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Everything posted by eyeball

  1. So like 0.15 more in my pocket? Wow...call the cops! /yawnoff BTW we all heard you were executed by Trudeau. How did you manage to get out of that sticky wicket?
  2. American complicity in the ME and surrounding region has always been ironic.
  3. I hear you, I'm definitely looking forward to tax breaks and way less red-tape. I miss the old school days when I could haul logs home from the National Park and sell them under the table. Has Poilievre said anything about how big a tax refund I can expect or how much guvmint he'll keep off my back?
  4. There's a new theory in town. What If Fed Rate Hikes Are Actually Sparking US Economic Boom? A radical theory is spreading as economy defies expectations ‘The reality is people have more money,’ one convert says https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-16/booming-us-economy-inspires-radical-theory-on-wall-street
  5. Emissions are up...jabs are down...economic disparity is increasing... And you people still whine like babies. It's phenomenal really.
  6. I'd argue it's more like climate change - people are giving up giving a shit about it - the end goal of misinformation. Good job, you're winning. It must be a real vindication.
  7. Yeah, they're just about the most pointless aspect of democracy from where I'm sitting over 3000 miles from where the decisions that effect me the most are made. Elections haven't done a single tangible thing for me that I can put my finger on. The point is that the monopoly should be distributed like authority and jurisdictions to the greatest local extent possible. None of it will ever happen of course unless its a result of complete collapse of the centre so it effectively disappears. My concern is evaporating though, all I increasingly care about is me and mine. I must be getting more conservative as I get older, I was warned about this decades ago.
  8. I don't know, he's kind of on par with WCM who maintains he's the 7th smartest guy on the Internet so... Maybe advanced intellect like advanced technology is hard to discern from magic when you're trying to comprehend it. The line between baffling bullshit and dazzling brilliance is just to complex.
  9. I for one am definitely looking forward to some passive conservatism where common sense Canadians will see things like tax increases/breaks going to public referendum.
  10. I'll just write the opposite of what I mean then from now on. Just apply your magic lying discombobulator to it and voila, no more problem. How's that sound?
  11. Nope, your head imploded when I simply mocked Harper's Transparency Act for being useless at preventing or catching Trudeau's corruption. You tried to say it was actually responsible for nailing him when it was clearly Jody Wilson-Raybould. Then you blathered a bunch of really retarded hooey involving murder and how there's no law that could prevent Trudeau from doing anything he wanted. Which which begs the question why didn't he just murder JWR?
  12. Not if Ottawa or Victoria or wherever still has the same monopoly on authority they enjoy. I don't know...they make me work under the glare of cameras to keep me honest, what makes the decision makers so special?
  13. For Trudeau's corruption? You're obviously retarded.
  14. The consensus in my echo chamber is so deafening its difficult to ignore. The volume at which the vast VAST body of medical expertise is talking remains so impervious to squelching out by dingbats without a clue. As for your chamber it's just hello...hello...hello?
  15. This makes them anti-Semites according to received Zionist ideology. In 2014, Noam Chomsky said that Zionists divided critics of Israeli policy into two groups: antisemitic non-Jews and neurotic self-hating Jews, stating: Actually, the locus classicus, the best formulation of this, was by an ambassador to the United Nations, Abba Eban, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.... He advised the American Jewish community that they had two tasks to perform. One task was to show that criticism of the policy, what he called anti-Zionism—that means actually criticisms of the policy of the state of Israel—were anti-Semitism. That's the first task. Second task, if the criticism was made by Jews, their task was to show that it's neurotic self-hatred, needs psychiatric treatment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hating_Jew Liked so many other things it's mostly defaulted to the same right vs left dynamic seen across all political landscapes. It's just the tone of the times we're in I guess. The best thing to do when faced with charges of anti-Semitism by you people is to follow the example of so-called self-hating anti-Semitic Jews in Israel which is to laugh at it. Haaretz writes that the term is almost exclusively used today by the Jewish right against the Jewish left, and that within left-wing and liberal circles, is "usually considered a joke".[46] Richard Forer
  16. Like I said, if the meeting isn't recorded it didn't happen and the politician can't move any business forward. If a public official suddenly produces things like permits for greater emissions, undisclosed tax breaks or fat government contracts that can't be traced back to meetings that included witnesses and a public record tongues will wag. They always get caught but almost always way to late to ever do to much about it. I'm just saying we need something more immediate and direct to contain the damage and restore/maintain public trust. Like justice, accountability delayed is accountability denied.
  17. What are you doing besides whining about it being everyone else's fault? Oh right, you're avoiding the fact its only the fault of the individual who's actually corrupt. It's hilarious that you keep defending him this way.
  18. Yes we all party in your mind like it was an unregulated Airbnb.
  19. This troll is the turtle on which your silly world seems to exist and without which your dumbass arguments simply don't. I'm definitely a lefty and all that has to do with transparency is that I'd like to subject governments I do vote for to as much transparency as possible. The last thing I want is for some self-interested arseholes to get caught doing something that could result in the election of a party I don't support. And above all else greater transparency would help dispel much of the misinformation that exists in minds like your's. Well, maybe not your's but enough that your's wouldn't matter so much.
  20. Back to rubber and glue and projecting again are you? Loser. No he was clearly found to have violated the Conflict of Interest Act after Jody Wilson-Raybould blew the whistle on Trudeau's attempt to circumvent it. Trudeau contravened Section 9 of the Conflict of Interest Act through a series of "flagrant attempts to influence" Wilson‑Raybould to reach an agreement with SNC-Lavalin to avoid criminal prosecution. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-wilson-raybould-attorney-general-snc-lavalin-1.5014271 There's nothing Harper did or could have done at all to prevent, catch, or punish Trudeau for what happened. You're the only one who's ever said otherwise. Because yer a frickin' loon, a troll and a hopeless loser.
  21. There are things we could do to address the privacy of politicians and the problem of politicians getting cozy with lobbyists in secret. Subject the lobbying of public officials to a page from Robert's Rules Of Order where meetings that aren't recorded simply didn't happen and as such only the business arising from a recorded meeting can move forward. The bodycam idea is really just to highlight how easy it really could be to keep politicians more honest. But I think a lot more cameras will most certainly be an important aspect of making governments more compliant with the rules around their accountability and transparency. Given the technology of AI human observers and witnesses - or process guardians as I like to call them - will certainly be needed as well.
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