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Everything posted by shortlived

  1. The government shouldn't be involved in private business transactions such as real estate transactions. What does the government know about sound fiscal policy and debt reduction. It is a joke. You don't let the worst money managers manage your money is absurdity. The guy went in debt under his financial planning 175 Billion and he is worried about other peoples household debt? If he is allowed a race to the bottom why not the banks and individuals too. Or is lending money to the government the only good money flushing available?
  2. This could get interesting.... must find script writer... I totally know who I am. I think the problem is, you don't know who i am. The defacto result is either you are attempting comedy or your skin is green. I'm not trying to do anything. I'm a moderate, moderates arn't leaning. You'd like to pigeon hole me for whatever stupid reason, why don't you spend less time talking about me and more about actual reasons the plan won't work, rather than just writing nonsense with no evidence. Not at all you can't just pull the plug and expect dead people to recover, you need to nurse them back to health. Having self sustaining services that previously were tax payer funded is the first step to recovery. Not at all, they are lending the money for shares that will return the money to them and more. They will be paying for it if the plan isn't used, you must understand they are paying whether it is this plan or nothing, the difference is they get the money back with interest in my plan and they get nothing in your system. Also people don't need to pay, inflationary printing is there to make up any shortfall. It is peoples choices to contribute to the free education for Canadians fund or not. No, I don't propose billing them, I propose they contribute a portion of their income into a fund specifically allocated, and has no strings attached. 1. the money goes to those who request it in a given year, any excess goes back to the shareholders including those paying into it as members of the fund, which shares accumulate for life as a share of return on any investment each year. If they themselves want free tuition they should respect their contribution to help others have access to free tuition, it is pretty simple. No I am libertarian, you are just slow. No, libertarians don't think that. Libertarians don't deprive from others. They maintain. Oh its not the only way but it is an effective means of skills accredation. It statistically shows many benefits. You can't be accredited without an accrediting authority, standards do matter for many things, and no university isn't the only form of post secondary education. But highschool curriculums fail miserably at preparing people for professional life. Then don't pay for it. Fact is you are being forced to pay for subsidies under the current regime yet under this plan there is absolutely no taxation. I'm not forcing anything you just don't got a clue. Totally agree to a certain extent, this isn't absolutely true, libertarians arn't anarchists you are confusing the two. But no only those who actually take the plan pay into it for life. People who fund through their own alternative means have no obligation to pay, people don't need to use it each term, they can select only part of a term and get a partial rate, rather than the full annual rate of 1%. This is for people who want to use the fund or don't have access to an alternate means of paying tuition. That is bull. You are just trolling. Removing 20 different programs and multiple agencies where there are no eligibility criteria other than citizenship and replacing them with one flat rate fund isn't making more red tape. You are being nonsensical. Totally untrue. Although there are multiple ways, the citizens bank I propose to replace the CRA and public service, such as service canada and canada post and a few other staff organizations. Citizenship is all that is required. It is paid direct to the institution not the individual. Nope. No direct connection and it is pretty simple if people enroll in the program, multiple years only sustaining one year of enrollment will create excess funds. You can talk all you want but you can't demonstrate how a pyramid scheme can't work if more and more people support the top level. That is nonsense. People already go to school on loans, grants and scholarships nothing changes it is still grades, people who want to go to school can, its just how much it costs the tax payer. What you don't seem to understand is that the government can make its own money in Canada, and that can pay for any program or investment required of these sorts. No need for shareholders, and no need to force people to pay taxes.
  3. Board directors have been conservative MPs. The bonds may be tight.
  4. the atmosphere thickens.. http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/syria-s-government-rebels-trade-accusations-of-chemical-attack-1.1201446 It really is laughable that another Nato citizen ' or rather person who lived in a Nato country... ends up being the leader of the syrian opposition.. gas and hit to... Bringing Democracy to Syria by installing an American to rule the country.. MY GOD! could it have been a phosgene attack? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosgene It is a fairly easy gas to make, only needing carbon which is easily obtainable, chlorine which is easily obtainable and carbon monoxide which is easily obtainable. Obama in Israel.. and Israel requesting US air strikes ...
  5. Far from it. Spin away. I don't advocate for taking away personal liberties, I advocate for giving people freedoms, and insuring that those without are provided for. Private parties can opt to do the same, but we can't let the poor live in destitution if we hold all the resources. Minarchism isn't anarchism. It just means reducing red tape. There is way too much governmental bloat. I firmly believe the government should insure core services. Things like grants to private parties and social programs are just slush funds for partisan purposes. If its not important enough for the government to do itself, its a waste of money and partisan in character. In terms of the free education. No people can opt into it. It is their choice. people can get private loans if they don't want the free tuition. They may very well need private loans anyway. The government could provide a seperate loan service via a crown corporation, with interested members of the public acting as investors in that crown corporation, but I don't think the government should be giving away money when they can create employment or encourage employment. Student employment is beneficial. Too many students are out of touch with a solid work ethic. We need more co-op education programs though, that is the key, we need private public enterprise to provide students with income. To the furthest extent we can we should get companies and public services involve in employing students in co-operative education programs. Not at all. This program would never apply to my situation anyway. While I was attending I actually got many thousands of dollars in grants. This program isn't overly advantageous to me, I had free tuition.... I know economics just fine. You really don't understand the program if you are questioning the viability of the program to create dividends. As stated it would remove tax payer requirement to pay taxes into post secondary education completely, and it would provide them a dividend for the initial program startup costs. It would save them atleast $20,000 over their lifetime. It would insure nation wide free tuition for citizens of Canada, and further it would cost less to the students over their lifetime provided steady enrollment into the program. No you are wrong, this is a PERCENT of income. Not an amount to pay back. See your system is flawed because of inflation. Mine is inflation nuetral because it is a value of income earned, a percentage that is constant. This is in no way collectivism, it does not force the common to pay. It is a private service provided by the government in which people can opt into. You are nonsensical in your impression of this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minarchism Social Humanist Minarchist Libertarianism -- believe in creating a system in which individualism are empowered to participate in the state through insuring a mechanism of advance based on qualification, and that qualification be available to those interested, without red tape and financial barriers. It means insuring people have equal rights in society. Free education is an essential part of that.
  6. Ok keep sending jaywalkers to jail for their execution. (sarcasm - had to be added) Jay walking ain't a crime. It is a money grab, if it were a crime people would be getting criminal records. You don't get a criminal record for jaywalking. "A Jaywalking ticket is a Civil Citation. Civil matters do not appear on a Criminal Records Check." Its a money grab and someone was brutally murdered over this bs. Bring back hard labour.
  7. What makes you so certain of this........? They are polling way higher than the block in Quebec. http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/politique-canadienne/201302/21/01-4623940-sondage-le-npd-semble-bien-ancre-au-quebec.php I wouldn't be suprised if they take a chunk of the Atlantic in addition to Quebec in 2015, paired up with the liberals, although there are some strong seats in NB I would question if they will hold both the Liberals and NDP regionally could assert. Its not an short term issue come 2015 either, as a very large chunk of the senior players in the current party will be left, leaving pretty much just a rump, including Harper (which if he does run again he could be relegated to opposition leader again - he still has an election or two left in him, and I don't think he would loose his seat), I wouldn't be surprised if McKay (as the last remaining leader) of the merger takes over the reigns, otherwise it risks reverting to a "west only party". I'm not so sure Clement is PM quality, I don't know him but his personality doesn't ring with me as PM personality, I could be wrong though. I think people like Flaherty and Toews are increasingly looking like retirement prospects, and the people already over 65, seem an odd crew to be continuing to run in their 70's and 80's, its just weird, although true there are a lot of boomers and people can die or get ill at any age, its just weird to have such an old government. If they don't get beaten back in the next one I will be suprised. On the topic of McKay though I find it weird if facing an ever increasing chance of war with Iran, that he being married to an Iranian-Canadian might present an odd backdrop. Overall though this is just what the press paints as potentials, I don't have a ear to the doors of people to hear what they are really saying, but I'm not convinced. Of course the Liberals havn't publically put out a platform yet, and I think thats not likely until late 2014. But there is no reason to be polarized. I think the appetite for Canadians for a 20 year party that only adds debt is problematic. I'm just not seeing any delivery. Although there have been gains in the west, the rest of Canada has melted away, and thats not good anywhere but Alberta. They may keep buying the vote by tax cuts and hand outs on the backs of the future with mounting public debt as personal debt also continues to increase. Its just government with a credit card. Too little too late, changes are being dragged out even with a majority, and they arn't delivering on key reforms. Sure no contraversy but I don't see them as peforming, correct me if I am wrong but what have been their accomplishments while in Majority? The NDP could even take Newfoundland.
  8. Mulcair is a small fry compared to the players in the US http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/billionaire-joins-fight-against-keystone-xl/article9938490/ Its clear it is because it is a Canadian company behind the pipeline .. it would probably be in process of being built right now if it were an American company. If TransCanada was prudent it would have set up a subsidary or partner in the US well in advance of launching the project to have it covertly built. It was a poor exercise in public relations and marketing. Russia is still possible though if the US can be put on board for a Bering Tunnel. THat project development needs to commence as it will take at least 10 years to get online. Russian and Chinese markets are real boons, and the Bering tunnel will provide for that. If its not being shipped south, then it might as well be shipped east but not by developing infrastructure on the Canadian coast. Open up the North and connect into Alaska, resource development in the North will continue to be a focus over the coming decades, so it works hand in hand with developing the Bering. Now, keystone could still be approved but it shouldn't. Rail is a fine way of shipping oil. Less supply higher demand higher prices. Its easier to inspect pipe in the form of a car than by sending people in a car in remote areas. Also at those prices you might want to just buy a whole rail line and leave the rail cars sitting there and connected in a mobile pipeine. Like what about just buying CN and shipping form Louisiana to Texas by rail? An American owns the most shares.. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2011/04/25/gates-cn-railway-shareholder.html Bill Gates? Really? (12% ownership...) Majority ownership in CN is a paltry 15 billion... which comes with links as far as louisiana, why doesn't alberta just BUY Majority ownership in CN. Then you have a route to the BC coast and texas... Alberta would be well benifited by buying majority stake in CN.
  9. Oh I think you should also note, it is in Canada's strategic interests not to have a pipeline and oil port on the west coast.
  10. The toronto issue is a big one for the next election. If the conservatives are to be supplanted it will require NDP and Liberal gains in Ontario. Here is one interesting article on that... http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/02/22/justin_trudeau_could_help_liberals_regain_ontario_poll.html What seems to be brewing is a pretty evenly divided House if the NDP hold onto Quebec Still to early to see how the dynamic effects Quebec though... Its just a question of whether alberta and the praries want to be in opposition or help form government. I think the praries won't be quite as blue as they were last election. Alberta of course...? It would take only one party running against them in alberta. example the NDP and liberals agreeing to only run one candidate in ridings of their favours. That spirit is pretty gone but considering the tories have upwards of 50% in Alberta, providing an alternative is the only real posibility for a united front against them in Alberta by only running one opposition candidate in each riding in Alberta.
  11. Oh I definately AM a libertarian minarchchist my brand I call Social Humanist Libertarianism. Principle 1. Force Nothing Principle 2. People who use services pay for them Principle 3. Make sure it works... Principle 4. We must be progressive and insure that those in poverty are provided a means of being lifted from poverty. Only those who use the service are paying for it, that is the key difference. Nothing in libertarianism says the government can't provide services requested by people.In the case of this education program, it is free, but you pay for it down the road. Libertarian principles are government non interference in the lives of individuals to the furthest extent practical. It also means social respect. No socialism bills everyone, that is the difference, I don't propose billing everyone, just the people who want the services. Of course the Humanist part means that in order to insure a just society we must insure those who are without are provided for, but that is only because we all get dividends from the land and collective knowledge. If we can't kill them we are morally obligated to take care of them. If I were a true socialist I would propose making Kibbutz. Part of the issue is that despotism is the enemy of a just society, and despotism will be enhanced by private ownership of land and concentration of the means of production and livelyhood in the hands of the few. So there must be governmental settlement engagements to distribute land to the people, not as collectively owned but as individually operated, in this case in northern areas. The gauge is simply people who come into conflict with the law because people in conflict of the law arn't in homeostasis with the social norms and standards, so they are the ones that need to be resettled in areas with land available for them to provide for their own autarchy. Government work programs though recognize that some people arn't capable enough to make their own freedom of liberty so they must be trained and managed to be free. If everyone is free then there is no need for government program monopolies. I think you are ignornant in advocating for less education, fact is school makes people less stupid, it exposes them to the world, where before there was only a blind worldview. We don't need slave labourers, education is a gateway to freedom and independence that is required for a free society. Instituting program quotas is the capability of the institutions, if they wanted to limit the number of degrees to limit it, thats fine but its not the place of the government to control the schools, and its not the place of the schools to say what students can learn, they can learn it somewhere else. The students pick their programs and the schools pick their programs. Now what if they are unemployed.. well they are unemployed, the goal of education isn't to employ, it is to educate. Employers who want specific trades skills should be training their own workers, if it is industry needs such as pipe fitters, apprentice people to be pipe fitters. They are two seperate issues. Education is for education, not for employment. Educations benefits arn't just related to employment. Sure it does have dividents those 90% of students who do fine work, is still much higher than the dropout rate, tons of jobs have bachelor level or higher requirements for employment. You ascertation that people should just perform unskilled labour is nonsense. People can make robots and dispensing machines to do that, its probably a waste of time and resources, not all of them but many of them. Program offerings are for the program facilitator to decide. If employers want their pick of labourers they should be providing employment contracts like the Canadian Forces offering education as an incentive for taking a specific carear path. We shouldn't be forcing any carear path on anyone, that is limiting freedom. Most of these self funding free programs have an ignition system but once it is going they fund themselves. It removes the income taxes to do these same things, saving tax payers $20,000 each over their lifetime. It removes red tape and administrative barriers, and delays. It removes government from the lives of the individuals, connecting individuals with a fund as opposed to government. It gives the money back to people when the program starts to have surpluses, which are guaranteed, meaning the taxpayers are refunded for the start up cost and given a dividend for life. These are all important libertarian concepts, to reduce the level of government involvement in the lives of individuals, but still insure a functioning society. Libertarians is not anarchy. You just can't pull the plug on society you have to give it a chance to live by making it healthy.
  12. People only have so much time to live, why waste it going down the wrong path, and the wrong chain of advancement for your carear goals? Waste time is wasted time, and just because it pays doesn't mean it helps society it just means people who are paying have money, there is more to life than economic success. Some people arn't working class, why take working class occupation? It is a waste of skills and time put into the training you've done. Why take a crappy job? Its a pretty clear answer. Service work offers no long term accomplishment or beyond subsistence wages of lower middle income, they have no long term benefit. Who wants to be trapped in low middle income to low income wage slavery? No brainier there. Now if you need money sure whatever, but there are easier ways of getting that amount of money, we are talking $400 a week $1600 a month. There are easier ways of making that kind of money for way less time input. Service jobs are "school kid jobs" or unskilled mom jobs, or dropout jobs. The pay isn't there. Also at times there are health problems associated, such as high caffeine vapour expsure, or grease, cts, etc.. long working hours little if any earned benefits, and low wage. The jobs are crap jobs. JOB = Just Over Broke I've worked a variety of jobs, and I can say service jobs are dramatically underpaid for the work performed in comparison with professional occupations. There is a dramatic misalignment in payrates for work performed.
  13. It didn't say what you should strike her with. Yeah and your point. I think this pussification of society is pretty stupid people deserve to get hit sometime, if not outright killed for more heinous acts. Why must people surrender all their capacity to the government, its a load of crap. people should be empowered, and our society emerged from a society that openly used corporeal punishment to one that does so corruptly through hidden process and frame ups and coverups. If you don't hit someone hard enough to leave a mark, its really nothing. People are out there spanking children the same way. generally the factor is if you don't hit them hard enough to leave a mark its not child abuse. Personally I think it is destructive behaviour but it is lawful behaviour. its just the whole ownership thing, if women can spank their children I see nothing morally wrong with men or women spanking their spouse. Seciton 43 of the criminal code. http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/LOP/ResearchPublications/prb0510-e.htm I'm sure more than more than one woman would condone slaping her husband for having an affair. |it does not constitute cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. | but yes it is assault. sleeping around isn't exactly "harmless" either for your conjugal partner. I slap hit myself all the time when I work out. Although I probably woulnd't a good b!tch slap is well deserved on a cheating spouse whether male or female if the relationship isn't salvagable and was suppose to be, and was agreed to be monogamous. This isn't condoning beating, on the contrary it is condoning restraint, and largely symbolic actions. Considering some muslim countries have the death penalty for spousal cheating.. this is very moderate. If people agree to a monogamous relationship and cheat it is a form of assault and offence. I don't think this really differs from other religions and civil institutions.. adultery was a crime once upon a time that carried pretty hard punishments, far worse than being slapped. English ancestory has a much more vicious history for that crime.
  14. I dunno where you are getting that from PIK considering Trudeau's popularity the polls seem to be saying that it it could be minority NDP government http://www.threehundredeight.com/p/canada.html NDP would get much of Quebec, BC and some Atlantic Canada. Liberals would get Some Atlantic Canada, and probably hold onto a bunch of their current seats.. I would be suprised if Ontario doesn't swing to the Liberals, I also think that a bunch of Conservatives who are Seniors now would potentially go into retirement rather than run for relection it makes for a very old government which really won't be representative of the masses at all, only the most priveleged of the boomers. I really don't think Toronto will go with the Conservatives a second time, it was really close last time I think it was a fluke. Almost by default Alberta remains a fortress, and likely they will pick up of a chunk of the prairies, but there will probably be a couple NDP and a few liberal seats too. However still a long way off like what a year and a half? Doesn't seem he is in the shuffle.... http://www.hilltimes.com/news/news/2013/03/18/pmo-confirms-harper-plans-%E2%80%98major-changes%E2%80%99-to-cabinet-this-summer/34047 No doubt Ontario will determine the next election.... I would say atleast the CPC losing 40 seats should be the minimum expected. Probably most of them in BC and Ontario, I would think its possible to see New Brunswick loose a few CPC seats too. Now its still a year and a half away, but there could maybe be 'an election' or as much as federal politics allows for an election.. this one in 2015 should be hotly contested.. oh right that is what 2 1/2 years? October 19, 2015 is a LONG way off.
  15. First off I'm non conformist and I'm not political I'm apolitical, I'm not about people I'm about equal capacity. I am a libertarian minarchist, so I am the state, dealing with government whatever it may be is diplomacy. Second there is something called grades that already determines this so called academic aptitude. apolitical
  16. so just divide by 10. and no my 'citaitons' were from Canadian sources...
  17. It has nothing to do with the programs, it has to do with work available in those fields. Your argument is baseless and you have submitted to my fact that post secondary education has dividends, and that this program would be beneficial to the tax payer. Chances are there are probably just a lot of boomers that need to retire in those fields to make way, and/or they are fields people need to self employ in. Like writing etc... For instance education there are a lot of old teachers. Part of this is due to underdevelopment of the education system, and increases in classroom sizes, and newer technologies. The education sector has declined, and tenure reigns in those occupations. It just means they need to self employ, and an MBA availability would help them with that to supplement their specializations. Fact is those people still have better education accreditation wise than high school students and high school drop outs, so the reason for them being unemployed likely has more to do with your own studies ethic that being they are more about lifestyle than knowledge. Also their unwillingness to compete for jobs in the unskilled category, and or volunteering for not for profit, not for pay activities. Oh and I can ... form.. a sentence just fine. You can't read free writing, perhaps you need to pull the cucumber .. out. Oh. Yeah. That is it. Right you know. There is a form of communication called, knowledge by omission. If you don't understand...
  18. Ok now you are just dumber trolling. Go to the link read it. You are commenting on something you don't even know the meaning of. You are being obtuse. Try knowing what you are talking about before you talk about it. By its nature any "real crime" has an injury. crime n. a violation of a law in which there is injury to the public or a member of the public ... Canada is a free society so Canada shouldn't be limiting my freedom outside the bounds of fundamental justice. we don't need a morality police to tell us what we can do with our own bodies. Jaywalking laws violate the common law and ancestorial mobility rights and right of way. Their very nature is unconstitutional. There is no justifiable purpose for jaywalking laws, the law is junk, and unconstitutional. Having the law has no effect on pedestrian-vehicle collisions per capita globally, its just an unjust money grab by the government. What I've found while travelling is countries without the stupid law have much more capable and savy road crossers and better drivers. Plainly jaywalking is so commonplace I find it doubtful a jury of pedestrians would find moral or crminal fault in a road crosser. Its not a crime to cross the road. Isn't this strange it seems the reverse is true jaywalking leads to more pedestrian deaths and injuries and makes roads unsafe, because people cross or don't cross and noone knows drivers think sharing the road with anyone whether on bike or two or four legs is fair game for a hit and run. That is the problem, these laws create victims, anyone not in a car. US vehicle car deaths and injuries approx. 5000 pedestrian deaths / year 75000 pedestrian injuries /year http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-car-deaths-fall-but-cyclist-and-pedestrian-tolls-rise-8405280.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jun/30/road-deaths-fall-record-low Wow isn't that something... Britain has massively fewer pedestiran deaths than the US... something like 1000% less .. and wow the US has Jaywalking laws and the UK doesn't.. hmm what system is working better? Hmm?
  19. ;These things should just be done through the courts anyway. Why the hell have a pbulically funded private organization? This is part of the social system but imo the courts should manage these things. It is historical though, but yes it is problematic of requiring quotas on child abuse. They shouldn't be funding the private sector anyway though. The government could just make boarding schools or something. Direct funding is the key, cut all the crap. If Bronte can do it for less the government can too.. The costs of court and funding staff, and still paying for things like education adds up to more than sending the kids off to private school. http://www.brontecollege.ca/ The other $1300 that is above the cost of the $9700 average for students seems to be likely enough to offset the cost of staff, administration and future costs perhaps related to delinquency that the childrens aid system creates with foster and broken homes with an absence of structure and strong peer support groups in that a boarding environment would provide.
  20. Yes and un-smart has the word smart in it, what is your point?
  21. Not its not, there are no victims. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victimless_crime We don't need government to police our morality as it applies to ourself. We don't need the state in the crossings of the roadways. There is no place for the state in the footpaths of the nation. Jaywalking is not a crime, it is a nuisance --- to pedestrians whose ancestorial rights, and priveleges are infringed by police and bylaw officers, and at worst courts and alchoholic psychopath executioners.
  22. You are totally wrong, all I have to say is that it is economical. Air traffic is not as economical as land routes especially for cargo. Why do you think there are trucks and trains to transport cargo rather than air. Also sea based trade isn't the most economical means of transit, especially to land locked areas. Also in needing to ship oil to the coast, with no pipeline there, the problem exits anyway. Rail is already a cheaper, and safer method of shipping oil. The risk of disaster and the danger that oil poses to the ocean is one that can be mitigated by the Bering project. PEAK OIL while oil is in abundance now within the next 10 to 20 years oil will go up in cost. Northern Arctic oil reserves will be sought an all season transport route will be of great economic benefit. Public acceptance of oil pipelines in environmentally sensitive areas is also growing as a point of public quiet, and ecoterrorism is on the rise. You are simply wrong. Plenty of people ride the train. Ive ridden the train many times myself. Trains are used for "trips" while airlines are often used for short vacations and business travel. People who have lots of goods to move will go with train because it offers better cargo allowances. example people who are taking goods with them. None the less economically it is far more useful for transport than container because it is safer and can be a shorter duration. The transport time of cargo to the continental us from China is reduced to about two weeks, how long does that take via ship? Oh and it is benefifical for Canada to be part of the trade route. Countries that are parts of trade routes have residual benefits. This connects the entire work except for oceania via train. It makes perfect economic sense. Why transport oil through warzones by sea when it can be safely shipped by landroute? Take for instnace the issue of the straight of Hormuz where a very large amount of middle east oil gets shipped out of. With this the closure of the sea route can be mitigated by land transport. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:GrowingGap.jpg Pay particular note that Russia and Chinas oil reserves are being depleted. 21 years of reserve life for russia 14 for china. Estimated reserves by country See also: List of countries by proven oil reserves bbl = barrel of oil Countries with largest oil reserves Most of the world's oil reserves are in the Middle East.[16] Estimated reserves by country See also: List of countries by proven oil reserves bbl = barrel of oil Most of the world's oil reserves are in the Middle East.[16] Summary of Reserve Data as of 2012[2] Country Reserves[17] 109 bbl Reserves 109 m3 Production[18] 106 bbl/d Production 103 m3/d Reserve life 1 years Venezuela 296.5 47.14 2.1 330 387 Saudi Arabia 265.4 42.20 8.9 1,410 81 Canada 175 27.8 2.7 430 178 Iran 151.2 24.04 4.1 650 101 Iraq 143.1 22.75 2.4 380 163 Kuwait 101.5 16.14 2.3 370 121 United Arab Emirates 136.7 21.73 2.4 380 156 Russia 74.2 11.80 9.7 1,540 21 Kazakhstan 49 7.8 1.5 240 55 Libya 47 7.5 1.7 270 76 Nigeria 37 5.9 2.5 400 41 Qatar 25.41 4.040 1.1 170 63 China 20.35 3.235 4.1 650 14 United States 26.8 4.26 7.0 1,110 10 Angola 13.5 2.15 1.9 300 19 Algeria 13.42 2.134 1.7 270 22 Brazil 13.2 2.10 2.1 330 17 Total of top seventeen reserves 1,324 210.5 56.7 9,010 64 Notes: 1 Reserve to Production ratio (in years), calculated as reserves / annual production. (from above) Russia and China will be "oil dependent" by the 2030's unless other energy sources become commonplace, and other materials are used for manufacture like carbon. There are great secondary benefits of a tunnel between the old world and the new.
  23. I'm still waiting on an arrest under the law to pop up in the news........
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