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B. Max

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Everything posted by B. Max

  1. I don't know why the guessing game. They themselves have stated many times they intend on making the entire world a muslum world. What else do we need to know. After that does it even matter why, how much, or if they hate us.
  2. Your core values are pretty screwed. Yeah well, maybe I'll do a couple of hail Gandhi's for atonement.
  3. name='speaker' date='Jul 2 2007, 12:01 AM' post='233782'] [ name=B. Max' post='233722' date='Jul 1 2007, 02:42 PM] What subsidise. Like any business they right off costs. We need them because they are one of the core industries without which they would be very little else. Your air tight houses are nothing but germ factories. There aren't many canadians who want to be hauled around by government on their human cattle liners. The majority of people prefer there freedom to the tyranny of being told where and when and how they can go. Nor do they want someone telling them how much horse power they can have. I don't see any wast. Except for the non productive. Who produce nothing of any real value that anyone would want and sit around like demi gods and expect everything for nothing while they stick their nose in other peoples business.
  4. Yeah and guess who they will want to put the tap on for an aid package. Same old same old.
  5. It was likely taxes that made them poor.
  6. name='speaker' date='Jul 1 2007, 04:40 PM' post='233712'] Energy is already conserved. It is used when needed. Telling people how they are not going to use energy or how much they can use or when they can use it or telling them they must be jambed into some car that they don't fit into and don't want is tyranny. Simply because it's not true.
  7. It could be left in the pockets of the people it was stolen from in the first place. Another tax and spend social program won't make it any less immoral or close any poverty gap.
  8. All original wealth comes from the ground and there are only four core industries that produce all of the countries original wealth. Yours is a Marxist receipe for tyranny and poverty.
  9. It's called appeasement. In this case it is appeasement of an incompatible culture. Although be it late, I think most people are waking up to that reality. It's almost funny to see some of the PC responses of the Multi cults to something that seeks to destroy all other cultures around it.
  10. The UN and Gore are equally matched in credibility. Does Al Gore really believe in catastrophic global warming? Since Al Gore was offered the opportunity (in person) to facilitate serious debate on the underlying science of global climate change, 1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 11 hours, 8 minutes, and 43 seconds have elapsed.
  11. So why won't Gore debate anyone who really knows something about climate. I think the answer is quite clear. Gore knows man global warming is a scam. http://newsbusters.org/node/13833
  12. I would suggest everyone is not in favor of that, but if you five hundred trillion dollars that might be a start.
  13. I had one of those daisy winchesters too. Bought my first real gun when I was fifteen. A twenty-two single shot. Mailed a fifteen dollar money order or some such amount away to Eaton's and they sent me back back the gun I ordered, and I still have it. Although I've not fired it in about twenty years.
  14. and just because it hasn't in the past doesn't mean it will in the future, nor is there any evidence it is now.
  15. Only someone who doesn't know what they are talking about will cough.
  16. Mans contribution to C02 is 0.117% . Total CO2 is 3.618%, of which 3.502% is natural. If CO2. has doubled then it is natural. 95.000% of all green house gases is water vapor. CO2 is a tiny player let alone mans contribution.
  17. The estimates range all the way from 1500 to as many as 50'000. They are all estimates because nobody knows for sure and most estimates are based from 1967 to about 1975 based on these known figures. (a) The number who took out US citizenship ( The number of known KIA's and MIA's © Documented service statistics on 166 personal, living and dead
  18. The problem with the hockey stick is that it deliberately left out the medieval warm period and the little ice age. In an attempt to show that temperature is more of a constant, when in fact it is nothing of the sort. It is nothing but misleading information. The alarmist's been doing this all along. The link below is another example of misleading information designed to push an agenda. Which even the politicians have grabbed onto. http://www.globalwarmingskeptics.info/modu...article&sid=136
  19. She is right. The US could crush the banana republic to her north. The Canadian government never sent troops to Vietnam but at least thirty thousand Canadians did serve there, and Canada did however supply plenty of ammo to the US which was used in vietnam.
  20. The IPCC has no credibility, they still use the hocky, they have withheld research from their own experts reviewers others have quit in disgust and now this. http://newsbusters.org/node/13698
  21. Nafta did not give any rights to anyone for our oil. We sell our oil to the US at world prices. Norway is one of the highest taxed countries in the world with taxes rising every year. It is not a socialist utopia, it is another socialist nightmare.
  22. He'll need the Russians or Chinese for a place to hide after the people finally wake up and chase him out of the country.
  23. I have never found a french wine yet that I liked. But I have sure drank some excellent home made Italian wine.
  24. name='tim pellett' date='Jun 23 2007, 04:48 PM' post='231653'] Investment in Alberta alone is about 18 billion a year. . You can show us such a contract.
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