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Everything posted by independent

  1. Thanks explain that to Jobu. He does not understand how you can have a budget surplus and still have a debt.
  2. It is a given that there are still good buys in the market. There is nothing that Warren Buffet or Harper said that takes a genius too know. It is just very inappropriate for a Prime Minister to mention how you can invest money when some people have lost a fortune or have lost their jobs. It was very appropriate for Buffet a leader in the investment community too make such claims.
  3. "In the last two years, many new jobs have been created in resource industries such as oil and gas, mining and agriculture based in Western Canada, offsetting big losses in the manufacturing sector centred in Ontario and Quebec." "Mulraine forecast the Canadian economy will grow by about 15,000 jobs in September, mostly due to hiring related to the Oct. 14 federal election. "That's the only reason why we see a big bump for September," he said. " "The Canadian job market hasn't exactly given a stellar performance this year and that's because the economy itself is in a depressed shape," TD economics strategist Millan Mulraine said, noting that the economy shrank in the first quarter and eked out only a small gain in the second. I sure get different things from the article than you.
  4. Canada was doing quite well back in 2004. Harper came in with the country in great shape. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/budget/ This is what the credit rating agency said in april of 2008 http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2008/04/21/dbrscanada.html
  5. Not the people I know. Most do not trust the government no matter who is in power. Most people are demanding more openness so that we are aware of what they are up too. In opposition the parties are more than willing to agree with that. As soon as they get in they become secretive. http://www.thestar.com/News/Canada/article/410909
  6. Macleans Oct 13 edition has an article about Stephen Harpers Green Shift. A plan he discussed with the Globe and Mail towards the end of last year. This is what the article concluded. "In sum, the conservative plan is just as costly as the Liberals',twice as complicated,and half as effective"
  7. You must be unaware that canada has a huge debt. http://www.fin.gc.ca/afr/2008/afr2008_1e.html http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2008/04/21/dbrscanada.html
  8. http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Canada/200...991291-sun.html Job growth was mainly related to the election. Harper just has too call an election every month.
  9. I voted Green in the last election mostly as a protest vote. I did not like any of my local choices. The Green have grown a lot in the last couple of years and are starting to have some interesting ideas. But for this election it's anyone but Harper. I'll vote for the party that has the best chance of beating the conservative candidate. It is my hope Harper gets dumped and replaced with someone with a conscience. Then next election I will be giving the Green party just as much a look as the other parties.
  10. You are not helping Harpers cause by quoting someone who says 'people who own a piece of it will do well'. Any comment on your part that confirms Harpers insensitivity will do nothing to sway anyone.
  11. Yes anyone owns a piece of it will do well. In the 30s people with money to buy up all the failed businesses and land at a discount did well. Little help to people who lost their businesses and land.
  12. You are correct. The conservatives have followed much the same plan as the Liberals of paying off the debt. There is little else they could have done with a minority government. Minority governments are great. It keeps parties from doing things on pure idealogical grounds.
  13. It is Paul Martin that put the house in order. Everything you mentioned is a result of that. When you pay off debt more money becomes available to you the next year because of reduced interest charges.
  14. The guy who realises there is a problem and wants too consult experts or the guy who ignores the problem and ignores the experts and plans to do nothing. Who should I pick? I'll take the guy that cares. Harper advice. There are some good stock buys out there. NO Harper that will not help those people that lose their jobs.
  15. Excuse me I thought all the economic experts that say were are headed for job loses and economic turmoil knew what they were talking about. You are looking at past stands largely a result of Paul Martins Budgets. Not projected stats largely as a result of American economic spill over into Canada. If anything you are giving people a good reason too vote Liberals. All your examples are result of long term financial management.
  16. He has told you that. He said he will sit down with experts and come up with a plan. Unlike Harper who says he has no plan and is not planning on getting one.
  17. This is not something that would happen to Harper because he has refused to say anything that he has not rehearsed several times. He would not have okayed an interview where he did not have advance knowledge of the questions so that he could be fully prepared. Let Harper go through the same type of interview with the same changing of the rules he would probalbly have not done any better. Harper comes no where close too the likes of Duceppe. Maybe after this election both Harper and Dion will both be replaced by real leaders. As it is I would rather have a nice guy like Dion in charge than Harper. At least with Dion we know he has a good team available too him.
  18. Clearly a good leader does not go forward with a plan till his team is place. Unlike Harper who is trying to be a one man show. Dion is a leader of a team.
  19. Then you would not understand the difficulty in translating the question into your first language.
  20. Most people who speak multiple languages still just think in one language.
  21. Neither fit he has answered the question in the past.
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