's not untrue. The BQ is VERY soft on crime.

People do not go for the cheap shots like they used to.

Sure they do, all the time.

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Editorial in Montreal Gazette:


Harper continues with the behaviour that can only be described as self destructive. It doesn't get him closer to a majority and reinforces views that he would rather attack than govern.

If there is any group in Quebec more quick to get indignant about any perception of an attack on the separatists other than the separatists it's the Montreal Anglo community. That frightened cadre of shrinking appeasers has long lived by the rule that if they walk as small as possible and do their absolute level best to not offend the Francophone community, and to express their utter and undying respect and support for efforts at protecting French culture, maybe, just maybe, the Frenchies won't hate them as much. It's long been a failing tactic, of course, but that's beside the point. This group will NEVER and has NEVER voted for the zvonservaties anyway. They cling to the Liberals with desperation bordering on despair.

Harper does not care what they think or want or do or say. He's not aiming this ad at them.

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And you believe it will be a winning strategy for the Tories?

They have nothing to lose in going hard against the Bloc. I don't know what the effect of the ads will be. If anything, the ads are fostering a dialogue among Quebecers on what the justice system should do and should not do, and which party is on track with their values.

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They have nothing to lose in going hard against the Bloc. I don't know what the effect of the ads will be. If anything, the ads are fostering a dialogue among Quebecers on what the justice system should do and should not do, and which party is on track with their values.

The dialogue seems to be how out of control Harper is.

As for nothing to lose: Harper has ten seats in Quebec. Those are important seats.

Edited by jdobbin
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If there is any group in Quebec more quick to get indignant about any perception of an attack on the separatists other than the separatists it's the Montreal Anglo community. That frightened cadre of shrinking appeasers has long lived by the rule that if they walk as small as possible and do their absolute level best to not offend the Francophone community, and to express their utter and undying respect and support for efforts at protecting French culture, maybe, just maybe, the Frenchies won't hate them as much. It's long been a failing tactic, of course, but that's beside the point. This group will NEVER and has NEVER voted for the zvonservaties anyway. They cling to the Liberals with desperation bordering on despair.

Harper does not care what they think or want or do or say. He's not aiming this ad at them.

Well he did a good job peeving off the Martimes, how many seats did Harper get there?

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Stop being so obtuse. The message was clear in the picture. What sort of crime do you think was taking place in the picture?

I think you are going to find that that Quebecer are not going to be looking kindly on these pedophile accusations.

Obtuse? I would say that is what you are being since you are putting words in other's mouths.

No one has accused anyone of being a pedophile those are you words, very obtuse words at that.

Will you stop with your false accusations?

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Harper does not care what they think or want or do or say. He's not aiming this ad at them.

It is hard to see where he is aiming his ad. It seems hard to believe that it will appeal in great numbers in any part of the province.

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Your dialogue seems out of control on this dobbin.

Don't know what you are talking about. You think this is going to be a winning formula for support in Quebec?

Have any of the negative ads put Harper out front?

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Seems much of the media has gotten the message. Why haven't you? The accusation is that the BQ are soft on pedophiles.

That is the media sensationalizing, and it is no tthe accuation, and you know it, it is about the BQ being soft on crime its says as much on the flyer, but why would listen to reason, you just listen to your liberal handlers.

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That is the media sensationalizing, and it is no tthe accuation, and you know it, it is about the BQ being soft on crime its says as much on the flyer, but why would listen to reason, you just listen to your liberal handlers.

It is the accusation and you know it. You just listen to your Tory handlers.

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That is the media sensationalizing, and it is no tthe accuation, and you know it, it is about the BQ being soft on crime its says as much on the flyer, but why would listen to reason, you just listen to your liberal handlers.

Do you really believe that you can get away with blaming the media? Is that where Harper thinks he can find or manipulate cover for this?

If that ad is representative of their position on the subject then they, the Conservatives, should be shooting and not ducking. Unless they seem to have change their mind about it.

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The dialogue seems to be how out of control Harper is.

You mean they're not saying Harper's a sociopath?

As for nothing to lose: Harper has ten seats in Quebec. Those are important seats.

Some of those seats are safe Tory seats. The ad highlighting how the Bloc voted on minimum sentencing is designed to get the Tory message out to those who don't normally vote for them. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Do you really believe that you can get away with blaming the media? Is that where Harper thinks he can find or manipulate cover for this?

If that ad is representative of their position on the subject then they, the Conservatives, should be shooting and not ducking. Unless they seem to have change their mind about it.

Since when do I speak for Harper?

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