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Everything posted by Queenmandy85

  1. Army Guy, I want the pipeline expansion too, but I am not as optimistic as you. The Grits are going to lose in October. The only question is who will be leader of the opposition. I do think the Trans Mountain project is more politically viable than the Energy East line.
  2. So what do we do when we have no more oil? You cannot operate machinery such as electrical generators without lubrication. You seem to advocate selling it off as fast as possible. What is your answer?
  3. The problem with C-69 is the mushy language. It was intended to give industry a clear road map (a check list if you wish) to approval. Unfortunately, it was messed up some how so it makes the process a maze rather than a map.
  4. The question of why Canada is so dependent on being hewers of wood and drawers of water was a hot topic in the 1960's. And yet we are still at it. We have an outstanding banking system. We have huge potential in the IT industry but all we do is develop something and then sell it off. We have a potential to be a world leader in nuclear power and LIFTR reactors. So what do we do? We sell off the resources future generations will need to survive for peanuts. It is not the politicians. It is us. We have no regard for the future. Nobody seems to care about the people who will come after us. That was not the attitude of the people who created the industrial revolution. They made investments in a future only their grand children would live to see. The men who built England's canal system understood there would not be a return on their investment in their children's life time. Why are we not protecting the future of future generations?
  5. Hydro-electric power is the best and safest but it is not portable. There are only certain areas where it is viable. More people die in motor vehicle accidents in Saskatchewan in one year than have died from nuclear accidents world wide in the history of nuclear power. One person died at the Fukijima plant when he suffered a heart attack. The irrational fear of nuclear power is an indictment of our education system. We should use uranium until we can bring LIFTR reactors on line. Thorium produces little waste, will not melt down is far more efficient than uranium, and is more plentiful than uranium. It cannot be used in nuclear weapons. Western Canada is the Saudi Arabia of uranium. Eastern Canada is home to the Candu reactor family and they are currently developing small reactors for use in northern communities. We can sell them all over the world. It means clean water, small carbon emissions, electric fast trains and urban transit, and basically, unlimited energy for thousands of years. The proviso is we will need to conserve coal, iron ore and oil to build the infrastructure.
  6. Are you saying that Alberta's desire to give away their prime resource to foreigners should override BC's. desire to protect their environment? Also, as it stands now, Prime Minister Trudeau faces a steep climb to re-election. Are you suggesting his best path to victory is to alienate his few remaining supporters in BC? If he does as you suggest, is he going to win any more votes in Alberta? Will killing the LNG project win votes in BC? Just for arguments sake, let's say this PM or the next one tries to force the pipeline through, a large minority of British Columbians will continue to block it through court action and protest blockades. As much as you, and Trudeau would like to see it built, it ain't going to happen anytime soon. The unemployed workers in the oil industry should stop wasting their time and start sending out resumes for jobs in other fields of employment.
  7. If you don't care about making money, consider future generation trying to survive in pre-industrail conditions because their lazy greedy ancestors (us) used up the oil making the generation of electricity impossible.
  8. Because there is train loads of cash to be made in the transition to nuclear power. I interpret your user name to mean you are from western Canada. Don't you like money?
  9. Why are the Soldiers of Odin so fat and the antifa anarchists so skinny? Is there some kind of body mass index reading you have to pass to join? To a much lesser extent, I've noticed a similar characteristic among CPC and Liberals.
  10. Actually, you didn't. How do you reconcile the chemical properties of methane and CO2 which inhibit re-radiation of energy? This phenomenon is predictable and measurable. You can test it in any undergraduate lab. So, we can measure the amount of methane and CO2 in the atmosphere in pre-industrial times through ice cores, and we can measure the amount now. We can measure the rise in global temperature in the intervening years. So, my honourable friend, please explain where the BS exists.
  11. Remember what happened in the Slocan River a few years ago. It will take a century to recover and that was just a truck load of aviation fuel. A job lasts maybe 25 years but the environment has to last for a couple of hundred thousand years until the next ice age. When the next government repeals Bill C-69, it will have to replace it with something. We have already lost so much of our wilderness, we cannot afford to lose any more. The workers in the oil fields should be moving into new careers rather than sit around for the next ten years on EI and welfare in the hopes a pipeline may get built. If Alberta is slow, move to where the jobs are and go to work in IT or the financial sector. Use that education the taxpayers invested so much money in for you.
  12. Firstly, we cannot generate electricity without steel, coal to make the steel, and petroleum to lubricate the generators. Why are we in such a rush to exhaust our oil resources. When it is gone, it is gone forever. Rather than exporting petroleum, we should be exporting nuclear power. For a group that is so hungry for money, why are Kenny, Moe and Ford so scared of making money in the long term? Nuclear power for both domestic and foreign use will give Canada, especially western Canada, prosperity for centuries. Start transitioning to uranium now to restore prosperity to western Canadian workers and get to work on thorium fueled LIFTR reactors to replace them in a few years and export them around the world. As for Bills 48 and 69, these three are just providing theatre. If the bills pass, the CPC government will repeal them in November, long before they have any impact. I do not believe Kenny, Moe and Ford are stupid enough to think Trudeau will win in October. On the other hand, it won't have any impact on the Trans Mountain pipeline. As long as Horgan and Weaver oppose it, it will not get built. If the BC Government changes, the large minority in opposition to the pipeline will continue to block it in the courts and on site for years. For the record, I support the Trans Mountain pipeline but I don't expect to see it in my lifetime.
  13. "The measure of the rigor of a Science is the index of its ability to predict." Hal Schwartzberg, quoted by John W. Campbell in Analog Magazine Dec. 1970. "It ain't what you don't know that hurts you the most; it's all them things you do know that ain't so." multiple attributions from Mark Twain to P.T. Barnum, quoted by John W. Campbell in Analog Magazine Dec. 1970.
  14. "After all it's not that awful. You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. So long Holly." Orson Wells ad lib line in The Third Man (sometimes attributed to the author Graham Greene)
  15. It must be wrong because it puts me on the slight libertarian left when I see myself on the slight authoritarian right.
  16. Remember what happened when the European allies captured Jerusalem. They killed almost every inhabitant, Muslims, Jews and Christians.
  17. Robert, if you are going to rip head coverings from muslim woman, I presume you will also be doing the same to Roman Catholic nuns. Islam recognizes Jesus as a prophet. As for Christian terrorism, "Roman Catholic" terrorists just murdered a journalist in Londonderry. They murdered thousands of Christians over the last fifty years. I know they are not acting for the Roman Catholic Church, any more that the so-called islamic terrorists have anything to do with Islam. It can be argued that Islam represses women. So can it be shown that the RC's repress women. Both Islam and the Roman Catholic faith are great religions and must not be tarred with the insanity of terrorism. The problem is not the religion, it is the fundamentalists in that religion. Fundamentalist Hindus have murdered hundreds of thousands of Muslims, extremist Buddists attacked muslims in Burma, fundamentalist Muslims have been in the news for terrorism. The average terrorist is a young male who can't get laid and is a wannabee soldier, too yellow or stupid to be accepted into a real army. They want to be famous and lack the brains to do anything useful.
  18. What ever happened to freedom of religion? What ever happened to good conservative values such as it is none of your business what a person wears? There are many common values between Islam and the Roman Catholic church as well as a number of less desirable actions.
  19. "The Queen looked cozy and cute, all bundled up in a light brown topcoat with a stylish Burberry headscarf," II tried copying the photo but I am sure you already know our Head of State and head of the Christian Church often wears a head scarf.
  20. The answer to your question is the internet is full of ignorant contrarians like me, who with argue about anything and love to hear the sound of their own voice and know nothing. We are extraordinarily cavalier with other peoples lives and use hate to cover up our own inadequacies. I acknowledge that most members of this forum are not like that, but the recent spate of anti-American posts indicates there is at least one, (hopefully only one using multiple accounts). Why would the world wish ill on the one world power that is the first, and so far, the only one to imbue its foreign policy with a sense of generosity. When their actions have negative impacts, it is usually the result of unintended consequences, not malevolent design.
  21. So you believe that someone would decide that it would be a fun lifestyle to have all their family and friends suddenly hate them and to enjoy having the crap kicked out of them every other day. Do you look at a bloodied and bruised student in your high school and say "I gotta get me some of that?" Do you figure a guy decides he has too many friends and not enough beatings in his life?
  22. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he didn't exist." - Verbal Kint Mr. Kenny is caught with the same situation as Prime Minister Trudeau. Unrealistically high expectations and no way to accomplish the goal the voters want. BC wants to protect its environment and the Saudi's control the price of oil. Rather than trying to cling to an industry in trouble, the new government should look to taking an alternative course such as nuclear power. Go into partnership with Saskatchewan and Ontario to build a non-carbon economy.
  23. In 1973 we all trained our eyes on the night sky to see the comet Kohoutek. It was anticipated to be the most spectacular comet in years. What we saw was a dull smudge. For a while, any over-hyped disappointment was called a kohoutek. So far, that is what Mr. Mueller's report seems to be. Everyone is disappointed because it doesn't give the President's enemies the excuse to burn him at the stake but is doesn't quite give his supporters reason to celebrate either. The report is a true kohoutek.
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