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Everything posted by dre

  1. Louis CK had some good standup comedy about this... Europeans showed up here thinking it was India. They were like "Is this India? Are you Indians?" The native were like "No no, this is a different place, its not India". The Europeans were like "Meh..... fuck it. Your'e Indians anyways!", and kept using that term for 200 hundred years. ROFLMAO. I think its more about garden variety retardation more than its about racism.
  2. I dont disagree. But what we did was negotiate treaties and we should honor them.
  3. Nationalism is stupid. Canada is chunk of realestate with some animals living on it. The only thing I celebrate on Canada day is that I get paid without working. I dont really care if Natives want to protest Canada day, but Its too bad for them if they don't want to be part of Canada. I care about their feelings about as much as I care about yours. To me "Canada" is the ~400 people, and about 3000 square kilometers that I care about. The rest of you (and it) might as well be France.
  4. Kid Glove Treatment? We keep a nuclear fleet parked off their coast, invade and bomb their countries at will, sponsor brutal dictators and autocrats like Saddam Hussein and the Saudi royal family, and kill them by the hundreds of thousands. If those are the kid gloves, I don't wanna see what adults are wearing!
  5. We just need separation of church and state. If this school is completely privately funded and receives no tax exemptions or government money, and does not hand out government backed certifications, then they should be able to teach whatever cultist nonsense they choose.
  6. You don't understand... It will be there as long as there are societies made up of humans. It even exists in herds of animals. That kind of binary thinking will make it pretty much impossible to understand the world, and the people around you. A better way to state it in most cases is that both sides are wrong, and the truth isnt black and white but some shade of gray.
  7. Or maybe they have a policy to not comply with such requests. Who knows. Maybe they fear that if they DO start complying with those requests it will damage their reputation. Who knows... who cares.
  8. What you term "political correctness" is really nothing more than a social collective conscience. Its POSSIBLE for it to not be there. It has always been there and it always will be. It is a fundamental part of how societies function. If you do or say things that piss off a lot of people they arent going to like it... they are going to shout you down, ostracize you, or historically even boot you out.
  9. Yup, you are in a position to demand absolutely nothing. To to simply "request"? Mehhhhh.... not the end of the world.
  10. No, but if I want that, and I can try to find it. I cant go into a private or public institution and demand it though. I can discriminate! And if I owned a private medical clinic and a white woman told me she would be more comfortable seeing another white women - And I could provide that with no inconvenience to myself or my staff, then I would probably assign her to a white women. Why not? If she starts making demands though Id boot her ass out of my establishment.
  11. Yes it is, but thats ok. All they are doing is requesting something. I would be sexist for me to want a girlfriend with huge breasts, low self esteem, and no gag reflex too... But... Uhhhh never mind. Yes thats certainly racist. Whether its "ok" or not depends. Is the rally on public property? If so, forcibly removing white people would be assault, or even kidnapping. Does the school receive even one single penny of tax payer funding? If they do, its not ok to discriminate based on race. Is the place of worship tax exempt? If it IS then its not ok. She may or may not be. In any case its a private citizen entering into a voluntary contract with another. Its totally ok in my view for her to shop for a female practitioner or barrister. If she wants legal aid though or is showing up at a public hospital, shes free to request what she wants but cannot demand anything. Where is the parade? Is it on public land or on property that receives tax exemptions or any form of subsidy? If it is then forcibly removing non gays again is assault, or even kidnapping. It really depends on the context for all these questions. If this woman's discrimination had manifested itself in her trying to find a white GP, there would have been no problem at all. Keep in mind, these are my own VIEWS... Not necessarily the law as it stands.
  12. Nobody needs to defend her really. Its perfect ok to be a racist as long as you don't harm others. I could say I wanted an Albanian doctor with gigantic tits if I want... thing is people can just tell me to go pound sand... The important thing is that the government does not enable this, or give these people the right to demand it. Society is packed full of people like this. Discrimination of literally every kind is somewhat of a human "norm". Increasingly people find it ugly and that's a good thing, but just about every does it in some way.
  13. Its actually the literal definition of racism. Its prejudice / discrimination. There's only two possible reasons for that request... Either she thinks white doctors are superior, or she just doesn't like non-white doctors. Both suit the literal definition of racism.
  14. For exactly 21,729 times, people on this board are left wondering what you are even saying.
  15. I think that only retards that are obsessed with identity politics care much about this. From my perspective hes just another politician. They are half full of shit, and none of them tell the truth all the time. But in the real world, his policies are kinda meat and potatoes. Hes tweaking taxes but only a bit... he might end criminalization of pot, which would be the most useful thing any Canadian government has done in my life time. His foreign policy positions are pretty much wishy washy neutral. The fear mongering by far right retards just makes them look silly (worst pm ever, etc). Hes just another political deushe-bag in Ottawa not much different from the last half dozen of them. The reality is pretty simple.... No matter who was the liberal governments PM, and no matter what their policies were... far right retards would be telling you the end of civilization is apon us. Our entire civilization is under threat! Even if the PM perfectly mirrored their policies they would still do it, because they are the political equivalent of sports fans. Everything the other side does is wrong no matter what. In reality though Justin is just a typical politician and self promoter and liar. Hes not doing anything crazy. This is the same kind of thing I have said about Harper in the past. He didn't do anything totally nuts, and more or less ran a functional administration... trains kept running, etc. Some people are obsessed with the government taking their side of the retarded left vs right culture war. But really, the government has an administrative position. Bland, and boring. Just be functional, and not do anything really stupid.
  16. Yup and under the law it is. You can even get tasered bro!!! https://www.google.ca/search?q=dont+tase+me+bro&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA732CA732&oq=dont+tase+me+bro&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3935j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- In any case... all this blabbing on about the "forces of the left" and "free speech" is pure BS, from a guy that produces pretty much nothing else. Both sides of the political spectrum do the same thing for the same reasons. People have invested themselves in this culture war for whatever reasons. Its really stupid, but it is what it is. It would be kinda nice if they all just died but that would reduce our population by about 70%.
  17. ROFLMAO. You had to make an edit to that post? Did you spell "plonk" wrong the first time?
  18. LOL, its the exact same thing you said to me. Stop crying little baby. Or take your ball and go home.
  19. You are probably the biggest mouth frother on this whole site bud. I'm not angry at all, and barely even interested. I think today is the first time I have posted here in about a month.
  20. Again... Iv challenged you to show a single example of any extreme view I have ever had, and you completely shat the bed. Crickets. The point remains... people shouting each other down might be a problem, but you are ascribing that problem to an imaginary enemy that only exists in your head, and that is a problem with YOU. Not anyone else.
  21. Actually trump supports are the EXACT American equivalent of you. Reactionist, simple minded, xenophobic, social program haters. You pretty much ARE them. Again this just shows your normal propensity for completely misunderstanding others. "The left" for you is just an imaginary bunch of people in your head. It was kind of ironic that in your inane OP you went off on some mindless diatribe against the "the left", and the "the forces of the left", then a couple of posts later lamented that "people cant debate intelligently". I have not watched the CBC in years. And I don't watch any left wing media at all. I don't even have cable, and I almost never read news media at all.
  22. Speaking of freedom of speech, remember all those leftist economic protests after bankers and wealthy investors crashed the world economy by committing massive fraud? Well the police (government) in canada actually planted agent provocateurs in those camps to incite violence, so that the protesters could be rounded up. Can I take a wild guess that you didnt make posts about freedom of speech then? LOL.
  23. Yup, totally fine. I can tell you to shut the fvck up for whatever reason I feel like. That speech is protected too. Look... you blab on about the "forces of the left" and that kind of moronic bullshit. The reality is that 90% of this country is to the left of you. So you and people like you feel like you are VICTIMS. The media is out to get me! The schools are out to get me! The poor are out to get me!. People don't want to here what your acolytes have say because they think its stupid. Get used to it, because its not going to change.
  24. Violent threats are crimes. Anyone doing that should be arrested and charged. In any case the phrase "freedom of speech" has never meant you cant shout someone down. It means the government cant make laws the prohibit unpopular speech or certain kinds of speech... although the courts have upheld certain limits (hate speech laws which are bad IMO, yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theatre, or "BOMB" on an airplane"). Violent people or people that threaten violence should be prosecuted.
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