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Everything posted by tango

  1. I agree we should ask him. Florida's a more pleasant place to do time. Also ... Conrad is innocent? GMAFB! You can steal from a publicly traded company. That's Conrad's arrogance - he thinks the law doesn't apply to him! Besides, I believe he got time not for stealing, but for removing possessions from his office, flaunting a court order publicly to the media. I doubt if he wants to come back here, take a chance on another facility, when it is so "civilized" there. Innocent my a**!
  2. Steeltown woos aboriginal festival from Toronto Organizers say they didn't get enough respect April 08, 2009 Graham Rockingham The Hamilton Spectator (Apr 8, 2009) To the Cayuga of the Six Nations, Hamilton is known as Kah-nah-go' -- which means the place "in the valley." For the next three years, Kah-nah-go' (the phonetic spelling of the word) will host the largest native powwow in the country. Mayor Fred Eisenberger joined local native leaders yesterday to announce that the 16th annual Canadian Aboriginal Festival will be held in downtown Hamilton Nov. 26 to 29, with as many as 40,000 people in attendance. It will mark the first time the event has been held outside Toronto, and festival organizers say they hope to make Hamilton its permanent home, guaranteeing that it will remain here for at least the next three years. "It's quite a coup for Hamilton to host this great aboriginal event," the mayor told a news conference yesterday at Copps Coliseum, one of the host venues for the festival. "Every time we take one away from Toronto, it brings a little bit of joy." Festival organizers said they hoped to make Hamilton the permanent home of the festival, which attracts as many as 40,000 people, and guaranteed it would stay in that city for at least the next three years. [/i] more .... http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/545047 Oh excellent! Looking forward to this! Darling, Don't Cry ... Red Bull Singers And by Buffy Ste Marie And dancers Local: Hamilton History - Native Indians & Early Explorers The first humans, the Clovis people, arrived in Niagara Region almost 12,000 years ago, around the time of the birth of the Falls, when the land was tundra with spruce forests. These nomadic hunters camped along the old Lake Erie shoreline, in small dwellings, and left little behind except chipped stones, likely used to hunt caribou, mastodons, moose and elk. By 9,500 years ago deciduous forest covered southernmost Ontario, supporting wildlife like deer, moose, fish and plants, enabling small groups to hunt in the winter, coming together into larger groups during the summer, to fish at shorelines and at the mouths of rivers. About 2,000 years ago, the Woodland Period brought Iroquois culture in southern Ontario. These peoples began agriculture based on crops of corn, bean and squash, which supported a boom in population and a rich culture with small palisaded villages in which extended families occupied individual longhouses. They developed ceramics technology and forged strong inter-village alliances. By the time the European explorers and missionaries arrived in the early 1600s, the Iroquoian villages had elected chiefs and were allied within powerful tribal confederacies. The Neutral Indians were the leaders of a group of ten tribes of the Iroquois Nation. Other tribes included the Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Huron, Petun, Erie and the Susquehannock. The French explorers , gave this Indian tribe the name "Neutrals", because of their position and status as peace keepers between the warring Hurons and Iroquois. Unfortunately, inter-tribal warfare was made worse by the intrusion of the Europeans. Niagara Falls In May 1535, Jacques Cartier left France to explore the New World, and was told by the Indians he met along the St. Lawrence River about Niagara Falls. When Samuel de Champlain visited Canada in 1608, he too heard the stories, but it was Etienne Brule, who in 1615 was the first European to see Hamilton on his explorations of Lakes Ontario, Erie Huron and Superior. Lasalle also visited the area, a fact commemorated at a park in nearby Burlington. These were followed shortly by the Recollet missionary explorers, and a decade later by the Jesuits In 1641 the Onguiaahra Indians (also called the "Neutral" Indians) were the predominant tribe along the Niagara River, and The Iroquois Confederacy or Five (later Six) Nations first occupied the land now covered by Hamilton. The French initiated a fur- trade rivalry between the Huron and Iroquois, which turned into a 6 year long Indian war which pushed the Huron Nation to the north and scattered them throughout Ontario. The Iroquois moved into the Niagara area, pushing the Neutral Indians eastward to the area of Albany, New York. The wars also managing to keep Europeans settlers away until after the American Revolution.
  3. Well! That's blunt! Could be considered a personal attack, though. Point being, people smoking pot (sans alcohol) are not aggressive, violent. And there's no damn good reason for it not to be as legal as alcohol. But not for kids. I would have reported the guy selling it to minors. So there! That's why we have to get it off the street.
  4. Harper does not have a majority, so the tories can't stop it if the other 3 parties agree. We could use a new source of public income, instead of this drain on public funds: Ottawa spends about $450 million a year enforcing Canada's drug laws. Half of all offences are for cannabis possession. Tens of thousands of Canadians are charged annually with possession, and 1.5 million citizens are carrying criminal records for this offence. Ridiculous. It's medicinal, recreational, a personal choice. Let people who want to use pot do so, and pay taxes like the good citizens they are. Nobody gets into fights just smoking pot. It's why we Canadians are known as 'laid back'. Chill mon! Interesting ... 55% of (adult) Canadians agree with legalizing marijuana, and as I recall, about 45% have used in their lifetime. And look at this ... you can hop all over the US and be legal! United States cannabis laws. States with medical cannabis laws.....blue States with decriminalization laws.....red States with both.............................purple http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...is-laws.svg.png
  5. What the hell does that have to do with minorities whose culture includes polygamy, who simply want to be legal?
  6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/apr/08/t...-police-officer (video) Ian Tomlinson death: Police officer comes forward to IPCC Officer thought to be shown in video striking Ian Tomlinson shortly before his death during G20 protests comes forward The Guardian obtained this footage of Ian Tomlinson at a G20 protest in London, shortly before he died. It shows Tomlinson, who was not part of the demonstration, being assaulted from behind and pushed to the ground by police Link to this video The police officer thought to be shown in video footage striking Ian Tomlinson shortly before the newsagent died during last week's G20 protests has come forward to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The video footage obtained by the Guardian shows Tomlinson, 47, walking past police with his hands in his pockets, then being knocked to the ground by an officer in riot gear who strikes him from behind with a baton as officers from the City of London force look on. Minutes later Tomlinson suffered a fatal heart attack. The City of London police initially was investigating the attack, supervised by the IPCC, but today after the video came to light the IPCC reversed its decision and announced its own investigators would conduct a full criminal inquiry. Also tonight, new footage emerged from ITN/Channel Four News of the moment Tomlinson was struck, showing the riot officer swinging his arm back fully before striking Tomlinson. The IPCC has ordered a second postmortem examination, which aims to provide medical evidence as to what caused the death of the newspaper seller. The first attributed his death to natural causes. Tonight, Tomlinson's family released a statement through their lawyer which said they wanted "to thank the media for bringing crucial evidence about Ian's death to light". The family said they were "grateful to all the witnesses who have come forward and asked for anyone else who has information to contact Tuckers Solicitors and the IPCC". Tomlinson was on his way home and was not part of the protest last Wednesday in the City.
  7. He's just part of the pres's 'communications'/liaison team. No biggie. Harper's got a raft of them too ... http://sage-geds.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/cgi-bin...o%3dGC%2cc%3dCA
  8. Whaaaat?? I don't get the connection. You are saying it's 'a plot'?
  9. Despite all your pooh-pooh and bluster, I sense you are secretly proud of the man.
  10. I'm not sure there's any point to 'blaming' politicians or politics for the deficit budget. Obviously, it's reduced income from the oil industry, for the same reason the auto companies are in trouble. Silly to blame politicians for the global economic meltdown, imo. Doesn't matter what party they are, they are all in the same pickle.
  11. I don't think you, or I, can make these judgments as we are not part of that minority and do not understand their cultural ways. I think our opinion is irrelevant. I know there are plural marriages in existence. Why should they have to hide that fact and why not legalize? None of our business really. They are small minorities, not going to affect our rights in any way, imo.
  12. My apologies ... it appears the data includes federal, provincial and local. In which case, only part of it can be compared to US federal .... but do we know the US distribution of state and local? I'm very interested in knowing how much could be saved in public wages if we scrapped all of the mean-tested income programs and substituted a guaranteed annual income. I suspect it would pay for itself.
  13. Names can be changed, and were.
  14. ok, you're saying there aren't enough conservatives who vote ... because of their attitude? or because bosses have attitudes and don't give them the time? I'm confused.
  15. To the provinces? Powers are distributed differently in Canada and the US, federal-state You can't compare apples and oranges, unless you know what the distribution of public employees is across all public sectors.
  16. Last night's TV coverage continued to focus on the summit abroad. http://hotlineoncall.nationaljournal.com/a...after_d_552.php NBC's Todd, asked how the admin. feels about what was accomplished: "It was a diplomatic decathlon of sorts. It was unbelievable, what they tried to get done today, in a span of about 12 hours, which normally could have filled up an entire month of an international agenda. They feel the best about what happened with Russia. They are really pushing behind the scenes this idea that, you know, people are not appreciating the significance of restarting nuclear disarmament talks with the Russians." More Todd: "What I found fascinating was sort of this way that the meetings today that the president had, that they were bookends. ... One was very 20th century, right, a flashback to the '80s, nuclear arms talks with the Russians. And one was very 21st century, an acknowledgement that China, the sleeping giant of the 20th century, is now truly America's equal, at least economically" ("1600," MSNBC, 4/1). ... Queen Noor, on Obama's meeting with Russian Pres. Dmitri Medvedev: "I think it is a historic and bold breakthrough. It is the first time ever that the American and Russian presidents have committed their countries to work for the total elimination of all nuclear weapons. That was part of this discussion and their declaration that is extremely encouraging" ("Rachel Maddow Show," MSNBC, 4/1). And tonight, Queen Noor got Steven Colbert signed on to Global 0 - the phased nuclear elimination agreement. She quoted Obama as saying "Nuclear proliferation is the biggest security threat we face." 96% in the hands of Russia and the US, and the rest (materials) spread around 40 countries. I think this is exciting, to actually be trying to reduce the threat again.
  17. Because it already exists, in several cultures. So why not?
  18. we work and vote. boss is supposed to give you 4 hrs.
  19. Yr not telling me cons are ... lazy about democracy? They think the boss is taking care of it?
  20. That's the cons perennial problem ... they just are a perennial minority. Try to add any people, you get into the "dippers and liberals" majority, see?
  21. I just wish people would get over this and not think about it so uselessly. Then I can get back to not reading people's disparagement of other's bedroom behaviour. I'm really not interested in ANY one else's bedroom bedroom behaviour. And same sex parents of faith want to be married. Big deal. What a non issue.
  22. mikedavid ... you are too ... funny. Original newscast when she went missing ...
  23. So ... I guess no one's taking seriously the possibility that she's a Canadian spy? Big T must not be paying this particular little t, if they are reduced to kidnapping for ransom. She doesn't seem too 'mentally ill' to me, at least her thought processes here ... Sep 11, 2008 http://www.jihadunspun.com/index-side_inte.../index.php& This year, the seventh anniversary of the attacks on America fall within this blessed month of Ramadan providing us with a special opportunity to give thought to our current condition. Since America unleashed its hellfire on Afghanistan following the 2001 attacks, Muslims around the world have been killed, injured, detained, humiliated and demonized in a ceaseless war that America has loosely termed a ‘war on terror” but that has no specific definition or end. Three thousand Americans died in the attacks on America that fateful day in 2001 and seven years on, the Muslim death toll now exceeds a million, the number of detainees countless and the destruction to Muslim land in the trillions of dollars. While the war was first said to be against Osama bin Laden, America then turned their guns on Afghanistan and the Taliban who refused to turn Bin Laden over without proof of his guilt. Then came Iraq, and since then, America has deliberately instigated a war against Islam itself. Today, any Muslim who does not agree with American foreign policy is a terrorist and the practice of Islam itself is equated as “terrorism”. By now it must be clear to every Muslim, non-Muslim, agnostic and atheist that the number one threat to world peace is America itself. This has been clearly demonstrated in their sordid actions over the past seven years. And while this can not be emphasized enough, that does not mean that we must not take a critical look at our own actions that are failing to stop the aggression against us. And then this ... Oct 22, 2008 By Khadija Abdul Qahaar | Jihad Unspun Assalamualeikum Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatu In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful Dear Brother And Sisters, May this reach you in the best of health and strongest of Imaan. Ameen. I apologize for writing this letter of request particularly to you those of you who has been such a great contributor to our site but unfortunately I must. As you know, the JUS team is in Pakistan making a documentary film and shoring up direct contacts for our news report which have become very weak in recent years due to third hand reporting and a variety of other challenges. While we have made tremendous progress, Pakistan is now erupting into a full scale war zone. We have been in some very sensitive areas and even Islamabad is now locked down. As foreigners we must leave the country however we do not have the funds to get out. Our visas are expiring and they will not be renewed as the Canadian and British embassies are demanding all foreign national to leave due to the security situation. Allah knows that I really dislike having to ask but please know how hard we work for Allah. We have managed to get very good material out of the country to our production group but our physical safety is now paramount. I make this personal and urgent appeal to you to send whatever contribution you can to assist us to return to Canada and Britain (I am Canadian, our other member with me is from Britain and we also have some local Pakistanis who can not leave the country I am afraid). As a woman, I have already had a few close calls in the tribal areas as kidnappers and thieves are running loose even in Peshawar but alhamdulilah Allah has helped us. I can see why she's not popular in Ottawa, though. Have they even mentioned this?
  24. It's none of bush_cheney's business anyway. He's just jealous! All those arguments about the 'dangerous' effects of weed are kind of silly since it's legal for medicinal purposes in Canada anyway. Musta passed the test!
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