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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. How screwed up is the RCMP? Officers must fill out a use of force report every time they punch, tazer or otherwise use force, but an investigation discoverers supervisors don't actually read them. They just make sure they're filled out, and then file them.

    1. ?Impact
    2. Argus


      Being a supervisor means more than ensuring cops are sober and in a clean uniform before they leave the station. If you're not reviewing what they're doing you're not doing your job.

    3. overthere


      LOL, cops don't fill out a card every time they punch somebody.  They do fill one out if there are civilian witnesses.


      The do fill one out for Taser use, the device records every time it is deployed, so not much choice there.

  2. How surprising is it that a distinguished professor should suddenly be denied a Canadian government grant after refusing to use pronouns like “Xkrzlkq” for people who claim to belong to some 27th or 31st gender whose existence nobody suspected 10 years ago? Not even slightly.

  3. I am so much nicer than he rest of you!:)

  4. I bet Canada wouldn't get bullied and pushed around as much if Harper or Chretien were PM. I think Trudeau is seen as a shallow, lightweight boy of no substance, and other countries don't take him - or us, seriously as a result.

  5. I don't have a problem shooting looters and arsonists.

  6. I don't really care about bombs in St Petersburg unless its the one in Florida.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Argus


      You are all such cheap, knee jerk thinkers.

    3. Omni


      How "cheap thinking" is not caring about bombs blowing up people wherever they happen to be?

    4. hot enough

      hot enough

      You should try arguing from merit, Argus. You are building on  conservatives bad reputation.

  7. I don't think buildings are supposed to burn like that in western countries.

  8. I have an enduring belief about mobs in the streets. If they're legally protesting, fine. Enjoy. If they're harassing and assaulting people, smashing stuff, looting and setting fires, they need to be CRUSHED. I don't care if they're BLM or Trumptards. They need to be thrown into the backs of paddy wagons en masse and locked up for a long time. Violent mobs are not to be endured.

    Anyone who thinks differently is the enemy of civilization.

  9. I hope if Khadr decides to blow himself up he does so in a crowd of fawning, adoring progressives.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. drummindiver


      I don't think xenophobia means what Omni thinks it means.

    3. Omni


      Look up the word for starters

    4. drummindiver


      Oh I know what it means. If you think what Argus said is xenophobic you are not thinking it means what it means. 


  10. I know how investigations are showing how Russia trolled internet groups and am wondering if some of our new, hysterically anti-American members are among them - or just crazy.

    1. scribblet
    2. scribblet


      Make that batsh.t.....crazy

  11. I love fighting the Left and the Right at the same time! :P

    1. dialamah


      That explains a lot.  B)

    2. Shady


      I’m sure you’ll just call them racist.

    3. OftenWrong


      Is that you, Russel Crowe?

  12. I love how the Trump loyalists are calling the Democrats both Marxists and Fascists! LOL. All while making it clear they'd welcome a Trump dictatorship.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      ^^What a stupid fucking comment!  Trump is the farthest thing from a warhawk that the US has seen in a hundred years.  

  13. I once got a ticket unjustly. I fought it but lost, and so gave up. Why aren't I on the ten dollar bill?

  14. I prefer not to waste my time with trolls or crazies. The ignore file is the place for both.

  15. I probably like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues in the senate do, and I hate Ted Cruz. - Al Franken. Lol

    1. DogOnPorch


      There was a brief moment Al was funny...back in 1977.


    2. Argus


      I thought he was funny this morning on Morning Joe. He said the senate was only a hundred people and there's generally a collegial atmosphere, which is needed to get stuff done. Cruz gets nothing done.

  16. I think more than half the members of this web site are people with deep psychological problems.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. sharkman


      Well, baskets half full!

      Ash74, when you refer to the four voices in you head, you don't need the word, "of".  You'd say, " All four voices in my head…".

  17. I think that moronic man-child who was dragged off the plane should be arrested and charged, then banned from flying for life.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kactus


      When you have an airline that has overbooked their flights and orders a passenger selected on random to voluntarily leave the plane then it is absolutely questionable why they overbook in the first place and cause so much inconvenience.

      Watch this video...The whole thing is on tape.


      The CEO of UA has already apologised. God damn it what is wrong with these Americans? They act foolishly and then apologise....In any case United Airlines will get sured and next time the airliner will think twice before overbooking their flights...They are a business and as such should behave professional... 

    3. overthere


      ' He was not punched nor 'brutalized' that I saw.'


      He has a broken nose, two missing front teeth and  concussion.  Maybe he assaulted himself in the jetway when nobody was watching?

    4. betsy


      He was bleeding.  He seemed in shock when he ran back to the cabin.  I suppose he feared for his safety too, that's why he ran back to where there would be lots of witnesses.

  18. I think the CBC plans to interview every black person in Canada to talk about their outrage at living in a terrible, sick, racist society.

    1. OftenWrong


      Let's face it, it's being used as an attack on Donald Trump. Even the CBC loves doing that.

      Because somehow they think Trump is responsible for this guy's death.

      And while Trump is is a moron, he's not responsible for that and probably has done more for black American than Obama.

    2. DogOnPorch


      I found it rather disturbing for the PM to say that my culture was irredeemably racist & privileged. Who knew it was ALL my fault?

      Anyways...sorry guys. I won't create viruses, start riots, loot stores or kneel on anymore black men's necks...anymore. I promise! 

    3. betsy


      Looks like a contest between CBC and CTV.   When interviews get on - I automatically switch elsewhere.

  19. I think there are actually more crazy people here now than sane ones.

    1. Omni


      Perhaps it would help to enlighten us with your rendition of crazy. Or sane.

  20. I understand the immigrant experience since my father came here from Scotland when he was three.

  21. I will continue to fight for the ideal of a free society where we all have equal rights. But I am NOT going to express shame for crimes I did not commit, feel guilt because of my gender and the colour of my skin, or submissively kneel before any group or for any cause. = Maxime Bernier

  22. I wonder how Trump will react to the special prosecutor being appointed.

    1. Omni


      He will either try to find another audience he can stand in front of and whine to, or, he'll get somebody to write him a speech on why he needs to honorably retire, start packing his bags, and hope like hell he doesn't get indicted the day he leaves the WH.

    2. DogOnPorch


      I blame Russia. It's all the rage.

  23. I would NEVER call Catherine McKenna a Barbie! Barbie is talented and beautiful...

    1. AngusThermopyle


      Well...Barbie was also a superficial not too bright persona, so maybe there is something to it after all.

  24. I would think that if the Russians want Trump to win so bad they're hacking and campaigning for him more Americans might pause to ask themselves if their enemy's choice for president is the right one for them.

    1. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      But isn't that exactly why the Dems keep throwing out the Russian angle every time wikileaks are brought up?

    2. Argus


      Doesn't matter. It's still an important consideration.

    3. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      C'mon, the Gov't is throwing Russia's name out there to scare people.  It's a smokescreen, reminds me of Wag the dog.

  25. I wrote one post in a topic called 'what I think of donald trump' and it has gotten over 600 views. Who are all these people?? We don't seem to have more than a couple of dozen members who post here.

    1. Shady


      Maybe it’s lurkers from that other loser forum.

    2. scribblet


      Some of them are bots, search engines

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