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Everything posted by xul

  1. Brezhnev also ever defeated the communist insurgency in Czechoslovakia in 1960s. But today I'm not sure his successors is able to defeat a single Georgia's rebellious president. Maybe after defining "free-speech" as "universal value" to be convenient for "uncivilized" people beaters , "freedom-loved people" should add "free-firing" as a new term of "universal value of freedom" to be convenient for soldiers to be able to wipe any insurgency out by their colonial-times predecessor's ways.
  2. May be this one is better, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qin_Shi_Huang , the first Chinese emperor whose formidable army defeated all other six French-sized countries and unified China to one. But, if I borrow some Sir Bandelot's words, at what cost? I don't know how merciful Qin Shi Huang's and American army were then, but in 1900 the Eight-Nation Alliance(now they are also known as the honorable G8 ) invaded China and took over the Forbidden City, the poor illiterate white-assed soldiers just scrapped off every piece of Gold covered on these brass water cauldrons (they worked as today's fire-hydrants) by their bayonets, so you can imagine how merciful army they were. The cauldrons in the Forbidden City scrapped cauldrons Since nowaday G8's soldiers are not illiterate as their predecessors and such kind of gold scraps are out of fashion being material of boy's wedding rings so they also become lacking motivity to devote into the wars like their forefathers did, and more importantly Asians, Africans and now Arabians are no longer easily being scared by rifles, or even being scared by the Operation Shock and Awe 2003 , so things have been going kinda different.
  3. You didn't mention that what happened in Sri Lanka is a civil war not a foreign country sending some half-hearted soldiers to defeat another country's opium-growing tribe majority. To the effect of foreign intervention, you have also forgotten that India had once sent their troops to Sri Lanka trying to intervene the war, but India was blamed by both side and had to withdraw its troops soon. The Indian PM who made the decision of intervention was assassinated by a female Tamil suicide bomber. It's kinda sarcastic for India was the Tamil's bigest supporter in the world then. Just as in this forum, a Canadian who says "Canada is really a small country" is one thing, an American who says the same words is another thing. Why other nations should be different? Nonetheless, I bet the things were not over yet if Sri Lanka government failed to work out a feasible political solution as soon as possible after its military victory.
  4. Laws do protect the legal rights of everyone...... In the comments part of the linked story, there was some one had already explained clearly: And there is a link of the website of a main political newspaper Guangming Daily of CPChina, it just says the same as the quotation above. 私权力不能成为打贼的借口private rights can not be the cause of thieves-beaten The quotation says, "Everyone knows that everyone should be treated equally by laws. The thieves are also human, and as human they have equal human rights. Thieves also have their personal dignity, and they are not allowed to be abused or beaten. Thieves must be treated legally. You can also interpret these simply. Beating a thief is no different than beating other citizen, and obviously such activity is illegal. The thief-beaters should also be punished by law."
  5. There is a article says smoking kill 3,000 Canadian each year,Second-hand smoke kills: let’s clear the air and this Canadian governmental website says, Smoking Kills 45,000 each year. I bet such "research reports" were just made by this way: (In the funeral of a dead, the first researcher came,) Researcher_1: Was the dead a smorker? The son of dead: Yes, but... The researcher turned around and recorded on his report: another death case caused by smorking.... (after the first researcher left, the second researcher came,) Researcher_2: Was the dead a drunk? The widow of dead: Yes, but... The researcher turned around and recorded on his report: another death case caused by drink.... (after the second researcher left, the third researcher came,) Researcher_3: Were there some medical errors during his treatment? The nurse of dead: Yes, when he was in hospital as a terminal cancer patient, I once overdosed his vitamin pills. The doctor prescribed 3 pills a day but someday I give him 4 pills, but... The researcher turned around and recorded on his report: another death case caused by medical errors.... If we add all these death in these reports up we'll conclude that Canada needs 30 million immigrants each year because all Canadian has died... Politicians for one, they are exposed under the spotlight all the time, but no evidence shows politicians are more error-free than doctors. I have not doubt that there are some kind of job protectionism in all kind of occupations across this country. But this is not the only cause that some employers is cautious to hire immigrants doing professional jobs. Just imagine if you were the owner of a hospital and the law had been mended to allow you hiring freely, would you hire an immigrant doctor from a country you didn't know very well?(that meat you had no way to verify his ability or skill on his profession) Wouldn't you consider anything such as if he made some medical error you would be sued by patients and lawyers just for you were too credulous in his unverifiable professional resume? So even if you were an open-mind employer, you might also want he past some professional examinations first, and unfortunately the only ones who have the authority to hold such examination in Canada is his fellow Canadian doctors, or let us speak it frankly, his further competitors. If the law enforced Chinatown's restaurants's dishwashers a $20/h wage, they might also form an union to keep outsiders out. I'm not saying the system is not faulty. I'm just saying that mending the system is not as easy as making some wise new policies and laws. Any amendment of the system needs sacrifice and painful self-adjustment. The doctor-lacking issue for one, the solution is plain and simple---the indigenous doctors need less protectionism, the immigrant doctors needs more effort less complaint to meet the local perfessional criterion, and the would-be doctors, the kids, needs studying hard to meet the medical school enroll criterion, and patients need to learn more medical knowledge before decided to sue the doctors fruitlessly. Plain hardworking always exceeds smarty laziness. If anyone who truely knows the cause that NATO's formidable-looking force is unwinable in the war against Taliban's tribe army, he will also know how to tackle the fault of the system and make Canada winable in the future economical battle field of this miserable world.
  6. There is a joke: the PM: "I feel the war is unwinable..." his political opponent: "Has everyone heard that? He doesn't want us to win the war...." If an ET does some magic on me and turns me into a pure-blood Indian untouchable, I will still insist what I said because I believe it is truth.
  7. I believe everyone deserves the consequence caused by what he or his forefathers has chosen. Ms.Chen's husband for one, I heard he is till seeking to stay in Canada (though he is not an immigrant now, but I have not doubt that he will achieve his goal....) when you alleged his wife was "murdered" by the system, so he deserves if someday he would be so lucky to become the 1/300. But of course, everyone has rights to propose mending the system even if he has once chosen it. But what is your proposal to improve the system? Having more experienced doctors means taxpayers need to afford more taxes to pay their bills. There are also other ways. American way is that if you are rich, you can go to the private hospital and everything there is better than Canadian one except the fee. In any case, the essence of all systems is same---if you could not afford the payout of the better one, you have to suffer from the poor one. This is the market law, it's nature, beyond all man-made laws.
  8. Someone told me that the lacking of doctors is due to that most experienced Canadian doctors have moved to American private hospitals for better income because Canadian state-runned system can not pay them very well.
  9. I have read a post in a Chinese immigrant forum writing by a person who alleged he was once a doctor in China. It said that Ms.Pan's death was caused of amniotic fluid embolism(AFE) and her husband's accusation to the hospital was wrong. There is a link of amniotic fluid embolism in a Chinese medical website: amniotic fluid embolism,AFE The quotation said, "Amniotic Fluid Embolism, AFE, is a rare but vital syndrome in obstetrics. The incident of the syndrome is 1:5000 to 1:80000, but about 50% to 86% patient would died if the syndrome happened. According to statistics, during 1984 to 1988, add up to 7485 lying-in women dead in 21 provinces of China and AFE caused 5.4% of the cases of the death. AFE is the 4th the cause of the death." There is another link about amniotic fluid embolism in WIKIPEDIA,amniotic fluid embolism, it says the same with the Chinese medical website. We must understand that doctors are not living buddhas, they can not save every patient by magic or something. I'm not sure whether or not that the doctors really had some fault , but I think Mr.He should better conside his lawyer's opinion, facing the reality that the evidence is not favor his allegation.
  10. It seems our dear lawyers are not the only ones who know how to play the system in hands.... Steps retraced in Tori search No body, no conviction....the charged murderer seems perfectly know this. It seems McClintic has confessed to the abduction and turned Rafferty in, but she just didn't know where is the final place Rafferty put the victim and Rafferty refused to cooperate with police. But if people continues to let the emotional blows develope unchecked, like Americans did after the terrorists attack years ago, I think Canadian will soon need to seek the resorts like water-boarding for help...
  11. I'm sorry, I was mistaken. I think since the time when the Bible was written, men have done a lot of things that it should not be their place to do, I mean from concentration camp to atomic bomb, etc. And so far, God has not send fire and flood to our world to destroy all such wrongdoings yet like he did on our forefathers described on the Bible. I think God might have changed his way to guide men. He might have decided to give men more power to decide what we should do and what would be correct and wrong by ourself. Just like a father instructing his child, when his child was a small child, he told him everything which is wrong or correct, but when the child has grown up and has learnt more from his or her past, he begin to let him or her alone to make a decision, practice it, learn from the failure, correct it and work out a correct way. So, I think men should keep open mind to explore every possibility that could lead us to good and correct results, not only restrict ourselves in what our forefathers told us or what they believed that God told them.
  12. After two years of observation in this forum, honestly, I have an impression that if the two bosses of the CPCs of both side of the Pacific Ocean can seat together and exchange their ture ideas(not their political slogans) of their "universal value of human rights" frankly, they will find out that they will more fit to be pals each other than to be foes on this issue...... Nonetheless, if you have read Smallc's post correctly, you will find that "his kinds" don't really go against death penalty itself, but just worry about that not every murderers convicted is a real murderer, like the dozens of innocent "infanticides" who were put into jail by the evidences from an incapable pathologist in Toronto years ago.
  13. Maybe it is just for training Afghanistan troops there, or there will be some Afghanistan soldiers mixed into Canadian troops.(I have a impression that these is the way American uses in Iraq. In some checkposts Iraqi soldiers mixed with American soldiers and under the command of American soldiers. When an unidentified hooded figure approaches, the American soldiers send their Iraqi fellows going on for first check. If the guy is a suicide bomber, the Iraqi soldiers will be sacrificed and Americans will be saved.) Maybe NATO wants to give Taliban a massive strike before its main force withdraws from Afghanistan, so there will be a temporary troops increase there. Or some American troops based in other area will be temporarily deployed there for summer actions or some other reason and as the host Canadian troops is responsible for some of their logistic affairs such as offerring accommodation. Or these beds are just for Karzai kinds to be refugee in this military fortress becasue when most Canadian troops go back home the Kandahar downtown will not be safe. I inclined to that these accommodations are a part of a new NATO strategy in Afghanistan. Since the sum of the troops is not enough to win the victory by a normal deployment, they may want to outnumber the beds of each fortresses than the troops actually based there, so they can quickly deploy airborne reenforcements everywhere if they are needed.
  14. You should better consider why there was not anyone went these owners for a job with the same wages of those Chinese, then sued these owners on a Human Rights Commission if the owners told them that they were refused just because they were not Chinese or immigrants.
  15. I think this is why....1984: Indian prime minister was shot dead by her bodyguards I kinda admire her courage for I read in some Chinese newspapers then said the intelligence had warned her such things would happen but she still decided to trust them for Indian unity. Being a politician, she could gamble her life for her country. But being a country, it would be better to trust in someone more trustworthy than trust its fate in another country's generosity or mercy.
  16. about the cost raise, Flight delay may raise cost of F-35 fighter Exactly it has never happened that the price of a fighter jet went down since it had been mass produced. The manufacturers can always make excuses, such as the inflation of material, the raise of workers's wages, update technology under the requirement of the air force and fixing up the malfunctions they designed in the planes, to raise the cost. Just like those cheeky bankers, you have invested in them so much with both money and time, that you can't allow them down then you have to pay them further more. about the numbers of Canadian purchase, Canada to buy fewer F-35 fighters than thought I bet that what was really across in "economist" Harper's mind is, "One of the reasons there will be that the fewer fighters will cost greater budget than existing fighters...."
  17. Since F-35 project has been delayed, it seems that Canada has less choice except wait. The price of F-35 is another problem, include the spending of purchase and further maintenance, that means the government has to increase its defence budget, or most likely, reduce the amount of purchase.
  18. The allegations are not meaningless. To a politician, they are almost vital if they are proved by the investigation. Of course, she has presented her stories. Maybe people needs to see the result of investigation before makes any judgement.
  19. According to my knowledge of the history of ww2, I wonder if Hiter agreed the deal with Neville Chamberlain and stopped at the border of Poland, who would come to save Jews? Maybe Stalin and his red army's commissars?
  20. I'm sure Chinese have known they must count on themselves for a long time, at least as long as those Jews who weren't cute enough to pass the "screen" of, like Canadian immigration requirement in 1930s. I bet Indian politicians know India must counts on itself since the loss of the war against China in 1962, I guess Americans know they must count on themselves not on their "allies" far before Bush went for Beijing Olympic without informing any his so-called pals(like Harper), and I hope more and more Canadian politicians will realize Canada counts on them to find somewhere to dump the products made by their workers and CEOs to maintain their good lives, not seating in their office and waiting customers coming--unless they all are immigration ministers. What is wrong with the photo? I bet it's just a kindergarten dance show in a Army Day ceremony. Maybe you can count in this one: School children wave India's national flag over a displayed Indian army tank during "Vijay Diwas" or victory day celebrations in the southern Indian city of Hyderaba
  21. Maybe the entire world will become cheerful for they can blackmail both side just as they did on America and Soviet in the Cold War. So there won't be a war between America with China, a war between India with China, a war between Japan with China...or a war between any major countries since the war fans has demonstrated people again and again how the wars like War On Terror can become war in sorrow....
  22. I just want to say that the situation is not as serious as you alleged "law protect racism and bully". Exaggeration can not help whatsoever you want to achieve, though I can hardly figure out what is your objective of these posts. You kept talking "kids should be educated". I wonder, if you are the education minister, what kind of education would you do to those kids to garantee such things will not happen in all school of this country? or if you are the law maker, what would you do to amend the law? Can you tell me what kind of terms you want to write into law? Nobody will be happy to be bullied. But unfortunately bully happens in anywhere, anyschool. It is just as kimmy said, it sometimes takes forms of race, sometimes takes other forms such fat/thin, tall/short, etc. It is less the matter of that we are happy or unhappy about it. It is just a matter of how should we teach our kids to deal with it. In this event, I have to say, the correct reaction of the Korean boy is to report the bully to his teacher and if he did that it would be the bully boy who was in trouble now. Firstly, you should understand, "ZERO TOLERANCE FOR BULLY" doesn't mean the bully will disappear in front such kind of slogans, just as police always says "zero tolerance for crime" that doesn't mean they could make crime never happening. Secondly, "zero tolerance" doesn't mean you can use any resort to stop what you want to stop it happening. You just imagine, if the Korean boy didn't only break the nose of the bully boy, but happened to hit on somewhere on his head and killed him(such thing sometimes happened even in professional taekwondo players), do you still think there would be a lot of people supporting to clear all of his charges? Why do you think people should protest for everything if they have other ways to settle it? They can ignore it, report it, or sue it into a court. If kids need protest every bully in their school(not like this one which has led to serious consequence), they will have no time to learn anything. You want a change, you want doing something, that's great. But if you want to convince your countrymen, at least you have to tell them which part of the country or the system you want to change? You should tell them not only "the law protects bully", but also which terms of the laws protect bully or which terms you'd like to add into law. You should tell them not only "kids need being educated", but also how to educate them, for instance, if you are the teacher or the pricipal of the school, by which way would you like to educate the bully boy? About this, I sincerely agree with you. What I want to say is that, if you were a business man, it would be better that you didn't cast away you old business before you got an available plan to start a new one.
  23. But they did walked out to go against what they believed injustice, that's important. If such thing happened in China (let's assume the bully kid is a relative of a CPC's local boss or Chinese so-called town-emperor, in a small town, such relationship is not rare), how many people would dare to stand just for a new comer? Of course there are some humanrights problem. But people must realize that they could know all these problem just because the people, the media, sometimes the insiders of the government revealed these problem for us. We can know the truth of the death of Robert Dziekanski just because a common Canadian took the video and Canadian media reported it for us. We know the mistreatment of prisoners in Iraq by American army becase an American soldier reported the events to his superior and obviously some higher-ranked officer in the Pentagon leaked it to media, and the media revealed it regardless the opposition from their own defence secretary. When people criticises the "system", those positive factors must be considered.
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