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Everything posted by Borg

  1. This one is going to get real messy. I would suspect we have yet another "Castro" in the making. This country will be far worse off within then next 10 - 15 years - provided there is not a coup within the next 2-3 years. Borg
  2. No need to answer that one, as you already did all the work. You can call anyone any name you like. Of course, it's all relative to who and where you are and have little (if any) meaning for others. Have I called you a name? If I have I am sorry - but I do not think I have. I noticed you have not seen fit to answer my question despite my completely honest answer to you. You live a life of ease and may never have sweated or blistered - perhaps that life of ease has also dampened your honour? Another example of a fine Canadian citizen? Over to you. Borg
  3. What a load of crap, have you ever visited the back country, my friends son worked there and he married a girl from there. Yes they need more freedom but what you are saying is pure American propaganda. margrace - where I have been and what I have done - while it might surprise you - is of no concern - for if it was I could fabricate it quite easily and you could not disprove it. You are simply another Canadian apologist who has buried her head far up her rectum. I am not American and I do not pretend to speak for them. I also am not so blind that I cannot see what you are. If the truth hurts margrace then I suggest you take up the cross or the sword and change things. Or you can sit home and pontificate. Proving your worth as a citizen of this country. Borg
  4. It started long before Mulroney, actually. Trudeau really dismantled the armed forces. Mulroney, a Quebecer with little interest in the military, simply continued it. Mulroney has never been "the darling" of the Right. He was a middle of the road politician. Certainly he was more fiscally conservative and prudent than the Liberals he followed, but almost anyone would have been. Very true. Interesting that there is always a Kebeker in the middle - or hiding in the wings somewhere. Borg
  5. I have never fought against the Yanks - but I have fought with them. So yes - it is one way - if that is the only thing you would look at. So you tell me - do you want to spit upon me or do you want to agree that Castro is a dictator - a terrorist and the country will be better off when he is dead. If he is not - then tell me what he is. I have answered you - now you answer me. Also - what will you do when another dictator takes over from this one. Fact is the Cubans live a life that is behind a fence. If they try to leave they die. The vast majority of people in Canuckleland do not get it and continue to spend their money in this country. Borg
  6. Do not be obtuse. I already told you I took back the statement. I also told you he was heavily involved in military ops around the world. He sent his boys to stir the socialist plot - all one has to do is look into Canadian military history to see where we bumped up against him. Ethiopia, Mozambique, Rhodesia, Nicaragua, Angola, Somalia, Iran, Angola and so on. You are so typically Canadian. The web site is one of many - if you disapprove that is your problem. What makes you believe I am a Bush supporter? He is not of my country and my opinion of him matters not one iota. I am certain he cares naught what you and I think of him. Do you ever get out of your chair and walk past the front door - or is your life experience garnered from your beloved CBC? Looking for a scrap or looking to show your superior intellect? Ok - you win. Take care Borg
  7. Absolutely - but remember - they were put into power by the Canuckleheads who live in this country - and right or wrong the Cons of old were involved. That was then and this is now. Libs carried it through to fruition. Where were you when it all started. Sitting in your rose garden? Just because I am strong in my opinion does not mean I am blind - unlike many here. Your sarcasm is wasted - probably much like your life. Borg
  8. Yes you are correct - despite sending all of those Cuban military advisors around the world and "assisting the poor" in their various wars - for some reason he is God-like to the leftists of the world. Canadian soldiers have had the pleasure of "arguing" with his advisors over the years in some of the nicer places of the world. Most Canuckleheads would not even know or care about this - as long as the Cubans have cheap hotels and white sand beaches to visit. So I will take it back if only to keep you happy. Even though he was little better than that little short ass Arafat. Will you at least admit he is a dictator? Soon to be among the dead if all goes well. Visit this site for some light entertainment. (Sarcasm) http://www.therealcuba.com/page5.htm Borg
  9. I doubt this will make it to the books. But the folks who originated this are simply showing their true colours. Borg
  10. That's a bit of an overstatement. When male supervisors run the risk of an occasional crude joke, while wrong, turning into a lawsuit costing tens of thousands to defend, that's the dark side of feminism. Interesting comment. Last week a female supervisor told my buddy - in front of about 6-7 people he had a "great ass" and that he should wear jeans more often. I wonder how the judge would have treated this obvious sexual harrassment of a man by a woman had he laid charges. It would have been laughed out of court. It is not a two way street out there. " Feminism is simply about women and men having the same opportunities, with no gender barriers." Maybe once upon a time - now it is a boatload of hooey. Feminism has become feminatzism. Borg
  11. Gee, what a shame. Canada risks nothing. We do not need to get involved - but we will because we will allow ourselves to be bullied into it. I am sure the world would be a better place if we just stood back - let them fight to the death and allow God to sort it all out. Fact is those folks are so tied up in hatred they are prepared to keep on killing until only THEIR group is left standing. Hell, now the various Palesinian groups are killing each other. Let them - keeps them out of our yard and reduces those we will have to fight later. There is no negotiation. I think it was Golda who said - "peace will come to that region when mothers love their children more than they hate us" Yeah, I know I bastardized the quote - but it is close and those of you with a modicum of sense who read it will understand my meaning. Borg
  12. I want a modular home and my educate subsidized! Or does my race disqualify me? Sorry pal - you are the wrong colour - speak the wrong language - probably have the wrong skin colour - are possibly the wrong gender and certainly live in the wrong part of the country. But remember - the kebekers owe you a vote of thanks for your money. It is going to build them a dam and give those folks living in the north - jobs and pay off money. That thank you and a couple of bucks will likely get a coffee and half a doughnut in most parts of this country. Do not hold your breathe waiting for it though. It might be a while in coming. Borg
  13. Do you always spew such hatred of the opposite sex? If I were to talk like this about women in general I would be branded as a pretty bad person on these boards - yet you and others like you seem to think it is quite acceptable to bash men in general. Simply spewing hatred of men - shows me you are a truly bitter person with an axe to grind. Did you ever think for one minute that possibly - just very possibly - not all men represented your hateful image? No, probably not - and what bothers me at this point is there are not many on these boards who are not calling you and your ilk on this. Is it because we as men have come to expect women like you to treat the entire male gender badly? Is it because to stand up for men makes one a woman basher? Hardly! Or is it because women like you are so narrow minded we simply accept your comments and hope you will just go away - allowing the rest of us to get on with our lives? You must be a bitter and lonely person - but I must admit I cannot spare any pity for you - you have generated enough self pity to cover anything I could provide you with. Borg
  14. Yes margrace - you can continue to wear those rose coloured Canuck glasses. No one is starving. Good. It is after all a tropical island - climb a tree and pick a coconut? The monkies in the San Diego zoo are not starving either. Medical? Well we are told a good story but we will see. Lovely words - "however no one is starving" - in other words accept your imprisonment and be happy you eat. How typically Canadian. As for traveling outside the country I can assure you those are the upper crust folks that are visiting you - how did they get that position? Not your every day worker - rest assured. As I stated it is rare that one terrorist leader is not replaced with another. I suspect we will see very shortly. I wonder which general will be the start of it all? In the meantimne - we keep propping up that dictatorship with Canadian tourist money and justifying it by saying things like your words. As for what the locals want - how do you know? Your travelers tell you? I will bet they do not spend hours a day in the cane fields. Judging from the average daily wages in Cuba these folks must be doing VERY well to be able to afford the foreign travel. Not like in your own country - where anyone can get on a plane at any time and go WHEREVER they wish. I suspect you conveniently ignore that. Borg
  15. margrace: I said this- "you appear to be quite ..... mmmmm ..... adamant that men are the source of all evil. So let me assure you that I have never forced myself upon my grandmother, mother, wife, sister, daughter, girl friends from long time past - or any other female associate that I can honestly think of." And you responded with - "Too often men assume that sex is something that women need purely because men cannot seem to get along without it. Most men do not know the difference between wham bam thank you mam and a careing relationship. I was a widow and I had men phoning to give me a good time. " It would appear that it is you that does not get it. I am glad I do not live in your mean spirited, narrow minded, vicious, man hating, self pitying and self loathing world. Mine is - despite what you might think - one of laughter and happiness - with famiy and friends - yes, both male and female. Yours sounds too lonely, bitter and filled with spite for me. But then again I already know why - you have told us your opinion of man. You reap what you sow little woman, Borg
  16. Trudeau was right! We are not Americans because we believe that every province in Canada has the right to follow a different political path from their neighbour which means that the provinces often wind up negotiating to keep Canada together while keeping their independence from Ottawa. Americans do not seem to want that kind independence. Their independance was founded on the belief that the rights of the individual take priority over the rights of the state. We Canadians do not believe in individual rights to the same extent as Americans and this is how Canadians like it. Look at the gun issue for example. Americans have the constitutional right to bear arms. In Canada, we do not want or need such a "right". We would rather have safe streets and clean drinking water. There is also the American myth of the 'melting pot' vs the Canadian myth of the 'cultural mosaic'. The American myth goes like this: A person emigrates to the United States and becomes an American by adopting the culture and values of his neighbours. This is often at the expense of his original culture and values. The Canadian myth has the same immigrant coming to Canada to contribute his culture but keep his values. The American melting is starting to show cracks. There are small but growing independence moverments in Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii. Many Amercians of hispanic descent are calling Calixians, Texicans, or simply Mexican - American or Hispanics. The politicians in Washington are having a hard time understanding Americans who don't to be American anymore. The cultural mosaic works because even Quebec Separtists want to remain a part of Canada, they just don't want to keep the status quo. The politicians in Ottawa understand this and keep negotiating with Quebec. Do not worry, Quebec will never leave Canada. That is why Canada will last as country for many years to come. Good Lord! You actually believe this crap? Trudeau? I can line up 50 people to pee on his headstone in a heartbeat. He was the worst thing to hit Canada in a long time - good thing he is gone but his damage will remain forever. And unfortunately one of his kids is about to take over where daddy left off. Best part is idiot Canucks who want to follow him as the next great leader. And you say America is showing it's cracks? I think you have been in the arctic too long. You need to visit the "better parts" of Toronto. Or better - perhaps you need to do the same in Montreal, Ottawa or Vancouver. Borg
  17. Ok then, we are more in agreement then you might believe. I'm having trouble with those that draw the line at 3 months, the same as you do. I don't get why they believe htat. Do you base your line on brain activity then? Catchme, you've got to see it from the other side for a second to see how it becomes one's business. If someone believes that life begins at conception, and there is some logic to it whether you subscribe to that point of view or not, then it's obviously society's business to protect humans from murder. If you don't think they are alive then great, you can justify that to yourself and it's no one's business. For the sake of debate, let's look at drawing the line at brain activity, whether or not that's your line the thoughts apply to wherever you place it. 1) If someone was to assault a woman and kill her fetus at 3 months, that person should only be charged with assault causing bodily harm, correct? The baby wasn't alive afterall, just some tissue that was damaged. Until the baby has brain activity, it can be killed/destroyed by anyone and it's only a simple assault on the woman. Are you ok with that? Or does the unborn child/fetus/scrap of tissue have further value than say, an arm bone? 2) If someone is involved in an accident and has a severe brain injury that destroys most brain function, should they be euthanized even if they expressedly asked to be kept alive previously? If some crazy hooligan was stumbling around a hospital and killed someone that was in a vegetative state, they should really not be charged with anything right? I'm arguing these from a rather unique outlook on abortion. Personally, I'm a believer in life at conception as I can't logically justify an arbitrary line. I also cannot answer question #1. That being said, I understand that someone is going to get an abortion regardless if it's legal or not. So it might as well be in a controlled environment as not to add to the harm and to the bodycount. All this whining about a women's right to her body and all that is rather ridiculous though. That's not what the debate is about, it's just an emotional spin argument used to make the pro-lifers look bad. The debate is about the rights of a unborn child/fetus/scrap of tissue. If it's alive, a woman has absolutely no right to kill it. If it's not alive than a woman can do whatever she likes with it. For someone to argue that a woman can get an abortion whether or not a fetus is alive is borderline sociopathic IMO. Geoffrey - forget it. You can never win this argument with this type of person. You are a man and therefore have no rights and no say. You are a man and are immdiately suspect in all manner. And remember: Women's right to self sdetermine are not up for discussion and 69% of Canadians appear to agree. You are wasting your time in even attempting to be resonable. In fact you are attempting a discussion with someone who is completely close minded to your opinion - in ALL respects. Have a good one, Borg
  18. Ah yes ... Mr. Strong - the man who lives in China now. Isn't China one of the main recipients of kyoto cash. Seems to me Mr. Strong was right up there in the planning and development of kyoto. I wonder if he benefitted from this in any way? Borg
  19. Ship her home. If necessary ship her home in a box Borg
  20. News flash ladies and gentlemen: 100% of children born today spring from the loins of women!! Catchme - I am a man. I had no idea you hated us so badly - I will do my darndest to never make fun of you in the future and I will do my darndest to never call you out on any topics - even though I may have to heavily bite my tongue. You appear to be quite ..... mmmmm ..... adamant that men are the source of all evil. So let me assure you that I have never forced myself upon my grandmother, mother, wife, sister, daughter, girl friends from long time past - or any other female associate that I can honestly think of. You on the other hand are the type of woman that scares the heck out of me. If you and I were in an office together, I would not allow us to be seated alone - I would want a witness with me at all times - or I would leave. You are a person I definitely would not want to be alone with. If I so much as looked at you in the wrong manner I might very well be charged with some type of sexual assault. You really are quite rabid you know. Must run. Borg
  21. No.... it's a way to make sure that collectively, we stay within the limits of what it reasonable for this earth. If it helps out poorer countries, then that's just a bonus. Well, I really think you need to re-think your comment. Money to China, India and Pakistan - three of the largest recipients. They all have the following: Modern navy Modern Air Force Modern Army Nuclear weapons program Space program And their economies are on the upswing. They are richer than we are. Their populations are bursting at the seams. And you want to finance them? There is absolutely NO FRIGGING BONUS!!! here. They should be sending aide to this poor one horse country called Canada. We are robbing ourselves to pay someone else for the right to burn our own fuel and run our own economy. The next time you think - "Boy I wish the government would fix this road", or "I wonder if education is going to be affordable for my kids / grandkids" - remember it is people who supported Kyoto that sent billions out of this country to another country - just so we could burn oil to heat our homes or burn fuel to deliver those groceries to Prince Alberta Sask, or burn coal so we could read a book at night - think money sent to another country rather than our own - think national debt not reduced - think less medical care - think lousy military - think less housing - think less roads - think more expensive education - all because we sent billions off to some other non-deserving country just so we could burn our own oil! There is NO BONUS in taking money from this ountry and GIVING it to another - it is pure unadulterated rape of our bank accounts and our kids bank accounts. Rich counties? India, China and Pakistan could buy Canada many times over - do not forget that. And they are major recipients - do not foget that. Never send money out of country until you have the problems in country solved. Why work against yourself? And for heaven sake do not send the money to Africa - it goes into despot bank accounts and never gets to where it needs to go - Trillions according to the latest news - spent and wasted in Africa. Keep the money at home. Trash kyoto. Borg
  22. Since you asked someone else the question - I will not step in to answer - but we all have seen what happens when the taliban get control. Perhaps you could kindly tell us how good the taliban are and how they have generated peace in the regions they inhabit? Perhaps you might also let us know what the REAL taliban are doing? Rights - hmm ... I do not actually agree with your thought process. Even before women in Canada got the vote, they could own property and businesses. They were able to walk alone to the store for groceries. They could actually sing and dance. They could even go to a doctor. Come to think of it - I do not recall the last time a woman was stoned to death in Canada. Perhaps it was after the first honour killing - my memory is a little fuzzy on the honour killing part - but maybe you could set that record straight for the rest of us? Looking forward to your response. Borg
  23. Do you agree with Kyoto - or not? My answer - nope! Only an idiot would send money out of country for an IMAGINARY credit to burn fuel at home. Like that is really going to work anyways. Stupid idea invented by cunning people to move money across borders. I do not care who is the worst and I do not care who is the least polluting influence in this world. What I care about is NOT sending money to other places so I can live my life here. Use that money for this country. Borg
  24. Having spent some time in certain parts of Europe over the past couple of years I would have to agree with you. Folks here simply get the sanitized media - but do not see or hear the great and growing frustration of those in Europe who are well and truly tired of what is happening with the Islamic population. It is coming and it will not be pretty. Unlike North America, I am now hearing many from Europe speak of this as a war rather than a societal/religious issue. In all honesty I am surprized the lid has not popped off yet. Borg
  25. As I said - this was clearly a mistaken priority issue within the military, taken without political guidance, and has now been corrected. I don't expect it to happen again. The Conservatives have been far more generous - though not as generous as I would have liked - to the military. I understand they are moving ahead with plans to buy more patrol plans and construct a base in the Northwest Territories in furtherance of Harper's claim that we needed to stake more of a claim on our northern islands. But I would very much like to hear about new patrol boats for coastal monitoring, and those icebreakers he talked about. So no, he doesn't get a buy. But compared to his accusers, he's been great, and when I look at the people here who cheer on the Liberals and then yelp about something they clearly never cared about before, It just pushes my "hypocrite" button. Argus - I am stealing your "hypocrites button" comment for future use. Thanks in advance for that one. All of this talk about a boat tied up and such - this sort of thing has been going on for years. Air Force is approximately 200 plus pilots short in their manning - maybe more now. Army manning is down as is navy. This all takes place over time. Years in fact. How long have the Cons been in place? Gimme a break - only one of Argus' hypocrites could start this ball rolling. It will literally take years before Canada has a true functioning military. At present it still depends upon the generosity of others and the ability to rent equipment to move men and equipment around the world. The military has been under systematic dismantling - with Canucklehead and liberal approval for nearly 20 years - how could anyone be the slightest bit surprized when some of these instances take place? Moral outrage? Too bad some of you showed up 15-20 years too late. Borg
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