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Status Updates posted by -1=e^ipi

  1. The 2C target has no basis. The 2C target has no basis. The 2C target has no scientific or economic basis. Why is it not concerning to most people that our 'leaders' are trying to meet an emission target that has no good basis?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. On Guard for Thee
    3. -1=e^ipi


      @ Reefer Madness - actually a pi C target wouldn't be that bad...

  2. Will the Paris attacks result in Marie Le Pen being the next president of France?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      @ Squid, then who will win? The socialists or the UMP?

    3. -1=e^ipi


      @ Squid, then who will win? The socialists or the UMP?

    4. bush_cheney2004
  3. Aboriginal men are killed at over twice the rate of aboriginal women, yet society only cares about murdered aboriginal women. Where are the inquires for murdered and missing aboriginal men? Sexist double standard.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      If society only cared about missing and murdered aboriginal women then we wouldn't be having a conversation about missing and murdered aboriginal women at all because there'd be no issue.

    3. -1=e^ipi


      @ Black Dog - that doesn't logically follow. Society caring about an issue doesn't imply society doesn't discuss it.

    4. -1=e^ipi


      @ Black Dog - that doesn't logically follow. Society caring about an issue doesn't imply society doesn't discuss it.

  4. The comment section of this article is very amusing. All hail the gynocentric CBC! http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/remembrance-day-women-war-1.3311108

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      Yes, I have made my position clear, but you keep misinterpreting it.

    3. kimmy
    4. Smoke


      It's so ironic that all of the butt-hurt over microaggressions is coming from the girl who is now ridiculing others. You need a "safe space" more than all the fragile SJW's; I'm not even kidding.

  5. People fear what they do not understand. The more I understand climate change, the less reason I see to have fear.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      @ The_Squid - indeed. Science it is all about trying to quantify what we don't know.

  6. CBC fails to understand why male suicide is so high. It's all a big mystery! http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/suicide-men-50s-causes-1.3263412

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The_Squid


      Research says that Big Guy is correct. Men don't seek help as often.

      Finally, given men’s general reluctance to seek help for suicide-related concerns,[7] and the stigma associated with mental health problems in general, it is no surprise that suicide among men is largely invisible.


    3. bush_cheney2004


      Men are far more effective at doing it.

  7. Wow, an MSM article on gamergate that isn't completely biased. I'm impressed. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34649047

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      So you give up? Good.

    3. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      He's some guy who yells on youtube and pretends to make games and hates feminists? What's your point?

    4. -1=e^ipi


      He was an example of someone who is popular in the movement who is neither right-wing or a non-gamer.

  8. I'm glad Putin is cleaning up the Western mess in Syria.

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Yep, muddying up the airspace with uncoordinated attacks against rebels to support Assad is a really good idea.

    2. -1=e^ipi


      Is it Putin's fault if the US doesn't want to coordinate with Russia?

  9. Carl Benjamin has given a very good definition of Social Justice Warrior:

  10. The first thing our birth right prime minister does is decide that he should determine who is in his cabinet based on sex as opposed to merit.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. overthere


      where is Sheila Copps when she is needed/ She could roll back the GST single handed.


  12. If Justin Trudeau's last name wasn't Trudeau, do you really think he would be most likely to become prime minster in a week? Some substitute drama teacher with zero policies? A vote for Justin Trudeau is a vote for birth right and a vote against meritocracy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smallc


      If my grandmother had wheels....

    3. Shady


      He'd still be teaching high school drama.

    4. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      The Liberals needed a big name if they were to have a chance and that's what they got. It's quite simple...and predictable really.

  13. Canada should not be allies with countries that kill apostates and gays. Our male leaders should not shake hands with men that refuse to shake hands with women.

  14. Supply management harms the poorest in society and is not of net benefit to Canada. Yet all the parties refuse to do what is best for the country. What is wrong with New Zealand milk?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      Having consistent standards with other developed countries like New Zealand would make sense though.

    3. -1=e^ipi


      Please show me evidence of all the horrible diseases people in New Zealand are getting if their milk is so unsafe? They have the same life expectancy as Canada.

    4. The_Squid


      I didn't say there was... I said I didn't know.

      My point was not for Canada to lower its standards in these trade deals, which we often do.

  15. Any global agreement on CO2 mitigation policy that does not involve a global pigouvian tax is not pareto efficient and therefore should not be accepted by any government. The pareto principle is a core moral principle that should not be violated, especially when the well being of 7 billion people is at stake.

    1. waldo


      did not realize that in "polluter pay", all polluters were equal!

    2. -1=e^ipi


      if all polluters are 'not equal' with regards to policy, then your policy isn't pareto efficient.

  16. I believe Quebec should have the right to self determination, but not a single individual. So where do you draw the line? A town? A city? A region consisting of a million people? Using empirical data, there might be a way of giving a moral basis for the minimum population size of geographically isolated people needed to justify right to self determination and right to separate if they wish to. Using happiness surveys, one can look at how people's happiness level depends on if they have th...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. waldo


      waldo ClarityAct: the "NDP clarification" is to suggest a 50%+1 result is just a threshold to begin a negotiation... not to sanction separation.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      We all get where the "odd number" is here. But seriously, could Quebec negotiate itself in a meaningful way to sovereign nation status following a referendum favoring separation? Not even close if you use internationally accepted criteria as outlined by the UN protocols. Without Canada they have no army and couldn't even deliver the mail.

    4. -1=e^ipi


      Smaller nations than Quebec exist. If New Zealand is capable of being a country, then so is Quebec. In any case, Quebecers have a right to self determination.

  17. Freedom of speech should be an election issue given the gross intolerance of diversity of opinions that goes on in university campuses and elsewhere.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      Threats and harassment aren't free speech.

    3. Argus


      What were the threats?

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Harper is trying, luckily we have the charter

  18. The Liberal Party of Canada is not liberal.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -1=e^ipi


      @ Moonlight Graham - Liberal doesn't mean left of center. The word liberal has meaning and has significant historical context. However, in North America it's meaning has been greatly distorted over the years. With respect to the liberal party, it has gradually been infiltrated by progressives because the progressives could not historically gain power alone.

    3. overthere


      The LPC will be anything you want them to be, all at the same time.

    4. -1=e^ipi


      Justin Trudeau is no more liberal than Tony Abbott.

  19. Australia has a new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. He supports mitigation against climate change, supports gay marriage, wants Australia to become a republic, and promises a government comitted to the principles of liberalism. Much better than Tony Abott, or any of the 4 people running for Prime Minister in our election in my opinion.

    1. -1=e^ipi


      "a thoroughly Liberal government, committed to freedom, the individual and the market"

      Too bad Canada doesn't have a liberal party.

    2. The_Squid
  20. The TPP will not just significantly boost Canada's trade with the Asia-Pacific region, but will also increase our security by strengthening our relations with our liberal-democratic allies in the Asia-Pacific region. Unfortunately, none of the parties are very pro-TPP, and none of them wish to get rid of supply-management.

    1. socialist


      Islamic State ISS reveals it has smuggled over 4,000 Islamic extremist gunmen into Europe, hidden among refugees.

    2. WIP


      I see someone's getting a cheque!

  21. The liberal party isn't liberal, it's progressive. Classic liberalism has long since died in Canada. Overall, our society doesn't value freedom of speech and advocates policies that disagree with egalitarianism and equal opportunity.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I was just asking about next week.

    3. socialist


      OGFT, you're lack of understanding astounds me.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      As does your flip flopping astound the rest of us.

  22. Saudi Arabia has higher emissions per capita that Canada, no environmental standards, no CO2 emission mitigation policies, funds wahabbism, and commits genocide against apostates and lgbt people. Why is it so much better to buy oil from them than oil from Alberta?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WIP


      doesn't this belong on the forum on a thread...like the one where I posted comment to this notion already?

    3. socialist


      Is this the Radio Nowhere?

    4. overthere


      "Why is it so much better to buy oil from them than oil from Alberta?"

      Because they are not led by Stephen Harper. That is all that matters.

  23. Ploting ln GDP per capita PPP vs military expenditure as a percentage of GDP for the developed G20 countries excluding the USA (the USA is an outlier) and performing a quadratic fit suggests that GDP per capita is optimized with military expenditure is ~ 1.6% of GDP. If you take into account the loss of consumption due to higher military expenditure, then consumption is optimized when military expenditure is ~1.35% of GDP. If you consider the geographic isolation of Canada, a 1% GDP military...

    1. -1=e^ipi


      expenditure level seems reasonable. I see no reason Canada should commit to the 2% military expenditure NATO target. This is pretty weak empirical evidence, though better than nothing. A cross-country regression might be a good way to take into account the positive externalities associated with military expenditure.

    2. -1=e^ipi


      expenditure level seems reasonable. I see no reason Canada should commit to the 2% military expenditure NATO target. This is pretty weak empirical evidence, though better than nothing. A cross-country regression might be a good way to take into account the positive externalities associated with military expenditure.

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