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Everything posted by uOttawaMan

  1. You haven't really asked any relevant questions to begin with. You asked why he italicised a word. I'm sure this takes up a great deal of your day, perplexing over why someone would choose to do such a thing, and what the many possible underlying meanings could be. Good on you. Then you accused him of being heavy handed. Which I don't see as a question. Then you talk about leaving the ball is his court and moving the discussion off the board. If Greg has said he will be discussing this with you via PM or e-mail or phone or what have you, youre questions would then not be answered by continuing to post in this thread, and therefore you are contributing to a dead thread, which would qualify as "bringing it up" and trolling for more responses from other forum users so that you can continue to get attention, which is all this has turned into.
  2. I think you mean recidivism. The death penalty has been shown time and again not to provide any deterrence, nor have any effect on crime rates. Time to find a new approach. That's just nonsensical. If one can possess it, how can they come to possess it without someone selling or growing it? You're saying that you're going to make it illegal to sell something that its legal for the purchaser to own? That makes no sense at all. If you legalize possession you have to legalize the methods of obtaining it as well or you've achieved nothing. And if you legalize it you better damn well regulate and tax it to pay for the health problems to come because people who don't need drugs to survive ought not have to pay for it. Hicksey, were you referring to me? I certainly don't want possession legalized. I just think that capital punishment should be reserved for those that endanger others. uOttawaMan, I apologize for the spelling error. The people and "studies" that try to prove that capital punishment is not a deterent are basing their arguements on what they choose to. Much the same as every study ever done, on either side. But ask yourself this: How many dealers put to death have ever reoffended? How many would-be-dealers decided not to go into business for fear of capital punishment? Kinda hard to prove a negative, isn't it? As for legalizing it, who will pay for the billions it will cost to take care of all the addicts created when you can stop at the 7-11 and pick up Canadian Classic Cannabis Lights? Remind you of smoking? That is legal and rates of smokers are rising...or falling...or something. But the "thrill" of it has not disappeared. I know. I have been smoking over a pack a day for 20+ years. And one day, you will all be paying for my chemo. Does the government (all levels) really want us to quit smoking? And lose all those billions in tax dollars? I don't think so, Len. Now let's add a whole plethera of new, taxable items to the mix. That way my kids will never have to worry about their retirement or the CPP in their future. They won't have one. When you ask how many would be dealers decided not to go into business for fear of capital punishment, not only can you not prove that in the positive, you're making an assumption that they would, because that would be a rational thing to do, but the fact is, anyone who commits a crime is not thinking about the punishment when they do it. They feel that they won't get caught. The death penalty is a purely retributionist method of punishment, that soothes the public's concern about "getting tough" on crime, whatever that is supposed to mean.
  3. I think you mean recidivism. The death penalty has been shown time and again not to provide any deterrence, nor have any effect on crime rates. Time to find a new approach.
  4. The war on the inappropriate and overused word "war" appears to be failing as well.
  5. Lame. Take your paranoid conspiracies elsewhere. If the US wants info on Canada, they'll take it. They won't try to sneak in through supplying a more efficient and cost effective census.
  6. Justin Trudeau would be a fool to run. PET is a clear example of charismatic leadserhip if their ever was one. Noone can have that same effect. Especially not a son. He should just stay out of it, and keep his family name in the relatively good stead it holds.
  7. And the ban hammer of e-drama elimination comes flying down. Except it misses its target.
  8. tt's only as bad as you let it get. The parents are to blem through and through for these types of things.
  9. Seabee, you raise a critical point.Mark Steyn, for one, has gotten into this demographic analysis of birth rates, immigration and Eurabia. In Quebec, this is an old tradition and since Steyn claims to be a Quebecer, perhaps this explains his obsession or penchant. Quebecers have been obsessed with demography for a century or two, and connect survival to birth rates. Textbooks detail various population measures, and pyramids. Denys Arcand, in his movie Le Déclin, had a personnage refer to "Numbers, numbers, numbers". Maybe this is why Steyn, who claims Quebec birth, has recently become obsessed about demography. My own view is that numbers don't matter. Adaptability does. French is still spoken in North America because people in Quebec chose the best, practical way to adapt. I suspect Icelanders will be speaking Icelandic three centuries hence, but I'm not so certain any Lebanese will be speaking Classical Arabic. ---- Immigrants to America become American. Individual freedom is too attractive, and possible. I despair sometimes about the future of our planet, but to the extent in part I believe people are willing to defend this freedom, then I have hope. Nah, the last line speaks the truth. I don't subscribe to the positivist view that humans are all generally good. The planet is going down the crapper anyway, we are just speeding up the process greatly.
  10. Lol.. I think the poll would have been more effective had there not been little tags saying (Green) and (Conservative) next to them.
  11. Uh ohs Your Score Your scored -2.5 on the Moral Order axis and 1.5 on the Moral Rules axis. Matches The following items best match your score: System: Socialism Variation: Moderate Socialism Ideologies: Social Democratism US Parties: No match. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (90.62%) 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (84.38%), Ralph Nader (84.38%), George W. Bush (56.14%) Statistics Of the 172062 people who took the test: 1.1% had the same score as you. 27.4% were above you on the chart. 65.4% were below you on the chart. 47.6% were to your right on the chart. 31.1% were to your left on the chart
  12. It's called civilization. The constant struggle between us and the barbarian hordes, between those who build and those who tear down. At this particular point in time the West, unhappily led by the US, are those who build. Most of those who want to destroy appear to be Muslims. Make of that what you will. Did you say the conflict between "us" as in Western Culture and barbarian hordes.. are did you say the US. Either way, saying Muslims are the onces destroying while Muslim nations are being invaded is laughable.
  13. That was like your counterfeit ten dollars.
  14. Will somebody please think about the chickens.... Harper cares about chickens. In fact, its clear he and the majority of politicians love KFC. Their wastelines prove it. /discuss
  15. I have charm and charisma in spades, and I'm a centre...y. So o snap Mr.McNegative
  16. He's got the backing of a lot who think he's the most trustworthy and honest of the bunch. I think Ralph has the best potential of the bunch running so far,what do you think? I think as soon as I read this I thought, Wow... saying ralph goodale is trustworthy is going to generate a hella lot of flames.
  17. We traded them for a handful of bullets and a weeks worth of rations.
  18. In Canada? Absolutely. Long overdue.I suppose that if the UK wants to have this sort of royal nonsense, then that is their business. But we have no need for it here. We should call ourselves the Federal Republic of Canada, and have a symbolic head of state whose sole and express purpose would be to uphold the Constitution. ---- We should remain a member of the Commonwealth. India is a republic, but also a Commonwealth member. We are also a member of Francophonie. Wayne Gretzky as our symbolic head of state?
  19. "Name me" the last federal election in which any party won more than 50% of the popular vote.
  20. Umm.. we all post on this forum.. and we all post our ideas about politics.. so I guess folks.. there is some magical link connecting us all, because we commonly use terms like "left-wing, right-wing, rights" etc... So I guess this is all one big sham, constructed to form the illusion that we are in fact democratic and have differing views, when in reality, we are all on the same page... Hey ... where'd that roll of tinfoil go.. i need some...
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