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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. A dead rat with a string tied to its tail so you can twirl it around?
  2. This makes no sense at all. Not what BC posted but the response to that post. So Eyeball, are you saying that Canadian personel should be tried for crimes that have not been and probably will not be committed before they are even dispatched to any area of the world? Further to that are you saying that Canadian voters should be the ones to determine guilt or innocence in military proceedings? Looking at your post that would appear to be exactly what you espouse, as such I have to say it is another of the most stupid things I've read lately.
  3. Yep, she sure does need a good kick in the ass. The ironic part is where she's yelling about go back to the motherland (fatherland?). A Palestinian in Florida yelling that Jews should leave, I guess she just doesn't see the parrallels.
  4. I would if I could really I would, but I've just moved back to Southern Ontario and am starting a new job, well, same job different company. Seriously Dancer I really would like to but as I'm sure you can imagine time is in short supply right now.
  5. Well its a close call eyeball, but yes, even more than that.
  6. Sorry Dancer, I just don't have the time right now or in the near future.
  7. Don't know about them but I think the Pope takes 15% on the front end and gives 100% on the back end. Sorry, couldn't help that one.
  8. This has to be one of the most stupid things I've ever read.
  9. Of course not, but the system will try. I've just been involved in a court case involving a young person who is over 18. For armed robery and assault with a weapon (a hatchet) this young darling recieved 3 months house arrest followed by a three month curfew followed by 1 year probation. Keep in mind that they have 9 prior offenses and breaches of probation on their record and then keep a straight face when you tell me our justice system is just fine.
  10. So give us some cites, give us some references. All you ever do is offer up bullshit with no proof. It seems that I spend quite a bit of time requesting such references from you and every time you maintain a stony silence or attempt to change the subject. That behaviour alone speaks volumes as to the veracity of what you claim. So now you're a Historian, boy, you really are multi-facetted aren't you. Sorry, but I have to call what you've presented on this forum so far. You are not what you claim to be, you're merely a liar.
  11. Once again you show us that your wit is as tenuous as your grasp on reality. So, would you care now to present proof of these amazing 150 year lifespans? Thought not. As such your previous statements will be filed with the rest of what you claim, under the designation of bald faced lies. Does it not shame you that you are known as a blatant liar?
  12. I remember this one, it was shocking, to the point where some of my co-workers were enraged upon hearing about it. It's hard to believe that any sane Judge would overturn the conviction. What possible sane justification could they have for doing so and thus invalidating the justice system once more? She was only thirteen and this shit bag partook willingly of the crime. Will they now "rehabilitate" this human garbage?
  13. So what? We have stories that tell of guys called Methuselah and people who could fly. That doesn't make it true though. As for the rest...well...show us some proof, not just your usual made up bull. Oh, thats right, as usual you can't because its all just stories and lies.
  14. Unreal, just simply unreal. When shown something you dislike you automatically slide into denial while offering nothing more than your opinion as refutation. It appears that once again you have been shown to be making unfounded statements so once again you resort to denigration and wishfull thinking. So predictable.
  15. So what you're saying is that he's using tactics very similar to those used by Six Nations.
  16. Would you care to show or demonstrate how anything I stated prior to your post is "lies" or "propaganda". Could it be that in the face of honesty and a sense of justice for all that you lose your percieved position and sense of place? Could it be that you are not actually imterested in justice and honesty but merely desire power and lordship over others? Could it be that you are no more than a Grima Wormtounge? To paraphrase the Bard...Methinks so.
  17. You're right, in a way. It still has to prove itself thought. Many of the planes previously mentioned here have done so time and time again already. The B-2's utillity is still basically unproven and as such it remains a highly specialized and very very expensive weapons delivery system. Having said that, the B-2 is in a new class all of its own, fly very high with very low signature and drop a large and lethal load undetected. What you have to ask at that point is the question...is it worth the cost for the benefits it grants? Would not 20 or so fighter bombers with advanced stealth/avionics technology be more usefull? Compared to one B-2 for the same price? The eternal question.
  18. How appropriate that your first appearance in some time is prefaced in this way. So utterly predictable. So? Do you actually have any comment to make that has any relevance at all to what I previously stated? Or is this to be yet another of your repetitious and baseless rants based on nothing more than your own blind predjudices and personal agendas?
  19. I can agree with that...but the rest of your list is open to debate. Edited to add an E that I missed. Otherwise it would have read "the rst" instead of "the rest".
  20. No doubt at all. But...when the fighters came in they did still go down in large numbers. Thats why I have to mention once again one of my all time favourite aircraft, the Dehavilland Mosquito. This plane was without dispute the most verstile mass produced aircraft of WWII. Not only could they serve as thier own fighter escort but on return from a bombing mission they could also become fighter interceptors. It served as a bomber, a ground attack aircraft, a fighter, a night fighter, a bomber escort/light bomber, a naval attack bomber,naval torpedo attack plane and several other variants. All from a plane built from Plywood. It also gained a reputation as a plane that was hard to shoot down, a reputation rightly earned. Mosquitos delivered the Dam Busters, they were the only aircraft that could carry those bombs and still be deadly enough to deliver their cargo. She's very nice
  21. Thank you Griz, a belated but nontheless welcome Christmas wish, I don't drink hard liquour but I will certainly raise a glass or two to you.
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