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Everything posted by PIK

  1. If Trudeau did the jet ski thing, people would praise him for being cool. Lol
  2. They have been separated for a while, this is just a ploy. Sympathy and get the young girls all fired up again.
  3. PP needs to do well in the east and southern Ont. Harper won with only 5 seats in Quebec. East support for the libs is crumbling. And when gas is almost $2/L in a few months, it's going to get worse.
  4. Time for some sole sourcing. Like others have done. Not as bad as the bank of Canada bonuses during covid. Lol
  5. What have the libs purchased so far, that's not yrs away. The defence minister was canned for wanting to spend on the military.
  6. Imagine if PP said he was going rebuild Canada into the 1st post natural state? I cant believe that recieved so little attention. One of the few promises he's trying to keep.
  7. Yup. To many humans, to many cities paving over everything ( which causes flooding) and to many jets flying. But those issues will never be touched.
  8. Getting tired of the complaining by you ger ones. Yes times are tough, but people need to end the foolish spending. Drive by the food bank, I would like to ask the able bodied young people ,how they afford phones , booze, and the tattoos? Especially when jobs are available.
  9. Trudeau is taking America's problems and naming them our own. As in gun abortions and so called white supremacy in Canada. Never seen a Gov throw out so many wedge issues, to just stay in power. It's ripping the country apart.
  10. That and the rainbow pride thingy are going overboard. It's causing more division. That is what Trudeau wants to get the cobs to duagree,so the libs can say con hate natives and so on. What type of people are willing to destroy a beautiful peaceful nation just to stay in power? I just can't believe all crap they have done in 8 yrs. And that there is Canadians that agree with what they have done. So frigging sad.
  11. Putin started this a long time ago. Before NATO was ever mentioned.
  12. So that gives Trudeau the right to destroy this nation with his post natural state policies?
  13. China good, Canadians stupid. But then since Trudeau is ignoring the will of the people on this public inquiry, seems to me he is afraid of something or someone.
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