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Everything posted by uOttawaMan

  1. Meh, values change, and usher in new social norms. Of course a few people cry foul, but it's a fact of life.
  2. wrong. it's vital to our manufacturing economy, not our resource based economy. True. I bet with every cent it falls the manufacturing companies breathe a sigh of relief.
  3. No way would Chretien have sent troops to Iraq, ever. He only sent troops to Afghanistan as part of the reconstruction and since Steve has been voted in our troops are at war. Steve just spent $217 million to send our tanks to Afghanistan. Do you know how many rusting Russian tanks dot the countryside over there? STRAW MAN ARGUEMENT DETECTED! What are you saying? That the one squadron of the outdated Leopard tanks out of a total of 66 in the CF will be left to rot in the sandbox? Or that all the tanks that go to Afghanistan get destroyed? Or that we should be attempting to use the old Russian T-34 and T-54's lying around there?
  4. #1 . The Canadian Forces #2. Hockey #3. Beer Yep that covers it.
  5. Nope it's over. The right decision was made. Why waste tons of money getting the same results anyway??
  6. Horse shit. The only reason we've had Quebec leaders for the last 40 years is because Quebec will always vote for a Quebecer over anyone else, while the rest of Canada is far less clannish. That has, in the past, guaranteed a Quebec leader about 30-40% of the seats needed to win. he only needs to pick up a small number among TROC compared to his opponent to get into power. The BQ has thrown a monkey wrench into that, of course, which is why the Liberals only survived in power while the right was divided. Now they're trying to rely on the immigrant vote in TO and Vancouver as well as those areas of Quebec and French Canada which will still blindly follow Liberals and vote for "Da French guy". Whoah, take your common sense elsewhere buddy. This is the internet!
  7. Ken Dryden should have walked around the convention in his goalie equipment. Guaranteed victory.
  8. What, I'm confused??? Canadian Forces Recruiting Be confused no more, GOGO now.
  9. Agnostics are the worst. They refuse to take the time to examine the evidence and come to any sort of conclusion. Agnostics are nothing more than atheists, who do to societal/cultural pressures, refuse to admit that they don't believe in Gods and mystical nonsense. Also, atheists aren't necessarily zealots. Atheists don't believe in God, there is nothing more to be said about it. There are militants and there are moderates in all things; however, it is the religious zealots that have created the most pain and suffering this planet has ever known. And it was all done in the names of "ghosts". Or.... agnostics have examined the evidence and realised there is not a convincing arguement either way, and so decide to concentrate on rational tangible things that affect their lives and not throw themselves into the intellectual void that is religious zealotry. Their minds are not closed to new evidences and possibilities, which must be shocking for fundamentalists.
  10. Good thing we have Agnostics, balance out all the other zealots.
  11. Since we will become a Asian / Middle Eastern majority society anyway, I say : careface.
  12. Wait wait... who cares what this has-been has to say? "LOL HE MADE A FUNNY ROFLRORLFOF"
  13. I was expecting in a zippy and unexpected twist, Chretien wins leadership.
  14. "Well then I'll vote for a third party candidate." "HAHAHA, go ahead, throw your vote away!"
  15. Without a doubt he would prefer Ken Dryden. That way they could forget all about politics and just talk hockey.
  16. Wow alot of hatred here ... but then again... what would many people on this site do without the internet? That's not a concern.. seeing as some seem to willing to dole out a cheap cheap start up cost of $600 followed by $50 a month to connect to a service that those in urban areas pay $30 a month for with no start up fee. I sit centre-right, and the apathy and spite here is shocking.
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