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Everything posted by Borg

  1. Just today in the news - nope do not remember which one - the U.S. stated yet again they do not recognize Canada's claims to the arctic. Seems to me there was also some discussion about how Canada building ice breakers would only fuel the debate as to who owns it. Populate it / develop it / defend it - or lose it. If it goes to world courts the vote will likely go against us as well - I am being negative - we are the weaklings and to the strong will go the spoils. We lost the Alaskan panhandle because the Brits voted against us and we were to weak to do anything then. Same thing now - just a few generations later. Logic and legal argument will not prevail - strength alone will determine the out come. Presence is strength. Canada is a weakling at this time. Borg
  2. If you folks think this continent is screwed up - then visit Africa. It is a cesspool of money, power, sex and drugs - for a select few. The rest just do their best to get up to the top layer. The country really does not matter - it is all the same. A beautiful place. A hopeless place. If we cannot enter various middle east countries without divisions in this country - why in the hell should we add to our own problems? Eventually Mugabe will die and yet another dictator wll rise to the top. It is the African way and I for one do not want to get involved in changing it. Borg
  3. Yet another example of how importing Islamics - "the peaceful" religion into your country does nothing but cause trouble. It is simply inevitable. They are offended at everything. And Canada wants to let more in? Are we stupid? Rhetorical question. No such thing as a moderate Islamic - they will do as their Mullah tells them. Period. Europe is in big trouble. Coming to province near you - soon! Borg
  4. Your very last comment intrigues me. Does that mean if we are attacked we blame the Yanks? Or do we blame the perpetrators? Bet you that if it does happen the hue and cry will go up - "It is the Yanks that did it to us!!" I wonder when Canuckleheads will grow legs to stand on. The Americans do more for our protection than most would realize - including protecting our northern borders during the Cold War. Anti Americanism in Canada is constant. Without them we would be a piss pot in the third world. Borg
  5. Ah yes. The missus stays home and raises the kids. Dad goes out and tomcats around. I suspect Belinda has done a little tomcatting of her own. Money allows so much more excitment - and it allows one to pretty much do as one wants - and screw the rest. Sad story all round. Borg
  6. I was referring to a highway to Nunavut through Manitoba or Saskatchewan. I suppose I would have to respond with the same words. There is a lot of water further north. Then come the islands that others will take. Borg
  7. Quebec intolerant? That is a laugh. Of course they are. They are French - it is to be expected. As for multicultural - and Ernst and such. I find it interesting that the German can be convicted of a hate crime but the Islamics are not even mentioned for doing the same - or nearly the same thing. I suppose multiculturalism has simply proved laws only apply to a certain portion of Canadian society. Wear a towel on your head and do not shave for a couple of years and you can preach hate against the Jews. Wear a hard hat on your head, shave every day and go to jail. Gotta' love multi-culturalism. Borg
  8. Answer to the original question. A resounding no. Multi-culturalism has done nothing for this country but highlight the differences. It has allowed others to come here and encouraged them to NOT become Canadian. It will simply increase the problems in the future. See the U.K and how it has come to realize this. London is now often referred to Londonistan. France has come to realize this and forbids the Islamics to wear head dress in school. And the beat goes on. Off topic - Canada does not teach it's own people about Candian history. The average Canadian student cannot tell you where the St Lawrence Seaway is. Poll on CFRA Ottawa. Amazing but true. Come to Canada to be equal or do not come at all. We cannot locate the 30,000 plus criminals we have ordered deported. Hmmmm .... deported. That means they are part of that multi-cultural mosaic everyone living in the dark ages seems to tout as the be all and the end all. The world has changed and we had better get off our duffs or it will be our downfall. Only someone who is a Liberal or someone who is incapable of reasoned thought would support this idea. Borg
  9. Canada should buld a highway to the north. The highway to the north already extends to Inuvik. There is a lot of water further north. Then comes the islands that others will take. Borg
  10. You gonna move up there? BTW, we already have Canadians living in the north, they are Inuit and when asked, said they considered themselves Canadian. They benefit from being part of Canada and know it. Slack assed answer. You happen to live in B.C. - this answer could be expected - planning a trip to the arctic in the near future? By the way, Resolute Bay is beautiful when the ice goes out. Fact is - develop it / defend it / or lose it. You might not like it but there are many who would gladly use / exploit this land this land. Inuit are not numerous enough and there is not enough development there to hold this land. They are but a tiny piece of froth on a small wave in the ocean. And there is a vast land that stretches far, far between any settlements. They could easily be converted to Danish, Russion or American and there is nothing any of us could do at this time. The Inuit are not numerous enough to fight their way out of a wet paper bag - for that matter the entire population of the arctic could not. What is the solution? Develop it / defend it / or lose it. Period. Borg
  11. The UN An organization that is run by some "different" folks. Will not miss the boxes of money and having seen food aide sold by the ruling parties to the needy in some parts of the world after it was delivered for free distribution - I for one will never donate money to a UN backed group again. Borg
  12. In the end - the man is free to walk the streets because no one and no organization has charged and convicted him of any wrong doing. Therefore he is not a crook - unless someone has the evidence this is a discussion that simply trashes a man for the sake of trashing him. Perhaps someone has evidence and is prepared to lay charges? Opinion, hearsay and innuendo do not cut it. Borg
  13. Agreed, the media have no ethics, especially in Canada. Worse than those Americans. They are all extremely lazy, they used to dig up dirt, find good stories... ect.. Now they sit at press conferences and relay practically word for word what is said. Harper is making them look like the fools they are. geoffrey - You have a serious problem. You come form the land of reason. Unfortunately most of the people in this country live in Ont and Que - they do not have the sense to think - you might be surprised how many actually believe what the media dogs report - and how many who live there would NEVER question what is reported. Borg
  14. I once offered Rex Murphy a thousand bucks towards the charity of his choice if he could legally purchase a hand gun and legally transport it to his house for 24 hours - then legally take it to the range and legally fire ONE round out of this same firearm and then leagally transport it back to his residence. He had to do this in under 12 months and he was not to use any professional contacts or assistance from friends in the know. Oh - did I mention he also had to legally transport it to his local police station first? Yup that is always required. There is much, much, much more - including getting the one day only transport permit - but this is not the time or the place. Paper work ........ His producer refused to allow the challenge to go forward because he knew ir could not happen. Fill out the forms, get the license, get the permits, get the firearm home and get the ammunition. It is not easy and it is not simple. There are so many unlinked rules and procedures. Do it all legally. If you are a newbie and have no one to guide you through the hoops you will not legally buy a long gun in under 6 months. A hand gun in under a year and you have done well. Semi's are no more dangerous than singles - a good operator can put out the rounds in a single as fast or faster than a newbie with a semi - but those who do not know do not understand and therefore fear the terminology. Only someone who lacks experience or knowledge even brings the topic up. Check out Stats Can - doctors - under "Medical Misadventure" kill more people annually than most serious diseases in Canada. Registration is a joke. Ghost guns increase every year - move and the registration goes invalid. Die and the executor has one year to dispose of the firearm - they are usually given away to family. Lots more. Check out www.nfa.ca if you even think for a second registration helps. You will see how it fails on a daily basis. Small arms have been registered since the mid 30's and it has not stopped crime. There is no legislating against insanity. Carry a multi tool in the UK and you now get charged with a criminal offense. It has a blade. I could go on - but only those who would be interested would read - the remainder will simply argue I am one of those "bad people". Usually those who have never been associated with firearms are the folks who promote registration. The rest of us just get on with our lives. An armed society is a polite society. Borg
  15. What about Canadian Charter protection? Forgive me while I bust a gut laughing. If you are an Anglo you are screwed. If you speak at least some french you might get by. Basically the Charter applies to all but those in Quebec - they make their own rules and apply the nothwithstanding if they lose in our fabulous courts of law. Stay away and work in other parts of the country - leave Quebec to the french. Borg
  16. Yup - you are right. He reports to parliament - not the media. Personally I like the fact he tells the media to screw off - they are a pack of lying hounds at the best of times. Seems he has been elected once. He may get elected again. I also like the fact the media dogs are crying like they have been hit by a car. Looks good on them. Borg
  17. Without even bothering to read the entire thread - yes. It may already be too late. Borg
  18. If they bitch about being left out of the trip to Mecca - send them to the stadium and have them shot. Or buried to the shoulders and stoned for being disobedient. Borg
  19. Develop it / defend it / or lose it. Everyone thought Sewards folly was a horrible 7 million dollar purchase. Now it appears like the real estate deal of the millenium. Borg
  20. C'est la vie. They want control of immigration - let them handle their own probs. Borg
  21. I am closely associated with the Gravel Road Cops. The problems started with making the head of the RCMP a Deputy or Assistant Deputy Minister. It allowed the feds closer control over the organization. I would say the RCMP have lost a great deal of their good public relations due to this. A good number of senior folks in the organization would likely agree if they could speak without fear of career damage. Their shiny rep has been badly tarnished and deservedly so. Borg
  22. I suggest the West and the US in particular has waved the big stick and has got revenge for 9/11. It is time to start talking, which will have to be started sooner or later. All that will happen unless talks are started is the circle of war will get larger. There are rumbling against Pakistan about hot pursuit, and lack of will in Pakistan in stopping infiltration of fighters into Afghanistan. I suggest a breach with Pakistan is not in the West's interest. The incessant killing and destruction on both sides has to stop. Afganistan has been reduced to rubble for all intents an purposes. This war is now a war of atrtrition, and the numbers are on the side of insurgents, Taliban, Afghans, Pakistan sympathizers, Jihad fighters,or whatever name one wishes to give them. Durgan. Revenge? Well, if you say so. As for talk - well, there is light banter in the back room perhaps. Talk will potentially occur - but in the end talk will return to bullets and bombs. Islamics do not negotiate in good faith. Their victim society mentality and their drive to convert all or kill them has pre-determined our fateunless we stand strong. Remember - they are taiught from birth - There is no sin in taking a non-believer and using this person as one would a cow - then killing that non-believer. The thing is - this is what will bring the west down. Western civilizations cannot understand the fact that we are non-believers and thought of as nothing more than cockroaches. Western societies actually believe there is a chance for peace through negotiation. Kill them there or kill them here. In the end if we do not do it there we will have to do it here. Those who have prescribed to the Liberal social re-engineering of this country will lead the way to our downfall. Borg
  23. Interesting comments GH. I personally agree with Harper - and it seems you do not. Fortunately there were many troops who created the world we live in - here of course - not in other parts of the world - and therefore you can safely publicly state your opinion. Happily there were few who attempted to hold back the troops during some of our past wars. Are you a Harper hater? Or are you one who has never managed to be on the front lines? I wonder if you would like to visit the boys and girs on the front and ask them their opinion? Wanna' a ticket - or perhaps you would simply like to travel with me? Borg
  24. Maybe and maybe not. In the end, the State exists. After all of this time how would you propose to destroy it? Stop attacking Israel and it will stop attacking the neighbouring states. Borg
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