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Status Updates posted by Sleipnir

  1. Amazing, the Conservatives lost $3.1 billion and have no idea where it went.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WWWTT


      Yes that makes sense except the conservatives did not find this out did they?And why now?Does it really take the AG over ten years to find out this much is missing?

    3. scribblet


      The Auditor General said that “we didn’t find anything that gave us cause for concern that money was used in any way it should not have been.”

      This matter relates to the categorization of expenses by Treasury Board between 2001 and 2009.

    4. Pliny


      Chretien had a habit of losing a billion here and a billion there.

      Soon it will add up to something.

  2. Ah capitalism, an economic theory in which unlimited growth can be accomplished in a limited resource sphere in which we called 'Earth'.

    1. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Ya that's a big problem. Hopefully we soon start to extract resources from space, or else we had better check ourselves before we wreck ourselves, as the kiddos say

  3. 21 above on Sunday! -3 right now.

  4. Time for the conclave! Who will be annointed?

  5. Get ready for the conclave on April 14, who will watch for the white smoke?

    1. Shady


      Is that your personal conclave?

    2. Sleipnir


      No it the liberal leadership convention.

  6. RIP Ralp Klein, you will be missed.

  7. Winter ends on March 20th!....I think.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WWWTT


      Brampton,in the GTA.Just north of Mississauga.

    3. WWWTT


      The tulips always start to pop up above the ground around the last day of February/first week of March.Little late this year because of all the snow.

    4. The_Squid


      We didn't get winter on the western coast.

  8. Another Tory MP stepped down. that makes it how many steps-down since the last election?

  9. Well done on the great investigative journalism National Post. Justin Trudeau has had a haricut since 2012, and Martha Findlay Hall since 2010.

    1. punked


      Our media is truly at its worst right now.

    2. Peanutbutter


      Trudeau is going to get crushed in the HoC by Harper and Mulcair. I Cannot wait, it's going to be hilarious.

  10. What is this? religious week?

  11. So Americans keeps electing their government officials that keeps, and finally succeeded in bring the country to it knee. What the devil is wrong with the human mind?

    1. The_Squid


      Nothing is wrong with the human mind....

    2. bush_cheney2004


      A superpower has more than one knee.

    3. The_Squid


      6 knees I think.

  12. Unbelievable...Dems and Reps can't work together for the sake of their own country. Pride before fall I'll say.

    1. sharkman


      Pride? They've been stumbling on that one for ages. I think both sides knew the sequester would happen, both sides were just preparing for the next financial crisis scheduled for later this spring.

  13. I'm not even sure if the story on NBA and North Korea is real or fake :|

  14. Wow meteor fragments being worth as much as 40 times the value of gold...

  15. Window 8 is awesome! Glad I made the switch from window 7.

  16. More senators are coming under fire...

  17. Happy Malthusian Day!

  18. Four people suspended within a week?

    1. Argus


      And we have no information on which to judge whether any were properly suspended or not.

  19. What happened today in the HoC between Harper and Dewar is a prime example of how parliamentary debating should be conducted.

  20. Happy belated birthday smallc ;p

  21. Conservative senators going rogue: Brazeau and Duffin whose next?

  22. Amazing. 10% of Canadians admit to having sex in a canoe, nearly 25% admit to having a threesome. 30% are open to the latter idea. True north and (very) free indeed!

    1. The_Squid


      My canoe is too tippy. Built for speed, not luxury.

    2. Boges
  23. If Candlemas be fair and bright, Winter has another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, Winter will not come again. ~old English poem in reference to Groundhog day

  24. Probably the most misleading headline in Canadian politics - 'Corpse found in Mulcair's Office'

    1. The_Squid


      Lol. Do you have a link? I didn't see that story.

    2. Sleipnir


      Lol they changed the title of the article - it used to be "Body found in Mulcair's Office". It went on saying how the corpse (they literally used that word) has been found behind a panel covering up the walls.


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