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Everything posted by independent

  1. They had no clue what it was. Too them it was just another tax. There Liberals had no time to explain how it works. Once the world economic crisis is over you will see Harper bringing out his Green Plan.
  2. Jean Charest would make an outstanding leader for the Liberals. I thought he was destined to lead the PCs. He is one of those rare leaders that can relate too almost everybody.
  3. It is important that the Liberals distance themselves from the NDP. The Liberals have expressed it is a bad idea too raise corporate taxes. They have expressed the importance of not running a deficit and the importance of paying off the debt. They have not shackled themselves too unions. If anything I believe a lot of Liberals are concerned they have moved too far too the left. A change in leadership too the right would be a smart thing too do.
  4. Harper majority government Liberals official opposition. Parliament will not operate any differently. Thus the same results. Exact numbers of seats and who is in them matter little.
  5. The Liberals did not get enough time to sell the Green Shift. The Liberals should have put in on the back burner saying it would have to wait until the economy is in better shape. Dion firmly believed in the Green Shift and believes that values are more important than votes.(A concept new too Canadian politics). If Dion gets booted out you would likely get a Leader more interested in winning and less about Liberals values. It is a shame that being a nice guy is not valued in Canadian society.
  6. The election has pushed the Liberals deeply in debt. They will have no choice but to cooperate. That will leave Harper too run very close to a majority government. Layton has come out very strongly that he wants to be the Prime Minister and is winning more and more support. He will have the opportunity to act like the real opposition. Harper needs to impress. He cannot run a deficit. He has to keep the economy on track. He has to do something about crime. He has too keep all the regions of the country happy and not look like he is playing favorite. He has to keep his troops in line. Any slip up and we go back to the polls. The Liberals will not be able to run an effective campaign. The NDP will be stronger than ever and get most of the protest vote. It will not be outside the realm of possibility you could get a NDP minority government. The result will be higher taxes and heavy expenditures. The still reeling Liberals will not be able to do anything about it. The conservatives will have to go through a leadership race and that would become very interesting considering all the diverse personalities. Do the conservatives have any one that would able to hold that group together. The Liberals will continue to struggle with financial turmoil and their own leadership problems. (Even though I dislike Harper) For the sake of the country Harper has too stay moderate. Keep all his Ideology out of politics. If he continues with his hatred of the Liberal party. He will very likely destroy the Liberal party(make some people happy I am sure)but he could also destroy the Conservatives in the process.(The country can only stand so much dirty politics.)
  7. http://dsp-psd.communication.gc.ca/Collect.../BP/bp300-e.htm Here is a study on a comparison between the US healthcare system and ours payed for with our money.
  8. If Harper forms the government I fully support him doing anything he has to do to get a strong cabinet. It is also very important to get all regions represented in Cabinet.
  9. Alternate sentencing started because of the high cost of putting someone in Jail. Harper failed to price out one of the biggest parts of his platform.
  10. http://www.ibelieveinopen.ca/ I do not think we will hear from the tories.
  11. I believe in a balance. Harper has increased spending every year of office. If he wants to cut taxes he has to cut expenditures. I do not want to see deficit financing. Dion has come out strongly that he will not run a deficit. Harper as far as I know has not commited himself too doing that.
  12. That way you could be an international company since you have business in every province but Quebec.
  13. http://www.taxpayer.com/main/news.php?news_id=2960 If you want to cut taxes you have too cut expenditures. Harper has increased spending in each year in office. He has made further promises. The biggest one the get tough on crime he did not even price.
  14. Yes. Employers could frown on your choice of candidates and not promote you. You may be shunned from a church or group because of your vote.etc. Not to say the internet will not work but it would have to be kept secret. If people can using it for banking you should be able to use it for voting.
  15. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/...%20Encyclopedia Few cuban workers pay income tax. My comments were sarcasm(not to be taken seriously) too the suggestion that compares the Liberals, NDP and Green too Cuba. All are parties believe in democracy and free enterprise.
  16. Proxy voting. If we do not like what our Representative is doing we just give our vote too someone else.
  17. There is almost always a booby prize given out.
  18. Canada is being pressured to deal with emissions. It does not matter which party gets in they will have to do something. Harper put his green plan aside for the election. He will be forced to act on it if he gets in by the international community.
  19. You really need to get out more. I work with all kinds of nationalities and we get along just fine. It is big business that are pushing the government to bring in immigrants. Immigrants come in here willing to work for a lot less money or they have the skills that businesses do not want to train there own people for.
  20. You really need to get out more. I work with all kinds of nationalities and we get along just fine. It is big business that are pushing the government to bring in immigrants. Immigrants come in here willing to work for a lot less money or they have the skills that businesses do not want to train there own people for.
  21. Their is plenty of evidence too support both theories. We cannot do anything about the sun. We can do something about we do to the environment. The world is putting pressure on Canada to cut back on emissions and no matter which party gets in they will be forced to do something. Harper came up with his green plan because of international pressure and put it aside for the election. He will be forced to go through with it if he gets in.
  22. Buffet is a brilliant investor who made a lot of money by meeting needs in the market place. http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2004...ett-kerry_x.htm He publically complained about George Bushes tax cuts as favoring the rich.
  23. How naive. The trick is finding them not in knowing that they are there.
  24. Cuba is a country ran by a dictator much like Harper. Cuba is a country that is hard on crime like Harper. Cuba does not believe in taxation just like Harper.
  25. Buffet is a brilliant investor who made a lot of money by meeting needs in the market place. http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/2004...ett-kerry_x.htm He publically complained about George Bushes tax cuts as favoring the rich.
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