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B. Max

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Everything posted by B. Max

  1. Actually, he won again in 2004. No lawsuit required. By an even bigger margin if I remember correctly. The radical left have been foaming at the mouth ever since.
  2. Does Al Gore really believe in catastrophic global warming? Since Al Gore was offered the opportunity (in person) to facilitate serious debate on the underlying science of global climate change, 1 year, 6 months, 1 week, 3 days, 7 hours, 30 minutes, and 46 seconds have elapsed. Petition online: Al Gore, Debate Global Warming Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth” -- Gore’s home uses more than 20 times the national average (Tennessee Center for Policy Research) http://www.petitiononline.com/agdgw/petition.html
  3. Amazing what you can do with 15 second clips, and of course the Libby thing turned out to be a witch hunt.
  4. Maybe an attack would keep Irans nose out of Iraq. With a couple of carrier fleets parked in the gulf Iran would be wise to take their lumps and like it. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/7/...0257.shtml?s=ic
  5. What the ice tells us. It tells us we have found Mann's missing medieval warm period and little ice age. We already knew, from history, that the edges of Greenland were so warm 1,000 years ago as to be farmed by early Viking settlers; then became so cold in the "little ice age" a couple of centuries later as to wipe out that culture; then fluctuated again. This was all before modern technology had managed to explode its first steam boiler. http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/column...9e-779dfbaa572b
  6. The debate is not about consensus just as consensus is not science. Nor is there any scientific proof of man made global warming or its evil twin man made climate change. There is however a consistent effort to manufacture such proof. Still peddled to this day as a center piece for man made global warming, it has been debunked over and over as outright fraud. http://www.tcsdaily.com/article.aspx?id=062806F
  7. name='Mad_Michael' date='Jul 8 2007, 12:00 PM' post='235543'] . It's not hard to prove that Gore is an idiot when he himself is so cooperative. It's also more proof that man made global is based on junk science, misleading information, and outright lies.
  8. What if the army comes the conclusion we are already on the slippery slope and removes the government.
  9. What a great blog! Thanks. You're most welcome.
  10. Another one of Gore's ballons shot down the minute it left the ground. It's not much wonder he won't debate anyone. He be laughed right out of the debate. http://www.georgereisman.com/blog/
  11. [quote name= Hansen was worried about the US historical temperature records so he altered the data sets in order to change the graph that a lot of people have seen. Climate Audit I think exposed James Hansens altering data sets. Yes climate audit did expose him. But I was wondering if anyone had actually confront Hansen about it.
  12. What kind of gobbledygook is that. Nothing is settled. Although the alarmist are sure in hurry to claim that it is. Before to many people find out the truth. I think that to many already know the truth, and telling ever more scarier tales of gloom and doom and ever larger lies only serves to wake more people up to what is really going on. It also makes it easier to expose the lies for the fabrications that they are. http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2Scien...V3/N13/EDIT.jsp
  13. Tell that to George Bush. No I'm telling it to you.
  14. I didn't know that was you, or that it is still going on. Has anyone ever confronted Hansen and his changing of the data sets for the US historical temperature records which substantually altered this graph, that you are aware of. http://www.john-daly.com/usa-1999.gif
  15. Water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas. Not CO2.
  16. name='stevoh' date='Jul 3 2007, 01:49 PM' post='234199'] The point is of no importance because there are no other resources that work. Well if you can come up with the trillions of dollars needed to cover all the losses first. Then go for it. If you can't you will have war. Nobody is going to lay down die for you. Who do you think the oil companies are. When we use oil we: What customer. Most of them closed their doors and layed everybody off when the oil companies shut down. The farmers, miners, and loggers did also. Along with the petro chemical companies and their suppliers. It's all interconnected. Unless you have seen what it takes to find oil, get it to the refinery and then to market you don't know what your talking about. The transportation industry shut down because their was no fuel, but it didn't matter because there was nothing to transport. Those jobs wouldn't even be close to one an another. It's all apples and oranges. Exxon alone has 80 some thousand employees. That is a drop in the bucket compared to all the business and people who work indrectly for Exxon. Exxon or any oil company for that matter hire out all of their work. The 80 some thousand that work for Exxon are almost entirely all managers. For the most part there are no other comparable sources and without the energy industry there is nothing else. Of the four core industries the energy industry is probably the most important.
  17. No that's not what makes a Marxist. The climate is always changing, but you can't plan for something when you don't know what change there may or may not be. No matter what changes, or if there are no changes. Wrecking the econmy is not a good plan.
  18. You mean there won't be any Republicans besides John McCain? ...gee...I thought we had plenty to go around. Senator McCain's campaign is not "over". His campaign may not be finished but I would say he is. He came down on the wrong side of shamigration. Bush's pardon for Libby was proper but that won't increase his standing with the base. That's looked upon as something that should have been done anyway. I heard that the backlash against the amnesty bill was so large that it took down the phone system on the hill. Congresses approval rating is lower than Bushes and Harry Ried is at 19% with Pelosi in the low thirty's.
  19. I'll tell you want else is not complicated. Both the Islamic butchers and our left believe each other are useful idiots.
  20. CO2 continues to increase, temperature continues to decrease. http://gustofhotair.blogspot.com/2007/04/c...cs-numbers.html
  21. 'speaker' date='Jul 2 2007, 11:39 AM' post='233859'] All perfectly normal weather the likes of which is not unusual to the planet. I'll do little fear mongering for you my self. They claim the north pole used to be kinda tropical. I expect you'll have lots of warning though, the banana trees will be popping up all over your lawn and then you can go hide under your bed assuming you're not already.
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