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Everything posted by newbie

  1. Fundamentalists Christians helped shoot a doctor in Winnipeg. A born again Christian (G.W.) invaded another country illegally and was responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of innocent people...people who would be safer now than before the deathly intrusion by this so-called "Christian."
  2. The Catholics are slowly dying out. The Bishops are too busy almagamating parishes and finding straight Priests.
  3. Don't forget who was burning witches a few centuries ago, kind of the time space where the cave dwelling muslims are now.
  4. Kinder and sexier. Oh yeah, I could go for Ann or is that Dan?? And how about these two
  5. Does anyone here really think that God cares about any of this crap. The 2nd free vote will win, just like the first one. Gays will marry and life will go on. No straight person here has said one thing that will happen to them that I know of on account of a gay marriage. Get over it folks and get on with your lives.
  6. Jesus, the leader of the Christian movement said NOTHING on this matter. Rumour has it He was also God which means...........
  7. Elton is 100% correct. It's only when we rid ourselves of religious doctrine that we begin to realize how limiting and arrogance religion really is. Sprituality though is a completely different matter.
  8. In regards to Fox in general, who couldn't use more of dope addict Rush Limbaugh and pervert Bill O'Lielly, spokemen for the self-righteous right.
  9. Just how many American troops are actually in Afghanistan now?
  10. Best you check the demographics re the election in 2004. Bush would not have won without the evangelical vote. The fact that some of them are shifting now shows you how bad Bush's policies have been. No it doesn't. It means they changed their mind. Which is the point of the article: The lefty CBC media BS that Bush's "base" is white evangelical christians is simply not true. Another CBC fabrication debunked. And changed their minds why? Gee, take your pick: worsening in Iraq or Repub scandals. In either case Bush was to blame for losing Congress.
  11. And we want to make sure those with short memories don't forget the corruption of the Liberals... Sheesh, here we go again. Names and dates please of any Liberal member of Parliament involved in corruption.
  12. Best you check the demographics re the election in 2004. Bush would not have won without the evangelical vote. The fact that some of them are shifting now shows you how bad Bush's policies have been.
  13. If you're going to attribute those points above to old Rummy, you also have to tag on the tens of thousands of (maybe 100's of thousands) deaths of innocents, and of course U.S. and allied deaths. You truly can have it both ways.
  14. All because they take a stand against Bush and the war. I thought it was a free country but under Bush it is apparently not.
  15. I think if you mean wrong in the sense of not being in accordance with what is morally right or good then that is definitely a judgmental call. I do not think homosexuality is bad and therefore requires no judgement on my part. Once again, I follow the laws of the land, and they dictate what is legal (wrong) or not. Otherwise, right and wrong are moral judgments. I have things I dislike and like but attach no religious morality to them. I don't believe in sin and only try and improve on a daily basis those things of my character that need improvement. I am on a spiritual path, not a religious one.
  16. It is wrong to steal according to the laws of the country I live in. I have no judgement about that. That is up to the lawmakers. Is is right? Because I would not do it doesn't mean I am judging. I am following the laws of the land. Do you see the difference? How do you know the man wasn't starving? How do you know anything about the man who steals? Is is stealing to feed a family for instance when it can be justified? That's up to the judges.
  17. Glad you cleared that up. I don't judge either as I believe we judge ourselves. Sin is man made, or if you prefer from a 2000 year+ ancient book. I adhere to laws of the land, but do not judge anyone. EDIT: That is the role of lawmakers and Caesar if you will.
  18. I don't know jefferiah. The meaning I get from the New Testatment is love and forgiveness. You seem to be steeped in judgement and I belieive Jesus had something to say about that too.
  19. So you approve of stoning persons for all the "sins" listed in Leviticus and Deuteronomy? You have to be consistent if you're going to pull that "the Bible says so" stuff. And again, Jesus didn't say ANYTHING about homosexuality.
  20. I think the argument for the Bible being the most copied, therefore it must be true, is a misnomer. It was messed with at the Council of Nicea, where Jesus became God essentially, and undergone countless translations from Aramaic to Hebrew to Greek to English by countless translaters and scribes. And we are to believe the "finished" project is the absolute and total word of God? I'll take the Greek classics in any form for their veracity over an over-translated book of tales and fables. And on the topic of Religious homophobia please understand Jesus said NOTHING on homosexuality, zip, nada. His message was love and forgiveness. Paul's words on this topic are his, not Jesus'. EDIT: Also not to be forgotten are the gnostic gospels which surprisingly do not appear in the Bible. Wonder why that is?link
  21. In the case I was privy to the Church deliberately withheld information (non-confessional) that was vital for rendering a judicial decision. Unless you've gone through this process you have no idea what goes on "behind the scenes."
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