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Everything posted by newbie

  1. Yeah, and I like the lie saying those troops died to protect America's freedom. What a crock! But parents and signifcant others can't bear the thought that their son/loved one died for nothing. After all it's how Bush sleeps at night.
  2. 62 years ago. While it was horrific, you must realize THAT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING RUSSIAN TODAY!!!!!!!!! правда что Я говорю но было моим выбором! Seems to me the bombs were dropped on Japan.
  3. Why not. If the U.S. can use them, what the hell.
  4. I agree. Any nation that practices state executions is largely uncivilized. Are you willing to include China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, N&S Korea, Japan, Jordan, Egypt, Singapore and about 75 others in this statement? http://web.amnesty.org/pages/deathpenalty-countries-eng Borg The word I would use is barbaric.
  5. Get over yourself! Iran has every right to go nuclear. And as far as morality is concerned one need only to look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And, of course, the totally immoral Bush/Cheney/Rumsfelt Iraq war.
  6. Gee, how will we know what happens until the U.S. pulls out? The U.S. has been wrong on just about everything else in Iraq. Why take their opinion on what may happen if they withdraw?
  7. First of all, you chose that life, good, bad or indifferent. Secondly, define "great"? Being in the military doesn't automatically earn one's livlihood as great in my books. I'd rank firemen and police at the top, given the likelihood of danger and dying on the job is there for their entire career.
  8. And a real legend in your own mind.
  9. Try to follow your own advice when communicating with those whom you disagree with.
  10. Check out John 2:14-16. Seems our Lord was some angry alright about folks using the temple for financial gain.
  11. And a huge reason why the death penalty, if instituted, will cost more than life in prison given all the appeals. Not much of a deterrant.
  12. Harper "dithers" again. He said today in Question Period that he'll respect Kyoto if/when it gets through the Sentate. He said though that there was no plan attached, thus rendering it meaningless.
  13. which leaves your rant null and void on this thread topic. Suzuki is a very passionate person which some mistake for anger and rudeness. But the content of what he has to say is extremely relevant in the context of global warming. Deny all you want Argus, but know you are now in the minority of world opinion and science on this issue.
  14. Kinda like Harper calling for an unwinable vote to get rid of same sex marriage.
  15. From what I've seen re question period, it seems like Harper still thinks he is in opposition.
  16. And did Clinton run negative ads during a non-election period? Don't think so.
  17. And Harper, when in opposition, denied global warming and would not question the Liberal party on its so-called lack of initiative re climate change. There is plenty of blame to go around here. But Harper is the one looking ridiculous and hypocritical with his sudden (poll driven) global warming conversion.
  18. Well, the repubs thought they'd regain the senate too in the midterms. Politics is strange, Dion case in point. I wouldn't rule out Obama though.
  19. Catchme, the right don't handle facts well when they don't fit into their little biases. When they resort to belittling others you know they are running on empty.
  20. Keep your eye on Obama, and for running mate either Clinton or Edwards.
  21. His futile attempts to quash same sex marriage was definitely an evangelical cause. And what other Canadian conservative leader has ever tossed around "God bless Canada" as a tag to speeches.
  22. I think they believe that blood *can't* be taken as food. And to what end does a parent have to accept treatment for a child? At all costs? Let me clear that up. JW's use Genesis 9:4, and Leviticus 17:11,12 as justification for not "eating" blood. They equate a transfusion with eating.
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