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Everything posted by Moonbox

  1. Hey neighbour I was going to bring up this example as well but you beat me to it. I admire Michael Chong's principled stance. His popularity increased because of it. He was immensely popular prior to that choice, however, and I believe his situation was rather unique because of that. If the CPC would have disciplined him, he could have easily won as an independent and Harper would have one seat less than he does today. Most MP's, however, have much more precarious holds on their seats and as such can't afford to be such free thinkers.
  2. One of the few occasions that I'd have to agree with you 100%
  3. If I was the dead kid's parents, this boy wouldn't survive long.
  4. She's made HERSELF to be a liability. Nobody else did that for her. She married a scum bag (and an argument could be made of how that reflects on her) and she's done little but embarrass herself over the last few months.
  5. Let's say for the sake of argument that its a heavily right wing magazine too....maybe that will provide some perspective to you guys...
  6. Abortion is a last resort even here in Canada. It's generally an "oh shit" reaction to a mistake. Maybe you got too drunk to make a good decision, maybe the condom broke...whatever. In the third world, contraception and birth control are so far behind that abortion would not do nothing to actually fix the problem. People would just get pregnant over and over.
  7. I'd love to see what sort of demographic CBC radio is pulling in. We're paying taxes to support the idealogy and entertainment of a select few. The CBC, in my opinion, is one of the most useless wastes of money I can think of.
  8. This is how you should talk here if you don't want to get mocked. At least here it looks like you're actually interested in debating Canadian politics.
  9. If they were lies you wouldn't need to censor them. You would just be able to prove it's a lie and make the liar look stupid. That is how western media works. We're at least allowed to think for ourselves. In communist China, the government thinks for you and decides what you're allowed to believe.
  10. It has a dark side yes. All societies do. They all have bright sides too. China has many bright sides and bad sides at the same time. Because there are over a billion of them. People are moving to the west away from China because life is usually BETTER here for them, otherwise they wouldn't do it. As for brainwash, I think the Chinese are the only ones aggressively censoring their internet --- they only want the Chinese people to see what the government wants them to see. That doesn't happen here.
  11. I enjoyed that episode. They didn't so much make fun of Mohammed as they made fun of the fundamentalists who wet their pants and blow themselves up any time someone pokes fun at them. Well done guys.
  12. Makes me want to scream...yet nobody seems to care :angry:
  13. It is very obvious you have goals. You aren't here to 'discuss' Canadian politics. You're here to tell us how bad our democratic system is and how good things are in China. That's all you've done. I grew up with, went to school with and dated people born in China or who whose parents were born there. My opinions of the Chinese government are in large part based on their experiences as they presented them to me. Even they know the Chinese government lies to them.
  14. My convince ability at least not involve threat of bullet to back of head. Better than Communist China government.
  15. I think you need to understand what makes a criminal a criminal. They're society's failures. If pot were legalized you'd actually have successful and intelligent people growing large scale and efficient crops with machinery, distribution chains etc. The relatively small scale operations of the gangs etc would quickly be pushed out of business through simple economies of scale. This would lead them back to a criminal life and on to the next illicit activity/substance. Again, I'm not really against it being legal, but the argument that it would reduce crime is just silly. It holds no water.
  16. Haha he can think that. Personally I don't think anybody reads his posts other than to make fun of him though.
  17. It's not really intended to be friendly. He's not discussing in good faith with us so instead I'll poke fun at him and see how much time he wastes trying to refute my completely idiotic posts. I find it incredibly amusing but that is just a matter of taste. You have me on a technicality . I will normally respond to someone who quotes me, even though most of the time I gloss over what they write - not really much offense meant there. I think we typically just don't see things the same way. That's irony, or poor logic on my part, but definitions have nothing to do with it
  18. Among other things yes. Mostly I mock how he's trying to convince us how terrible things are here and how the Chinese frollick in the streets everyday with bunnies and gum drops. You and he are both missing the irony in my mockery I think. Unsurprising.... As for tuition refunds, ironically enough you may need to look up the word definition in the dictionary. Regardless, I'm not here to mock or flame you. You at least seem to be genuinely interested in Canadian politics, which is more than I can say about chinaman.
  19. I wouldn't mock him if it was just his poor grasp of English. I mock him because I'm almost convinced that he's employed by the Chinese government or something to play the propaganda game overseas. He's not here to discuss Canadian politics. He doesn't seem to know anything about them. All he does is post news clips about how evil Canadian society is. Oh, and for the record, most of your posts in general are tiresome, but I don't complain. I just don't read them
  20. Sorry, let me clarify. I smoked pot in highschool & university. It didn't have any long term impact on me. It is much like alchohol. Alchohol is actually probably worse. The difference, in my mind at least, however, is that you can go to work or school stoned and a lot of the time people would never even notice. That's not to say you're still fully functional, but rather that you're not NOTICEABLY impaired. The other phenomenon that I see as a key difference is how chronic pot can be for a lot of people. Anyone who drinks all day is going to be f'd all day and people will see it and smell it on them. You could be high for the better part of the day every day and still function okay. Does this make any sense? My experience is that pot is just a lot more insidious. Like I said before though, just legalize it already. I don't really care either way. Holland seems to be doing alright. The world didn't collapse around it.
  21. Haha no! Because bullet goes in through BACK of head! Never see coming no! Crazy schizo man running away from police. Too bad so sad but better than he hurt someone. In red China, no allowed Polish men to live there.
  22. I don't really have anything against pot being legalized. People who want to smoke it do regardless and it is barely policed (aside from large operations). The only difference between it and booze or tabaccy is that it makes you stupid even in small doses and it's harder to tell when someone is high. Obvious problems arise from that but whatever.
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