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Everything posted by Queenmandy85

  1. Premier Kenny is dealing with several problems. Firstly is the inconcieved "Wexit" movement that ignores the fact that separation means a hermetically sealed state, cut off from the west coast by BC and a violent backlash from Canadians who won't take the destruction of Canada lying down. Kenny is no doubt trying to defuse that problem. His second problem is the question of his legitamacy from the allegations of cheating in the leadership race.
  2. How many MP's are members of the United Church? I suspect a number of New Democrats. The United Church is against drinking alcohol and gambling. Will the media be grilling them about banning booze and the 649?
  3. No, you and I and future taxpayers paid for them.
  4. I am dubious of Mr. Bernier's conservative credentials. I also question his judgement. I am coming to realise you and I disagree on so many levels that my default is the opposite of yours. OTOH, I don't have much of a track record on being right...although, I did get 10-1 odds that Cassius Clay would beat Sonny Liston in their first fight.
  5. I am leaning towards supporting Mr. Sheer simply because Taxme is making him look better and better.
  6. It is a bit of a double standard. Women on the campus where I worked had no problem using the mens washroom in residence.
  7. PR encourages the splintering of the smaller parties like the NDP and the Greens and encourages extremist parties like the Marxist Leninists and Social Credit. All you need is a few thousand votes from the crazies across the country and you get a seat. As I said, watch Borgen.
  8. In an election, you are voting for your Member of Parliament. You are not voting for a Prime Minister. Parties already have too much power. PR only creates more small parties trying to cash in on the system and it removes all remaining local control. You end up with some tiny "Dairy Enforcement Party," with only 3 members, controlling the government. Watch Borgen. Canadians place too much emphasis on party. A political party's primary function is to win elections. Policy is way down the list of priorities because there are few options for courses of action available for governments. The claim of ideology is a joke. Roy Romanow was the most conservative Premier Saskatchewan has had in decades. He inherited a massive deficit from my guy, Grant Devine, and paid it down. So much for ideology. Trudeau made some clangers but he got NAFTA renewed and he'd building Kenny's pipeline. Sheer may have lost the election but he stopped Bernier from winning the leadership and totally destroying the CPC.
  9. Doug, if you hate this country so much, why do you come on this forum? It must be very upsetting for you. Is it healthy to put yourself through all the aggravation to read all the devoted comments the rest of us have for this country?
  10. I prefer a leader chosen by God, not some Putin, or Trump, elected by voters. You underestimate the loyalty of Canadians to the Queen of Canada.
  11. Rather than PR, we should have run-off elections in ridings where the leading candidate does not have a majority.
  12. In 1972, Bob Stanfield lost by about 100 votes. That is, if 100 voters in select ridings where the vote was extremely close, voted PC rather than someone else, Premier Stanfield would have become Prime Minister, defeating Trudeau.
  13. Or, if Quebec has all the goddies, move to Quebec.
  14. Keep the Senate as is. Abolish the PMO. The position of PM is not a constitutional requirement so no messy amendments are needed. Just follow the constitution and have the Governor in Council.
  15. Wow. You have talked me into it. I'm running for Parliament. Why haven't you, Doug? You make it sound great. As for gold plated pensions, don't you get a pension after all those years in the Forces? McKay stabbed the Progressive Conservative Party in the back. He would continue to alienate the Red Tories. Who could trust him? The CPC will have to come up with a realistic policy to fight climate change that is better than the other parties. The Party will have to attract people from the right wing of the Liberal Party. It will have to attract Quebec Nationalists. The Leader will have to be an eminent person of integrity, vision and courage. Once elected, the Party will have to sustain all of this.
  16. With the Grits winning a minority, do you still feel the same way?
  17. I am declaring the Liberals will win a majority.
  18. Sorry Jacee. Back to the original thread, I've been around long enough never to predict the result. This time, for the first time since my first campaign in 1962, I don't know who I am going to vote for. I listened to Lisa Raitt on the Current this morning and if she were leader, I would vote for her party in a heart beat. I know the polls say a Liberal minority but they also said that in 2015 and Secretary Clinton on 2016. Hmm.
  19. While I had no aptitude for the military , I have always had tremendous respect for those of you who have. I come from a long line of Canadian soldiers including one who fought off the yankee invaders and another who possibly was the longest serving soldier in Canadian history. Both of my Grand fathers served in the Canadian Army in the Great War. My father was a civilian who had a tiny role in the Manhatten Project. That was their service, not mine. Had I tried to join the army, I would likely have been more dangerous to my own members than to the enemy. I don't know if you would call a career as a Peace Officer as serving Canada. I was pretty good at it and I have to be happy with that. The difference between us is I am grateful to this country for all the blessings I enjoy because of it.
  20. Speaking for myself, I take no offence for what you say, it's just uninteresting. It's all about you...when it should be all about me.
  21. Canadian voters are generally liberal-lite so the the democratic course of action for anyone seeking to form a government is to be liberal-lite. Democratic values demand that government be a reflection of society. It is not the function of a politician to change the values of the voter but rather to try and implement the values of the voter. The voter is always right if you believe in democracy.
  22. Yes, but my point is that we are not Amercan. The American people are wonderful but we are not Americans. We can only have our own foreign and defence policy when we are not dependent on anyone else. However, I am a lone voice in the wilderness.
  23. Just 3 weeks ago, the MSM were saying that under Singh's leadership, the NDP were going to be wiped out.
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