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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Actually what is really laughable is the lenghts some posters will go to in order to obfuscate or divert the real point of this whole exercise. It is readily apparent that very clear and long standing laws were ignored and/or disregarded in the name of cultural sensitivity or fear of offending those of another culture. Quite frankly I dont give a rats ass if someone wants to wear a sheet or a Bozo the clown outfit in public, thats their choice to make. What I do care about is the fact that these laws appear to be discretionary, they apply to some, but in other circumstances not to others. The law states that the face of the person buying the substance must be visible. This is non negotiable, it is not discretionary. What happened has nothing to do with the amount of people carded in a year or kids stealing liquour, it has everything to do with selective enforcement of the law. That, in my opinion, is absolutely unacceptable.
  2. They're not allowed to consume the fermented product of the grape or grain. Sambuca is made from licourice root and is permissable to them. I imagine that potato Vodka is also allowed. This is why he bought Sambuca as it is not out of the norm. Okay, here we go again. The Burqa is not required by their religion, it is a cultural practise. This has been mentioned many many times in the past on these forums.
  3. About the only thing of any relevance in this statement is that they both relate in a very vague way to fruit. Could you make a better attempt at at being irrelevant please? As stated earlier this is just a case of a mountain being made out of a molehill.
  4. Actually jacee, when you claim that what the child eats is non of the teachers buisness you are fundamentelly incorrect. Here in Ontario students have recently held a protest in order to have junk food returned to school cafeterias. This indicates that what they eat at school is in fact the teachers buisness. Although it is schools that have removed junk food the basic premise holds true. After all the old saying that you can have a school if you have a log for students to sit on and a teacher indicates that the teacher makes the school. It appears to be quite apparent that this is a case of malicious trouble making by a kid who was peeved at being disciplined. You may not believe it but there are actually kids who are malicious little shits.
  5. Freebird live, 22 mins long and a truly great guitar solo.
  6. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Thick As A Brick by Jethro Tull yet, 44 mins and some seconds long. Thick As A Brick II was released April 2nd, have to get a copy. Sadly it hasn't been released on vinyl, just CD, oh well, you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need.
  7. Nah, I like music, not that drivel and garbage. Dont own an I Pod, dont want to own an ipod either, you know that I enjoy good sound which is something an ipod and MP3's cannot deliver.By the way, I bought a set of those PSB Alpha's we were talking about in another thread, they're on the girlfriends system and they sound excellent. Given their very reasonable price they just can't be beat, if you get the chance to buy some I would very highly recomend them.
  8. So you're saying that you've never seen a construction worker? Hoodies are the de facto uniform on construction sites. When I was in construction I had a large collection of hoodie's. In fact many were given to me by suppliers we used, as a promotional item. Really, only gangstas wear hoodies, what a load of totally fallacious crap. I still wear hoodies to this day, this winter thats all I wore. Even my favourite winter coat is styled very much like a hoodie, its a Tough Duck canvas construction coat. Hoodies are a great garment, warm and comfortable.
  9. Actualy, regarding construction things are rather a mixed bag, some things are Imperial and others are Metric.For instance a grade beam will be expressed in Metric while some instances of hardware will be in the Imperial system. For the more technical applications Metric is far superior to the Imperial measures. Personally I use both. Really, its far easier to visualize a womans breast size in inches than centimeters, at least it is for me anyway.
  10. Tis a shame indeed but not entirely unexpected. Her fate was a consequence of her choices and she made some pretty bad ones. She had a good voice but her material wasn't to my taste, I second Bills feelings regarding that.
  11. Not that I agree with everything the Consevatives do, but I have to say that I think worst ever is quite a stretch.
  12. The problem with that is that the next government will also consist of politicians which means they will just lie and fabricate whatever they wish to suit their agenda. Such is the nature of any politician.
  13. Wow! What a total joke. This has to be disolved asap before any more money is thrown down this black hole. It really would stand as a good joke if it wasn't such a sad and wastefull situation.
  14. You make a very good point, one that any rational person would be hard pressed to disagree with.
  15. Just thought I'd try to clear this up for our poster who doesn't know the application of this word. Field does not always or even very often refer to a battlefield. It means anytime personel are away from barracks/home unit. For instance when I was attached to the recruit training/JLC school in Borden we would have "feild" exercises for the JLC classes. This did not mean we took them out and shot at them. It meant we took them to a wooded area and they would then proceed to undertake various taskings and exercises designed to test their organizational/ problem solving/ leadership skill set. As you can see feild can mean a great deal more than simply battlefeild. Personally I don't see a problem with improving our comm/tracking abilities. Its not like we're arming ourselves with weapons of mass destruction after all. As was also mentioned earlier its small pottatoes compared to some of our rather questionable expenditures in the public domain.
  16. I understand what you're saying, it pisses off a lot of people. What also pisses me off is the idea that some in our society apparently feel this plug deserves a chance to be set free. Seriously, what does it take to forfeit your right to freedom? How many rapes and murders does it take to land your ass in prison permanently? I guess three rapes and a murder don't quite cut it as proof that you should forfeit an expectation of freedom. On top of that their is apparently concern for this sh*t bags desires for privacy, his personal spiritual revelations. Screw that, subject him to the same process that is already in place for the majority, purely for forms sake, then tell him sorry pal, its a no go, back to your cell. Quite simply he should be declared a dangerous offender. As I said ealier this was not a youthfull indiscretion, not just a simple mistake. In life their have to be some things where you simply do not get a second chance. In my opinion this guys actions qualify for that category. It has nothing to do with subverting the justice system or transforming it into a vengeance based system and everything to do with what is forgiveable, what is not. His personal epiphany, whatever it may be, will never undo what he did. It will never un-rape or un-murder his victims. Thats a done deal, as his punishment should also be. Sorry for the rant, and sorry if some find it disagreeable, but this kind of thing just pisses me off.
  17. Thank you eyeball, now I see the light. Yes, we should not treat him harshly, really. Whats a few rapes and a brutally murdered kid in the big scheme of things after all? Perhaps it would be better to give him a pat on the back and a job very well done instead.
  18. Well this is interesting. My take on it, being what some would call harsh and cold, is that rape and murder are not merely youthfull indiscretions or a lapse of judgement. From my perspective I see them more along the lines of being cold, calculated sociopathic actions. As such I really don't give a shit about this pricks expectations of privacy, nor his preference for spiritually pleasing formats. In fact I wonder why anyone at all would even give a damn about anything he wants. He raped at least three women, brutally murdered a kid. What the hell? Why do we as a society even bother entertaining any consideration for any such as him. Lock him up and throw away the key. Its just my perspective but it appears that the victims are irrelevant and the only considerations worthy of respect appear to be the wishes of this worthless waste of skin. Just out of curiosity, does anyone here actually believe a few prayers and burning some grass will actually change the fundamental nature of a creature like this?
  19. Yup, do love Mission speakers, I haven't heard any of their new stuff (last 5 years or so). My preference has always been Canadian and British audio gear. Thats not to say that good stuff doesn't come from other countries though. For instance I'd love to have one of those Mastersound tube amps from Italy that Gord sells, I'd use that for a purely music listening system. Unfortunately I can't justify spending $4700 on one and then another $3000 to $5000 on speakers to match it, not to mention $1500+ for a matching source. Maybe one day, but not today. On a related note. Since I've had my new NAD receiver for almost a week now I've gotta say that I love this thing. Its almost like my speakers were half asleep running the Dennon and now they're fully awake. Even just TV listening is dramatically different, deeper richer sound and far greater channel seperation. The analogue bypass feature for my TT and tape deck is also a really great feature. I haven't even begun to play with the EARS system they use either, should be fun.
  20. Sure thing, actually here's a link to their find a dealer page. It shows four dealers in the area of Dartmouth. I used Dartmouth because I used to live there and I don't know where in the Maritimes you are. PSB Dealers Hopefully this will help, even so there may be others based on your location. You can also check out the speakers on this site. For myself I'm thinking about picking up the B5's for my system since my receiver is a 7.1. A friend suggested that I add a sub but I already have a 400w 10" Velodyne and another sub in a room of this size would just be ridiculous. GH, I owned a set of Mission bookshelves in the past, the 761's I think. Very nice speakers, good sound, but I really like the sound of the PSB's. I had the Missions for 9 or 10 years and ended up giving them to a friend so this time around I'll go PSB. The PSB speakers are also a very good looking speaker, thats not really important but it is a little bonus.
  21. Hey GH, have you ever heard the PSB's, just curious? They're a small bookshelf set and are truly exceptional in their price/category range. I have a spare set of Cerwin Vega's with 8" drivers and was going to let her have those but after listening to the PSB's I decided they were the ones. Quite simply these little bookshelves blow the Cerwins clear out of the water. The Cerwins will be going outside in the gazebo for the summer season instead. Oh yeah, the $200 price is Gords offer to me, I've seen these same speakers going for as much as $300+HST in other places.
  22. Actually jbg is correct. It doesn't have to cost a lot, another option is to find a good used TT. The girl friend has one of those ION usb TT's, it works but she's no longer happy with it so this weekend I'll be picking up a very nice used Dual for her. Its a good TT and I can get it with a small used phono stage for $100, this will give her nice sound at a reasonable price. She'll have her own little system that wont have cost too much. For instance I'm also buying a new pair of PSB Alpha's for her, these will cost me $200 HST included, with a decent little CD or DVD player, say about $70, the Denon reciever she's inherited from me and extra cables and wires I have her system will cost me less than $400 total. This configuration will give her very nice sound/performance and as I said wont cost that much.
  23. Well Bill in the area of cables I have to tell you that you're basically "preaching to the choir", this is why I do not spend a lot on speaker wire (40 bucks for 50' is not a lot). It's also why Gord does not carry any of the exotic brands in his store, he'd rather see people put the money where it really counts, into the gear they are running. I've bought my interconnects from him, they're good ones, Aucoustic Research, each one cost me an average of $8, once again low cost. Even though they are not exotic I believe they perform just as well as the mega buck products. The real deciding factor for me with the QED speaker wire was quite honestly my girl friend. She hates the look of multiple wire runs around the room. The QED is smaller and uses a white insulator so it blends in far better than Monster and others of that ilk. Now Monster is one company that I truly despise, these guys use every deceptive marketting ploy in the book to sell their products. I should add that one reason I like the AR interconects is because they utilize locking plugs rather than pressure fit. That is one area that will definatelly affect your sound quality. I've been an audio addict for many many years, over that time period you have plenty of time and experience to determine the merits or lack thereoff of all kinds of claims. Remember green magic markers for CD's? That was good for a laugh but a great many people bought into it paying 40 or 50 bucks for "audio magic markers". A newer one is "speaker cable break in period", you would'nt believe how many people believe that speaker cables should be broken in before they achieve their "proper" sound. Sure, some things should be broken in, speakers for example, the cones move so it just makes sense and every reputable manufacturer recommends a break in period, but speaker cables! Come on! Still, people believe this. Here is a link to an excellent site that debunks many cable myths and is actually a really good read. Great Article I could go on for pages about this subject but right now I don't have the time. I do look forward to continuing it at a later date though.
  24. Well I supose its all relative and one mans junk is anothers great find. For instance my old TT cost more than three times as much as my new one, yet my new one is actually far superior to the old one. All I can sugest is that you listen to a good TT, you'll probably be amazed by the sound. Now I kind of regret getting rid of my old TT since the GF wants a new one to replace hers with. The good news is that I can get a nice Dual for her complete with a phono stage and good cartridge for a hundred bucks, good deal. Probably a better fit for her than the Rega anyway as the Rega was a manual TT and the Dual is a semi auto.
  25. Actually I've been wondering about those Dr Dre cans. Most of the reviews I've seen panned them pretty badly but perhaps the new ones are improved over the last ones. I'll have to give them a listen. Recently I heard some Grado cans down at All That Jazz, I believe they were the 325si model. Fantastic sound but at a pretty steep price ($500) I know that Gord (the store owner) will sell them to me for about $400. I've been considering them for a future purchase. Certainly handy for when the GF wants to sleep and I want to listen to music. Right now I have Sennhiesers and I'm not too happy with them so I pretty much never use them. On a different but related note he recently sold me some speaker wire. Its from QED, the guys who made the first ever dedicated speaker wire back in 1970, nice stuff. The list price is $3.75 a foot and he sold me 50' for $40, an excellent deal. Really, this little store in Cookstown is exceptional, the owner, Gord is a really nice guy and always offers you a cup of coffee and some cookies when you go in, just a great guy to deal with. His store has now become my favourite store and I spend time there a few times a week just chatting and looking through the albums. I highly recommend it to anyone in the market for some new gear.
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