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Status Updates posted by socialist

  1. Are there any other institutions promoting inclusiveness as well as public schools?

  2. Aren't universities suppose to teach a respect for diversity and tolerance? Rex Murphy doesn't understand. http://news.nationalpost.com/2015/03/27/rex-murphy-the-modern-university-risks-becoming-a-cocoon-of-self-indulgence-and-anti-intellectualism/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Argus


      You can see the products of the type of politically correct zealotry on campus just be reading a few of the topics on this web site. It's the same sort of mentality.

    3. poochy
  3. Atlantic Cdns say, "We want something for the government, and we don't care how they get it or who pays for it." This is not the self-reliant and independent people that once inhabited that east coast --- shame on them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      Who specifically said that?

    3. Shady


      Without government dependency, the liberals and NDP would never win elections. That's why they don't seek policies to lessen it, only to increase it.

    4. Argus


      The federal government spends roughly two to three times more in each of the Atlantic provinces, than it takes in from them.

  4. B.C. Liberal Candidate Joy Davies Says Pot Causes No Harm To Kids. (Even during pregnancy apparently

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. waldo


      I'm shocked at your doctrine, shocked I tells ya!

    3. socialist


      I guess you are out of your element with this debate.Here, I;ll give you another chance to save face. http://www.remappingedu.com/shockdoctrineinbced/

    4. sharkman


      The whole reason there's no deal is the gov is trying to get the union to abandon their court case against the gov. They've won 2 decisions, and the gov is on its last appeal. High stakes.

  5. BC's Neo-Liberal government has backed the BCTF andd educators into a corner. Strike action commences Wed. Keep underfunding public education, and hurting kids, neo-liberals.

  6. Be afraid. Be very afraid. We have a major financial shit storm coming, and we should expect JT to do the wrong thing every time and many times over. I am quite pessimistic.

    1. BubberMiley


      I like a poor winner more than a poor loser.

  7. Biden's experience will destroy a one trick pony like Ryan.

  8. BIG PICTURE. Canada went from PMO schemed to steal $40M ( Adscam) from us to PMO scheming to pay us back $90K

  9. Busy getting ready for the school year. Who says we get two months off?

    1. The_Squid


      Ummm... You aren't a teacher... You are a professional troll.

    2. socialist


      Ummmm...yes I am a teacher. You are off your rocker.

  10. Canada under Conservatives was the freest and most tolerant nation in the world, study finds

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. BubberMiley


      You lost. Get over it.

    3. Ash74


      Admitted on more than one occasion. I may not like the outcome of the last election but that does not mean I have not accepted it. I wish JT well and even agree with some of his stances. I just hope He does not follow the Ontario route and break his promises or have a hidden agenda

    4. overthere


      I hope he has more economic sense than his Dad. We cannot afford Trudeau Sr this time around.

  11. Canadian economy growing at annualized rate of over 3%.When Trudeau says we're in recession he's clumsily playing "politics of fear"

    1. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Nothing yet confirms we are out of recession.

  12. Carbon taxes are not about reducing emissions, they're about raising revenues for the government.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shady


      and shifting jobs overseas.

    3. Boges


      Why hasn't JT tried to re-open the campaign strategy of the Green Shift.

    4. -1=e^ipi


      Why are they mutually exclusive?

  13. CBC Maybe I missed something, but July 2015 growth higher than two-thirds of months. 0.3% not anemic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Again, that's gdp per capita, in that context ours is stagnant.

    3. sharkman


      The point is, we're not in recession.

    4. cybercoma


      Not by the Tories' definition of a recession. We're still in a recession until there's 2 quarters of positive growth.

  14. Cecil and abortion barbaric.

  15. Changing the world to be more inclusive and to celebrate diversity should become the main goal of public education.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kimmy


      Remember to include both blonde AND brunette, Sharkman.

    3. Argus


      I'm disappointed that Kimmy is excluding readheads. That doesn't seem very inclsive.

    4. sharkman


      Hey, it's going to be an INCLUSIVE drawing, have no fear

  16. Changing the world to be more inclusive and to celebrate diversity should become the main goal of public education.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      The role is certainly not to steer the youngster towards a personal or political philosophy.

    3. socialist
    4. Argus


      They're not your kids to play with. Have your own, if you can find anyone willing to breed with a fictitious character.

  17. Chicago's turn to burn. Rhyme unintended.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Boges


      I think it's easy for white people to dismiss someone who's not completely submissive to police. We only usually encounter them when they're trying to shake us down for money under the guise of public safety.

    3. Black Dog

      Black Dog

      Yeah, I'm betting when Young Argus was ripping around with his greaser buddies knocking mailboxes over with a baseball bat, old Sheriff Johnson just told them to knock it off or he'd tell their folks.

    4. Argus


      If Sheriff Johnson had pointed a gun at my face and ordered me to put down the bat I'd have put down the bat. That's why I'm alive and this punk is under ground. Then again, I wouldn't have been on PCP either.

  18. Congratulations to the residents of Kitimat for giving Big Oil the middle finger. Common sense.

  19. CPC only wins one by-election. 2015 can't come soon enough. Bye Bye CPC!!!!

  20. Credit downgrades, billions wasted on gas-plant cancellations, e-health, Ornge scandal, MARS building, alternative energy contract scandals, Hydro one mismanagement. Largest debt on the planet. How's that for a return on investment?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. socialist


      Yes, Michael. And the problem is.........

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Oh, I wouldn't call it a problem. We've seen it before. What's up next doc?

    4. poochy


      Well, these words, as empty as they might be, are at least true.

  21. CTV reporting Wynne gov't considering forcing every Ontario homeowner to undergo a mandatory energy audit if they want to sell their home.

    1. drummindiver


      More new cash grabs? How exciting.

    2. Boges


      You could easily fold that into Home Inspections.

  22. Cybercoma's attempt at stirring the pot: EPIC FAILURE

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. socialist


      Squid, pay attention. Take a look at the thread. Lemon and I had a back and forth on page 2. Well before cyber's bogus claim. I guess you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    3. GostHacked


      timestamps don't lie. unless you know how to hack the server site.

    4. poochy


      Yes, it is obvious and ridiculous, but no more ridiculous than doing nothing about it.

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