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Everything posted by Moonbox

  1. First off, we pay for the programs, so when we screw it up and let it get squandered, it's like we crapped in our own bed. We have full control over these programs and can fix them. We also pay for First Nations programs, however. When they squander handout money it's like a giant slap in the face. We don't have any say in how it gets spent and we get no benefits from it, so it's very difficult to justify further funding.
  2. Some did, some didn't. The antagonists did not, and that's all that matters. They're the ones who finance and foment violence against Israel and leave things as the mess they are today. It's absolutely cowardly how countries like Iran operate but that's a whole other story.
  3. I'm saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with at least drawing the comparison. Things ain't right in Israel. It has a lot of problems. Everyone is not treated equally. That's a fact. The only thing left to do is understand WHY things are the way they are, and on that I'm much more sympathetic. I doubt anyone said that. I certainly didn't. It's not necessarily anti-semitic at all. If you were one of the displaced Arabs that had previously lived in Israel do you not think you'd feel they had no right to take your land and migrate on top of you? That has nothing to do with them being Jewish. I could have been Klingons and they'd be saying the same thing about Israel. No, what's absurd is your inability to grasp the simple logic of the conclusions you're trying to make. Have you looked at a map of Israel/Palestine lately? Palestine practically sits inside Israel, so by building a wall around it they're effectively cutting it off from the outside world and preventing it from functioning like a normal 'country'. I think it's justified, since Israel's enemies are refusing even the DIALOGUE of peace, but I think there is at least SOME traction on the apartheid comparison and it has nothing to do with Jew-hating.
  4. No. None of those things can be considered anti-semitic. Replace the Jews in Israel with Hindus and you'd get the same reaction. The criticisms against Israel are in no way directed at JEWS. It's directed at the segregation of people based on race/religion, the heavy-handed retaliation of attacks and on settlement encroachment...oh and that they transplanted themselves on already inhabited land. Personally, I believe that what's done is done. I understand why Israel segregates the population because it has ample reason to be afraid and I don't think the measures it takes to protect itself are exaggerated. I understand why they retaliate heavily and I don't really blame them for that either. I feel that after 50+ years they have every right to exist where they do. At the same time, however, I do understand a lot of the criticism directed against it, and I most of it isn't jew-hating.
  5. Of course he says that. He wants more money. The question is why was it allowed to be squandered in the first place? The money was a handout and they still managed to waste it. Now the question is why should regular taxpayers like myself pay for them to have a race-based university that they can't even manage properly? You don't get three chances when you screw with charity money. Once you've blown it you've really blown it.
  6. That's my sentiment. There's no point in throwing money away that has a pretty solid track record of being squandered.
  7. First off, Israel is not the Jewish People. There are as many Jews outside of Israel as there are inside. Second, you have a problem with simple logic, Mr. Canada, that I don't think any of us can help you with. Calling for the destruction of Israel can stem from many reasons. It could be anti-semitism, or it could be that a lot of people that used to live there and got ousted are still pretty upset about it. Nobody compared Israel to Nazi Germany. You just keeping making yourself look dumber and dumber. Yes there are holocaust deniers amongst Muslims. There are also Holocaust deniers amongst Christians and Chinese and Hindus as well. Anyone with a decent education, however, doesn't deny it. Most anti-Israeli sentiment in the West these days stems not from the fact that they are Jewish, but rather from the harsh measures they take to protect themselves. Israeli responses to outside and inside threats are often heavy-handed with loads of collateral damage. Personally, I support their right to exist and protect themselves but sometimes I question whether or not even they're interested in peace. The fact that they're constantly expanding settlements I find to be pretty belligerent, but then maybe they feel there's no chance for peace anyways so they might as well expand?
  8. I'm happy if they don't raise taxes, particularly middle-income earners.
  9. You posted that it's anti-semitic to criticize Israel because they have the Star of David on their flag. That's false and your logic is terrible to boot. We're trying to show you that your way of thinking doesn't make sense and if you took the time to think them through (we hope) you'd realize it. Your thought process is a dog's breakfast and it's not worth our time to pick it apart bit by bit and explain it to you, mostly because you're not prepared to listen. There's a reason why you get attacked personally. It's not because we're mean people. It's because your posts are ignorant and we've long given up trying to reason with you. A normal person would probably get the hint when most of their posts get laughed off the forum, but you seem to be a special case. The worst part is that sometimes you make relevant points, or are trying to. Even when you're on the same side of an argument as me, however, you do more harm than good to the position I'm trying to take because the majority of what you say is just diarhea.
  10. It's a symbol the Germans had been using for centuries and they weren't oblivious to the religious undertones it implied. I knew from the start I shouldn't have brought up Nazis just because it derails what I was trying to say. Flag =/ Race If I really need to simplify it I can just say it doesn't make you a Christian hater if you criticize Switzerland just because their flag is a cross. That's what Mr. Canada was trying to say about Israel. If you criticize Israel it means you hate Jews because their flag is the Star of David.
  11. The Teutonic Knights were a catholic religious fighting order...who also happened to have waged wars against pagans in order to bring Christianity to still pagan lands like Lithuania. The Maltese cross, the Teutonic Cross, the Cross of the Templars/Knights of Santiago were all based on the CROSS because they were Christian Orders. That's what the cross meant at the time. Once again, however, my point was that it's idiotic to say criticism of Israel is anti-semitic just because they have the star of David on their flag. It similarily isn't hateful to Christians to criticize Nazi Germany just because they had a cross on a lot of their crap, nor is it hateful to Islam to criticize Sailor Moon for using the Crescent Moon in their imagery. He was making a really dumb point.
  12. Fair enough, but the germans still painted Crosses on all their weapons and vehicles and used it as their military emblem. My points stands, but thanks for the correction.
  13. I think it's more like they feel it's a popular position to take with their supporting demographic. It's the whole, "Down with Israel! Down with Free Trade! Down with Corporations!" sort of mentality...
  14. They would have tried to. The simple reality of it was that they stood no chance. They stood no chance against European technology, European commerce, European military doctrine or European disease. You need only look at what happened to the Inca and Aztecs to get an idea of what the inevitable conclusion to hostilities with England or France would have been.
  15. Nope I was born here. My ancestors conquered this land. I just grew up here. So did my parents. I'm not an immigrant.
  16. Bad analogy. The Republican Party doesn't have as it's main platform the destruction of an entire nation.
  17. What about Section 1 of the Charter? I posted that. I also posted what the SCoC decided needed to be proven to recognize aboriginal Title. Those are both FACTS which you ignored in favor of ranting and carrying on... Shwa you're a joke. Keep it up with the lame insults. Maybe eventually you'll break me down and hurt my feelings
  18. The swastika in Germany was a Christian cross. That was their flag. Aside from that, German Panzers and Luftwaffe fighters/bombers all had just plain normal crosses painted on them. Criticizing Nazi Germany means you hate Christians right? This is how dumb most of your points are.
  19. You haven't posted a single point/fact in this entire thread...clown.
  20. It's pretty standard no matter what we're talking about. I'm here for the discussion. Some posters just stonewall and troll for the sake of it and that's probably why First Nations threads end up the way they do. Here we have CR.
  21. Welcome to a political internet forum. Thanks for posting anyways. That was really helpful.
  22. Actually it was one of the best books I've ever read. It was such a surreal and weird book and it's not something I would normally read, but it was the most open minded piece of writing I've ever touched. The way the book touched on all the different religions and broke them down was enlightening. Every world leader SHOULD read it. I'm not a huge Obama fan but if he actually read that and came to those conclusions (rather than have them written for him) then I'm impressed. I'm not surprised Harper hasn't read it. It's a little too 'spiritual' for his tastes and the way it compares Hinduism, Islam and Christianity (and concludes they are all basically the same thing) would probably make his Bible-thumping party go crazy.
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