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Argus last won the day on November 2 2021

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    Peace, Order and Good Government

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  1. If you're a 17 year old girl willingly hanging around with rich guys and having sex for money you're not a victim of abuse, you're a prostitute.

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    2. Argus


      These women are referring to themselves as victims and sex slaves. Yet no one forced them to hang around Epstien nor have sex with men. The only threat was not letting them stay.

    3. betsy



      f you're a 17 year old girl willingly hanging around with rich guys and having sex for money you're not a victim of abuse, you're a prostitute.

      It still doesn't excuse having these rich old lechers exploit young girls who are attracted to the glamour of the rich and famous.

      After all.....who's the adult, and the worldly?  Who should've known and understood better?


      But I do agree that these girls could  hardly be called victims and sex slaves.  I'd say.....they're slaves to their (girls') own desire to be seen and associated with the "beautiful" people.

    4. BubberMiley


      I think child prostitutes are always victims. I guess that's why I'm considered "leftist" on this board.

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