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Everything posted by PIK

  1. Trudeau sucks up to Islam a little to much. And we have the best country in the world, why destroy it by forcing such radical changes. And why does Islam get handled with kid gloves? And why would anyone that hates everything about this country be given the power she has been given?
  2. Maybe from cleaning up the corruption and incompetence of this Gov. And start getting our energy products to market. We are a resource rich country with only 38 million people. Paying for Healthcare and other programs shouldn't be a issue here.
  3. Anybody able to buy orange curds?
  4. We have a very weak justice system. Many yrs back liberals thought we would have no use for jails by now. A criminal is a victim too, remember.
  5. And what did Trudeau mean by saying cons want to go back to the days when men were men well ,guess what that means?.lol
  6. Just leave it alone. Tired of watching this country self destruct.
  7. But we didn't have the 24/7 social media back then. Just Harvey Kirk. Lol
  8. He has a right to do what he wants, i guess. But being a police officer, he should have known better, that's the problem.
  9. Deal is far from done. They have been buying new handguns for 7 yrs now? Election coming boys, Trudeau is now going to pull right and steal the Cons ideas. Classic liberal ploy. ?
  10. Screw the Chinese, I would ban everyone of them for 6 months. Call me racist if you want, but with the crap going on in China, maybe the Chinese should make a personal choice and stay home till they get a grip on things.
  11. Be better then a lying racist theiving Trudeau. Many people are angry. People are now realizing there is no future with Trudeau. He is nit governing the country, he's building his post natural state.
  12. I agree to a point, but he is just a dumb, spoiled rich kid, that should be no where near the levers of power.
  13. I am a con, CC is real, my front yrd is a river, i should be ice fishing, but no ice. Lol .But the way Govs dealt with it ,is the scam.
  14. It is in the liberal handbook to get criminals/victims out of jail as quick as possible.
  15. As our former enviroment minister said, if you repeated and say it louder people will believe it. And this Gov are masters at it.
  16. That $16 orange juice was sad. Where she came from, a glass of fresh orange juice would cost alot more. Then the media runs the unflattering picture of her with a cig hanging out of her mouth. And the $100.000 so called Duffy scandal that the media kept it front page for 3 yrs. And with what goes on now and people just look the other way. What a pathetic country we have become. Trudeau supporters are no different than Trump supporters.
  17. They weren't going to win. And their vote count was the abiut same as last time, and they spent very little on it. It's a nothing burger.
  18. When people are denied jobs in Canada for being white, you have a problem.
  19. No moose or elk,but lots of venison.
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