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Everything posted by newbie

  1. Who cares about him losing credibility with you.You're a die hard Liberal,who would vote for Kyoto the dog if he was a Liberal leader. Lost credibility with Canadians, I think not. That's why Harper and the CPC popularity is going up. Dion will have the shortest term ever as a Liberal leader. The Liberals will pay dearly for their mistake in picking this "loser" in the next election, and in turn will have to wait 5 years before they can try it again. They had a better choice and blew it. Actually your second first point is incorrect. You see, unlike most CPCer's I pick and choose. Your reference to my voting for a dog is classic Harperish belittling. Bravo! I guess we have to wait and see about the future. Also unlike the CPCer's I will give Dion a chance.
  2. Do you not think for one moment if the Roswell UFO incident had any legitimacy, that the U.S. military would be first to capitalize on a new form of energy if one existed? So far I have not heard of any compelling evidence and the U.S military is still using that same old expensive rocket technology. Mr. Hellyer is a outright fool for making such an absurd statement, with no proof or evidence whatsoever. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roswell_UFO_incident Maybe you'd like to comment on Area 51, where there are still signs saying trespassers could be shot. The cold war is over and this area still isn't even on US maps. Why?
  3. Well said. Harper's promise of "cleaning up the Governent" has died a quick death. He refuses to answer the bulk of questions put to him in Question Period, and instead reverts to bashing the entire Liberal party with cheap shot come-backs. His school yard bullying tactics as of late clearly indicate that he enjoys the journey down the low road. For those reasons he lost all credibility with me, and quite possibly with a great deal of Canadians.
  4. Actually, we put in a picture that was 21 years old. Dad was in the prime of his life then and he was extremely recognizable to all who knew him.
  5. I don't think my deceased father would have wanted his emaciated cancer picture to go in his obit.
  6. I think there is a bigger picture here. Gore appears to be offsetting his usage with more energy efficient products, which is probably more than the rest of us. He does what he can to reduce it and offset the impact. I think credit should be given where credit is due. You can't fault the man for the work he's doing to bring awareness about global climate change. It's real, and it's happening. If we all did a small part to curb our usage of energy, it would really make a difference in the larger scheme of things.
  7. Stevoh, you're right. Gore could be living in a cabin with no electricity and those on the right would still crucify him. Their hatred knows no bounds.
  8. Not really, you have to practice what you preach if you want people to take you seriously. Typical right response. Here's the other side of the coin from Gore's spokesman via AP: ...Gore) purchases enough "green power" renewable energy sources such as solar wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent of his electricity costs. Sometimes when people don't like the message, in this case that global warming is real, it's convenient to attack the messenger." Gore participates in a utility program that sells blocks of "green power" for an extra $4.00 a month. Gore purchases 108 such blocks every month, covereing 16,200 kilowatt hours and helping subsidize renewable enery sources...The Gore home in Nashville is under renovation to add solar panels..."
  9. And of course the CPC members were not. Yeah, right........
  10. When it was it publicly known that he was a Holocaust denier? Well, it said so in the Calgary sun so it must be true
  11. Not really, you have to practice what you preach if you want people to take you seriously. Tell that to Harper.
  12. Like I said on another thread marcinmoka, Harper's new government is setting the tone. I feel it will only get worse.
  13. All I have to say is welcome to the new tone of the "new" government.
  14. I look forward to next week's redundant denial thread that will call someone a "Stalinvironmentalist" That statement makes total sense to me. What about it bothers you?
  15. Believe what you will River. I'll go along with Truman on this one.
  16. How many Japanese women and children would have died in the invasion of the mainland? How many would have died from disease and starvation as a result of a blockade lasting months if not years?The Japanese were not ready to surrender - dropping the bomb on Hiroshima minimized casualties on both sides and led to a quick end of the war. I still maintain they should have targeted only military installations. There was no need to kill tens of thousands of innocents, regardless of later speculation.
  17. I don't think so. At least not where civilians would be killed. Even Truman didn't want that. They had tested the bomb in New Mexico so they knew of its potential. It was a terrible plight put on innocent women and children.
  18. Uh, don't think so: "Our view is there's nothing in here that changes what we know today," said a senior intelligence official, who would discuss the program only on condition of anonymity because the director of national intelligence, John D. Negroponte, directed his staff to avoid public debates over the documents. "There is no smoking gun on W.M.D., Al Qaeda, those kinds of issues." link Plus there was many forgeries in with the mix to be cherry picked by the likes of Limbaugh et at. Nice try B. Max.
  19. Enjoy yourself with your little unfounded and bogus conspiracies. Not everyone who was against the U.S. in that time period was automatically linked to Russia.
  20. Oooh, newsmax. Wow, it must be factual then. Not.
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