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Everything posted by dre

  1. You said "the world hates christ". I assumed the "world" you meant was the planet earth... So I looked up my address and sure enough... 1... 2... 3 planets away from the sun! That's where I live.
  2. I don't hate Christ! Hell, I used to be a semi-employed long-haired carpenter too. Never got it on with prostitutes like he did, but to each his own! His dad was quite the sicko but you cant blame him for that! And you cant blame him for the Pisos using him as the central figure in their concocted story generations after he was already dead. Me and the Christ dude got no issues!
  3. I don't know about "christ". He was just a carpenter that roman aristocrats decided to write "the new testament" about after the guy was long dead. They wrote the gospels as well btw, and burned the majority of christian texts that were not conducive to their narrative. But lets have a quick look at your god and why people might hate him or fear him... Here's a few of his greatest hits... 1. Bestowed sin, dishonesty, envy, greed, etc on an entire race because one freaking woman ate a apple she wasnt supposed to eat. 2. Commited mass genocide, murdering every single person on earth except for 3, and killing billions of other life forms as well. 3. Is so obsessed with himself, that if you don't worship him and believe in him when you die, you are condemned to an eternity of torture. 4. Told Abraham to burn his son alive, and watched while the scumbag forced the poor kid to carry the very wood that would be used to burn him. Then at the last minute was like... naw just kidding man! Note to self: If I'm gonna burn my son alive to appease some voice in my head, I'm gonna give him a break and carry the freaking wood for him. This ones on me little dude! I got this! 5. Destroyed entire cities full of innocent people because some guys had butt sex. 6. Created woman as an afterthought! Because a man was bored LOL. This belief helped underpin centuries of the treatment of women as livestock by the "faithful". Until the rise of secularism woman were more or less men's posessions. Like a screwdriver... or a toaster. What is this guy? A cosmic version of Saddam Hussein? A self obsessed slaughterer of innocent people. What would you think of any other entity that did those things? Who are you going to worship next? Jeffrey Dalmer? Clifford Olsan? Kim Jong Il?
  4. It doesn't matter.... If you bring down any aircraft above your property you will be liable for damages whether its in compliance with regulations or not. You cant just destroy property that isn't yours, and you could very well cause damage to other objects and properties besides the drone. You can learn the hard way like this retard if you want... I wonder if any of the "its coming down" crowd on here actually thought through the consequences of shooting down an aircraft above a residential neighborhood. On a semi related note... I would never be stupid enough to actually shoot down one of these things in the city, but there was one a few hundred feet above my house last summer, and a friend said "I wonder if its watching us". I said "Lets find out", so I sighted the thing in my ghost 410 (it wasn't loaded). The thing booked off in a real hurry. I like drones btw.. I have a phantom 3 pro. The things a pile of fun to fly and I take footage of some of the cool scenery where I live, and some of my job sites as well. This law is disappointing. There was very good reason to establish some rules around safety and privacy, but this law just seems like a knee jerk reaction. Reminds me of when I was a kid and the city I lived in banned skateboarding and started taking boards away from little kids on the street. Just haters with too much power and too much time on their hands. Anyhow! Have fun putting your neighbors at risk while destroying other peoples property. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
  5. Only 1 in 5 Canadians attend church regularly whether its to worship the fake roman jesus dude, or any of the deity beliefs derived from the dispicable maggot Abraham guy.This is probably one of the least religious places in human history. Thank god for that (oops). Want a Christian country? Move to Rome.
  6. Lets not forget that xenophobes at the time said all the same things about the Irish, Dukobors, Italians, Asians, Jews, Blacks, and everybody else. We used to have an actual law on the books that said "Members of the asiatic race can only come to Canada if they work on a farm" Xenophobia is as Canadian as maple syrup.
  7. You don't own your airspace. Do planes and helicopters come down too?
  8. I would like to know if the biker was being badly tailgated. I hate when people drive less than a care length behind me, because it drastically increases the chances of me getting hit if I have to break hard. When people do it, Ill spike the breaks a couple of times, and that will usually back them up a bit. The guy on the bike probably should not have intentionally blocked traffic... That's a traffic violation at least. But any way you look at it, intentionally causing contact between your vehicle and another is never justified, and its a lot more than a misdemeanor traffic violation. The guy should probably spend 90 riding a bicycle himself (while his license is suspended).
  9. Right now the provinces are in charge of... Aboriginal Relations Agriculture and Rural Development Culture (formerly Culture and Community Services) Education Energy Enterprise and Advanced Education Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Health (formerly Health & Wellness and Seniors) Human Services Infrastructure International & Intergovernmental Relations Justice and Solicitor General Municipal Affairs Service Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation Transportation Treasury Board and Finance Decentralized government is more representative. I would definitely be in favor of a fairly large decentralization of power. The federal government should be a lot smaller, and handle only things like international trade, borders and immigration, national defence, and inter-provincial commerce, and inter-provincial transportation. Even the provincial level is too centralized. I would move a lot of that to the municipal level. Your governance would more or less come from within your own community, and people that have an intimate understand the issues and challenges.
  10. Well people are killing each other anyways... And the way I look at it, is that our conservative hawks fighting to the death with their conservative hawks is kinda like criminal gang members killing each other. Its sort of a good thing... violent minded people dying. And you can be as disgusted as you want, but these sort of spectacles have been popular with common folk since ancient times. It would make for compelling TV.
  11. Right but we also have millions of arm chair chicken hawks casually calling for war against various muslim countries. My idea would get rid of the most violent and hateful people on both sides, without all the collateral damage. Plus the sheer spectacle of it would be so damn entertaining and fun to watch it it might be therapeutic! Its win win.
  12. No no... This is different. This would be the shit disturbers on both sides that are moving us towards a clash a civilizations, killing each other in a way that's safe for everyone else Ratings would be off the charts... Pay per view revenue alone would be in the billions.
  13. The thing is there's vocal minority on both sides that would like to see violence. What would be really fun, is to put our conservative hawks and their conservative hawks in a big stadium full of swords, clubs, stones etc. WE could giggle like school girls while they bludgeon each other to death! Imagine the amount of beer and hot dogs that could be sold at such an event? We could call it "conservadome", since its conservatives on both sides that are spoiling for a fight. I say let em fight! Just do it in a big stadium so nobody else gets hurt. A do it right! Televise it... sell advertising, tshirts, jerseys. Nothing says good family fun like watching conservative hawks slaughter each other like livestock
  14. It almost DID with the putrid Internet Surveillance Act that the Conservatives tried to ram through. I have used it before but currently I use Cisco. It supports pretty much any device and if you subscribe you can use all them.
  15. That's another cool story bro! Except of course that I didnt attack him personally... I didnt call him a liar, and I didnt ridicule the death of any soldiers, and didnt pose as a military expert. That's some damn fine bleating and wretching and moaning though! Too bad its all complete horse sh%$
  16. Really... you figure Canadians think politicians in other countries should dictate to us what we spend on things, by threatening us? With that sort of defeatist attitude why even both with a military. Just surrender if someone invades.
  17. Cool story bro! I have served my nation my whole life too by being a productive citizen not to mention funding your job and pay. As for the silliness about trying to marginalize my opinion because I have not "written papers, or held rallies", this is nonsensical. I'm a private citizen, and I don't need to do any of that stuff to have an opinion. And the fact remains that if I was in charge there wouldn't be any dead or sick or homeless troops, and if you were in charge there would probably be more.
  18. I'm not anti military. And I have been a voice for non-interventionalist foreign policy except when absolutely necessary my whole life pretty much. The thing you dont realize is that YOU are the one that is anti military. People like you are the reason thousands of troops are dead, sick, or homeless. The troops could use your support.
  19. Yeah or other NATO greatest hits like backing an islamic terrorist army (the KLA) against Serbia, then watching that terrorist army attack, torture, and intimidate non albanians in Kosovo until they all left. Then sitting there while that terrorist army set their sites on macedonia and did the same thing there. The KLA was put on the "terrorist" list the following year.
  20. Why invade? The islands were completely blockaded. The war was effectively over. Again didnt you read what the military and military intelligence at the time had to say?
  21. Can I get some evidence for that? A cite? Some statistics? Because I don't believe it. Take the war in Iraq for example where armies that were 80-90% Christian invaded a sovereign state and got hundreds of thousands of people killed on the order of a president that claims Jesus told him to do it. My guess is that if you include ALL deaths, that Christians belonging to national armies have killed a lot more people than muslims.
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