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Everything posted by AngusThermopyle

  1. Hospitals, schools, admin are targets because Hamas uses them to launch rockets. You know, that time honoured tradition of Hamas using civilians as shields in order to attack Israel. Do you think there could be a causal effect at play here? If you don't mind I'd like to see a credible cite for the 170 figure you guys are so casually throwing around here. This weekend The National Post reported no more than approx. one hundred deaths, so I really would like to see where this 170 figure comes from. You also realize that Hamas has been using photographs from Syria and claiming they are there own casualties right? Of course you do, being all informed and all that stuff like you are. This also happens to be another time honoured Hamas practise, fake or misleading photos designed to drum up outrage and anger. Yeah, those Hamas dudes are a real stand up bunch alright. Oh yeah, it should be pointed out that they are not using homemade rockets as you claim. They have been getting substantial shipments of rockets that are far from being homemade as you claim. Nice attempt at minimizing the role Hamas plays in all this. Actually not, pretty feeble in fact. Try again though, don't give up.
  2. Good video of the Israeli practise of using the "knock on the door" mortar technique. Couple that with the practise of dropping leaflets and actually phoning the residents to warn them of an impending strike and you have something that is unprecedented. Any reasonable person can see that they are going way above and beyond to give warnings. they should be commended not condemned. It would be nice if Hamas would also give prior warning of their strikes wouldn't it? What! Not going to happen? Well that says it all right there. Others points that should be addressed. Nazi's? Really? Grow up, you just destroyed any shred of credibility you never had with that juvenile and stupid remark. Big Guy, maybe they don't want what you state. Also you should consider that they target the homes and vehicles of high ranking Hamas officials. They don't just indiscriminately target any old house. So yes, if these people decide they'll be human shields for Hamas then indeed they deserve what they get. If you have plenty of warning and decide you are going to remain then yes, you're basically asking for what you get. As for the point made earlier that its unfair that Israel kicks Hamas ass, are you serious? Come on man, this is an armed conflict, nothing is ever fair about such events. Do you think if Hamas could gain the advantage they'd say "hold on fellas, this doesn't look fair, lets give them a hand killing us". Fair has nothing to do with this and is only a factor in the mind of a child.
  3. They just found a Caymen in a pond down in TO. Another dumbass who wanted an exotic pet then dumped it when it grew too large. Really Guyser? A TO winter? What, only TO has winters in Canada? Despite the fact that the snake was no where near TO. I guess it is true, those who live in TO truly do believe it is Canada, man, you TO people never cease to amaze me with your closed views of Canada.
  4. Its a Baseball game, how could he not fall asleep?
  5. So what about his admission that he struck her three times? Is that not starting to appear a little unreasonable? How about the report that they found trauma to her liver during the autopsy? The fact that his blows killed her would seem to indicate unreasonable use of force.
  6. Oh Socialist, I hate to break this to you buttercup, I guess you didn't hear the news yet. Your hero Wynne just announced recently in an interview that there is no new money for the unions. Do you comprehend what that means? Can you say wage freeze? Can you say howls of outrage from all the unions who supported her? Things are going to get interesting now.
  7. Ontario would be the mentally challenged one who keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over then wonders why it never works.
  8. Big Guy, who said anything about punishing anyone? My post was about the waste and corruption endemic in the current government. This is not about punishing but rather about ousting those who have no intention but to continue their disastrous ways. Of all the party leaders the only one who has even attempted to address Ontario's current problems is Hudack. All the other two seam to capable of is talking about spend spend and spend with nary a peap about where this money will come from. Of course any sane person knows exactly where it will come from, our pockets, in a seemingly never ending stream. After all we really are no more than Wynnes revenue tools.
  9. So you choose more corruption and waste from a government currently undergoing two criminal investigations. Wow! Nice choice. I guess Ontario really does deserve the government it gets.
  10. Not a bad idea. Wont work though, striking now wouldn't have the impact of holding students hostage that is deemed optimal by the teachers union.
  11. Well Mr. Socialist. As usual you obviously didn't take the time to thoroughly read the pieces you posted. If you had read the articles and the following comments you would have noticed an overwhelming disdain and disgust for the teachers union demands. Frankly I was surprised at the massive show of contempt for the unions position as displayed in the comments.
  12. Cultural factors are absolutely irrelevant and should never even have been introduced to this trial. What I find very interesting is the fact that he admitted to striking her three times, not just once. This is what he admitted. Also the autopsy reported that she had trauma to her liver. How did that happen? Did he administer a few "foot slaps" while she was down? One thing I am sure of is that this guy lied like a cheap rug under questioning.
  13. Hmmm. Well personally I couldn't give a flying you know what if this guy kisses another guy. Do I want to see it? Not particularly. Not my thing, don't care, cant see why its such a big deal to anyone whether they want to see it or not. Do I understand Shady being grossed out by it? Sure, its just really not his thing. Why does he have to fit any one else's definition of whats acceptable? He is his own person and as such is free to feel how he pleases.
  14. Oh yay! Another sanctimonious post by Socialist. How condescending of you, as usual. Actually Socialist, for your edification I do know of the complaints of teachers. Shocker eh! My point still stands however. You dismiss all other possibilities in your pursuit of your ideology, never admitting to anything that does not suit your purpose. So its your contention that teaching children is far more stress full than engaging in armed conflict on the other side of the world while burdened with the worry of wondering how your family will cope in your absence. Often times spending years away from home. Whew! Teaching must be one hell of a job. Perhaps you are the one who should educate yourself.
  15. Actually Socialist what you have just stated is an opinion not a fact. Please back up your assertion with some facts, real facts, not just your opinion. As stress is highly subjective I don't think you will be able to post any proof showing that teaching is more stress full than other professions. What I can tell you though is that every time we deployed into a hostile area many of my compatriots were highly stressed at the thought of the hostilities they would soon face. Strangely enough non of them ever considered early retirement to be something they should have due to this stress. On the other hand I can see how teaching a bunch of kids would be ever so much more stress full than being shot at.
  16. The majority work until they're 58-60. Wow! That's impressive considering that the majority of non teachers will work until they're 67. Those poor opressed teachers.
  17. Well eyeball, when it comes to this issue just disregard Michael as he's plainly stated that facts don't interest him. Just his pure emotional perceptions. Hey Cyber, I didn't see what you already posted, hence the reason I basically reposted it. Did you know that Hellen Keller owned a Pitie?
  18. Man1 A lot of false information here about Pities. First of all they do not have locking jaws. No dog in existence has a locking jaw. These dogs are the most misunderstood dog out there. People forget that the Pitbull was Americas dog. Remember our gang (the Little Rascals)? Their dog Petey was a Pitie. The dog Nanny in Peter Pan was originally a Pitie. Sarge, the most decorated dog ever, he was a Pitie and literally saved thousands of men in WWI. They were not bred to fight each other or humans for that matter but were bred for Bull baiting. When Bull baiting was made illegal the owners started fighting them against each other. In fact, because they had to be handled they were bred with traits that made them docile and very obedient around people. You should look up Bullet Proof Sam on Youtube. He's a dog that was rescued from a dog fighting ring. They gave him his name because he survived a great many fights. As a result his face is horribly disfigured and scarred. Since being rescued he has been treated and rehabilitated. Now he just loves to run and play and be around his people. This is basically the same story for many of these dogs who are rescued. Next point, the brain pushing on the skull thing. That's a pile of BS, it does not happen, just a myth. What happens is that punks and thugs like these dogs and train them to be mean and vicious, something you can do with any dog. When you look at a list of dog attacks on people Pities don't even make the top five, Labs are number three on the list. I've owned two Pities in the past and can say my girls were the best dogs I've ever owned. My neighbour at the time got himself a male Pitie and being a punk promptly proceeded to try and make him mean. I tried talking to him about it but he would just laugh and claim my dogs were not real Pities because they were so gentle and friendly. Its the punks and jerks, not the breed. Any dog can be a biter, some just are, that includes any breed. In the past we've seen bans on Dobies, then Rotties, now Pities. The douchebags just move on to the next breed when you ban a dog, they always have and always will. I just wish people would educate themselves rather than just jump on the media fear bandwagon. Oh yes, someone mentioned that people used to get them for their children, this is correct they were called the Nanny dog, hence the Peter Pan thing. Also don't forget that Cesare's main dog, Daddy is a Pitie. If you want more factual information on this breed please do some real research, or just ask me, I'll be happy to answer any questions and provide real, non biased links to resources.
  19. Okay I just have to ask, what's wrong with genital manipulation? Frankly I think genital manipulation can provide lots of harmless fun, unless you go blind that is.
  20. Waldo, you have my sympathy, an "ear worm" can be infuriating. Especially when its one as god awful as that commercial piece of tripe. That would drive me nuts too. Just listen to some music that isn't computer generated auto tuned commercial dross. The kind with real singers and musicians should do the trick.
  21. I take it you're asking about the new Johnny Cash, Cyber. In all I would say yes. Of course it has that typical Johnny Cash sound, All the songs are good with a few that stand out above the others. There is even one of his humorous type songs on it, you know the kind, A Boy Named Sue type of song that also happens to be quite catchy. The true test is my wife though. Personally I'm not a country fan, she on the other hand is a huge country fan. When I say country I don't mean the new watered down rock variant country they play now. I mean classic country, Wilf Carter, Johnny Horton, Hank Williams etc. She likes the new CD so I would say that yes, it is quite good.
  22. Yay! Way to go! Now we can look forward to increases in the tax revenue allocated to these folks. Maybe a huge jump in land claims and more dissent as the ranks have now been swelled considerably. That's just so cool and I'm pretty sure its something that the average working tax payer has been hoping would happen.
  23. This weekend I picked up Rush, A Farewell To Kings and 2112 on vinyl, I'm very pleased as these are two that are very hard to find. On CD I got Eric Clapton, Slowhand, a compilation disc of The Allman Brother Band and Lynyrd Skynyrd and Peter Gabrial, Us. All good music and lots of listening pleasure to be had. The new Johnny Cash is also surprisingly good, I really didn't expect that.
  24. So far I've found PCT 2017 has been making good posts. On the other hand I find you just make lazy statements about others understanding of issues. Further you dismiss anything you disagree with out of hand. You ignore any information that contradicts your pre-conceived ideas and you casually insult all who do not agree with you. All in all I would say that PCT 2017 is a far superior poster to you.
  25. Really enjoying playing Civilization V with the Rob Ford mod installed. Going after Genghis Kahn now, I'll show him!

    1. Shady


      Omg I'm jealous!

    2. AngusThermopyle


      its fun Shady. I love Civ and all the different mods keep it fresh. The Rob Ford one is new and its pretty cool to see Toronto, York, Scarborough etc. in the game. I also downloaded a really cool pirate mod for it but haven't tried it yet.

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