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Status Updates posted by The_Squid

  1. Iraq is a giant SNAFU. Thanks a bunch to the Bush/Cheney team.

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Don't forget to include ol' bumpkin Rumsfeld in that team. Of course you have to cut him some slack because he didn't know what he didn't know he didn't know that he might have know except he didn't know.....

    2. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham


    3. waldo


      SNAFU??? C'mon dagnabit... what about the regime change!!! How could something the U.S. self-legislated as being LEGAL be referred to as a SNAFU? How can FREEDOM ever be referred to as a SNAFU!!! Those ungrateful Iraqis just need to get with the program!

  2. Where did all this laundry come from??

  3. There is no such thing as a militant atheist. Argumentative atheist, for sure! The difference between argumentative and militant is that militants promote violence. There are no atheists advocating any sort of violence, at least not the ones that keep being accused of being "militant".

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boges


      But not in the New Testament in the words of Jesus.

    3. The_Squid


      OK, great. Jesus was a good guy.

      Now, how is Dawkins "militant"?

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Just listen to the rants in "a" previous post and you get the picture of where religion can take you.

  4. I liked Bizarro World Cybercoma.

    1. scribblet


      Has he gone back into a coma :)-

    2. overthere


      the irony is that both versions were holograms

  5. Cybercoma is this forum's Stephen Colbert!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Boges


      I take that back, the exchange in that thread is quite amusing. Troll v Troll violence.

    3. cybercoma


      You'll be placing a lot of people on ignore with that attitude, Boges.

    4. Boges


      I don't have to ignore, just don't have to engage. What is that what I just did? CRAP!

  6. Weather is not the same as climate.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boges


      Fair enough but we have lots of Hurricanes. CLIMATE CHANGE!!!! We have very few, not evidence that climate change isn't an issue.

    3. The_Squid


      I agree with you somewhat... anecdotal evidence by the average "Joe" about how it used to be isn't all that helpful.

      Patterns in weather over time analyzed by climate scientists is different than any old idiot looking out their window and saying "it's cold today".

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      And you have to like BC's baby talk. Quite informative, in a number of ways.

  7. Maple Laffs sign David Boothe..... LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Squid


      Both came from the Canucks.... Which is sad commentary on the team out here....

    3. Boges


      Raymond scored 19 goals and snagged a $3 mil contract. Never under estimate an athlete with something to prove.

    4. The_Squid


      That's what they said about Booth when he came to Van...

      ooohhh... you meant Raymond was a GOOD thing! LOL

      He had 25 goals in 09/10 but he will never be an impact player. Disappears in the playoffs... but TO doesn't need to worry about that... lol

  8. Teach the controversy! Alchemy should be taught alongside chemistry......

  9. N. Vietnam won..... Al Qaeda winning in Iraq..... Deja vu!

  10. Fun dictator fact: People in N. Korea were so starved they resorted to cannibalism.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Squid


      I don't think you could call a zombie attack cannibalism...

      There must be some technicality that excludes zombies since zombies cease being human beings...

    3. Boges


      (SPOILER ALERT) The latest "bad guys" in Walking Dead are cannibals. The Zombie Apocalypse makes food scarce, I suppose.

    4. The_Squid


      OOOPS... I didn't actually mean to delete WWWTTT's comment...

      Please, re-post!!

  11. Dick Cheney said there would be no sectarian violence and the USA would be out of Iraq in months! What a Dick....

  12. Religious-based schools should not be able to provide diplomas or credentials for any reason. Not elementary schools, not high schools and not universities. If you want your children to attend these, fine. But they will have no credentials if they do. It's time to stop the brainwashing and discrimination. Christian, Muslim or whatever.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Argus


      So if immigrants come here from places, say, in the middle east, where the Koran is a HUGE part of everyone's education, none of them can be allowed to practice their profession, right?

    3. The_Squid


      What credentials do we recognize from the Middle East? They have to prove their competency anyway.

    4. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      As long as they meet the Ontario curriculum I'm fine with whatever additional BS private schools want to teach. However, we definitely have to stop publicly funding 1 sect's school system though.

  13. The Iraq mess is on America to clean up. The invasion and destabilization of Iraq brought this about. The Bush legacy lives on.......

    1. waldo


      c'mon! It was never about oil... or WMD! It was all about Junior getting the guy that almost killed his pa!

    2. The_Squid


      Iraq is Vietnam 2.0.

      Afghanistan is next...

  14. God bless our troops.... especially the snipers!

  15. Obama's presidency has drawn out a lot of right wing nut bars.... Sad.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I didn't quite get the relevance of the "action figure" deal

    3. bush_cheney2004


      Caroline Parrish in 2004.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      We save that "esteem" for special presidents, such as those convicted of war crimes.

  16. Kinder Morgan touts the benefits of oil spills...

    1. The_Squid


      Oil spills create jobs.


    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Well they keep getting caught inflating their construction jobs numbers so I guess they have to round it out with those from when it spills.

  17. Gov't announces moratorium on foreign temp workers for the fast food industry..... after McD's CEO brags about having Minister Kenney in his pocket. Oops. Too bad for McDs and the gov't that the conference call was leaked...

  18. The Russians are here....

  19. Diane Francis on McLaughlin Group. I just shake my head at the things she says... so does the panel on the show...

    1. The_Squid


      She says her book is a "thought experiment".... yet no thought went into her book.

    2. The_Squid


      Diane Francis is an American immigrant to Canada... And now wants Canada to join USA.

      What an odd lady...

    3. Topaz


      I watched that too and she was really trying to sell it and said she had talked to H Clinton and Jeb Bush about it and they appeared interested, especially Bush about Canada's natural resources. Notice the two born-americans didn't go for it and most Canadians don't either.

  20. Shell Oil CEO visits Putin at his home. Sanctioning oil would be the quickest way to stop Russia... or at least punish them severely

  21. For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed: And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!

  22. Saudi Arabia classifies all atheists as terrorists under new law...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Squid


      You may be as blunt as you like in my status update!

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Kinda funny how if you flip that statement around it doesn't work at all. Nowadays most terrorists are not athiests.

    4. The_Squid


      lol Good point!

      Easier to blame a minority group than to look in the mirror at the terrorism that the Saudis support.

  23. It’s Time to End the Stigma Associated with Anal Leakage

  24. Sheila Fraser - once again telling it like it is....

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I'm glad she went out on a limb here. I suppose elections is not exactly her stock and trade, but she certainly has the reputation that I suspect overshadows that of Poilievre.

    2. The_Squid


      It is actually her expertise. She is currently an advisor to Elections Canada...

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I heard her interviewed on "The House" on CBC radio this am. She certainly didn't pull any punches stating her case against the infamous "act"

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