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Everything posted by Borg

  1. Yeah, I forgot - people do not want to exercise persaonal responsibility and actually earn their keep. OK - the status quo is always the best - so we should raise taxes - let the working class support the remainder of the country - after all the dole is the best way to survive. I just wonder how much better the economy would be if we actually circulated money. Wait a minute - it is probably better to circulate that TAX money - after all those who earned it in the first place do not need it - they already have a job. What WAS I thinking? Borg
  2. Censors block my access to your article - but not to these: http://www.voanews.com/english/2009-05-14-voa68.cfm http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/outposts/2...oss-the-us.html http://www.examiner.com/x-6989-Ft-Lauderda...are-you-packing http://www.toledofreepress.com/2009/03/27/...olitical-fears/ http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...1889886,00.html http://newsok.com/after-rise-in-gun-demand...article/3353329 http://www.redding.com/news/2009/jun/18/gu...-sales-are-hot/ http://www.vawatchdog.org/09/nf09/nfmay09/nf051609-2.htm http://mainehuntingtoday.com/bbb/2008/10/2...ama-presidency/ http://www.allbusiness.com/environment-nat.../5407207-1.html http://www.prisonplanet.com/fear-of-strict...es-to-rise.html http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/0...no-ammo-shelves Sorry to disappoint you with a few references - took almost 30 seconds to find these and there are thousands more. Now go and enjoy the day Ta ta Borg
  3. Deficits come and deficits go - all started by that horrible creature trudeau - may he never be remembered as anything other than a weak and cowardly man with a petty agenda. Be that as it may, any time I can keep money in MY pocket and NOT pay the way for those who do nothing to add to the country - I am a happy man. Toss the GST and cut funding to womens groups, specialty groups, religious groups, immigration groups, create work parties and make those on the dole EARN their keep and the beat goes on. A complete cancelling of all international funding to that cesspool africa and any other country that has received aide for more than 10 years - it obviously was not working and is therefore wasted spending. Create a "made for Canada" energy pricing policy - to encourage OUR economy - F**K those off shore and south of 49 - the economy would come to us. Keep the money at home and we would be in far better shape. Kill the GST completely - anyone who believes we need taxes to survive is an idiot - we need a complete economic rebuild from the ground up - Canada and the vast majority of people in it are too cowardly to consider this. Borg
  4. An interesting thing about the uplink and video feed. Usually there are several video feeds that go to various people - intelligence, pilot, weapons officer, etc. One almost always goes to the commander The troops call this video feed "Predator Porn" or "Pred Porn" There is a lady outside of Yuma Arizona that is incredible - she has been "mounted" on many walls over the past few years For those of you who like to sun bathe in the nude - at low to medium altitudes a decent camera will take a real nice pic of you. You never know which scrap book you will end up in! I have watched Pred Porn many times myself - not often the good stuff - usually someone is about to die. I have no probs with the extra "looking" - it keeps the triflers on BOTH sides from getting carried away. Borg
  5. Why would you presume the union is not guilty of being set on war? In this economic time a strike will take forever to recover the lost revenue - only an idiot would vote for a strike - just be happy to be employed. It couldvery well be a long one - hope the members have some cash saved up. Banks will not forgoe mortgage payments for very long Borg
  6. Iggy is a fake - no experience, transplanted American - who is simply seeking power - he will do ANYTHING to get elected - including misleading the public. He also does not know very much about politics In fact I believe him to be less capable than the other wonder kid the libs elected - Dion Borg
  7. There are a great many countries that do not give two hoots and a f**k about world opinion, convention, passports and citizenships - etc Many of them here in the middle east - you piss them off - they do as they see fit - and passport be damned. So perhaps the point was taken but reality was allowed to set in - Iran, Iraq, INDIVIDUAL border guards in remote areas, tribal lords on borders, and I can name a dozen other countries - do not care. When dealing with them, canada can cry rule of law, precedent and so on - but the fact remains they simply do not care. Period. Perhaps we should wield our economic super power status? Or perhaps we should tell these canadians of convenience to screw off - no more dual citizenship bullshit I have to laugh at all the reasonable explanations here - problem is - we are not dealing with reasonable people or nations on the other end. This happens almost routinely now - and it almost always is someone from country XX coming to canada and getting the easy passport - then returning to country XX - and crying for help when they get into trouble. They cheapen the value of our passport. Not only do they take advantage of canada and the passport - they demand we spend my tax dollars to get them out of trouble after they abuse the privilege I have no sympathy any more - canadians of convenience can rot where they are Borg
  8. Ah gee - I did not know you cared Big hug Borg
  9. Heck - it simply another summer of discontent - life will go on and the sun will rise in the east and set in the west Trip to Hog Town? A great place to say you are from and even better place to avoid Everyone is looking for more money - but they will likely have to work for several years to make up their losses. Borg
  10. A small dent in your entitled armour? Perhaps your canadian financial super power needs to flex some of that power in Iran to free that canadian of convenience that is now under arrest. Now, how about those ships, eh? Borg
  11. Yeah, we did that in Lebanon as well - millions of dollars to help those who demanded it - as soon as it was quiet the majority went back Canada owes a canuck carrying more than one passport or one passport and an attitude nothing. If they create a problem and are arrested in a country with laws different than our own then they are on their own - obey the law of the land. Stay away from the risks - it IS DIFFERENT out there and away from weak and socially ineffective Canada - there are countries and regimes that actually are dangerous Perhaps this great super power canada should enforce her financial will upon countries that "detain" the many idiots from canada who - on a more and more regular basis - think they can use that canuck passport for advantage and favour in third world countries. Yeah, right! Time to lose the entitled attitude From an article - "Bahari came to Canada from Iran in 1988 as a political refugee. He has made a number of documentary films, several of them about Iran. " I can well imagine the attitude this person went back with - fully intending to ABUSE the canuck passport - and in the end dragging his supposedly new country into the fray. Go to any country and expect your maple leaf to protect you? That is plain stupidity - another great canadian trait. Accepting political refugees into the country and then when they return to their home country as a "journalist" - screaming bloody murder about how they are being detained and abused? Another canadian trait While the elite and the lefties here may not like my attitude - there is a damned good chance this person is using this country as a political and financial tool for personal gain - and NOT being a citizen of value. Acceptance of this is yet another canadian trait. I am so tired of this - how much longer do we allow it? Canadian citizen? Well, he is carrying a passport - but I do not consider him a citizen - just someone who managed to cross all the T's and dot all the I's and grab one of those nice passports. Then he decided go back to where he came from to create problems (real or perceived - does not matter) for the regime in power. It is quite probable got what he deserved. Media and reactionaries will wring their hands in agony and do nothing - another great canadian trait. Borg
  12. Trust me - after having responded to A to I requests - those emails that people want to read are not always available - I know many who delete all at the end of the day. The good stuff often goes home to private files. MPs from all parties refused to disclose their expenses recently - if A to I is required to get anything then it is not free And no you cannot see how your money is spent - the libs put millions and possibly billions into private foundations not accountable to anyone. Five bucks gets you the minimum - more will cost you. So I have to buy that information. You really do believe the world is a friendly and warm place don't you. Someday you will lose that innocence. I hope it is not too traumatic for you Borg
  13. In their personal lives I agree - but they are MY servant - they spend MY tax dollar and I demand MY servant show me how that is done. Whimpy canadians love their government - the best government is one that fears its master - the tax payer. I think they all need to get a swift kick in the ass and show me exactly how they spend MY money So - privacy? Personal life only - otherwise they can stand up and be counted for what they truly are - SERVANTS. And SERVANTS do as they are told. Borg
  14. Well my little home body friend - when we actually start to spend this great super power money to change the world or to actually defend our shores - then give me a call - until then live in your pink glass house and smile and wave at the people who walk by on their way to work so they can support you. Truth is we may have a decent economy - but we cannot even find some cash for a few extra MRI's - so when we do can you give me a call? A super power should be able to do this - donchya' think? Tell you what when this super power called Canada is taken for something a little more than "those nice polite folks from the cold" - then you can convince me. Borg
  15. Canadians, Canadians of convenience, or folks who come from that part of the world and go back to play the "journalist card" under a Canadian passport? All one and the same in this instance. When you go to another country one should never believe that maple leaf will be your protection If you go to those countries I believe you have the personal responsibility to stay out of trouble. Their rules are different and that is the way it is. If you do not stay out of trouble - for whatever reason - then why should I protect you? Play the game? Take the chances - but do not come crying to me. It happens so often now that I no longer care - in fact I am quite tired of it - however I am sure some Montreal elitist group and several human rights organizations funded by "registered" charities and my tax dollars will find the funding to get our courts to force the government to spend my tax dollars on a way to get this person out. This is the wrong time to try and pressure Iran - they have far more important issues on their minds. Borg
  16. To be truly effective, these ships need the following capability: Ice breaking and heavy ice transit capability Submarine warfare - detection, self defence and destruction Ship to ship detection, attack and defence Surface to air detection, defence and destruction capability Military personnel and equipment transport and drop off / pick up capability Non magnetic and low radar signature Maximum speed of nothing less than 35 knots in open water Very long range and self sustaining capability EMP hardening Satellite and LINK capability Plus a lot more "little stuff" And the beat goes on ..... lots more but the price will be too high - heck the Canadians refused a helicopter deal because of cash - wait until they see this bill Unfortunately they are becoming simple cutters - unable to do much at all. A 25 mil is not a cannon - it is a heavy machine gun - heck the F-18 carries a 20 mm - and I have fired the 25 from ground positions - and it for sure does not have the capability to deter any modern maritime threat I am not sure the Canadian public as a whole is concerned and I am not sure the military could even man these vessels should they ever be built. Borg
  17. Over all our economy is doing well for the conditions we are in - but give me a break - if you think we are an economic super power - well, you need to dig your head out of your butt. Super power? Yeah, right! Borg
  18. Just the way it is - unless one wants to be the intellectual superior. I do not mind the fact that topics wander and change - it is no different than a conversation at the table. Borg
  19. Canadians have been apathetic for almost a generation. They have consistently tuned out and voter turn out has always been low I believe it has a lot to do witht the fact life has been fairly good and cetainly easy for the vast majority. Heck the common "outside kebec" joke is that even a separatist and regional group sits in a national parliament, the Green party and the NDP are the laughing stock of serious working folks that recognize their policies would bancrupt the country. Human rights commissions have unlimited power and can break a man / woman financially should they actually attempt to defend themselves, legal help is so expensive people cannot receive "justice" in the legal system, the news is the same on almost all the same stations - the three stooges attempted to take over a government - all of it makes us a laughing stock - nationally and internationally - folks just want to be left alone and get on with their lives. If and when this country actually gets busy and starts caring - or there is a terrorist attack that succeeds - there will be a turn around - until then it will be status quo Borg
  20. Be a lot more blood on the ground before those "hardliners" disappear. Borg
  21. Actually you are not as far off as many will think Monitoring is already taking place and is ramping up - enforcement under security laws will come - and relatively quickly over the next few years. Free speech is not always free. Zero has already done a speech recently on "preventative detention" of citizens of his own country Once this guy is finished with the US of A, people will be happy to see him go. Zero's numbers - I believe are already lower than Bush at the same time in their preseidential careers Zero is going to become a dangerous world influence and there will be serious internal strife in the US - racial, religious and possibly regional. That is why it is almost impossible to buy ammo or firearms in the US - they are snapped up as soon as they go on the shelf. Borg
  22. Anything called trudeau would never get the sweeat off my left testicle - just the name gives me a feeling of disgust after what his bastard father did to some of my family The kid lives on his fathers name - and people fall for it kebec loves him - says it all F**k anything trudeau Borg
  23. Oleg's comment - it is actually pertinent to the topic becuse it demonstrates why militias are a potential - especially when it comes to the law breakers who are never punished - note I will not name them for fear of being called a racist - oh what the heck - Indians - always a preferred treatment by the law and the legal system. Send her a new broom Oleg - her old one is worn out. Borg
  24. Canadians are breaking down doors in their rush to get to China Yeah right! Borg
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