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Everything posted by shortlived

  1. No its not they make over $150,000 already, and the country is going deeper and deeper in debt why should Canadians have to pay more? They already have a Very good deal for their relatively small amount of work and paper pushing. That is $150,000 to read something for 5 minutes once a week. that is 260 minutes per year of work, and thats the front bench. The back bench sits and listens to it and claps or boos every now and then, its like being paid 150,000 a year to be studio audience. That is over $575 per minute of work.
  2. Dude, no its not reasonable not to allow someone to fly becaues Islamists frequent your website. There are a lot of Islamist websites, and I'd be suprised if every website owner where a OBL video showed up is on a no fly list, especially the likes of google. Where are the terrorism charges? It seems pretty obvious if this guys conduct is within the bounds of the law he's not doing anything illegal. His behaviour shouldn't be criminalized. Partisan politicians shouldn't be able to indiscriminately deprive people of their freedoms without an actual security threat. Not liking his religious or political affiliations is not sufficient to deprive someone of their rights if within their lawful bounds. You are advocating for totalitarian police state methods, and allowing policy to criminalize rather than due process. Removal of due process is creation of a despotic totalitarian police state that contradicts the premise of a free and democratic society.
  3. see my http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/22522-fiscal-restraint-my/ thread. its not just MPs but ministers too. oh and by my calculations about 1 in 10 to 20 MPs should be getting layoff notices according to 5-10% department cost reduction targets. Such hypocracy out of this so called Harper Government, dare say I regime. The Hapa Regime. (too much salt in diet)
  4. I was actually surprised to read that the 'freedom fighters' are not letting this go, and intend to keep at it even after the Easter recess is over if it takes that long.
  5. You are wrong. I do. What don't you get about, I am free. That is diplomacy and politics. I get what you are saying but I am not bound to foreign law, that doesn't mean other countries can't try to enforce it. In terms of this guy and Canadian Law though there are laws that insure peoples right to fly based on equal grounds. I can only hope other jurisidictions laws are just, and in that case there shouldn't be any issues or need to enforce through militancy. Afterall I have no ill plans, and only wish for peaceful coexistence, there shouldn't be a reason to deprive me from flying on a plane to get from point A to point B that is just ludicrist, and the only reason would be politically motivated by morally corrupt individuals. Its just diplomacy, line the pockets of person x or y through formal or informal means, pay for passport, pay for airport fees, pay for departure fees etc... that is just all a systematic construct of most countries. Its not an absolute but it probably in a balance of outcomes be the easiest means of flight.
  6. I'm sorry but you are wrong, you cannot discriminate against people. Airline and air security is based on equal application of the law. And yes I can. I have no deprivation of rights, based on reasonable grounds, if I need to fly I will. Nah man I have plenty of right to fly, while specific jurisdictions may try to apply their law to myself. Its my right to use my judgement in weighing the balance of outcomes based upon my actions and the reactions of others. I am a free person, I uphold my right. I am free. My freedom is my right. If others seek to deprive god will determine the outcome. Government is bound to its law. I am not party to that law so I am not bound by it. I am bound by reason, and rationality in determining my actions in preventing violence unless there is a greater need. Its not my law. I am a reasonable person though, and if I do not have a need to break the law, others law, I won't. My right is freedom and consent. You can't take that from me, and I will not surrender it. Of course I have little respect for other people who don't take my view in mind in how they expect me to act. This is a separate issue though. The government IS bound by its law, otherwise it lacks legitimacy to rule. I am a law abiding citizen as long as the law is just. I have no obligation to obey other people who lack reason or communication. I am not subject to any power but god in equality. I have faith in God to do right, manmade law is not my law, but I put my faith in god to do right. I put my faith in the Supremeacy of god, and all the legalese BS means nothing to my life. Modern law is just politics. Rationality guides justice. I really don't give a damn about the governments law, they don't enforce it anyway half the time. Its a corrupt society. the law doesn't prevent me from acting, it creates a response to my actions, and only if it matters to them. Obviously you don't throw rocks at a hornets nest unless you like getting stung, breaking up the nest, or stupidity. There is no right I do not have. I'm willing to die for my freedom. I don't need to attack people to insure it though, that would be senseless bloodshed. Its a twisted game. In terms of this topic though, the government is not being reasonable in denying this guys rights yet, allowing sites like youtube and google to operate in Canada, or for their employees to fly while depriving this guy access to that same service, it is pure politics.
  7. CHRA 5. It is a discriminatory practice in the provision of goods, services, facilities or accommodation customarily available to the general public (a) to deny, or to deny access to, any such good, service, facility or accommodation to any individual, or (b) to differentiate adversely in relation to any individual, on a prohibited ground of discrimination. Sure there is a google in Canada, google owns youtube.. why is it that these same activities aren't applicable to google but are applicable to Mr. Al Talebani.. They are doing the same thing on a larger scale. Fact is here that there is no "private communication" on the internet. Only a very very small group of people are truly private those using hot spots, and ham radios to communicate and the like. Everyone else is not anonymous. Its the exact same thing, only this guys name is Al freaken Talebanni, any bloody moron can see that. Sure if he had a plot planned on that flight etc.. makes sense but lets get bloody serious... in 2013 12 years after 911, if some dude can do anything to an aircraft after being under a strip search, something is wrong. It is total bs and just political discrimination. it is total bs. but ney there is no reason for the guy to be on a no fly list without information indicating he is an actual threat to airline security, I havn't seen anything indicating that.
  8. You are quite wrong. http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/H-6/FullText.html Arar was awarded tons of money because the mounties F-ed up. He was also abducted by Americans, that has nothing to do with how things are suppose to be done in Canada. Arar is also an odd example because of his "secret" past, which the public isn't aware of. He is one of many stage shows conducted by CSIS and their partners, to create media stir on terrorism. Actually I do have inalienable rights to fly if I so choose. As far as businesses go, and the government, they are in the wrong if they deny me equal access or justice. I'm not saying government and businesses aren't corrupt, but I am saying they arnt' right when they are. There actions do not effect my rights, they effect our relations. These sorts of situations are all about bending the rules and the government swaying public opinion to allow them to deprive innocent people of their rights illegally, and create a norm in the public perception that the government can do anything it wants to anyone with impunity, and that is ok. It isn't.
  9. You are wrong. Even commercial law requires non discrimination in providing services. Depriving someone of rights and access to services without cause is contrary to the law of commerce. There is no law saying people who host websites that Islamic people use to host videos is illegal, so denial of service on arbitrary grounds is discrimination. Canada is a country of equals, so all common rights are held equally and free of discrimination. One of those is to transact commerce without prejudice.
  10. Uhm sure Canadians have the right to enter and leave Canada, in a free country the absence of something being illegal makes it lawful thus something that should not be infringed. Same as the us, those powers not held by the federal government or states are held by the people. In a free society you cannot deprive people of their freedoms without fundamental justice providing reason there to.
  11. well they host terrorist videos... they must all be terrorists right http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=al+nusra+messages Look they are aiding terrorism! Just like that American guy who posted on facebook, we can't forget facebook too. Peoples facebook pages are private, and and.. you know there are private youtube videos, so you know they are hosting privae terrorist imformationes. the same as this guy .. so yeah they should all be on a no fly list too... oh but their name isn't al talebani is it? Oh no I just realized, I just posted a link to terrorist youtube videos!!! now Charles will be put on a no fly list!!! ooops. Sorry Charles Anthony, I hope that trip to Bermuda isn't ruined for you. No fret though, BushCheeney knows just what you need. Twitter even gave Fidel Castro a twitter account.. doesn't that break the embargo? you know aiding the enemy.
  12. It didn't say he organized for Al Qaeda, it said they frequented his website. Do you see the makers of Youtube and google staff the owner of youtube on no fly lists? Notice how there is no criminal charges on aiding terrorism? hmm? If he was actually helping them as opposed to them using his website, there is a clear difference. Any criminal record for terrorism, if not, where is the evidence linking him to terrorism. Anyone can pop up on any web forum and link information. Where are the terrorists. There were major news networks posting videos of Osama too.. are they all on no fly lists? What I see is absolutely no criminal charges, and a whole bunch of hearsay. How did the government know it was Al Qaeda and not a CIA false flag? Meanwhile this guy who has not broken any Law in Canada is prohibited from traveling by air.. see the problem here. No crime committed and his ability to fly is removed, pretty obvious injustice. Will Omar Khadr be on a life long no fly list when released from prison? What about former members of the FLQ? Who exactly is going on this list. this guys "crime" was having people visit his website and post stuff on it. Where are the charges? Criminalizing people who have not committed crimes is problematic. It seems ridiculous that you would have this foreign student not be able to fly due to being a security risk on flights, yet not so great a security risk to Canada that he is deported, where is the plot, where is the terrorism?
  13. Ok, this suprises me since it is a constituitonal right to enter and leave Canada, so in denying air travel, it seems an escape from the ever more totalitarian Harper Government by land will be met sourly to the south, leaving boats as the only way for Canadians to enter and leave Canada... http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/01/04/first-man-on-canadas-no-fly-list-denied-legal-funding-for-court-fight/ What no legal funding to oppose being put on a no fly list? Why can the government arbitrarily without judicial process deny mobility rights to Canadians? Isn't that clearly unconstitutional? Come on why wasn't Al Telbanni allowed on that plane? I think we can clearly see someones rights were being infringed here. Does Mr. Telbanni seem like someone that would pose a security risk due to flying on a plane? These are real people being effected by these totalitarian and arbitrary measures. Where is the plot? Where is the means to disrupt aircraft security? Did they search him that day, how the hell can someone pose a risk to aircraft safety after getting an anal search?
  14. http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/national/salaries+going+cent/8171311/story.html So they are giving themselves bonuses while they put the country further in debt? What the hell is going on up there other than greed? This is a million dollar bonus for parliament FOR WHAT? Increasing costs for everyone else? Where is the increase in Federal minimum wage? make it harder on the poor, pad your own pockets government, its Harper Government Wage Equality
  15. Perhaps he could do status of women? There is more humour to that than some people know. Who would take over "small business and tourism though?"
  16. Yeah this leadership vote is suppose to be the biggest leadership vote in Canadian history... suprise suprise.
  17. sounds like there may have been some cover up on this guy.
  18. this is not true. they have been successfully fighting drought and desertification in africa. what they need is seed/plants, and bodies they don't need money. you don't plant money in the desert and watch it suddenly go on vacation. desertification is a global problem, it is happening in the US too, but we have the knowledge of how to reverse it, government are just too lazy or have priorities like buying guns and waging wars to care about it. only those countries that are getting swallowed up are paying any attention. this will be a much greater issues 5 to 10 years from now in the us. http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/united-states-at-risk-desertification its happening in russia too. the trend will increase as ocean levels increase and global temperatures increase. the process for reversing this is fairly well known with laying down strong root systems, and escalating higher plant growth, it take decades though. http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/what-areas-affected-desertification most of the arctic is desert, but it is going to turn into a mud/peat slurry over the next 20 or so years. The praries have been a dust bowl before it could happen again, a huge chunk of the us got hit with a drought last year, some suspect it could happen again.. none the less the desertification cida link was taken down however you should notice that in http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/INET/IMAGES.NSF/vLUImages/MDGpdf/$file/10-206%20MDG%20Report-E.pdf one of the millenium development goals was MDG 7 or millenium development goal 7... which is I think what the Harper government is trying to get out of. see page 16-17.
  19. How much of your money did you donate? why the hell are they taxing Canadians to help an African problem? They don't like the land they should sell it. Its not like drip irrigation is an unknown science. Israel turned its desert into usuable land on its own, why are Africans suddently incapable of solving their own problems? Personally I view this initiative as flushing money down the toilet. I firmly believe any Canadian foreign aid should be in the form of business partnership. If there is no economic value to the aid it is pointless to put money to it its not an issue needing money. Africans are probably harder workers than Canadians so they should be able to work a solution to their problem. Canada's public debt is huge, indebted countries shouldn't giving money away. They aren't the ones with the money, it is rich people that should be giving money to solve these problems not the poor. Canada ain't rich it does't have money to throw away.
  20. that is a bad question a dual question should be Should abortions be permissible at any point during pregnancy? YES / NO If YES how far into a pregnancy should abortions be allowed a. anytime b. 8 months c. 6 months d. 3 months e. 1 month f. within a week g. within a few days h. morning after i. birth control should be illegal
  21. I didn't read your post except for the last line, but WIN WHAT? This isn't a game. I protest my own issues, I speak my mind. I don't feel the need to organize protest, if it is warrented I will be protesting, if other people are protesting it just makes it more the point. I contact government when I have a problem through their contacts. For example a cause I am likely to reply on I receive with my protein powder today, regarding health act restrictions on suppliments after I look more at it I'll consider responding. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/picture206ria.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/716/picture205d.jpg/ I've participated in a variety of protest actions including demonstrations, and I think that there are causes worth protesting over, even if it doesn't matter. I felt i contributed to the fight to deflouridate water in Ontario, as well as raise other issues I feel are both public and personal issues i feel strongly about. I think government is inherently corrupt because it often serves private interests before public interest. None the less I've encountered stone walling by government, and when stone walling occurs demonstration is one of the few ways you can force multiply to raise public awareness for issues that are important. I 110% endorse protest, and as you should be aware if you are all knowing on protest there is a graduated system of protest, and it doesn't erupt onto the streets on day 1 if it is organized, except for the most serious and immediate sorts of issues, such as snap decisions to go to war, extrajudicial killings and the like. My rights are I can do whatever the hell I want and if someone has a problem with it, I could get killed or abducted, tortured, robbed. In this instance my action was to contact the SQ and Montreal police and city of Montreal and protest organizers, last year. I don't think anything is going to change in this situation, but I am still upset it is occurring because innocent people are being lulled into a trap set by the government. My rights arn't subject to the Canadian Law societies, that is diplomacy. I'm not out there doing junk just to do it, nor do I think most laws are imprudent but I am not bound, I am not party to the law. I am not protected by the law, it is politics. The law is a weapon for the government to attack people they choose to attack. The only rights you have are the ones you uphold. Constitutionally speaking though I advocate for the government to restrain itself to its own law since it is acting on its law, it should be bound by it, not just using it as a means to subject their political enemies. I'm not a statist, I am free, and I live my life that way, government is only a tool to help better the world situation. As someone disenfranchised from the system I will not recognize it as having right or rule over myself. God is supreme, not them. I am more than willing to communicate but I do not recognize any force to bind or deny my right to freedom. If we are both reasonable parties then we should have cooperation and peace. If not I am willing to defend my rights and position god willing. Life is just negotiation, government is only one actor. I havn't been killed yet.
  22. Uh dude you clearly havn't read all my posts to still be saying 1% to cover all costs. try rereading them giving an informed response, that I'll actually read. It is based on the timeline a fair annuity, and averaged incomes. I will repeat it one last time for a 4 year degree it is about 3.2% of annual income which works out to on average around $1500/year or $120/month but the amount will vary based on income. There are incentives to finishing sooner rather than later, for instance someone staying in post secondary studies for 8 years would be paying about $3500/year or $300/month on average, although one would hope that would amount to doctorates so their income at base would be higher.say someone with 100,000 annual income being in studies for 8 years all free tuition would be paying about $667/month out of an income of about $8400/month. Bear in mind though most people who do masters or doctorates are employed at the schools they attend and may not need this sort of program. I think the government should aggresively pursue employment education partnerships where companies sponsor educational costs on commitment to work for the company after or during graduation. As well as co-op programs to be pushed to the furthest extent to remove the need for free tuition programs. I think that that is the real answer for solving job shortage problems. its easy to say that only engineering jobs and medicine are any benefit to the public, but that simply isn't the case. It is a misnomer to think that. This isn't black wing, construction only world, there is more to life than science. Science is not the end all of life. Most of that stuff can be done by robots.
  23. They could, if the CHP took them. Question is do they support the other CHP policies, if so, well the solution is obvious and good luck with reelection. Miracles have happened right.. It would be one for the history books thats for sure.
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