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Status Updates posted by BC_chick

  1. Seeing how Trump is not racist, has anyone figured out why the neo-Nazis (or alt-right if you prefer the euphemism) are celebrating his win so much?  

    1. DogOnPorch


      Charles Manson endorsed Trump from prison: therefore, Trump supporters want to murder Hollywood starlets and coffee heiresses in their homes.


    2. DogOnPorch


      Conversely: Hillary Clinton accepted money from Saudi Arabia: therefore all Liberals and Democrats support beheading apostates.

  2. December 4 is 10 years since I joined on MLW.  Steven Harper was in his first year as prime minister after ousting pretty much the only government I'd known as an adult.  I was a partisan Liberal supporter who was welcomed by fellow Liberal supporter - the one and only jdobbin.  Obama wasn't in the picture and iPhone wasn't even a thing.  Amazing how time flies... 

  3. Bannon as chief strategist has me wondering how Trump's brand of republicanism,filled with anti-Semites and white supremacists, are going to govern with the Israel worshipping evangelical republicans. 

    1. Wilber


      Is anyone surprised that the Trump crowd would make that kind of mistake, if it was a mistake. I think the great majority of Americans wouldn't know the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim. 

  4. Everything they said about Jill Stein's anti-science stance was a smear by the Democratic Party.  Wow, that's dirty!   

  5. I am getting US election fatigue. 

    1. ?Impact


      You have over three weeks to go, and then it is back to Kim Kardashian. 

    2. BC_chick


      Who knew I'd miss Kim this much.

  6. RIP Jim Prentice. :(

    1. cybercoma


      Damn, that's a tragedy.

    2. ?Impact


      Sad news, I hadn't heard until now. I didn't think he looked in ill health the last time he was in the public eye not that long ago so I was shocked. Then I learned - plane crash. 

  7. Is it me or does anyone else feel a Mr Canada type of character back on the board?

  8. Angry incoherent tweeting at 3:00am. Snort snort.

  9. US military personnel are divided between a guy who doesn't know what Aleppo is and a guy who wants to see more nukes in the world. This is where it becomes difficult to feel bad for them when they get sent out to needless wars.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. msj


      But yeah, I would not choose to join the military given the history of W Bush and the likes of Donald Trump.

    3. BC_chick


      But they do have other choices yet Gary Johnson and Donald Trump are virtually tied in a poll of military personnel. http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/this-poll-of-the-us-military-has-gary-johnson-tied-with-donald-trump-in-the-race-for-president

    4. sharkman


      When the president is gift wrapping nuclear weapons to Iran then it doesn't matter what the next one will do, it'll be to late to prevent another war.

  10. Way to go Montreal. Hope to see Vancouver follow suit.

  11. Dude didn't pay taxes because he's smart.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Smoke


      Every single business person in the world arranges their tax file to minimize the amount of taxes they pay, so long as it's within the framework of the law. Yes it is very smart business.

    3. dialamah


      Sometimes they do business so well, they end up in legal trouble. Trump has. He's used his charitable foundation to help pay off those legal issues. What a smart, stand-up guy, eh?

    4. Argus


      Hasn't Trump complained that Americans pay the highest taxes in the world?

  12. Heads are about to explode. From Bill Gates on my FB feed: Canada, your support of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malari is so remarkable I just had to give Justin Trudeau a hug.

  13. Awww Boges' post on Greg's thread was funny. Too bad it was censored.

    1. Boges
    2. BC_chick


      For a very delete-happy moderation team, it's amazing how often they love to use the word 'censor'. I've taken a particular interest in the irony.

  14. Yes Argus, let's start a few more threads about Islam instead. Or Israel. Or the sordid history between Islam and Israel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ?Impact


      Funny, my comment was deleted from his update as well. I thought it was just a Shared Services Canada computer glitch.

    3. BC_chick


      You're funny, ?Impact. Great sense of humour.

    4. poochy


      So you don't understand the difference between real events and made up theories? Do you people expect to be congratulated for your ignorance?

  15. Jimmy Fallon messing up Trump's hair was epic. You can see the massive bald patch on the side when Trump goes to fix it. Why do some men do this? It's so hideous.

  16. Peter McKay has ruled out losing to Justin Trudeau.

  17. Rex Murphy: A victory won't tell young girls that if they work hard, they can become president. It will send the message that if they marry well enough, they can become president.

  18. Way to go Celtic fans. It's nice to see the other side of the pond call a spade a spade.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BC_chick


      Cause rioting at a sports game would never happen without politics... <rolling eyes>

    3. The_Squid


      My point is that it shouldn't be encouraged. Why would you support that?

  19. Now May is considering quitting GP over BDS. That'd be funny, 3 parties without a leader. King Trudeau foreva!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Argus


      There is no logical basis for supporting boycotting Israel while gleefully snapping up bargains from China. The sole basis for singling out Israel is anti-semitism. Scratch a BDS supporter and you find someone who loathes Jews but hasn't got the balls to admit it.

    3. Argus


      Not that everyone who supports BDS is an anti-semite. Some of them are just shallow and ignorant.

    4. BC_chick
  20. The DNC is a bigger mess than the RNC. Could that even be possible. Loving all the Clinton boos.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Argus


      The idiot Bernie people at the convention were working for Trump, whether they knew it or not.

    3. The_Squid


      The Dems did bring it upon themselves by being underhanded and favouring a candidate when they were supposed to be neutral.

    4. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      Bernie just brought them together.

  21. Ted Cruz killed it. Best performance yet at the circus known as RNC 2016. That grin, oh what a burn. LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Trump take the high road? That's hilarious. What planet are you on?

    3. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      Cruz spoke for the Republican establishment. He knows 2016 goes to Hillary and is looking towards 2020 and 2024.

    4. Hal 9000

      Hal 9000

      It's laughable to pretend that he didn't just submarine his political future. Trump gave him the rope...and well.

  22. Corey Batey sentenced to 15 years. Justice has a way of prevailing when attackers are black. Remarkable.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. WestCoastRunner


      The judge was critized heavily for his sentence. He was highly biased. In his sentencing he mentioned the guys swimming records. Good grief.

    3. Argus


      So since the judge was criticized by people his sentence must be wrong? Good grief indeed. Why have judges? Why not just punish people according to what Facebook users vote?

  23. The only time #AllLivesMatter is when black people get killed.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. msj


      No women may not be repressed as much as in, say Sadi Arabia, but I'm still glad I'm a white man in Canada. Dont think I could stand being a woman and especially would not want to be a coloured woman.

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