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Everything posted by maplesyrup

  1. A personal rebuke to this prime minister from the highest court Wells makes a valid point.
  2. What are the different party positions on SSM.? Supportive or not supportive? The New Democrats support it. The Conservatives are waffling as usual. The Liberals? Le Bloc?
  3. august.....fuck off with your analogies to fascists, nazis and commies. Are your arguments that weak you have to resort to such bullshit!!!
  4. You keep talking about the inner city slums as if they are not part of the US. What is that all about? One of the major reasons we have violence is poverty, whether it is in Boston or Bagdad.
  5. Alberta is obviously reconsidering the issue but prefers to wait for the federal legislation to be passed.
  6. My goodness, even Ralph Klein? Alberta rules out notwithstanding option
  7. Lord Tories will accept same-sex marriages The anit-SSM folks must be feelin' more and more lonely these days.
  8. What's an Eastern loser? I thought TO won the Grey Cup!
  9. Is this how we made/make the world safer? Ex-CIA officer alleges agency retaliated after he didn't falsify report
  10. That's an argument I've never been comfortable with. The Nazis and Communists used it when referring to a New World order and so on. Are you now inferring that someone who supports SSM is a Nazi or a Commie? Trudeau got it right - the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation, so why can't people be left alone to do their own thingy, whatever their own thingy is. No one is being forced into SSM. This really is a human rights issue - thank goodness for our Charter of Rights that protects our citizens from all sorts of abuses.
  11. Ottawa opposes Fraser River inquiry This is one contentious issue that never seems to go away.
  12. Canada is the third country to legalize same-sex marriage. Previous countries: The Netherlands in 2001 Belgium in 2003 I wonder where Sweden, Norway, Finland, & Iceland are on this issue.
  13. Canada has a gun registry and it is used substantially by our police forces - that is good enough for me. If the US would follow Canada's approach to dealing with violence, they would have less of it and that is the issue. These knee-jerk reactions do nothing towards solving the problem. To reduce violence it takes a lot of different processes working together, but lowering poverty is at the top, or near the top, of the list.
  14. Time to move on. This is the 21st century, not the 19th.
  15. James vs. Campbell: Approve or disapprove? The New Democrats should be called the comeback kids. Amazingly the BC Campbell Liberals have squandered a 77 out of 79 seat majority in the election in 2001, and now are uncertain to win the next election.
  16. Canadians will have to be vigilant to ensure that these lobby groups don't try and reduce our taxes and destroy our Canadian way of life.
  17. You can't have it both ways. Either gun owners are going to pay for their firearm registrations or the program will cost more for the general taxpayer. A lot of the gun registry problems has been caused by the NRA. If they had kept their nose out of it the costs would be nowhere near as much. Another sure way to increase violence in our society is to reduce taxes.
  18. This is the direction that Canada needs to head in. By keeping our taxes high, we could eliminate poverty and be a shining example on how to have a just society in the Americas, perhaps helping the countries in Central and South America to pull themselves out of their exploited situations..
  19. slavik44......no one likes waste but you are crying over spilt milk. The money is gone. Get over it!
  20. slavik44.... it is all smoke and mirrors isn't it with the gun advocates? Obviously it takes a combination of police enforcement, gun control, gun registry, appropriate courtroom sentencing, and education. My preference would be for that nightclub incident not to have occurred. If that is the kind of society you wish to live in by all means don't let me stop you. Have you ever done a comparison of gun crime incidents in the US compared to Canada?
  21. slavik 44....learn how to read. And How quickly we forget. The police raid on Glen Clark's home on those trumpted up charges with television wires attached was not politically motivated, was it? Of course not.
  22. So we shouldn't have a gun registry, and gun control, eh! At Least 5 Dead, 2 Wounded In Nightclub Shooting Right!
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