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B. Max

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Everything posted by B. Max

  1. The oil companies are quite busy right now showing the government what a broken economy looks like. Oil patch companies are claiming they are laying off only ten percent of their staff. What they don't tell you is that 80 percent are sitting at home that they are afraid to lay off, and lot of those employees have likely already quit, and many are moving to Sask. where there is oil patch work. They are going to take down a lot of big companies and a lot of small towns and small cities. That government surplus is going to turn into a big fat deficit in a couple a years.
  2. Cater is becoming more loonie every day. Toss him in a rubber room and throw away the key.
  3. The Dems have wanted to silence conservative talk radio for a long time. Now that their baby air America has went belly up they are mad as hell and the push on again. Maybe they'll try taking a page out of Chavez's play book.
  4. Hamas was created by Iran who also wants to get rid of Israel and the Jews. Hamas is responsible for the murder of thousands of Americans. With the all recent events it would be a good time to go in there and take them out.
  5. Those of you who hold this view, are you aware that it is contrary to international law? If you are aware, how do you reconcile that position? It is a farce. It is the law of fools for idiots.
  6. The CAF is nothing but an Islamic terrorist propaganda machine. They should be kicked out of the country.
  7. The word climate is now the trigger word for dough headed politicians who are lined up to throw money at something every time they hear the word climate.
  8. So Japan is really US territory now? That would have been entirely up to the US.
  9. Because they were attacked from that land and those who attacked were defeated. You don't get to go back to square one and start over again until you win if you were defeated.
  10. Yup, and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi should be at the top of the list.
  11. The PC's are likely toast in both. In Calgary the PC vote will likely stay home and in drum they will likely come out and vote alliance. Or perhaps even the independent candidate and maybe splt the PC vote.
  12. Israel was a state over two thousand years ago, and larger than it is today. The UN proposed recognition of the state of Israel and the US I believe was the first confirm recognition.
  13. Maybe, but I will be more interested to watch the PC party reaction.
  14. The entire point is, you missed a very important part of that threat. If I said "Canada plans to strike Pakistan" and left out an important conditional such as "if they are caught helping the Taliban" it's not showing too much honesty in my claim, is it? Or is this the type of pick and choose evidence that started the Iraq war? M. Dancer got it, the people who wrote the article got it, I got it, but not you.
  15. Take a pill and call the doctor in the morning if you're still like this. The entire point is, Iran threatening its neighbors, I don't care what the reason is.
  16. It was right there in the first paragraph. So if Israel does it it will be ok then. I didn't miss it.
  17. If they're like this now just wait until they have a few nukes to put on their missiles. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/6/...3731.shtml?s=ic
  18. Oh please. It was a bunch of hippies doing yoga. If you fear that, what of al-Qaeda and those that actually want to cause harm. Never under estimate the enemy. http://www.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news...c93f3255&k=5882
  19. Damn right. In only a short time Stelmach has shown weakness and ridiculous decisions to the point we now have one group trying to shut down the entire western side of the provinces oil patch, and another group has set up an echo terrorist training camp near Edmonton to try and shut down the oilsands. He needs to resign.
  20. Well if drug dealers are knocking off drug dealers, who cares. As I understand it most of them are foreign imports. They are the problem not the guns.
  21. Yeah. Alberta has lots of coal we would gladly sell to that power plant. So what would you do with the turkey droppings? What I would like to do with it is bury treehuggers in it. But I guess that's not politically correct and since I'm so PC I would ask what did they do with it before.
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