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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. Is anyone surprised Trump had to pay someone to take his SAT test? Does anyone not think he paid others to take his tests while in college?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Argus


      I've thought it many times. I just cannot figure any way a guy as ignorant as he is about basic facts of business, economics and government could be a college graduate. Especially from Wharton. He failed to do the most basic, elementary assessments before getting into businesses like airlines and gambling and almost lost his shirt repeatedly because of it.

    3. Shady


      True.  It still doesn't make me want to support Biden, a candidate that supports unlimited immigration, restricting fossil fuel use, raising taxes and regulation, soft on China, etc.  His normal demeanor and pleasant attitude aren't enough to want him to beat Trump.  I'll take the a-hole idiot who's against all of that bullshit policy.

    4. Argus


      My belief is that if the present guy is bad you go for the alternative. Then next time around you get a different alternative. Trump is an idiot. Biden doesn't support unlimited immigration. Let's get real here. I doubt he'll be soft on China, but he might be more intelligent on them. Nothing Trump has done has actually had any effect. And hey, if he does go all in on immigration and such it'll piss people off so much he'll lose congress just two years later, and then the white house will go back to the Republicans two years after that - provided they find a sane nominee.

  2. Is finding things a bit clunky of late.

  3. Is Netenyahu finally going to be... gone?

  4. Is once again enjoying not having to go out in the snow.

    1. ?Impact


      Off to Arizona for the winter? 

  5. Is posting from his bed for the fourth straight day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argus


      In fact, I blame Canadian health care. Doctors, even a doctor who has your ten year history of bad backs, aren't allowed to prescribe over the phone. Yet I am too immobile to get in to visit him. As for Dr home visits, that doesn't happen around here. Though if you could pay for it I'm sure it would.

    3. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Hey, back backs suck.....hope your up and around soon, in the mean time rest and relax....enjoy your down time

    4. betsy
  6. Is thinking about buying a robot.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. kimmy


      I imagine Argus was probably thinking more of a Roomba than a Westworld shoot-em-up robot.

    3. Argus


      You people are all perverts. I approve! No, no sex robots for me. Although if they ever make them like the ones in the movies...

      I was thinking of a vacuum cleaner. Different kind of sucking and blowing...

  7. Is thinking about buying some fake passports. What could go wrong?

  8. Is tired of hearing about Houston, thanks. Got any other videos, TV news people?

    1. hot enough

      hot enough

      Surely you must tire of the incredibly conceited US always talking about the US.

  9. Islamist in Australia only succeeds in killing one gay guy before police gun him down. Does he still get all his virgins?

  10. It only took till mid July to put public health people at the border.

  11. It seems Mister Trudeau took along the president of the Liberal Party on his 'family vacation' to the Aga Khan's private resort island.

  12. It's a coincidence that mass shootings always seem to be in the states with the weakest gun laws.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scribblet


      Funny how there are so many shooting in Toronto even with our strict gun control.

  13. It's February and there's STILL snow on the ground! WTH!?

    1. Boges


      No in the Toronto area. But still Global Warming. Any weather you're not completely comfortable with is because of Climate Change. 


    2. poochy


      In all honesty, its been fairly warm in Ontario at least. 

  14. It's so good we have Shady here for non-stop news about American far right politics. What would we do without him?

    1. Shady


      You must’ve missed my updates on the UK variant and also China.  Try to keep up. ?

    2. Shady


      You must’ve missed my updates on the UK variant and also China.  Try to keep up. ?

  15. Its sometimes interesting to observe the bias distribution of what stories the media chooses to cover - and not cover. As in yet another riot in Portland.

    Ground News - Portland police declare riot Friday night after mayor's state-of-emergency extension

  16. Japanese police are all black belts in Judo. When someone is violent, they roll them up in big futons like a burrito and carry them back to the station to calm down or sober up. US/Can police get almost no training in hand to hand fighting or de-escalating conflicts.

    1. ?Impact


      When your only tool is a gun, every problem is a target.

    2. Wilber


      Japanese police carry guns. Unlike the US, Japan also has very strict gun control laws and their police don't have to operate in the wild west atmosphere that is the US. 135 US police officers will killed on duty last year, 15 less than average. 65 of them were the shot to death.

  17. Just 11% of the so-called infrastructure budget is actually being spent on infrastructure.

  18. just bought a new car.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omni


      My kind is called a Citabria. Spell it backwards.

    3. capricorn


      Good for you Argus. Last year we bought a 2016 Dodge Dart and we love it.

    4. Argus


      It's a Mazda CX5-GT. I wanted all the new bells and whistles, including a heads up display, adaptive cruise control, cross traffic alert/braking, crash mitigation/braking, lanekeeping assist, blind spot warning, etc. The Bose music system is nice, too. Car salesmen  haven't changed in the last five years. They'll still smile like heck as they try to screw you any way they can.

  19. Just got my second dose. Soon I will be communicating directly with Bill Gates through my microchips as we discuss ways to make Shady even crazier!

  20. Just spent four grand on a chair he probably shouldn't have.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Ash74


      Are you a liberal MP redoing his Office? 

  21. Justin Trudeau is a wholly owned product of the Republic of China.

  22. JWR decides against running for re-election, says Parliament has become toxic and ineffective under Trudeau. Gee, I thought he was going to reinvigorate parliament with his transparent government and his respect for the independence of committees...

    1. OftenWrong


      No he's just hissing and screaming, this is what a feminist government is all aboot

  23. Kellie Lietch now second in Tory leadership race, according to polls. Any guesses as to why?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The_Squid




       Any guesses as to why?


      Because rednecks want to see more Muslims killed?

    3. The_Squid




      Canadian version of Clinton.


      Bill or Hillary?

    4. ?Impact


      I'm sure the Liberals would love you to continue thinking like "Canadian version of Clinton", how did "nice hair" work out?

  24. Lebanon bans the movie Wonder Woman because the star is an Israeli. Way to show that Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DogOnPorch


      Brunei...wasn't that the joint where the Sultan and his brother kept kidnapping Lufthansa stewardesses?

      Sorry...phone broke. Boat broke, too. Runway fixed maybe next month. (old joke)

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